Chapter 27

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The Reckoning


Well this has been a fun afternoon so far. We've been laying low since we got back into Mystic Falls this morning, Klaus has been taking his frustrations out on Stefan by snapping his neck all afternoon.

I eavesdropped on Elena this afternoon, turns out they're all going to be at the school tonight for some prank night. Which is good for us, Klaus' task is to get Elena, I need to find Bonnie and Rebekah needs to find Tyler then hopefully once this whole hybrid thing is sorted, we can leave this town again. I know Damon will hate me for leaving with Klaus but I'd rather not spend my immortal life helping a human.

It's finally night, we pull up to the school in the truck that has the coffins in the back, along with Stefan who is semi-dead.

We all step out of the truck and open the shutter to the back to see that Stefan is still unconscious. Klaus looks over to Rebekah, "You know what you need to do?"

Rebekah nods, "Wait here until he wakes, torture him some more then find the wolf."

"Just don't hurt him too much please? He's still my brother. Okay, from what I heard when I was listening in on Elena, this Tyler is now with a girl called Caroline. You find her, you'll find him." I inform, "Let's get this over with, I'll find Bonnie." And with that being said, we all part and go different ways.


Stefan wakes up, lying in the back of the truck. Rebekah's standing near the open back door, she looks down at him and smiles, "Oh, he lives."

Stefan looks around confused, "What happened?"

Rebekah pretends to look concerned, "You took a beating. My brother's been breaking your neck all afternoon. Quite the temper."

Stefan begins to stand, "Why did he bring us back to Mystic Falls?"

Rebekah glares at him, "You can stop playing dumb now." She snaps in a stern tone, "It didn't take him long to figure out what you've been hiding."

Stefan tries to act clueless, "I'm not hiding anything. I've done everything Klaus has asked me to."

"No, you just failed to mention that the doppelgänger's still alive."

Stefan sighs, "So, I take it you both know about Lola knowing this too? Where is she? What have you done with her?"

Rebekah laughs, "Lola is still very much loyal to us, she told us everything. She's even been busy listening in on your girlfriend's plans which is why we are here tonight." Rebekah takes a step closer to Stefan, "I would never hurt Lola and I know Nik would never hurt her either. The only person who is going to get hurt tonight other than you, is the doppelgänger."

"Where is Klaus now?"

Rebekah smirks, "With any luck, ripping that cow's bloody head off."

Stefan rushes at her and they both fly out of the truck and onto the ground, him on top of her, "Where is she?"

"You really do love her, don't you?" Rebekah asks, not fazed by Stefan's attempt at attacking her. Rebekah gets up easily and pushes Stefan against the truck. She grabs a crowbar from the truck and smacks Stefan across the face with it, she puts the hook of the crowbar behind his neck and pulls him closer, "Consider me jealous." Rebekah drives the crowbar through Stefan's stomach, he collapses to the floor and passes out.

Rebekah walks into the high school to go looking for Tyler. She walks through the halls when she spots Caroline and Tyler by some lockers, kissing. Rebekah walks closer to them, "You two are adorable."

They both pull away from each other, Caroline looks over to Rebekah, confused, "Uh, do we know you?"

"You're Caroline, Elena's friend..." Rebekah assumes correctly, she faces Tyler, "...Which makes you Tyler, the werewolf."

Tyler's eyes widen in shock as Caroline steps closer to Rebekah, glaring at her, "And who are you?"

Rebekah smiles, "I'm the new girl." Her vamp features appear and she rushes over to them both, knocking Caroline out and taking Tyler to Klaus.



It baffles me why Stefan would want to repeat high school over and over again. Especially in this school, I don't know if it's just because it's night but it certainly looks depressing. Last time I was here it looked depressing too, but in all fairness, that was when we were at war with Klaus.

I start to think I need to look elsewhere in the school when I can hear Bonnie's voice. I follow the voice and peek through a door leading to a pool where she is throwing toilet paper across the pool with the one and only Matt.

Bonnie laughs, "This is fun, right?"

