Chapter 16

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The House Guest


I'm seriously debating whether or not I should actually get out of bed today. We get rid of one problem; Elijah. Just for another problem to come waltzing into the house; Katherine. This is just great.

Katherine has said to Damon that she is here to help but I have serious issues believing her, call it a gut feeling I guess.

I eventually drag myself out of bed and get in the shower. I really can't be bothered to do anything major with my hair so I just put it up in a bun and let the shorter pieces of my hair fall out. I put on some blue jeans and a black turtle neck with black boots.

I go into the basement to grab myself a blood bag. I walk into the living room and Damon is already sat there.

"Morning Damon." I say over to him as I pour the blood into a glass and hand it over to him.

Damon looks up from the newspaper and smiles, "Morning, thanks."

"You doing okay?" I say as I take a seat on the couch opposite him.

"Well apart from the fact I almost got killed last night and that Katherine is under this roof, I'm great." Damon says sarcastically.

I raise my brow over at my brother, "I hope you don't think I knew about the whole you die if you use the dagger scenario."

Damon scoffs, "Of course I didn't think that, I know you hate me sometimes but I would like to think you wouldn't get me killed."

I pretend to think about it as I shrug, "Hm, just depends what mood I'm in."

Damon smiles over to me and looks back down at the newspaper. I look up to see Katherine walking in dressed in Elena's clothes. Does she really think that's going to fool anyone?

"Good morning, guys." She says as she fastens her jacket.

Damon glances up and smiles at her but then he soon realises it's Katherine also, glad to see someone round here is just as smart as me.

Damon vamp speeds over and pushes Katherine against the wall by her throat, "What are you doing here? I told you to leave."

"What is your problem?" Katherine says pretending to struggle in Damon's hold.

Damon looks her up and down, "You're wearing her clothes? Like that's going to work."

"You think I'm Katherine? Why would you think that? Katherine's in the tomb! Isn't she?" Katherine says, I have to admit, she is getting good at being like Elena.

I just chose to sit and watch all of this unfold. Stefan then comes down the stairs and Damon loosens his grip of Katherine.

"What the hell's going on here?" Stefan asks glancing between Damon and Katherine.

"I don't know, you tell me. Is Katherine in the tomb or not?" Katherine asks pretending to be concerned.

Stefan has literally just been upstairs with Elena, does he really think she got down here so quick? My two idiot brothers look at each other confused and then rush upstairs to go and see the real Elena.

Wow. Guess I am the smartest one out of us all.

Katherine looks over to me with the classic panicked Elena facial expression.

I start to laugh as I walk over to her, "You can fool my brothers but you can't fool me Kitty Kat."

Katherine's expression drops and a smirk appears, "You're a smart girl Lola I'll give you that."

We both head upstairs to watch Katherine's little show play out. Stefan rushes into the bedroom and grabs Elena, he pushes her against the wall by the throat.

"What are you doing?!" Elena shouts at Stefan.

"How could you do this?!" Stefan shouts tightening his grip.

Elena is struggling to breathe, "Stefan, you're hurting me!"

"Stop it, Katherine!" Stefan growls, Elena shouts out in pain.

"Stop what?" Katherine says casually as she leans against the door frame leading into Stefan's room, all three of them glare over at Katherine and she laughs, "It's getting really easy being you."

I walk in after Katherine and I go and lay on Stefan's bed, I really should not have got out of bed this morning. I don't have the energy for Katherine VS Elena.

"What is she doing here?" Elena says angry as she paces the room.

Damon is glaring over at Katherine, "When we killed Elijah, it broke the compulsion and freed the bitch from the tomb."

"How's that possible?" Stefan asks confused.

"He's an Original. They have all sorts of special skills." Katherine says as she is messing about with some sort of feather that was on Stefan's desk, why the hell does he have a feather? Okay I'm going off topic...

Elena glares at Katherine, "I don't want you here." She looks up at Stefan, "Get her out of here."

