Chapter 23

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The Birthday

Pensacola, Florida

"You know there's no point running, right?!" I shout out, "I will find you." I start getting impatient as I walk through this huge ass warehouse, chasing after some guy called Peter. He has ties to this Ray guy that Klaus wants to find. And it was my turn to do the interrogating.

I stop walking and listen out for this Peter guy panting somewhere, and low and behold, I can hear him. I vamp speed over to where the sound is coming from, I look down and smirk at this 6ft guy, hiding behind a wooden cart, looking out for me in the opposite direction.

I walk up to him and tap him on the shoulder, he turns around and looks at me horrified and falls on the floor, I crouch down at him and smile, "Boo." He screams and tries to run away but falls to the ground, he grabs a block of wood and throws it at me but I easily dodge it. I groan in frustration as I vamp speed over to him and pick him up using the collar on his shirt.

"I'm sorry." He pleads. I throw him onto the floor, something in one of his legs cracks; oops. He looks up at me terrified, "Who are you?"

I laugh slightly as I walk over to him, "Huge question."

"Why are you doing this?"

I crouch down to be eye level with him again, I stare at him blankly for a second before responding, "I've been told a guy called Ray Sutton used to work here. I want you to tell me where he is."

He tries to stand up but falls slightly and screams out in pain at whatever has broken in his leg. He tries to run away and throws things onto the floor as he does so. Does he really think that is going to stop me from going after him? I start to just simply walk after him, avoiding everything he is dropping on the floor, he turns to face me, "What do you want from me?"

"I want you to stand still." I say in a bored tone. I pin him up against a wall, my vamp features appear, "Tell me where Ray Sutton is."

"He's in Memphis." He blurts out, "He's staying with two women, one of them is my cousin. I can give you the address."

I smile as I let him out of my grasp, "Memphis. Okay." I tilt my head as I still smile at him, "That wasn't so hard now was it, Peter?" I hand him over my phone, "Type the address into here."

He takes my phone and types in the address for this mysterious Ray. He passes me my phone back and looks at me scared, "Are you going to let me go?"

I laugh a little and then glare back at him, "Of course not. Why don't you sit down?" I push him down to the floor by his shoulder and crouch down by him.

He looks over at me, still looking scared shitless, "Are you going to kill me?"

I flash a sympathetic smile as I nod, "Yeah I am." The veins under my eyes appear again as I sink my fangs into his neck, he screams out in pain. Once his heartbeat has stopped, I push him onto the floor and walk out of the warehouse.

I start walking towards a black jeep in the car park as I wipe away the blood from the corner of my mouth. I open the passenger door and get in, "Memphis." I bluntly say, I look over to see Klaus smirking at me in the drivers seat, "He said Ray is in Memphis."

Klaus laughs slightly as he starts the car, "Nice work. I could hear his screams from out here."

I roll my eyes and shift in my seat to stare out of the passenger window as Klaus starts to drive off. He sighs, "You know, it won't harm you to smile when you're in my company."

I turn to face him and and plaster a fake smile, "Oh yes. Because I am so happy I'm stuck with you going up and down the country trying to find some dumbass wolf."

"Sarcasm doesn't suit you, love."

I scoff, "Yeah, well that shirt doesn't suit you." I turn to look in the back seat, "Where's Stefan?"

"He left without us, he was getting a tad peckish. He's meeting us back at the hotel."

Neither of us say anything else for the rest of the journey back to the hotel. We eventually get back there, I get out of the car as soon as it stops and vamp speed back to my room. Klaus vamp speeds after me, beating me to my door, "We leave tomorrow morning."

I roll my eyes as I push him away from my door, "Whatever." I walk into the room and close the door behind me. I walk over to the bedside table and turn the lamp on, I jump when I look up and see Stefan standing in the corner of the room, "Jesus Christ. Stefan, what the hell?!"

"Did you find him?"

"Yeah, I found him. He said Ray is in Memphis. We leave tomorrow morning." I say as I take my shoes off, I look down and scoff when I see there's blood on them.

Stefan walks over to me, "Are you okay?"

I laugh, he's in his ripper form, trying to latch onto the small part of his humanity he has left and still asks if I'm okay. I look up at him with tears in my eyes, "Are you?"

Stefan sighs, he kisses me on my forehead, "I'm fine, Lo." He walks to the door and opens it, he turns to face me, "I'll see you in the morning." He closes the door on his way out.

I collapse onto the bed and sigh. After laying there for a moment, thinking about everything that's happened over the last couple months, I head into the bathroom to take a shower. But then my thoughts go right back to everything I was thinking about before. Mainly wondering if Damon is okay. It was his birthday a couple days ago, I've never ever missed seeing him on his birthday. Well, apart from the 30 odd years we weren't speaking 100 years ago, but since then I made sure I never missed one.