Matt scoffs, "You sound like Caroline."

"Come on, I am embracing her philosophy. You should be more into this." Bonnie teases.

Matt sighs, "I know. Where's Jeremy tonight?"

Bonnie starts to look awkward, "I haven't talked to him all day. We're having, um...He, uh, he told me about seeing Vicki."

Vicki, where do I know that name from?

Matt sighs with relief, "Good, I'm glad that you know."

Bonnie frowns, "I'm sorry. Is it weird talking about your sister like this?"

Lightbulb! I remember Damon telling me about her. The crazy, drug loving older sister of Matt who was turned into a vampire but got killed not longer after being turned.

"No, I...I just kind of want to see her myself, you know? I mean, I never got to say goodbye to her." Matt sighs heavily, "Do you realize that just last summer, you and I were lifeguards at the pool? And the only two problems I had in my life were that Elena was breaking up with me and I sucked at CPR."

Bonnie smiles as she reminisces, "Everything was so different then."

Matt sighs, "Yeah. Now Elena's dating a vampire, you're a witch, my sister's a ghost, and...I'm...I'm just a guy who's wondering how life got so screwed up."

"It's crazy, Matt. I...I can't imagine what it must be like for you."

Matt nods, "It just, uh, kind of explains why I'm not that into senior prank night." Matt picks up a box from the floor, "I'll go grab a couple more rolls. Then we'll hit the gym."

Bonnie nods and turns to watch Matt walk away.

"Well this is tragic." I mutter as I lean against a wall.

Bonnie turns to face me, looking shocked, "Lola, you're back."

I laugh slightly as I move away from the wall and step closer, "Aw, have you missed me?"

Bonnie steps away from me, "What are you doing here?"

I stop walking and smile innocently at her, "Looking for you actually." Matt walks back in, I vamp speed over to him, he jumps in shock, dropping the box he had hold of. I laugh slightly, "Ah, Matty blue eyes, is it weird if I say that I have missed you?" He doesn't respond, he glares at me, "It's weird, huh?" I shrug as I grab hold of his jacket and face Bonnie, "Anyway, are you going to follow me willingly or am I going to have to make you?" I start to walk towards her again but she is frozen in her spot. I gesture at her to hurry, "Come on, we mustn't dilly-dally."


Elena opens some double doors, then finds herself face-to-face with Klaus. She looks up at him horrified as he smirks down at her, "There's my girl."

Elena gasps, "Klaus!"

Elena turns around and tries to run, but he's already in front of her, "You are supposed to be dead. What are we going to do about that?"

Klaus grips onto Elena's arm and storms through the halls, "You put a rather large kink in my plans, sweetheart. The whole point of breaking the curse and becoming a hybrid was to make more hybrids. I haven't been able to do that. Now my bet is, it has something to do with the fact that you're still breathing."

"If you're going to kill me, just do it!" Elena snaps.

Klaus smirks, "Not until I know I'm right. But I do have ways of making you suffer." Klaus grabs hold of Elena and pulls her into the gym.

A few students are there setting up pranks. Klaus drags Elena in, "Attention, seniors. You have officially been busted. Prank night is over. Head on home." Klaus says with an American accent. As he steps further into the gym, he notices Dana and another student, he gets closer to them, "You two. I remember you." He says with his normal accent.

Dana looks over confused, "I'm sorry. Who are you?"

"Oh, don't worry, I wasn't in my right head last time we met. Lift your foot up, please, Dana." Klaus compels, he looks over to the boy, "If she drops her foot, Chad, I want you to beat her to death. Understood?" Chad nods.

"Don't, Klaus." Elena says panicking, "You don't have to hurt anybody."

Klaus smirks, "Oh, come on, love. Of course I do." Dana begins to struggle keeping her balance, "Keep it up."

"Where's Stefan?" Elena asks, "What did you do to him?"

Klaus laughs, "Stefan's on a time out."


I open up the doors to the gym to see Klaus and Elena standing there and two other kids.

Elena looks over to me, looking relived, "Oh my god, Lola."