Katherine smirks, "You need me, Elena. You all do."

I start to laugh obnoxiously from Stefan's bed, "Like hell."

"We all want the same thing...Klaus dead." Katherine says she looks between us all, "Yet here you all are, running around like chickens with their heads cut off."

"I don't need your help and I don't want it." Elena says with an attitude. Gotta admit, I like Elena when she has an attitude and isn't just crying all the time.

"And that's incredibly stupid of you." Katherine says glaring over to Elena, "Do you know where Klaus is? When he's coming, what he looks like?"

"If that's all you've got to offer Katherine you may as well just leave." I say as I still lay down on Stefan's bed staring up at the ceiling.

"Oh that's right, how could I forgot little Miss Salvatore and her history with Klaus?" Katherine says smirking over to me, "But if I remember correctly, you haven't seen him since the late 50s."

I sit up from the bed and look over to Katherine with a raised brow, "Your point?"

"What makes you think you're as informed now as you used to be when you shared a bed together?" Katherine says still smirking, causing Damon and Stefan to both pull a face of disgust.

I scoff and stand up and walk towards her, "As opposed to you, who has been running from him for the last 500 years?"

Katherine shrugs, "Doesn't mean I don't hear things, I like to know what my enemies are doing."

Damon stands in front of me, facing Katherine, "Tell us what you know or I will gladly stake you in the heart."

"Hm maybe I will, or maybe I won't; or maybe I'll just go to the Grill and have some lunch...I could see if Aunt Jenna's free for a bite." Katherine says as she glares over to Elena.

I grow tired of this conversation very quickly, I remember I still have my glass of blood downstairs so I make my way down to finish it before I get rudely interrupted.

"Hey Lola!" Elena shouts over to me as I'm walking down the hall, great!

I stop walking and try to control my face and not look like I'm about to bitch slap her, I turn to face her with the best fake smile I can do on, "Yeah?"

She awkwardly smiles back at me, this is already too painful for words, "Um, the girls & I are having a night in tonight. Bonnie is freaked about losing her powers, do you wanna join?"

I can't help but laugh at her offer thinking it's a joke. Once I calm myself down I look back over to her and see she isn't joking, my expression goes blank, "Oh, you were serious. You want me to join for a girls night?"

"Yeah, Jenna will probably be there too."

I really hope she doesn't think saying Jenna being there would make me want to actually join them. As much as I like Jenna, sitting around a kitchen eating take out and talking about Bonnie losing her magic and boyfriend drama no doubt, is surprisingly my own personal version of hell.

I flash her another fake smile, "Hm thanks but no thanks. If it doesn't involve booze or a bar then count me out."



Elena and Stefan are in the parking lot at Mystic Falls High School. They get out of Stefan's car, Elena is still annoyed about Katherine turning up again.

They both start to walk towards the school, "Why is she still here? She was free." Elena scoffs.

Stefan stops walking and faces Elena and shrugs, "She wants what we want...Klaus dead. Maybe she sees us as her only chance."

Elena looks at Stefan with an annoyed expression, "Or maybe she's trying to lure you and Damon back into her web. I want her gone."

Stefan nods and puts his arm around Elena's shoulder, "So do I. But you're right, she stayed. Shouldn't we at least try to figure out why?"

Elena scoffs, "How? All she does is lie."

Stefan sighs, "Look, I hate it as much as you do, but she does make a point. We don't know anything about Klaus. She does." Stefan starts to continue walking towards the school.

Elena still standing in the same place speaks up again, "Why can't we just ask Lola?"

Stefan stops walking and turns to face Elena and sighs again, "Because as much as I hate to admit it, Katherine does have a point. Lola hasn't seen him properly in years, and he's pissed at her. There's no way she will know what he's planning. We need Katherine's information."

Elena rolls her eyes, "Right, but that doesn't mean I want her shacking up with you."

Stefan smiled weakly at his girlfriend and pulls her in a hug, "Maybe we should stay at your place tonight."

