Chapter 24

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The Hybrid


The tension between Klaus & I after that very unexpected make out session is absolutely ridiculous. I can't even look at him, I'm like a pathetic little love sick kid with a crush when I'm around him. It's been years since I've been around him and the second he makes a return my heart goes crazy.

There's tension between Stefan & I because he knows there's something going on between Klaus & I but every time he brings that topic up I'll ever distract him with something like hair gel for his hero hair or I'll just run out the room.

And let's not forget about the tension between Stefan & Klaus, wow. It's mainly on Stefan's side as he still hates Klaus for everything he done back in Mystic Falls, which is understandable. Right there is the perfect reason why I shouldn't have let last night happen, he killed my friend, he also semi-killed Elena. Not that I particularly care for the girl, well maybe I do. I don't know, I keep changing my mind on that girl.

So yeah, we're stuck in the Smoky Mountains with a shit load of tension between all three of us.

Oh, there's also Ray, but he's sorta dead at the mo.

I'm walking a little ahead from the other two as Klaus starts to tease Stefan, "You okay? Is Ray getting heavy?"

"I'm fine." Stefan bluntly responds as he carries Ray over his shoulders.

"You sure about that?" Klaus pushes Stefan more, "You know, we've been walking for quite some time now. If you need some water or a little sit-down..."

Stefan scoffs, "You know, I get that we're, uh...we're stuck together, but if we could maybe just skip the chitchat, it'd be great."

"So much brooding. Your self-loathing is suffocating you, my friend. Your sister doesn't seem to feel like that."

I laugh slightly as I continue walking, with my back to them, "Because his sister doesn't have the energy to have this incessant back and forth chat about who's being a brooding teenager and who isn't."

"Maybe it's 'cause I'm a little tired of hunting werewolves." Stefan points out, sorta agreeing with him, "We've been at it all summer."

"Thanks to our pal Ray, we found ourselves a pack. There." Klaus states as we approach a lot of people, setting up camp.

I stop walking and look at the group, "It's thanks to me, actually."

Klaus smiles as he stands besides me, "Ah yes, thanks to Lola for being just as impatient as she always has been."

I scoff as I glare at him, "Don't be a dick."

He tries to hold back his laughter as we both stay standing where we are. Stefan walks into the camp, everyone turns to look at him, all of them looking nervous at the sight of a vampire.

Stefan drops Ray onto the ground, a woman comes running up to him, "Ray! Oh my god!" She crouches down beside Ray to check he's okay, she looks up to Stefan, "What's going on? Who are you?"

"The important question is who am I." Klaus boasts as we walk into the camp and stand beside Stefan, "Please forgive the intrusion. My name is Klaus."

The woman stands up straight, a blonde man grabs hold of her hand as they both glare at us, "You're the hybrid."

Klaus smiles proudly, "You've heard of me. Fantastic."

All three of us are sat on some big ass rock, I'm sat between both Stefan & Klaus with my legs crossed as Klaus talks about his little I-broke-the-hybrid-curse story. All the wolves are stood around, looking at us all anxiously.

"It's fascinating, actually...a werewolf who isn't beholden to the moon, a vampire who doesn't burn in the sun." He smiles to himself, "A true hybrid."

Ray suddenly gasps awake, ugh finally, "Excellent timing, Ray." I say sarcastically as I roll my eyes, "Very dramatic."

Ray looks over to us three as he is on the floor, "What's happening to me?"

Klaus glances over to my brother, "Stefan?"

Stefan gets up, looking at all the wolves, "Are any of you human? Your friend here needs human blood to complete his transition to vampire. If he doesn't get it, he will die."

Stefan glances down to me, indicating it's my turn to talk, "Doesn't take much, just a sip." I say as I stand up, I look around, "Anyone? A boyfriend, a girlfriend, along for the ride?"

My eyes go to the girl who is starting to look sketchy, she looks over to the nice looking blonde guy from earlier, I smirk over at him and point, "You!"

Klaus rushes over to him and bites his forearm, he throws him towards Stefan. Stefan grabs him, throws him on the ground in front of Ray.

"No!" The girl tries to fight back but Klaus easily grabs her by the throat, stopping her.