I smirk at her then turn to the side as I open the door further, "Come on, don't be shy." I drag Bonnie and Matt into the room.

Elena looks at Bonnie shocked, "Bonnie, get out of here!"

I roll my eyes as I laugh, "Like she has a choice."

Klaus rushes over to Bonnie, "Ah, I was wondering when you'd show up." He smiles at me, "Thanks for finding her, sweetheart. Now we can get started."

I release them both from my grip and step away from them. Klaus turns to face the girl, "Ah, Dana, why don't you relax? You and Chad sit tight."

Dana sighs with relief as she falls to the floor, Chad helping her to the floor.

Klaus faces Bonnie, "I assume you're the reason Elena's still walking around alive?"

Bonnie glares up at him, "That's right. If you want to blame someone, blame me."

Klaus shrugs, "Oh, there's no need for blame, love. Just your witchy interference seems to have caused some undesirable side effects. And since you caused the problem, I'm going to have you find the fix."

We all turn to see Rebekah walking in, gripping Tyler who is pathetically trying to get out of her hold, "Get off of me!" He shouts.

Rebekah smirks, "Hush now."

Klaus gestures over to Rebekah and she walks over, standing beside me, "I'd like you all to meet my sister, Rebekah. Word of warning...She can be quite mean."

Rebekah glares at Klaus, "Don't be an arse." She throws Tyler into Klaus' arms.

Elena takes a step forward, "Leave him alone!"

I vamp speed in front of her, blocking her from stepping any further, "Don't even think about it."

She glares at me, "What the hell are you doing?!"

I smirk as I turn her to face Klaus. Klaus walks into the middle of the room and faces us all as he still has Tyler in his grip, "I'm going to make this very simple...Every time I attempt to turn a werewolf into a vampire hybrid, they die during the transition. It's quite horrible, actually." Klaus bites his wrist and shoves it into Tyler's mouth, he looks over to Bonnie, "I need you to find a way to save my hybrids, Bonnie. And for Tyler's sake...You better hurry." Klaus snaps Tyler's neck and drops him to the floor.

Elena, Matt and Bonnie all gasp in shock watching their friend get killed while Klaus, Rebekah and I all smirk at each other. All three of us go and take a seat on the bleachers at the side of the hall.

Dana and Chad are both sobbing on the floor as Matt crouches down besides Tyler, "He killed him."

"I see you still like to point out the obvious." I shout from over at the bleachers, Rebekah laughs at my comment.

Elena rolls her eyes at my comment, "He's not dead." Elena reassures Matt, "Klaus's blood will turn him into a vampire."

Klaus stands up and walks over to the group, "And if Bonnie's successful, he'll live through his transition. Go on, then. Go and fetch your grimoires and enchantments and what-not." He grabs hold of Elena, "I'll hold on to Elena...for safe-keeping."

Bonnie and Matt hurry out of the hall as Rebekah and I step towards Klaus and Elena. Rebekah sneaks up behind Elena, making her jump, "So this is the latest doppelgänger. The original one was much prettier."

Klaus sighs, "Enough, Rebekah. Take the wolf boy elsewhere, would you?"

Rebekah grabs hold of one of Tyler's arms, I walk over and grab the other and we both start to pull Tyler out of the hall.

"Where do you think you're going?" Klaus shouts over to me.

"Away from here." I bluntly respond, I am not staying in a room with Elena, no thank you.

Klaus laughs to himself, he leans in closer to Elena, "Just ignore them, they can be so stubborn when they're together."

"We heard that!" We both shout in unison as we continue to walk out.

We walk into the hallway and dump Tyler next to Caroline who is still unconscious from Rebekah snapping her neck.

Rebekah looks over to me, already bored, "Now what?"

I smile, "Now, dear Bex, I go and find us some booze. Stay here with them."

I head to Alaric's classroom and reach into the bottom drawer of his desk. He is so predictable, still having a bottle of bourbon in his drawer. I walk back to where Rebekah is, she's sat on the floor flicking through a phone, "I told you I'd find some."