"Hmm, I can't. I told Bonnie and Caroline that they could come over. Bonnie's freaked because she lost her powers and Caroline's having Matt drama again. It's kind of a girls' night." Elena says, she pulls away from the hug and pulls a unhappy look, "Maybe Katherine can join us."

Stefan laughs slightly at Elena's remark, "You could invite Lola?"

Elena smiles and shrugs, "Already tried, she said and I quote, "If there's no booze or bar involved then count me out.""

Stefan laughs, "Yep, that's my sister all right." He kisses Elena on the forehead, "Come on." They both then head into school.



Katherine was right. Wow, never thought I would ever think that; but she was. I haven't seen Klaus properly in 50 years. How am I suppose to know what he's planning to do?

Stefan and Damon are expecting me to tell them information on Klaus and his plan, but honestly I have no idea what he's planning. All I know is, it's more than likely he is on his way here.

I get pulled out of my thoughts when I can feel Katherine's presence in the room, great. I close my eyes and take a deep breath, "What do you want, Katherine?"

"Believe it or not, I wanted to see if you were okay." Katherine says as she walks towards me and takes a seat next to me on the couch.

I look over to her with an amused yet confused look, "You wanted to see if I was okay? You know you don't have to keep pretending to be Elena, right?"

Katherine rolls her eyes at my comment, "I know you don't trust me or anything, but I do still care about you Lola. We were friends once."

I can't help but laugh, I look away from her and stare into the fireplace, "Oh yeah, we were friends. Yeah sure, right before you left and faked your own death and it was also before I was forced to become this." I say as I gesture to the glass full of blood in my hands.

Katherine smirks over to me and grabs the glass and takes a sip, "Come on, you can't still be mad about that? You told me yourself you were bored when you were human, I honestly think this was the best thing to happen to you."

Again, she was right. God dammit, she needs to stop being right. Becoming a vampire was the best thing for me because I finally felt free. There will just always be a bit of a sore patch in my mind about how it all happened.

"Why are you still here, Kat?" I ask her with a blank yet tired expression.

"I told you, I'm here to help kill Klaus."

A laugh escapes my mouth, "Right, you're helping a plan that involves keeping Elena alive. The same Elena who is with Stefan, the guy who you're still in love with. Forgive me for not thinking your whole 'I'm here to help' story isn't adding up."

Katherine sighs, "Are you sure you want this plan to actually succeed and kill Klaus?"

I frown my brows in confusion as I look over to Katherine, "What are you getting at?"

Katherine shrugs her shoulders, she stands up and walks over to the drinks table, "I've seen you both when you were together. Honestly Lola, I've never seen two people more in love than you both were with each other. Forgive me for having doubts that you're going to let this plan go ahead."

It's a good thing I can't get any laughter lines on my face because Katherine is really cracking me up this morning, "Ah, I get it. You're jealous."

It was now Katherine's turn to laugh, "Jealous of what? You and Klaus? I had him first remember."

I look over to her with an amused expression on my face, "Well you say that. But if I remember correctly, he was just pretending to care for you until he could use you to break the curse." I stand up and slowly walk towards her, "No, what you're jealous of; is that you've never truly had an epic love. It's always been one sided with you hasn't it? I mean you had to compel Stefan to love you and then Damon. My poor naive older brother was so head over heels for you and yet you weren't interested."

Katherine's face turns sour, I smirk knowing I'm getting to her. I lean towards her and whisper in her ear, "Face it Kat, you're just going to end up alone forever because everyone can see right through you and they see the truth; and the truth is that you're a selfish, manipulative bitch."

I walk away proud of myself and go down into the basement to see what Damon is doing. I get down into the basement to see Damon trying to set Elijah's body alight with a flamethrower. Does he really think that will work?

"Mmm, burning flesh." I say as I lean against the door frame, Damon turns to look at me unimpressed his flamethrower didn't do the job, "Just what I love to smell on a morning."