"If you don't drink it, Ray, I will." Stefan warns him as he pins the human down, "Problem is I don't know how to stop."

Klaus turns to face the girl, "It's the new order, sweetheart. You join us, or you die."

"I'd rather die than be a vampire." The woman snaps at Klaus.

"Wrong choice." Klaus mocks as his hybrid features appear, he bites into his wrist and forces his blood down her throat as Ray drinks the blood from the blonde guy. Klaus smirks as he continues to make the girl drink his blood, "She'll thank me for that later." He laughs as he snaps her neck and drops her to the floor. He turns to face us as he tastes the girl's blood on his hand, "Okay, who's next?" He questions as his hybrid eyes appear once more.

I look away as I bite my lip, why am I finding this so damn attractive? I need serious help.

It's been a while, we've successfully killed all the werewolves after Klaus has fed them his blood. I've grown quite fond on the human, he sorta reminds me of Matty Blue Eyes back home. I crouch down by him as he lays on the floor, I feed him my blood to heal him, "There. Good as new. Now you relax, okay, sweetie?" I compel him, "We're gonna need you when the rest of them wake up."

I lightly pat him on the cheek, I stand up fully and walk over to Stefan & Klaus. Ray is sitting on the rock nearby, cradling his body and shivering, "They're dead. They're all dead."

"Ah, he's through his transition." Klaus points out, "He should be feeling better soon."

"So is this your master plan?" Stefan mocks as he leans against a tree, "Build an army of hybrid slaves?"

"No, not slaves. Soldiers, comrades." Klaus corrects him.

"For what war, might I ask?" Stefan questions.

I laugh slightly, "Oh, you don't arm yourself after war has been declared, Stefan." I point out as I remember the exact same thing Klaus told me years ago.

Klaus smiles slightly, hearing me repeat what he's told me in the past, "Lola's right. You build your army so big that no one ever dares pick a fight."

Stefan shrugs, "What makes you so sure that they'll be loyal?"

"Well, it's not difficult to be loyal when you're on the winning team." Klaus states, "That's something you'll learn once you shake that horribly depressive chip off your shoulder."

Stefan laughs, "That's why you're,'re keeping me around? To witness my attitude adjustment?"

I look down at Ray and something isn't right. I sit next to him and look over at his face, blood coming out of his eyes, "Nik, something's wrong."

I stand up to let Klaus sit, he glances up at Stefan and then grabs Ray's face to examine him, "You'll know why I'm keeping you around when I've decided that I want you to know."

Stefan crouches to be level with Ray, he grabs him by his hair, "Hm, that shouldn't be happening, should it?"

Klaus glares at Stefan, "Well, obviously." He stands up, as he is lost in thought. I sit by Ray once more.

"You said it was gonna feel better." Ray says weakly as he continues to shiver, "Why doesn't it feel better?"

"Some master race." Stefan says smugly as he leans against the tree beside Ray.

"Lose the attitude." Klaus warns him. The girl from earlier, gasps as she wakes up. We all turn to face her, Klaus then looks over to Matty Blue Eyes 2.0, "Derek, come feed your girlfriend."

Derek stands up and Klaus grabs onto his arm. Before anything else can happen, Ray growls and makes a run for it out of the campsite. Stefan watches as he does so, he turns to face both Klaus & I, looking a little shocked.

"Go get him." Klaus orders to Stefan. I stand up to go and follow Stefan but Klaus vamp speeds to be in front of me, "You're staying here, love. So I know you're safe."

"He's my brother." I point out as I blankly look at Klaus, I don't have the energy to argue right now, "I'm making sure he's safe." Before Klaus can respond, I vamp speed in the direction Stefan went.

I catch up to Stefan who is kneeled on the floor, groaning in pain. I look down at his arm as my eyes widen, that ass, Ray bit him, "Oh my god, Stef..."

Stefan rushes over to me and puts his hand over my mouth to shush me. I glare up at him ready to tear him a new one when he points to his ear to signal me to listen.

"How you doing?" My heart skips as I can hear Damon's voice in the distance.

"Fine." Elena's voice comes into play, of course she is here.