I pass the bottle down to Rebekah, she takes a sip and then passes it back up to me. I look down to see Caroline starting to stir awake.

Rebekah looks over to her, "We didn't have mobile telephones in my day. Would have made life a whole lot easier, I suppose." Rebekah lifts the phone up and takes a picture of herself.

I laugh, "So vain, Bekah."

Caroline looks around confused, "Where's Tyler?"

"He's dead." Rebekah says going straight to the point.

I tilt my head and shrug, "Ish."

Caroline turns around to see Tyler laying on the floor next to her. She crawls over to him, "What did you do to him?"

"Think of it as he's having a nap." Rebekah responds, "When he wakes up, he'll be a hybrid."

Caroline puts her ear to Tyler's chest to check for a heartbeat.

Rebekah is swiping through pictures on the phone and sees a picture of Stefan and Elena, she scoffs, "Ugh. Vomit." Rebekah notices something on the picture and zooms in on it, "Is that my neck..." Rebekah stands up and storms over to Caroline, "Why is that doppelgänger bitch wearing my necklace?!" She turns to me looking furious, "Why didn't you tell me about this?"

I grab the phone off her and take a look for myself, ah yes, there's Rebekah's necklace on Elena. Man, I should really start paying attention to things more. I look up at her and shrug, "Why would I take any attention into what the doppelgänger wears around her neck?"

Rebekah huffs and starts to storm over to the gym and I follow. As we both walk in, I can hear Klaus, "I invited him to the party, love. He's the one dancing on the table."

We walk in fully to see Stefan feeding on the guy who was on the floor, Chad, was it? Rebekah storms in front of me and makes her way to Elena, "Where is it?! Where's my necklace?"

Klaus rolls his eyes, "What are you talking about?"

"She has my necklace. Look." Rebekah passes the phone over to Klaus, as she continues to glare at Elena.

Klaus looks over to me, raising his brow. I raise my hands up, "I had no idea."

"She's telling the truth." Rebekah adds.

Klaus sighs and turns to face Stefan, "Well, well. More lies."

Rebekah steps closer to Elena, " it?"

"I don't have it anymore." Elena nervously responds.

"You're lying!" Rebekah's vamp features appear, she rushes over to Elena and bites her neck.

Klaus stops her and takes her aside next to me, "Knock it off!" Elena falls to the floor.

"Make her tell me where it is, Nik!" Rebekah demands.

Klaus looks down at Elena, she has her hand on her neck. Klaus pauses for a moment, putting his hands against his lips. He crouches down to Elena, "Where's the necklace, sweetheart? Be honest."

"I'm telling the truth." Elena says as she grips onto her wound, "Katherine stole it."

Klaus closes his eyes for a moment and smiles to himself, "Katerina. Of course." He stands up fully and shrugs, "Well, that's unfortunate. If we had the necklace it would make things a whole lot easier for your witch, but since we're doing this the hard way, let's put a clock on it, shall we?" Klaus walks over to a desk, knocking over some cups on the floor as he does so. Klaus hits a button and 20 minutes show up on the scoreboard causing a buzzer sound to go off.

Klaus walks over to Stefan, "Twenty minutes. If Bonnie hasn't found a solution by then, I want you to feed again. Only this time, I want you to feed on Elena. You know you want to."

"No, Klaus! Don't do this to him!" Elena looks at him in horror. She looks over to me, panicking, "Lola, please. He's compelled Stefan, you need to stop him!"

That bastard. Before I can say anything, Klaus grabs hold of my arm and starts to drag me out of the gym, "No one leaves. If she tries to run, fracture her spine." Rebekah follows us out.

I try to break free but its no use, "Nik, let go of me!"

He ignores me. Klaus stops walking, still gripping hold of me. He looks over to Rebekah, "Go and check on the wolf would you, sister?" Rebekah nods and walks back in the direction where we were with Tyler and Caroline.

"What did you do?" I push Klaus off me and hit him against his chest, "Huh, what did you do?!"

Klaus sighs, "Will you please calm down?"