Katherine suddenly appears, "If you're trying to get the dagger back, you're wasting your time. He's indestructible." I groan in frustration and walk into the room to get away from her.

Damon scoffs, "No kidding. How do you know so much about Original vampires?"

Katherine shrugs as she walks into the room and looks down at Elijah, "Spent 500 years running from one."

Damon looks over to Katherine with a suspicious look on his face, "So when I told you my plan to kill Elijah, why didn't you warn me that I'd die if I used the dagger on him?"

"Oh, there's so many rules. It's all very confusing." Kathrine says innocently trying to avoid eye contact with Damon.

Of course she knew, the little bitch.

"Did you know I would die?" Damon repeats in an even more serious tone this time.

I throw my hands up in the air in frustration, "Of course she did, it's Katherine." I look over to Katherine and smirk, "She's an evil bitch."

Katherine now glares towards me, "Did Elijah tell you his plan?" She then looks over to Damon, "Did he have a dagger to kill Klaus with?"

Damon groans and rests his head backwards and looks up to the ceiling, "Why are you still here?"

"Because you haven't forcibly removed me." Katherine says flirtatiously towards Damon. Ew, vomit.

Damon looks over to Katherine and points the flame gun threateningly at her.

Katherine's smirk disappears and starts to look worried, "You wouldn't."

I laugh slightly and cross my arms against my chest, "Oh, he would."

Damon smirks towards Katherine, "Mhm, and if I didn't, I'm pretty sure Lola would. Right, Lo?"

I match Damon's smirk, "Definitely."

Katherine grows even more worried and starts to plead, "Damon, be smart. I want Klaus dead just as much as you do. More. If I wasn't be honest about helping, I'd be long gone by now, okay? You can hate me. But we want the same thing." Her worried expression leaves her face and she starts to smirk at Damon, "And you know...I always get what I want."

Damon looks away from Katherine, he lowers the flamethrower.

Katherine starts to walk out of the room but she then turns to face us both again, "I wanted out of the tomb. Didn't matter who paid the price. Of course I knew that you'd die."

The anger quickly builds up inside me, I vamp speed to her and push her against the wall by her throat as my vamp features appear, "Pull a stunt like that against either of my brothers and I will happily use that flamethrower on you. Or better yet, I'll personally hand you over to Klaus myself, got it?"

Katherine pushes herself out of my hold as she glares at me and then storms back upstairs. I'm standing in the doorway trying to calm myself down as I have my back to Damon.

"You okay? I overheard your chat with her." Damon asks softly as he places a hand on my shoulder to calm me down.

I sigh as I compose myself, "Yeah I'm fine." I turn to face Damon and smile weakly, "She was just trying to get to me but it's not going to work."

Damon pulls me into a hug and I can instantly feel all the anger leave my body, "Come on, I wanna show you something." I look up at Damon confused, what the hell does he want to show me?

I don't say anything, I follow up back upstairs and into the library. He walks towards a box of books, I recognise what they are quickly, "Are these-?"

Damon nods, "Johnathan Gilbert's journals."

I pick one up out of the box and flick through it, "So you think we're gonna find the answer we need in one of these?"

Damon smirks at me as he takes the journal out of my hand, "There's only one way to find out."

We both start to sort through the journals. We agree to start by placing them in order by year. It doesn't take long for Katherine to come in to bother us again.

"What you up to?" Katherine asks innocently as she walks towards us both.

I say nothing, I just roll my eyes. Damon speaks up, "None of your business."

"We're pouting now? Are those the Gilbert journals?" Katherine asks looking down at the table where we are organising the journals.

Neither of us answer her. "1864" Damon mumbles as he passes me another journal to put in the 1864 pile.

Katherine sighs, "How am I supposed to help you if you won't tell me what you're up to?"

I don't have the patience to deal with her today, I slam the journal down onto the table and glare over to her, "Can you tell us where a bunch of witches were massacred in this town a couple centuries ago?"

"No." Katherine bluntly responds.

I smile sarcastically over to her, "Then you can't help."