Once out the shower, I grab my phone to listen to the voicemails that Damon has left me today, there's only two for today. Some days there's been about 6. I feel so guilty for leaving the way I did, not explaining to him why I left. I press play on the voicemails.

"Hey, Lo. It's me...again. Look, just please let me know you're okay. It's almost been 2 months...I just need to know that you and Stefan are okay, I'm worried sick. I love you, baby sister."

"Hey, guess what I'm doing. I'm in your room, I know you'll get mad that I'm in here and it may sound weird but I just like coming in here now and then, makes me feel better being around your things I guess. Please...just call me. Also if you tell anyone I've just said that, I'll kill you."

The warmth of my tears trickle down my face, I miss him so much; the stupid dork. I have to fight the urge every night and stop myself from calling him back. If I do that then god knows what Klaus will do. I can't risk it. I know Klaus won't hurt me, but who's to say he won't take it out on Stefan, or go back to Mystic Falls to take it out on Damon which is when he will see that Elena is alive still. It's not long before I drift off to sleep.

The Next Morning:

Wow, I think this is the first time in months I've actually had a decent sleep. I must have just needed blood from a hunky man to help me out. I stretch out as I lay on my back, I turn to the side to see Klaus sitting up on the other side of the bed smirking down at me, "Were you dreaming about me, love?"

I jump out of the bed and glare over to him, "What the hell are you playing at?! How did you get in here?"

He laughs as he gets up from the bed and walks over to me, "I have my ways. You've slept in."

I scoff, "Oh well excuse me for not knowing I had to set an alarm!"

Klaus steps closer to me, closing the gap between us both, he smirks as he looks me up and down, looking at the vest and short pyjama set I'm wearing, "Are you going to get dressed or are you going like this? Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't mind but I don't think your brother would be too pleased."

I smile sarcastically at him, "Well if you get the hell out of this room then I can change."

I tried to walk away but Klaus grabs me by my waist and pushes me against the wall. One hand stays tightly on my waist, he places his other hand on my face, caressing my cheek. I know exactly what he's trying to do, he's done this many times over the years, trying to seduce me to just prove a point. The point that even after all these years, he is still my weakness.

I'm not letting him win. I place my hand on his chest and slowly move it down his torso, when I get to the top of his jeans, I put my finger through the belt loop and pull him closer to me. Our lips are practically touching, Klaus smirks as he pulls me closer as if it was even possible. Just when he is about to kiss me, I smirk, "Get. Out." I push away from him and walk into the bathroom to get changed.

I get changed into a burgundy vest with black shorts and some white converse. When I get out of the room and go to the car park, Klaus and Stefan are already waiting. We all get in the car and head to Memphis.


By the time we get to Memphis, it's already night. Klaus pulls up nearby the house that Peter told me. The car is in the shadows, so can't be seen from the house.

A blonde girl steps out on the porch of the big white house, "Rudy!" She shouts out, she whistles, "Rudy! Come on! It's too hot to make me come looking for you."

She bends down and picks up a toy. When she turns around, she jumps when she sees Klaus and I standing in front of her. Klaus laughs awkwardly, "I am so sorry. We didn't mean to scare you." Is that an American accent he is trying to pull off?

"Can I help you both?"

I smile innocently over at her, "Yeah, sorry. My husband and I," I wrap my arm around his waist, as he does to me, "Our car ran out of gas a couple miles back."

"I feel like we've been walking forever yours is the first house we've come to so I was just hoping we could use your phone?" Klaus lies.

The blonde girl looks at us, not convinced, "Don't you have a cell phone?"

Klaus laughs, "Huh, yeah..." He pulls his phone out from his jean pocket, "Battery died. Look, I promise we're not serial killers, we just wanna use your phone."

The girl sighs, "Sure."

She begins to walk away into the house, Klaus steps forward, "So, we can come in?"

"No," The girl turns to face us again, "I'll get the phone and I'll bring it out to you."

Klaus' fake ass smile instantly drops, as does his accent, "I thought you country folk were supposed to be more trusting."

The girl scoffs, "I'm from Florida."

I laugh slightly, "Well, that explains it."

Klaus vamp speeds up to her and grabs her by her throat, "Now show us a little southern hospitality...sweet pea."

The blonde girl invites us both in. We walk towards the kitchen, where there is another girl, brunette, cooking some food, "I bet you a hundred dollars that dog ran off to a house with air conditioning." She turns around to see us all standing in the kitchen. Klaus is holding onto the blonde girl in the nape of her neck with one hand as she sobs. The brunette girl looks at us all scared, "What's going on?"