I push him again, "Tell me what you've done!"

Klaus shrugs, "Elena just told you." He says sarcastically.

"I want to hear you say it." I snap.

"Okay fine." Klaus gives in, "I compelled your brother to do exactly as I say, if anything I've done him a favour. All this brooding has been destroying what he truly is." I don't even know how to respond to him, I just shake my head in disbelief and look away from him. He steps closer to me, and cups my cheek, "Come on, love. It's just temperamental, once this is all sorted I'll release him from the compulsion."

I look up at him, I can't tell if he's actually being truthful in that or not, "You promise?" Klaus looks down at me, saying nothing but smiles and nods. God dammit, that smile, I literally can't help but smile back. I laugh at him and wrap my arms around his neck as his arms wrap around my waist, "Are we almost done? I just want to--"

Klaus interrupts me by putting his hand across my mouth and pushing me against the wall. I look up at him confused when he gestures to my ear, telling me to listen.

That's when I hear Matt talking, "From the witch that put the hybrid curse on Klaus. She said that Elena shouldn't have survived Klaus' ritual. The hybrids can't transition because Elena's still alive."

Bonnie voice comes into play, "Tyler..."

"He's going to die, isn't he?"

Klaus and I both walk over to them, Klaus leans against a wall, "I wouldn't be too sure about that." Klaus smirks as they both turn to face us, "Given the choice, doppelgänger or a hybrid, I go hybrid every time." Klaus looks at me and puts his arm around me, "Once this is done, then we can leave. Would you go and see what my darling sister is up to? I'll deal with Elena."

Klaus smirks at Bonnie and Matt then vamp speeds away. My smile leaves, I look at them both with a straight face, "You both need to get out of here."

"So, you're back with Klaus?" Matt asks.

What's it got to do with him? I laugh slightly as I pat him on the cheek, "Matt, I am flattered but I really only date older guys. Now if you'll excuse me." I vamp speed back to the classroom where Rebekah is with Tyler and Caroline.

I walk in to see Tyler, awake and freaking out, "Ah good, he's awake."

"Has Nik killed the doppelgänger yet?" Rebekah asks eager.

I shake my head, "No, but he's figured out what needs to happen."

"What is it?" Rebekah asks.

I smirk at her, "You'll see."

The daggers Caroline is giving me right now, I'd be like Elijah if they were real. "Is this funny to you?" She snaps at me.

I shrug, "Look, Caroline. I really like you but this isn't personal. I just want all of this to be resolved, I've had to put up with this all summer."

Klaus walks into the classroom, "Well, the verdict's in. The original witch says the doppelgänger should be dead."

Rebekah stands up straight, getting excited, "Does that mean we can kill her?"

"No, I'm fairly certain it means the opposite." Klaus responds.

Rebekah looks annoyed, "What?!" She puts her arms around Caroline from behind and pulls her away from Tyler.

Klaus smirks over to me, "Call it a hunch..." He reveals a test tube, containing blood, he holds it in front of Tyler, "Elena's blood. Drink it."

Caroline tries to break free out of Rebekah's hold, "No! No, no, no, Tyler, don't!"

"If he doesn't feed, he'll die anyway, love. Consider this an experiment." He moves the tube closer to Tyler, "It's okay."

Tyler hesitates at first but he takes the tube and drinks Elena's blood. Klaus smiles, "There we go. Good boy."

Tyler coughs, rolls over the desk, and falls to the floor, screaming, groaning and writhing. Caroline continues to try and break out of Rebekah's hold. Tyler holds his head and screams and his face finally changes. His eyes are yellow, he has fangs and veins under his eyes.

Klaus smiles down at him, "Well, that's a good sign."

I leave the classroom and let Klaus buzz over his first successful hybrid. That's when I see Stefan walking down the hallway, looking rather smug, "You seem chipper."

Stefan shrugs, "You can thank your boyfriend that for that."

He starts to walk away but I grab his arm to stop him, "What are you talking about?"