Katherine tries to grab a journal but Damon slap her hands away from it. Katherine hits his arm and Damon pushes Katherine down against the seat that is next to my piano.

"Er can you watch the piano please? That's mine." I say annoyed, they dare break that and I will kill them both. I haven't played it in years but doesn't mean I want it getting destroyed by their massive egos going against each other.

Katherine smirks as she is in Damon's hold, "If it's any consolation, I'm glad that you're not dead."

Damon removes his grasp from Katherine and walks back over to me and starts to look through the journals again.

Katherine stands up and walks over to us, "Emily Bennett told me about the massacre. It was a big deal in witch folklore. When a witch dies violently, they release a mystical energy marking the place of their death with power."

"Elijah wanted to know the site of the massacre." Damon responds.

Katherine is growing even more curious, "What was he going to do when he found it?"

Damon shrugs, "I don't know."

I look up to see Stefan has came back from speaking to the Martin witches, "What did papa witch and baby witch have to say?" I ask.

Stefan is glaring over to Katherine, "Isn't she gone or dead yet?"

I roll my eyes, "Sadly not."

Katherine glares over to me and then over to Stefan, "For the last time, I'm here to help. Can we skip the secrets, hmm?"

Stefan walks towards us all, "Elijah had no weapon to kill Klaus but he believed that if a witch could channel enough power...they wouldn't need one."

Damon looks over to Stefan curiously, "Like the power you get from a spot marked with a hundred dead witches?"

Stefan nods, "We just need to find it."


It's been a few hours since we sorted through the journals, I soon got bored and just left Damon to it. I came back upstairs into my bedroom, I'm just lounging on the bed and eating some sour candy while I catch up on Greys Anatomy.

I begin losing concentration from the tv as I look around my room, which is when I see the black box at the top of my wardrobe that has all my keepsakes in. I walk over and grab it and then sit down on my bed again and look through it.

I smile down at all the photographs I have taken over the years, some of myself and Damon on our adventures and others with Stefan. There are even some of me and my friends who are in L.A., as I still search through the box, there's a smaller black box at the bottom.

I open it up and it's full of memories from my complete other life, the life I shared with Klaus. There's pictures of us both together from the 50s, I smile sadly at the pictures. The girl in those pictures looks totally unrecognisable, this girl was happy, this girl was with the love of her life. A wave of sadness flows through me, I wish life could still be like it was in these pictures.

I look further through the smaller black box and there are letters. Love letters from Klaus, letters from my best friends, Rebekah and Kol. I remember receiving these letters as though it was yesterday. I feel warmth on my cheek, tears are falling down my face as I think about Rebekah and Kol. I miss them so much; and realisation hits me that I'm never going to see them again because there bodies are god knows where in the middle of the ocean.

I get pulled out of my somber daze as my phone goes off. I wipe away the tears and grab my phone from the table besides my bed; it's a text from Jenna.

"Hey, I'm heading to the Grill with Elena and the others. There is some band playing here tonight. Please come and join me, I can't be the only adult here and I need a drinking buddy! x"

I smile at the text and reply to say I'll be there in 10. I head into the bathroom and fix my make up and make my way downstairs. I grab my leather jacket and put it on as I walk down the hallway to see Damon sat in the living room reading through the journals.

"Hey, I'm headed to the Grill." I say over to Damon as I open the front door.

Damon looks over and smiles at me, "Enjoy, sis."

I walk out and get into my car and drive over to the Grill.

I enter the grill and look around to find Jenna. I see her in the midst of the crowd listening to the band. I walk over and tap her on the shoulder.

Jenna turns and smiles at me as she pulls me into a hug, "You made it! Thank god."

Jenna pulls away from the hug and as she does so, she spots Ric in the distance looking over to her. She sighs, "I need a drink." Jenna grabs my hand and drags me over to the bar with her.

"Er, okay." I laugh and quickly wave towards Elena, Bonnie and Caroline.