"Please don't be alarmed." Klaus says calmly, "I'm told Ray Sutton lives here."

"He's almost never here." The brunette responds, "He's on the road mostly."

"But I expect he makes it home, once a month." I presume as I slowly walk towards her, I pick off a grape that it's in the fruit bowl on the counter. She doesn't respond, she just looks at me, horror filling her face. I smirk at her, "That's what I thought. Where is he now?"

The girl bows her head, avoiding my question. Klaus takes a step forward, "If I have to make you tell me it's going to be infinitely more painful for you. Or I could let my lovely girl over here have her way with you both." Klaus smirks over to me, he looks down at the blonde, still in his hold, "I must warn you, your cousin's screams were heard from miles around."

The brunette woman runs out of the kitchen, Klaus and I both share an amused glance, knowing exactly what's waiting for her outside that door. The girl runs down the hallway and screams as she opens up the front door, to reveal Stefan standing on the porch waiting.

We follow her out of the kitchen. Klaus looks on, amused, he raises his free hand up as he laughs slightly, "I love it when they run!" He looks over to me, "Don't you?"

I scoff as I glare at the blonde, still in his hold, "I've had my fair share of chasing your cousin, so I don't appreciate an encore of it."

"He's in Tulley." The brunette finally admits, "It's near the border. A bar called Southern Comfort, it's off Highway 41."

"Thank you, my love." Klaus says as he moves a piece of hair out of the blonde girl's face, "Now, may my friend come in and play?"

The girl shakes her head, wanting to say no, but can't, "Yes." She cries out.

The brunette looks terrified as Stefan walks into the house. Klaus pushes the blonde to Stefan, "Kill this one quickly." He grabs hold of my hand and starts to walk out the house, he glances over to the brunette, "And make that one suffer. We'll be in the car."

We both leave the house, Klaus closes the door with a grin looking awfully proud of himself. As we walk back towards the car, all we can hear at the screams of those two girls in the house.

I've tried my hardest to not be alone with Klaus over these last 2 months, but it is proving difficult. Being near him for this long is just bringing back all the memories I've shared with him over the years. I try to push them to the back of my mind, but it's getting hard to do that. Especially when he keeps pulling stunts like he did this morning.

"Did you enjoy that, love?" Klaus asks as we approach the car.

I turn to face him, looking confused, "Enjoy what?"

Klaus smirks as he steps closer to me, "Calling me your husband...that wasn't part of the plan."

I shrug, looking away from him and avoiding eye contact, "Made it look more believable." I turn away to try and calm myself down. It's just the littlest things these days that he has to do to make my heart race.

He slowly walks up behind me closing the gap, "That's the one thing that always fascinated me about you." He places his hand on my waist, and holds my hand with his other hand resting them on my leg, I freeze on the spot unable to move. He whispers in my ear, "The cool exterior and yet the fire hidden within you." He pauses for a moment as he moves my hair from my shoulder, exposing my neck, he smirks against my skin, "I know you still feel something for me."

I stay standing in the same spot, holding onto his hand. My breathing becomes erratic, trying to calm myself down, "I don't know what you're talking about."

"I can hear your heartbeat, Lola. It speeds up every single time I'm near you." Klaus coos in my ear. His breath on my skin gives me goosebumps. I close my eyes and bite my lip to try and calm myself down. I can feel Klaus smirk against my skin once more, "I bet I still know where your sweet spot is too."

I take a deep breath to control myself, "You are disgusting...and I hate you."

"Then why are you still holding my hand?"

I pull away from Klaus and turn to glare at him, "What are you trying to prove?"

He smirks as he steps towards me, "I'm trying to prove that deep down, you still have feelings for me." He steps even closer as I step back, eventually I'm stuck between the car and him, "I think I deserve an explanation."

I frown as I look up at him, "An explanation about what exactly?"

"Why you left in 1958."

There it is. I was waiting for him to bring this up, I'm surprised it's took this long. But in all fairness, I've made it impossible for him to be alone with me. I've always made sure Stefan was close by.

I don't respond, just do what I always do when I start feeling uncomfortable, avoid eye contact. Klaus gently lifts my head up by my chin, making me look him in the eyes, "We will talk about it." I'm trying to think of something sarcastic to say back, but I just freeze when I look into his blue eyes, they're hypnotic. Ugh, Lola stop! What are you doing!

But before I can even think of a response, Klaus smirks, "It's all done then?" He turns to look over to Stefan who is walking towards us both, looking slightly irritated at how close Klaus is to me right now.

I look around awkwardly and move out of Klaus' hold and open the car door and get in. "It's done." Stefan bluntly responds and gets in the car also.