Stefan smiles down at me, but not his usual smile. His cocky smile, "In his own words, 'he fixed me'. See you at home." Stefan pulls out of my hold and walks off looking happy with himself.

I stand there in shock for a second, hoping that he is lying. I jump out of my daze when Klaus puts his hand on my shoulder, "You okay?"

I don't turn to face him just yet, "Did you compel Stefan to turn it off?" There's no response, he removes his hand from my shoulder. I turn to face him, he doesn't even need to answer me, his face says it all. I bite my lip to stop myself from saying anything stupid, I shake my head and turn to walk away, "Right."

Klaus grabs my arm, "Lola, wait."

I look up at him as my eyes start to tear up, "You are unbelievable." I snatch my arm out of his hold and vamp speed out of the school.



Klaus and Rebekah in front of the hospital, Rebekah sitting on the hood of some car while Klaus is pacing around, waiting for Elena's blood to be done.

"So the doppelgänger isn't the problem. Her blood is the solution." Rebekah sums up the night.

Klaus nods, "Seems so."

"How did you know?"

"Well, you know how much the original witch hated me." Klaus starts, "Do you honestly think I would do anything other than the opposite of what she says?"

Rebekah turns to face her brother and smiles as Klaus turns away, "A thousand years in the grave and she's still screwing with you."

Klaus faces Rebekah, "Well, it makes sense if you think about it from her perspective. It was her fail-safe in case I ever broke the hybrid curse. The doppelgänger had to die in order for me to become a hybrid, but if she was dead..."

"Then you couldn't use her blood to sire yourself a new species." Rebekah finishes.

Klaus looks down and smiles sadly, "Leaving me alone for all time."

"Is that what this is about?" Rebekah asks, "Your obsession with hybrids? You just don't want to be alone? You've got me and Lola back now. Lola will get over you shutting Stefan's humanity off in no time."

Klaus sighs, "What I want is to take my girl, take my hybrid and my doppelgänger and get the hell out of this one pony town." Klaus turns away from her for a moment, but then looks back at her again, "You know, why don't you, uh, why don't you get the truck? I'll get Elena."

Rebekah slides off the car she is sat on and walks away towards the truck.

Klaus smirks, "Well, look who finally decided to show up to the party." He turns to see Damon walk towards him.

"Where is she?" Damon demands.

"Elena?" Klaus asks casually, "Ah, she's making a donation to a greater cause."

Damon goes toward the hospital but Klaus stops him, "I'm afraid I can't let you interfere, mate."

Damon glares at him, "Then you'll have to kill me."

Klaus smirks, "Oh, I would love to kill you, but I made a pledge to your sister and brother. But unlike your brother, I keep my word. Although, you know what, thinking about it now, he probably doesn't care that much anymore and I'm sure Lola would forgive me eventually."

Klaus pushes Damon against the hood of a car and arches his arm back, about to plunge it into Damon's chest, "Don't you want to know about your friend Mikael?" Damon blurts out.

Klaus freezes and looks down at Damon in shock, "What do you know about Mikael?"

"Just that he knows you're here." Damon taunts.

Klaus glares down at him, "You're bluffing."

"Katherine and I found him." Damon states, "Consider it our leverage."

Klaus throws him against another car, and Damon falls on the ground. When Damon gets up, Klaus has disappeared.



It feels weird being back home after months of being on the road, I've actually missed being here. Stepping back into the house, it hits me, I've missed my brothers. I know I've been with Stefan all summer, but not the real Stefan, just this robotic version of him. But, I already know Damon is going to hate me and probably kick me out when he gets back here. So I may as well enjoy being here for a little longer.

I got straight up into my bedroom and nothing has moved, everything is still exactly how I left it. I strip out of my clothes and get in a hot bubble bath with, yes you guessed it, my classic I feel like shit, red wine and blood mixture.

I'm so mad at Klaus right now, how dare he force Stefan to turn his humanity off. It's such a huge thing for a vampire to do when they do it themselves, it's even worse when someone forces you to do it.