"Sorry about that, I just seen Ric and had to get away from him." Jenna sighs as she takes a seat at the bar.

I smile over to her, "Say no more." I signal for the bartender, "Can we get a bottle of tequila and two shot glasses, please?"

Jenna laughs, "Tequila?"

I nod, "It's the best thing to drink when you wanna forget about someone, especially a complicated guy." The bartender walks back over with the bottle and glasses, "Thank you."

"You say that like you have experience with complicated guys."

I laugh as I pour us both a shot, "Oh, you have no idea. Cheers."

We both clink our shots together and drink. Ric walks over and joins us both, he stands in the middle of us both.

Ric looks over to Jenna awkwardly, "Jenna."

"Not tonight, Ric. Tonight I have traded you for señor tequila." Jenna says bluntly and then takes another shot. She passes the glass over to me to pour her another one.

Ric laughs slightly, "Yeah. Well, señor tequila's not going to be treating you very well."

Jenna turns to face Ric and glares at him, "Well, the two of you have a lot in common."

Ric sighs and looks at the ground, "Look, Jenna, I hate that you're this upset with me."

Jenna stands up from the stool, "Yeah, well, it's your fault. Because whatever it is you're keeping from me, Whatever you think I can't handle...You're wrong. 'Cause last year I was a grad student who smoked a lot of pot and couldn't keep a goldfish alive and now I'm a parent, so I think I can handle anything, Ric." Jenna walks away from the bar and goes to rejoin Elena.

Ric groans in frustration and takes a seat on the stool Jenna has just been sitting on. There was no way I was going to get involved in that argument, I've already lost count on how many shots I've had while that awkward conversation was happening.

I take yet another shot and place the glass back onto the bar, I pour more tequila in both shot glasses, "Listen, just give her some space. Jenna just needs to let her hair down tonight for once. We will tell her everything soon, okay?"

Ric says nothing back, he just nods and then bows his head down. I pat him on the shoulder and grab both shot glasses and walk over to Jenna as Caroline walks away from the group and gets up on stage.

"Hey, everybody. Let's hear it for the band! Weren't they awesome?" Caroline says through the microphone making the crowd clap and cheer.

"Oh god, what the hell is about to happen?" I say as I cringe watching Caroline. I hand a shot over to Jenna.

"This isn't going to end well." Jenna says and then drinks the shot of tequila as do I.

"So there's this guy. And, uh, he told me to tell him how I feel about him. Like it's so easy." Caroline starts to awkwardly explain, "Um, you know, just 'cause I talk a lot doesn't mean I always know what I'm actually talking about. Ah, like now, I'm feeling loopy and I don't really know how to express myself."

The singer goes to gently take the microphone off Caroline but she resists, "I can sing. Yeah! Yeah. You know what, I'm going to sing."

All four of us look baffled as we watch Caroline on the stage.

"Sing?" Elena retorts to us all.

"Come on, off the stage." The singer quietly says to Caroline, I can of course hear it thanks to my vamp hearing.

"You are going to let me live out my rock star fantasies, and you are going to be my back-up." Caroline compels the singer, this makes me laugh, the girl has guts.

The singer smiles at Caroline, "What'll it be?"

She whispers something in his hear and he tells the band the song. She starts singing "Eternal Flame". At first I couldn't help but cringe at Caroline up on that stage but as I watch her profess her love to Matt I can't help but smile. Caroline really does love Matt and it shows, she will do anything she can to get him back.

My mind drifts away again and I start to think about Klaus, yet again. Why can't this guy get out of my head? This situation is just reminding me of all the things he done in the 50s to win me back. I need to stop letting my past feelings mess with my head.

I'm brought out of my daze when the crowed starts cheering, I look up and see Caroline and Matt both kissing on the stage.

A little while later, Jenna and I are back at the bar on our second bottle of tequila.

"Okay, spill." Jenna says after she takes yet another shot.

I look over to her confused, "What?"