No one says a word as we make the short trip to our next hotel. I've been glued to staring out the passenger seat window, the tension in this car is unbelievable. I can practically feel Klaus' eyes burning a hole in the back of my head, I presume Klaus feels the same coming from Stefan because his face was like thunder when he walked back over to us earlier.

We finally get to the hotel, as soon as the car stops I go to undo my seatbelt but Klaus grabs onto my hand as I do so. I look up at him and glare, he responds with a smirk, he looks at Stefan through the rear view mirror, "We'll go to Tulley tomorrow. It's about 3 hours from here." He turns to me and smirks yet again, "Wear something nice, love. We'll need your skilled distraction tactics for our dear Ray."

Ugh, is he serious right now? I don't say anything, I glare at him once more as I roll my eyes and storm out of the car and go to my room.


The next morning I'm getting ready to go to this bar to hopefully finally see this Ray guy in person. I'm in the bathroom applying my make up when there's a knock at the door. I walk over to open the door when I see Stefan standing there, "Hey, Stef." I open the door further, allowing him to walk in, "What's up?"

"Are you almost ready to go?" Stefan asks as he steps into the room, closing the door behind him.

"Yeah, I just need to get changed. I'll be 2 minutes." I walk into the bathroom and get changed.

I can hear Stefan, pacing the room, "So, uh, what's going on between you and Klaus?"

I am so glad he can't see my face right now. I can't hide how I actually feel on my face lately, "What do you mean?"

"Oh come on, Lola. Don't play dumb with me, it's obvious there's something going on between you both."

Once I'm dressed, I walk out of the bathroom and walk over to Stefan with the biggest fake smile on my face, "There is nothing going on, Stef. Just relax."

He looks me up and down looking uncomfortable, "You're wearing that?"

I shrug and walk towards the door, "Klaus said he wanted me to play the distraction...I'm just simply getting into character."

Stefan follows me out the door and scoffs, "As your brother, I think you should bring a coat. Like a big trench coat that goes past your knees."

I roll my eyes and laugh, "Come on, idiot." I close the door behind us both and walk over to the car where Klaus is.

Okay, so maybe I am wearing a dress that is just a little shorter than normal. I may be a minor distraction for Ray today, but I plan on being an even bigger distraction to Klaus. Call it payback.

I really am enjoying Klaus' reaction to what I'm wearing as we walk up to him, leaning against the car; looking as though this is the first time he's ever seen a girl. He smirks as he stands up properly, "You look exquisite."

I say nothing back, I just flash him a smug smile, then get into the passenger seat and so our journey to this random bar starts. When we eventually get there, Klaus stops the car and turns to face Stefan, "You know what you need to do?" Stefan nods and heads into the bar.

I undo my seatbelt to follow him in but Klaus places his hand on mine to stop me, I really wish he would stop doing that. I glare at him, "What are you doing?"

"Stefan is in there to compel everyone to not batter an eyelid while we talk to our lovely friend Ray once he arrives." He smirks as he looks me up and down, "Your skills aren't needed just yet. Sit back, love. It will be time soon."

I huff as I snatch my hand out of his hold and fold my arms against my chest, "You're disgusting." I mutter.

Klaus stays silent for a second before speaking up once more, but this time in a much more softer tone, "You know, all of this reminds me of our time in the early 1900s, but back then the search was something you needed...not me."

"Why are you bringing this up?" I snap as I shoot a glare at him.

He raises his hands in surrender, "I was merely just taking a trip down memory lane. I assume that you still haven't found the answers you have been wanting for the last 145 years?"

I throw my hands up as I scoff, "Well does it look like I have?!"

"I could help you find what you want." Klaus states with the utmost sincerity in his voice.

This is the last thing I want to speak about right now. I would actually rather discuss the fifties with him, I look up to see Stefan walking back to the car, "Can you not speak about this when Stefan is here? My brothers still don't know."

Klaus smirks, "So I'm still the only one who knows your little secret?"

I frown over at him, "I swear to god, Nik, if you don't-"

Before I can finish speaking, Stefan gets back into the car. He glances between Klaus and I, realising he has just interrupted something, "Uh, am I missing something here?"

I go back to looking out of the window as I rest my elbow on the door and cover my mouth with my hand. Klaus shrugs, "Nothing at all, mate. We all set?" Stefan nods, Klaus smirks, "Well then, let the fun begin."

We all get out of the car and walk into the bar. We choose to sit in the corner, where we can't be seen very well as we wait for Ray to arrive. Not long after we have sat, we hear the bartender speak up, "What's up Ray?"

"Hey Red, get me a beer." Ray mumbles as he takes a seat at the bar.