"You know, I could help you." Damon speaks once more.

I can hear Elena laughing, "No, thanks."

"Just one little fwoosh."

"Yeah, with my luck, you'd drop me."

"What are you guys, twelve?" Now Alaric's voice appears. What are they thinking?!

Stefan & I step forward to look across the woods to see all three of them walking in the distance, "Shit." I practically whisper in shock seeing my older brother again after so long.

I jump slightly as I hear movement from behind us, it's Klaus, "Where did he go?"

"He, uh...he got away." Stefan mumbles, he grabs onto Klaus and turns to walk back into camp, "Forget him. Let's go."

Klaus sees his arm and grabs it, "A fatal werewolf bite. Ouch."

Stefan sighs, "Yeah. I'm gonna need your blood to heal me."

"Well, I tell you what." Klaus begins to bargain, "You find Ray, and then I'll heal you."

I look up at Klaus, stunned, "You can't be serious."

Klaus ignores my comment and smirks over to Stefan, "You better hurry, 'cause that bite looks nasty." Stefan rushes further into the woods to find Ray, I begin to follow him but Klaus grabs my arm, "I said you need to stay with me."

I sigh as I turn to face him, "I'll be fine. If Stefan and I split up we will find him faster." I vamp speed away from him without giving him a chance to argue back.

I speed through the woods, listening out for Damon when I can hear them all. I vamp speed Damon against a tree by his neck, "What the hell are you doing here?"

Alaric shoots an arrow but I quickly turn round and catch it, I flash a smug smile at him, "Better luck next time. Nice to see you too, Ric."

Damon grabs me by the shoulders, looking relived to see me, "You're okay."

I shrug, "Why wouldn't I be?"

Damon scoffs, "I don't know, maybe because you're on some crazy vacation with an even crazier hybrid!"

I laugh, "Missed you too, brother."

Damon smiles back at me and pulls me in for a hug. For a split second I feel so happy to be back with Damon. But I soon snap out of it. I pull him out of the hug and glare at all three of them, "You guys need to get out of here, right now."

"We need to find Stefan." Elena pipes up.

I scoff as I turn to face her, "Cute." I turn back to face Damon, "I'm serious, D. You all need to leave. Klaus isn't far from where we are right now and if he sees any of you..." I turn to glare at Elena, "Especially you, he'll kill you all."

"Okay fine. We'll leave, but you're coming with us." Damon demands as he grabs onto my wrist and starts to pull me away.

I snatch my wrist away, "I'm not leaving, Damon."

He turns to face me, looking hurt, "What?"

I shrug and look away, "I said, I'm not leaving."

He glares at me as he steps towards me, "You'd rather stay here with the hybrid freak?"

"I'm not leaving Stefan with Klaus." I point out.

"Stefan is coming too." Elena pipes up yet again.

I can't help but laugh, "You're all so naive." None of them respond, I glance between them all, "Do you really think you're going to be able to take Stefan & I away from here and Klaus isn't going to suspect anything?" I look at Damon and cup his cheeks, "Trust me, brother. You need to get out of here before Klaus notices that she's alive."

I turn to walk away but Damon shouts, "Lola, wait!"

I stop walking but don't turn to face him, I sigh as I close my eyes, "I'm sorry, Damon." I speed away from them all.


I've been looking round the woods trying to find Stefan but I've had no luck. I walk back towards the camp, hoping Stefan will be there too. It's already night, I didn't even realise how long I've been out here. When I walk back into camp, everyone is walking around as though we are on the set of The Walking Dead.

"Bad news, my friend." I turn to see Klaus, standing with Derek, "End of the road for you." His hybrid features appear and he drinks Derek's blood, killing him.

"Aw, that's a shame." I speak up, Klaus turns to face me and I sigh, "I was quite fond of him."

The stupid werewolf girl comes up behind me about to bite me, Klaus speeds over to me, in one swift motion he grabs me by my wait and spins me around so we are back to back to each other, "Careful, love." He warns the girl, "There's only one Alpha here."

Okay, I'm starting to get a bit concerned now. All of them are limping over to us both. We still have our backs to each other, "Uh, Nik..."