Jenna shrugs, "Well you know about my disaster of a relationship that has led me down the road of tequila. What's your story?"

I laugh awkwardly as I look down at my empty glass, "Well, that's a very long story." I look over to Jenna and the look she is giving me is for me to continue, I smile weakly at her, "He was the love of my life."

Jenna pours more drink into my glass, "Uh-oh, what did he do?"

I down the shot and clear my throat, "Actually, I left him. Well, if we wanna get technical he left me first, then after a while we reconciled and then I left him."

"What happened between you guys?"

I start to think about my past with Klaus, the good outweighing the bad and I can't help but smile, "We were so great, like one of those epic loves you see in a movie, ya know?" My smile leaves my face, "But then things got complicated, other people got in the way and it just had to end."

Jenna looks at me sympathetically, "Did he cheat on you or something?"

I look over to her shocked and then laugh, "What? No! No nothing like that, certain members of his family weren't too thrilled about it all I guess you could say."

"So it all ended because his family didn't approve?" Jenna asks confused, oh if only I could tell her what really happened.

I smile as I think about Rebekah and Kol again, "Not all of them were against it. There was just one person in particular." I take another shot and try to change the conversation, "But, I need to be a lot more drunk to discuss this any further. Another bottle?"

Jenna laughs and nods she signals the bartender. I get distracted as I hear Stefan's voice.

"Lola, something has happened, we need to talk." I can hear Stefan say from a distance.

I look around confused looking for Stefan. I see him stood near the toilets looking worried with Elena stood next to him. Wait, that's not Elena, it's Katherine. He gestures for me to follow them both outside, so I do.

"I'm just going to use the restroom." I say to Jenna, I walk outside and look at them confused. "What's going on?"

"Luka's dead." Stefan states.

"Wait, what?" I say looking even more confused than I was.

"We don't have time to explain. Jonas is looking for Elena, he's pissed and wants revenge, we need to get out of here." Stefan says sternly.

"Why the hell is Katherine here then?" I ask glaring over to her and she responds with a smirk.

"Damon has took Elena away to keep her safe. We need to keep her away, which is where Katherine comes in." Stefan says as he looks over to Katherine to signal it's her turn to speak.

"I'll pretend to be Elena because this witch guy wants revenge and unlike Elena I can fight back." Katherine says in a cocky tone.

I nod in response, suddenly we can hear screams come from inside and glass smashing. We all look at each other concerned as we walk back into the Grill to see what's happening, we see Matt walking out of the bathroom. We head in there to tell Caroline what's happening.

Caroline looks up from the mirror and smiles, "Hey."

I look at Stefan and then over to Caroline, "We have a problem."

Caroline frowns and starts to look concerned, "What's going on?"

Stefan sighs, "Jonas is here and he's after Elena."

"Oh my God!" Caroline shouts out starting to panic.

I walk over to her and place my hands on her arms to reassure her, "We have a plan, but we need to get Elena out of here."

Caroline composes herself and nods, "Well, what can I do?"

We tell Caroline to distract Jonas so we are able to get out of the Grill without him noticing Elena AKA Katherine. We all head back to the Gilbert house.



Bonnie and Jeremy are in the kitchen, "Luka...I can't believe he's dead. After what we did to him." Bonnie says still in shock about everything that has happened tonight.

Jeremy holds Bonnie's hand and reassures her, "No, after what he did to you. Look, I'm sorry, I know you feel bad about all of this but I don't."

Bonnie shakes her head, "I couldn't do anything to help. I was useless. I hated it."

Stefan, Katherine and Lola walk into the house. Bonnie and Jeremy turn to face them all and walks over to them.

"Thank God." Bonnie says relived to see them, well she thinks she is seeing Elena.

Katherine shakes her head, "It's not over yet."

Jeremy looks at her confused, "What's going on?"

Katherine glances at both Stefan and Lola, "They'll explain." She then walks upstairs.

"When did you guys get home?" Stefan asks as he looks around the house.

"A few minutes ago." Bonnie replies confused.