Klaus looks over to me and smirks, "It's your turn, love."

I sit up from my seat and fix my dress, I pull it down a little to show off more cleavage. Stefan looks away like the awkward brother he is while Klaus smirks at me. I flash him a cocky smile before I walk over to the bar. Ray looks up and notices me as I approach the bar, I walk past him and take a seat beside him so I'm still able to see Klaus over Ray's shoulder, "I'll have a tequila, please." The bartender nods and grabs a shot glass and pours out some tequila for me.

Ray smirks as he faces me fully, "That's a strong drink for such a delicate looking girl."

Ew, really? I smile back at him, "I told a friend once that this is the best drink to have when you want to forget about a guy." I drink it all at once and flag the bartender to pour me another.

Ray laughs as he looks me up and down, "Well whoever it is, it's his loss."

I smirk as I look over his shoulder and see Klaus in the distance, already growing irritated by this conversation, "It sure is."

"So what brings you into a bar like this, all on your own?"

I shrug as I take another shot, "Just passing through." I look over to him and give him my best flirty smirk, "You?"

Ray smirks back, "Same here, I wasn't going to stay here long..." He puts one of his hands on my leg and looks back up at me, "But I think I could be persuaded to stay a little longer."

I smile as I push his hand off my leg, "You know, you should really ask before you touch a person."

He stands up and closes the gap between us as he smirks and places his hands on my legs once more, "What's the fun in that? You've just said you want to get over a guy, how about I help?"

I can hear Klaus tapping his fingers on the table, I look over to see him practically red with anger, he huffs, "Okay, that's enough." He begins to stand up and walk towards us.

"Ray, if you don't take your hands off me in the next 2 seconds, you won't have hands..." I warn him.

He looks down at me confused, "How do you know my name?"

Klaus comes storming over to us and stands next to me, "Ray? Ray Sutton?"

Ray glares over at him as he takes a seat again and sips his beer, "Who wants to know?"

Klaus smiles, looking happy we've finally found him, "I've been looking everywhere for you." I stand up from my seat to go behind the bar to grab the full bottle of tequila, Klaus takes a seat where I was previously sitting, "We started in Florida, Pensacola. I met a young chap there who you used to work with before you moved to Memphis, now he directed me to two lovely young women. And they led me here, to you."

"I think I'll be going." Ray mutters as he begins to walk away.

Klaus stands up to stop Ray from walking away, "Not so fast mate. You only just got here, now your type are very hard to come by."

Ray tries to walk the other way but he bumps into Stefan who is standing there and stops him, "I wouldn't do that." Stefan pushes Ray towards the counter.

Ray glares at both Klaus and Stefan, "Vampires."

Klaus laughs, "You're swifty swift, Ray! Yes!" He glances over to me as I walk back over to him and stand beside him, "My friends here are vampires. This gorgeous girl who you pretty much violated within 5 minutes," I smile over to him and wave as Klaus continues, "And then you have my good friend here. See, he's compelled everybody in the bar so don't look to them for any help." Klaus smugly explains, "I however, I'm something else, a different kind of monster. I've got some vampire, I've got some wolf."

Ray looks at Klaus dumbfounded, "You what?"

I roll my eyes as I pass Klaus a shot of tequila, "A hybrid Ray, he's both."

Klaus smirks, "You see I want to create more of me. Now you being the first werewolf that I've come across in many a moon, pun intended Ray!" Oh dear god, Klaus laughing at his own jokes, now this takes me back, "I need you to direct me to your pack. So, where can I find them Ray?"

Ray scoffs, "You can't compel me, it won't work."

Stefan starts scratching his head, Klaus looks at him and he nods. Stefan turns around to face the bar as he grabs a little black bag from his pocket, "Can I get a scotch on the rocks, please?" He turns to face Ray, "Tell you what Ray, we're gonna play a little drinking game, something I like to call truth or wolfsbane." Stefan says as he pours out wolfsbane from his little bag, crushing it with his fingers.

I smirk over to Ray, he so deserves this after groping me, "Oh, this is gonna be fun Ray."

We've been in the bar for a while now, Klaus and I are leaving Stefan to get answers out of Ray. Although a part of me doesn't like seeing Stefan being a ripper again, I do like the new attitude he has, at least he isn't moping round for Elena.

I'm starting to get a little tipsy, well, I have gone through most of the bottle of tequila myself. It's a bit hard for me to forget about one guy in particular considering he is sitting right next to me. I'm sat on top of the bar with my legs dangling off the edge and Klaus is sitting on a stool beside me as we both watch Stefan.