"Bloody hell." Klaus mumbles under his breath, he grabs hold of my hand, "You okay?"

I nod to myself as I gulp, "I will be after we've sorted this mess out."

Klaus & I ended up killing most of the pack, some just dropped dead themselves. It was obvious that Klaus didn't want to kill them, but he had to. Something went wrong when he broke the curse, that something is walking around these woods trying to find my little brother. I honestly feel like just telling Klaus, 'Hey, the reason this hasn't worked is because Elena is alive, by the way.' I know that would break my brothers though.

Klaus is sat on the rock, staring into the fire. I stand there awkward for a second, not really knowing what to do. I grab a beer and pass it to him, "I'm sorry." Klaus glances up and takes the beer but doesn't respond. I sigh as I sit next to him, "I know how much it meant to you creating these hybrids."

Klaus continues to stare at the fire looking disheartened, "I was doing it for you." I look at him confused as he looks over to me with tears in his eyes, "For our family." My heart skips a beat at the fact he still classes me a part of his family, "I made a promise to you all those years ago that I would protect you, not matter what. Even if you don't want me to, I still will."

I scoff as I think back to the past couple decades, "You could have fooled me. Wasn't it you who has been chasing me for decades because you wanted to kill me?"

"I didn't want to kill you, Lola!" He snaps, making me jump slightly. He sighs, annoyed with himself that he snapped like that, "I didn't want to kill you." He repeats in a softer tone, "I just wanted to find you and I wanted you to tell me when you left." A shaky breath falls from his lips, "Why you left me."

I can hear the hurt in his voice which makes my heart sink. I've wanted to tell him for years, but there was too much at risk. Mikael said if I went near Klaus again he would kill my brothers, then kill me. I'm trying to find words to say to him, but nothing is coming out.

Klaus can tell I don't know how to respond, he gets hold of my hands and turns to face me more, "You don't have to tell me now, but please promise me that one day you will tell me why." I respond with a nod, he moves my hair out of my face and smiles softly, "All those years spent without you by my side, they were the worst years of my life."

"Nik..." I coo, not being able to say anything else.

Klaus looks me in the eyes, both of us with eyes full of tears, "I can't lose you, Lola...not again."

I want to shout back that he won't lose me again, that's how I feel deep down. I don't want to lose him. I want to tell him that all the years without him were the worst years of my life too. There's just something keeping me from admitting that.

Stefan walks back into the camp with Ray over his shoulders. He drops Ray onto the ground, he's dead. Stefan looks around confused at all the dead bodies surrounding us.

Klaus lets go of my hands as he looks over to Stefan, "They went rabid. Some of them, we killed. The others just...bled out." He stands up and takes a few steps towards Stefan, "In the end...they're all dead."

Stefan looks at Klaus, speechless. Also looking like absolute crap because of the bite on his arm.

Klaus screams as he throws his bottle of beer against a tree, causing me to jump and stand up from where I was sitting. I cover my mouth in shock as tears fill my eyes once more, absolutely hating every second seeing him like this.

"I did everything I was told!" Klaus screams out, he regains his composure slightly, "I should be able to turn them. I broke the curse. I killed a werewolf. I killed a vampire. I killed the doppelgänger."

Stefan and I both glance at each other looking uncomfortable, knowing the reason why this didn't work.

Klaus looks back over to Stefan, "You look like hell."

"Last I checked, I'm dying...and you don't want to heal me." Stefan comments as he raises his arm up, showing his bite that has tripled in size, he looks down at Ray's body, "I had to take him out. I didn't have a choice. I failed you. I'm sorry. Do what you have to do."

I walk up to Klaus and lightly place my hand on his back, "Nik, please."

"It should have worked." Klaus says, he turns and grabs an empty beer bottle. He bites his hand and makes a fist as he pours his blood into the bottle. He holds it out for Stefan, "Bottoms up."

Stefan walks up to Klaus and takes the bottle. Klaus turns to walk away, "We're leaving." He stops for a moment to face us both again, "It appears you're the only comrades I have left." He continues to walk away from the campsite, I smile weakly at Stefan which he returns. I then turn to follow Klaus out of the woods as does Stefan once he drank the blood from the bottle.