Lola glances at Stefan and then looks towards Bonnie and Jeremy, "Did you check the house?"

Jeremy frowns at Lola, "And why would we check the house?"

Meanwhile, Katherine goes into the upstairs bathroom and starts washing her hands. Suddenly she sees Jonas behind her. Jonas grabs her thinking she is Elena. Katherine's vamp features appear on her face and she bites him; killing him.

Stefan, Lola and Bonnie rush up to see what has happened.

Katherine wipes her face and looks at them all, "You're welcome."

Bonnie goes toward Jonas's body to check on him, she looks up at Katherine, "You didn't have to kill him!"

"Yes, we did." Katherine says bluntly.

Bonnie gets closer to him and goes to close his eyes but suddenly he gets up and grabs her face. She stats screaming hysterically. Lola speeds up to him and snaps his neck.

Damon and Elena have now got home and are downstairs.

"How did you guys convince her to do this?" Elena asks Damon.

Damon shrugs, "We didn't. It was actually her idea."

Elena processes that for a second and looks concerned, "Wow. That's...not good."

Damon scoffs, "No. No, that's not good at all."

Stefan, Lola and Katherine walk downstairs to see the pair talking.

"Everything's taken care of." Stefan says as he walks down the stairs.

Katherine pulls off Elena's necklace and dangles it in front of her, "I'm guessing you're going to want this back. But your pretty little outfit is going to need a good dry clean."

Elena glares at Katherine, she snatches the necklace off her and then looks over to Stefan, "You're going to have to get her out of here before Jenna gets home."

Katherine scoffs, "Is that all you have to say to me?"

"This doesn't change the way I feel about you." Elena replies glaring over to Katherine.

Katherine smirks, "I don't much like you, either, if we're going to be open and frankly, I'd be happy to see you dead but if we're going to try to take on Klaus, we kinda need you to be alive. So I'm not a threat to you, Elena." Katherine looks between all three Salvatore's, "If any of you are going to believe anything, believe that."



We all finally get back home and I go straight upstairs and get in the shower. I need to wash today off me.

My mind is just constantly going back to Klaus and the lump in my throat appears. Is he already on his way here? Is he going to kill me when he gets here? Is he going to complete the sacrifice?

I just end up standing in the shower for a few minutes with my hands covering my face as I try to calm myself down. I just need to realise that Klaus is going to turn up here sooner or later and I need to get ready in order to protect myself.

Once I get out the shower, I get changed into a simple black short and vest pj set. I realise I haven't spoken to Damon and find out if he has found anything from the journals.

As I walk towards his bedroom I can hear him and Katherine talking in there.

"You knew that Emily Bennett was the key to getting me out of that tomb and something tells me that you did everything in your power to make sure that she was safe, yet you have no idea where she was killed. Who's the liar now?" Katherine says, she pauses slightly, "You hurt me today."

"Tit for tat." Damon mumbles back.

"You were mean and very rough and monstrous." Katherine says in a flirtatious way.

Is she seriously going to flirt with him right now?

"You deserved it." Damon snaps back at her.

"I like this, Damon." Katherine says in the same disgusting flirty voice.

Oh god, please no. Why am I still listening? "Katherine." Damon whispers, "Katherine, there are six other bedrooms in this house. Go find one."

HA, good one Damon, I'm trying to hold back my laughter so they don't know I'm listening.

Katherine storms out and glares over to me and goes to find a spare bedroom. I laugh as I walk into Damon's bedroom, I jump on his bed next to him.

"How was the Grill?" Damon asks as he is looking through a journal.

I sigh and look over his shoulder to see what he's reading, "Well apart from the whole witch situation it wasn't bad. Did you find anything?"

"No." Damon simply replies, he nudges me and points at a certain part of the journal.

I look at him curiously and play along, "That's too bad. We'll find the answer some other way I guess." I grab the journal from him and start to read it.

I smile up at Damon once I read it; he's found where the witch massacre happened.

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