Ray is chained to the wall, against a dart board. He has darts sticking out all over his body, all laced with wolfsbane. Stefan is leaning against a table near Ray as he stirs another dart into a glass of scotch mixed with wolfsbane. He throws the dart at Ray, who continues to scream out in pain. Everyone else is acting as though nothing is unusual going on.

"Ray, you can end this right now." Stefan starts as he walks over to Ray, "Just tell me where your pack gathers for the full moon."

"I can't." Ray cries out.

Stefan leans against the wall next to Ray, "I know, I know. You live by code and all that, but see he's not gonna let me stop until you tell me." Stefan glances over to where Klaus and I are sitting, "And I do whatever he says so, that's the way it goes around here. Plus, my sister over there is starting to get quite intoxicated so it looks like I'm the only one who's going to be playing darts."

I scoff, "We'll see about that." I slide off the bar and walk over to them both, I pick up one of the darts that are still in the glass of wolfsbane and aim right between Ray's brows, which I succeed, I laugh slightly as he screams out in pain. Stefan looks over to me grinning, I grin back over to him, "I may have had a little bit to drink but that doesn't mean you can beat me at darts, brother."

I walk over to Ray and pick out the darts, "Oh, don't be so glum, Ray. This can all end, just tell us where your pack is."

He glares at me, "I'm not telling you anything."

I look over to Klaus when I see a woman walking over to him, "Hello Mr Klaus." Mr Klaus? Really? "I have some more information for you." Stefan and I both glance at each other as we continue to listen to the conversation, "You told me to tell you if I saw anything. I saw their brother, Damon, at the farm house." I nod at Stefan to go over to them both, while I stay here with Ray. I walk back over to the table with the wolfsbane to dip the dart in it as I continue to listen in.

"Well, thank you Claudine. You'll just tell your friends to keep up the good work with the neighbourhood watch." Klaus compels her.

The woman walks away as Stefan comes up to Klaus, "Our brother still on our trail?"

"He's getting closer, I'm gonna have to deal with that." Klaus states as he starts to walk away.

Stefan grabs Klaus' arm to stop him, "No, no, no! Let me handle it." Wait, what?

"Why should I let you leave?" Klaus retorts.

"Cause, you'll know I'll come back."

Klaus glances over to me as I walk towards them, he looks back over to Stefan, "Do I?"

Stefan nods, "You saved my brother's life; I'm at your service." Stefan takes a couple steps over to me and grabs hold of my wrist, "But, you're out of your mind if you think I'm leaving my sister with you."

Klaus laughs slightly as he rolls his eyes, "Ah, you sound so tedious and indentured. Aren't you even having the least bit of fun?" He points over to Ray with a big smile, Ray is still looking as pathetic as he did 30 seconds ago. He smile drops as he grabs my other wrist and pulls me away from Stefan, "Your sister is staying right here, with me."

I push out of both of their holds and scoff, "I'm not a toy!" I walk back over to Ray to continue my game of darts.

Stefan sighs, "Fine. I'll make sure that our brother doesn't bother us any more."



Damon arrives at WPKW9 TV Station to pick up Andie after receiving a text from her. He walks around, looking concerned that it's deserted and Andie isn't anywhere to be seen, "Andie?" Damon sings out playfully. His phone starts to answer, he picks up the call, "Party Central."

"Where are you?!" Elena snaps at the other end of the call.

Damon starts to stutter, "Umm, by the...punch bowl."

"Don't do that Damon, don't lie to me! I saw your closet."

"Oh...Oh, I gotta, gotta go break up beer pong." Damon says as he hangs up the phone.

Damon walks into Studio 3 looking for Andie, he walks round and notices her purse on the floor. He can feel someone else's presence in the room, "Stefan." He looks over to Stefan who is on the other side of the studio.

Stefan looks over to Damon, face is blank with his hands behind his back, "Hello, brother." Damon starts looking round the studio, not looking for Andie, but looking for his sister. "Lola isn't here." Stefan adds.

Damon scoffs, "You don't write, you don't call."

"I need you to stop following us." Stefan states, "Causing some problems."

"With who? Klaus?" Damon says pulling a face, "I'm supposed to care with he thinks?"

Stefan shrugs, "What you're supposed to do is let me and Lola go."

Damon takes a few steps towards Stefan, "Where is our sister?"

"She's safe." Stefan assures him, "She's a lot less worked up since she left you behind."

Damon rolls his eyes, "I figured as much, I seen she is back to her usual self with that guy in Pensacola. Saw your latest artwork in Tennessee too. Walking a fine line there, my friend. Keep that up and there will be no saving you."

Stefan laughs slightly, "See the thing is, uh, I don't need any saving. I just want you to let me go."

"Nah, I got a birthday girl at home that's not gonna let me do that." Damon remarks.