Another thing I've realised being back home, everything with Klaus is just going too quick. I never given much thought to how it would ruin my relationship with my brothers. I've been too busy getting wrapped up with all things Klaus and it doesn't happen often but I'm starting to feel guilty. But, my feelings are genuine, and this is what it was always like with us. Nothing else mattered when we were together, but back then I wasn't speaking to my brothers. This time round I'd like to be at least on speaking terms with them.

I can't leave town with Klaus, not just yet anyway. After everything with Stefan, it would look wrong for me to just leave and expect Damon to pick up all the pieces. I mean don't get me wrong, I don't mind Stefan with no humanity, he's more fun. But I know it's not what he wanted and he will hate himself for it.

Worst thing to happen to someone is when you run out of wine while you're still in the bath, ugh. I eventually get out of the bath and change into some pjs. I walk over to my nightstand to pour myself another glass.

"I see you still favour your classic wine and blood mix." Klaus speaks, making me jump.

Note to self: Lock balcony doors in future.

I put my glass down and turn to face him, "What are you doing here?"

Klaus looks around the room, "Well, I was coming to get you so we could get away." He looks me up and down, noticing my current attire, "But, I can see you're not really dressed for the occasion."

I glance away as I sigh, I look back over to him, "I'm not coming with you."

Klaus looks hurt at my words. He pauses for a moment but then starts to walk towards me, "Look, I know you're angry about what I done to Stefan, but--"

"Yeah, damn right I'm angry!" I interrupt him, "How could you force someone to turn it off?"

Klaus sighs, "You and I both know he would have turned it all off eventually with the way he was going."

"Yeah but it would have been on his terms." I argue.

Klaus smirks as he walks up to me, closing the gap, he places his hands on my arms, "Come on, love. You know you can't stay mad at me for long..."

He leans in to my neck but I move away from him, "No, I'm serious, Nik. I just need you to leave."

Klaus' expression turns serious, "If you don't want to leave with me, that's fine. But I do need you to leave this town."

I look up at him confused, "What are you talking about?"

Klaus hesitates for a second, "Damon knows about Mikael."

My eyes widen in shock and I start to panic, "Wha--"

"He and Katerina found him." Klaus continues before letting me finish, "They're using him as leverage. I don't know if it's true but this is why I need you to leave." He cups my face, his eyes start to fill as a shaky breath falls from his lips, "I don't want him anywhere near you. I can't have him anywhere near you...not again."

I move his hands from my face as I wrap my arms around his neck, "Hey, look at me. Look, I'm okay. He's not going to hurt me again." Klaus goes to argue back but I stop him by placing my lips onto his. I break away from the kiss and look him in the eyes, "I'll be fine. I'll figure out if Damon is telling the truth or not, and if he is telling the truth, I'll leave."

"Tell me when you do, then you can come and find me." Klaus says.

I shrug, "Well you've done so well in finding me lately. I'll leave that up to you." I lean towards him, our lips practically touching, "I'll give you a hint, I'll be exactly where you found me watching someone paint."

Klaus smiles, "Does this mean I'm forgiven?"

I pull away and look at him with a raised eyebrow, "No, it does not mean I have forgiven you about Stefan. Let's just say, you have passed stage one of my forgiveness."

Klaus now raises his eyebrow at me, "How many stages are there?"

I purse my lips as I pretend to think, "Hm, I'm not sure yet." Klaus laughs as he pulls me in for a hug, "Just don't be worrying about me, okay?" I say as we pull away from the hug, "You're 'The Klaus Mikaelson', you shouldn't be getting worried about anyone."

Klaus smiles down at me as he removes a piece of hair from my face, "I'm not Klaus Mikaelson without you."

"Okay, that was stage two." I say as I caress his cheek and pull him in for a kiss, our kiss begins to deepen but before it can go any further, I can hear Damon arrive home downstairs. I pull away and walk Klaus to the balcony, "Just go and do what you need to do." I whisper, "Then I'll either see you back here, or I'll see you at our spot."

Klaus nods, he lifts my hand up to his lips and kisses it and in an instant, he's gone.

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