Back at the hotel, I head straight for the shower. Hiking in the woods and the Tennessee heat has not agreed with me today. I stand in the shower for a moment, letting the hot water trickle down my body as I think about Klaus. I've been trying to not let my feelings cloud over anything but it's impossible. When Klaus & I are near each other, it's like this invisible magnet that pulls us together. I'm surprised it's taken this long for us to be near each other again.

But the truth is, my feelings for him never left. I hid my feelings with hatred, hoping that would stop me from loving him but if anything, these last couple months have proven I don't hate him, not one bit. Ugh, why did I have to be in love with the big bad hybrid who "killed" my brother's girlfriend and everyone back home hates him. I sure can pick them.

Once out the shower I get changed into a oversized jumper which is like a dress on me, I shove my hair up into a bun and get ready to go to sleep. I walk out of the bathroom and jump in shock when I see Klaus sitting on the edge of the bed with his back to me. How the hell does he keep getting into my hotel rooms?!

"Nik?" I say softly, he doesn't respond. I walk over to him, he's staring down at the ground looking lost. I crouch down in front of him and place my hand on his, "Hey."

He looks at me, looking completely defeated and vulnerable. I haven't seen him like this in decades, "I'm sorry. I just didn't want to be alone."

I place my other hand on his cheek and smile softly at him, "You're not alone."

He smiles back at me and puts his hand against mine on his cheek. I remove my hand as I stand up and walk towards the mini fridge, "Well, I don't have any bourbon, but I do have a few miniatures in here."

I turn around to face him but he is now stood right behind me. I feel my entire body engulf in flames as he slams his lips onto mine, it was slow and passionate. He pulls away and stares down at me, trying to read me. I look up at him and see nothing but love in his eyes, the same look he always gave me when we were together. I smile at him as I pull him back in for a kiss and wrap my arms around his neck, this time the kiss was more intense as our desires kicked in. I can feel his smile against my lips as he pulls me in closer. Klaus slams my body against the wall as our kiss deepens even further. I trail my hands down his chest to the bottom of his shirt and I pull it off him. He smirks at me as I do so, he starts to kiss me along my jawline and neck until he reaches down to my collarbone, his hands all over my body, I can feel his smirk against my skin no doubt because he can hear my heart pounding in my chest. He lifts my jumper off me, leaving me in just my underwear. I make my way down to his jeans and start to unbuckle them, he kicks them off himself. We crash our lips against each other once more as he grabs my thighs and lifts me up and I wrap my legs around him. In a flash, he's on top of me on the bed without breaking our kiss. He leaves kisses against my jawline and my neck once more, whispering, "I've missed you." I bite my lip, smiling as he unhooks my bra and throws it to the ground. He makes his way down my body, leaving kisses all the way down. The way his breath was hitting against my skin caused goosebumps to erupt all over me. I arch my back and let out a soft moan as Klaus gets to my underwear, he softly removes them, teasing me. Once removed he moves back up and slams his lips onto mine, the only thing between us is his briefs which I rip off. There was nothing left between us now, just skin on skin. I have my fingers gripped onto his hair, he removes my hands and pins them against the bed, either side of my face with his fingers intertwined in mine. He buries his head into my neck, kissing me, as he thrusts into me, making me gasp. Right now the only thing that matters is being here with him.

We both lay on the bed, catching our breath, "Well that was fun." Klaus says in between panting. I can't help but laugh at his comment.

I roll over to climb on top of Klaus and start to kiss him all over his chest, I make my way up to his lips as he sits up and I stay straddling him, "Oh, and by the way." I mumble as I leave kisses against his neck, I look back at him and wrap my arms around his neck as I smile, "I've missed you too."

He smiles back at me and then crashes his lips against mine, like a magnetic pull drawing us closer to each other like it always does. He deepens the kiss further, I pull away and raise a brow, "Again? Really?"

Klaus has the same up to no good look in his eyes, he catches me off guard as he spins me around, now on top of me making me laugh. I smile to myself as he kisses my neck once more.

Everything feels right in this moment.

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