Stefan nods, "You know, maybe I haven't made my point." He looks up towards the ceiling and back down at Damon with an amused look on his face, "Hey, Andie you still there?"

Damon looks over at his brother confused, "Andie?"

Andie is standing on a ledge up in the rafters, "Damon?" Andie says in a shaky voice, "I can't move, Damon. He told me that I can't move."

"No, no, no, it's okay, Andie. Stay calm." Damon reassures her, he glares over to Stefan, "Not cool brother!"

"Aw, come on! A little bit cool. Huh?" Stefan says amused as Damon walks closer to him, Stefan smirks, "Hey, Andie. You can move now."

"No!" Damon shouts as he looks back up at his girlfriend, "No, no, no, no, no!" Damon goes to catch her but Stefan speeds over to him and pushes him against the wall. Andie steps off and falls down to the floor, bones cracking as she does so, dying instantly.

"I said let me and Lola go!" Stefan seethes, Damon pushes away from Stefan and rushes over to see if Andie is okay but she's already dead. When he looks back up, Stefan is gone and nowhere to be seen.



It's been a couple hours of it just being Klaus and I trying to get answers out of Ray, and so far we've had no luck. This dumbass wolf is so stubborn.

I've lost all the patience I have, which isn't a lot to begin with anyway, "Okay, I've had enough of this!" I shout as I walk over to Ray. I rip the chains off him and he falls to the floor, I kick him in the face, he grunts out in pain. I kick him in the stomach which causes him to land halfway across the bar, "I don't know if you've realised, Ray." I start off as I walk over to him, curled up on the floor, "But, I don't have a great deal of patience."

I pick him up by his neck and throw him onto a pool table, I glare down at him, "So I suggest you tell me where your pack is, right now."

"No!" Ray spits out.

I look up as I laugh, "I thought that would be your answer." I look over to Klaus who is sat by the table with the scotch/wolfsbane cocktail, "Be a dear and hand me that drink, will you?" Klaus cooperates and hands me the drink, I look back down at Ray, "I'm going to ask you again, where is your pack?"

He doesn't respond, shocker. I pull open his mouth and start to pour the drink down his throat. He begins to spit it out as he chokes on it, with a mixture of blood, "Huh? What was that?" I ask deadpanned as I tilt my head to listen. I stop pouring the mixture, Ray turns to his side to spit it out as he continues to choke, I shrug, "Sorry, couldn't hear you. But, it sounded like you were going to tell me where you pack is."

Ray starts panting to catch his breath, he lays back down onto the pool table and looks up at me, defeated, "Smoky Mountains."

I smile down at him, satisfied we've finally got the answer we needed. I pat him on the cheek, "Not so delicate looking now, am I?" I look up at Klaus, "He's all yours." I walk over to the bar to get another drink, I'm feeling a cocktail, maybe a margarita.

Klaus claps his hands together as he walks towards Ray, laying on the pool table, "Okay, it's a three step process, Ray. This is step one. I want you to drink from my wrist."

"I already told you where to find the pack." Ray mumbles weakly, "What more do you want from me?"

"Have you been listening to a word I've been saying, Ray?" Klaus retorts, he points the knife he is holding towards Ray, "I have great plans for you." Klaus cuts open this wrist and forces Ray to drink from it by holding Ray's head against his wrist, Klaus laughs slightly as he looks up, "He'll thank me for it later, huh. There we go, attaboy!"

Klaus pulls away from Ray. Ray starts to cough, he looks up at Klaus, "What are you going to do now?"

"It's time for step two, Ray." Klaus simply states. He breaks Ray's neck, Ray collapses onto the pool table dead.

I catch myself smiling over at Klaus, I jump out of it quickly. My god, why am I finding all of this attractive? I think Klaus noticed my face as he walks over to me, smirking, "He's got enough wolfsbane in him that he will be out until tomorrow." He takes a seat next to me, "That was quite a show."

I shrug as I take a sip of my cocktail, "Yeah well I was growing tired of the constant stubbornness from him."

Klaus smiles, "That's good, I was beginning to think you were going soft."

I frown at him, "Excuse me?"

Klaus laughs, knowing how easy it is to wind me up still, "I'm just saying, love, in Mystic Falls you didn't seem your usual self. You were a lot more, what's the word..." He looks up pretending to think.

I laugh as I hand him his beer, "Okay, I'm going to stop you there. I have not gone soft."

Klaus stares at me for a second, as though he is trying to figure something out, he smiles slightly, "Prove it."

God even him staring at me is making my heartbeat go crazy, I shrug it off as I look away, "I don't have to prove anything."

Klaus shrugs as he sips his beer, "That's what someone would say when they have gone soft."

Is he seriously trying to wind me up right now? Because it's working! I glare over to him, he's looking back at me with a smug smile plastered on his face. I flash him a sarcastic smile as a waitress walks past us, holding a tray full of drinks. I pull my leg out slightly, not breaking eye contact from Klaus, causing her to fall to the floor, spilling the tray all over the floor and the glasses smashing.

I gasp in shock as I still look at Klaus, I stand up and crouch down beside the girl, pretending to be concerned, "Are you okay? You poor thing."

The girl starts to stand up as I help her, "Sorry, just wasn't looking where I was going."

I put my arm around her, "Come on, let's go get you cleaned up." She smiles and nods at me, I turn to face Klaus as we walk away, the concerned plastered all over my face disappears and left with a smirk.


Klaus watches Lola walk into the restrooms with the waitress. He turns to see Stefan walking back into the bar, Klaus smiles over to him, "You're back."

"Did you doubt me?" Stefan asks bluntly as he walks towards Klaus.

"Not for a second." Klaus starts, "I knew you'd pass the test. You still care for your brother, for your old life."

Stefan laughs slightly, "Nah, I don't care about anything anymore."

Klaus shrugs, "You put on a good show Stefan. I almost believe you. It's obvious you still care for your sister. But, let's hope, for your brother's sake, he does believe you. You never stop caring about family, do you?" Klaus leans next to Stefan and whispers, "But, every time you feed, the blood makes it easier to let go."

Stefan glares over to Klaus, "Where is Lola?"

"She's around here somewhere, having a bit of fun." Klaus says as he smirks.

"I've seen how you have both been around each other, I want you to back off from her." Stefan demands.

Klaus laughs slightly at how bold Stefan has just been, "If that should be anyones decision, it should be Lola's. So how about you leave her out of this?"

Stefan doesn't respond, he pushes past Klaus and storms out of the bar.


"Thanks for helping." The waitress, who told me her name was Amy, says as she is attempting to rub off all the alcohol that spilt on her.

"My pleasure." I say sweetly, I grab her shoulders and turn her to face me, "Now how about you help me? I've got a little bit of a craving that I need to take care of."

She looks at me confused, "What?"

"Don't scream." I compel her. The veins appear form under my eyes, her eyes show fear but is unable to do anything. I sink my fangs into her neck and drain all her blood. I tilt my head back and sigh with satisfaction, finally getting a real drink.

I look towards the door when I hear it open, it's Klaus, his serious expression on his face. I push this dead Amy girl into a cubicle and look over to Klaus confused, "What are you doing?"

He speeds up to me, closing the gap, he moves away a piece of hair from my face and cups my cheek, "Something I have wanted to do since the moment I laid eyes on you again."

Before I can react, my back is against the wall as Klaus slams his lips onto mine, without realising I kiss him back. At first, I want to pull away but I just couldn't. The spark that has always been between us had finally reignited and as much as it's wrong, it feels so right.

When Klaus realises I'm not breaking from this kiss, he pulls me towards him closer as if that was even possible. Our lips moving in unison with each other, my arms wrap around his neck and grip onto his hair as he tightly holds onto my waist. The kiss is passionate, yet intense, all of the frustration I've had bottled up just melts away being back in Klaus' hold.

His hands glide down to my thighs and pick me up as I wrap my legs around him. He carries me over to the vanity. Klaus breaks away from the kiss for a second, both of us gazing into each other's eyes, full of lust. We both slam our lips onto one another once more, deepening the kiss even more. Klaus breaks away from the kiss and starts to kiss me along my jawline, going down to my neck, towards my collarbone. I tilt my head back and bite the inside of my cheek to stop myself from moaning but once Klaus makes his way back up my neck, I let out a soft moan once he reaches my sweet spot, I can feel him smirking against my skin. I bite my lip as his hands make their way further up my thighs and I wrap my legs around him tighter.

A sudden realisation on where we are hits me. I push Klaus away from me, both of us are breathless. He looks at me confused as to why I've stopped this. I jump off the vanity and shake my head, "We can't do this." I vamp speed out of the restroom and the bar itself without giving Klaus a chance to respond.

I lean against the wall of the bar to calm myself down and my breathing. Klaus is totally and completely captivating, I've forgotten just how hard it is to resist that. I look over and see Stefan standing in the middle of the car park with his back to me. I slowly walk up to him, "Stefan?" I mutter softly.

He doesn't respond. I step closer to him and place my hand on his shoulder, "Are you okay?"

He snaps my hand away from him and storms away, "I'm fine, just leave me alone."

Okay so we are back to self-loathing Stefan, great!

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