Chapter 28

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Smells Like Teen Spirit


Ugh, I have missed this bed. I may never leave the bed again. I wouldn't be involved in any drama if I just stay in bed.

Buuuut, I spoke too soon. I have my back to my door but that doesn't stop me from hearing the door creep open. I just know it's Damon, that guy really needs to learn to be more sneaky. It's a good thing I've got good reflexes even though I've only just woken up, as just as Damon shoots a wooden stake at me, I jump out of bed dodging the stake and it going into the wall.

I purse my lips as I look down at the stake and then look up at Damon who is looking pissed. I flash a sarcastic smile, "I've missed you too, big bro." I rip the stake out of the wall and throw it at him, stabbing him in his shoulder.

Damon groans in pain and yanks it out of his shoulder, he drops it to the floor before grabbing yet another stake out of his back jean pocket. He vamp speeds over to me but I twist him around and pin him against the wall with his arm behind his back. I squeeze his arm making him drop the stake onto the floor.

Damon goes to pick the stake up from the floor but I beat him to it and grab it for myself, I put it behind my back and start to laugh, "You know you can't win against me."

Damon glares at me, his vamp features appear as he pushes me against the wall and grabs hold of my neck. I laugh in his hold, but then push him away, "Okay, we can fight." Damon walks away and I start playing with the stake, "But, you'll get tired before I do...and then I'll get bored."

Damon turns to face me, hatred all over his face as he smiles smugly, "Where's your boyfriend? Did he get tired of you already so left you here on your own?"

I laugh as I walk back over to my bed and jump onto it, sitting up and crossing my legs looking up at him, "I don't have a boyfriend. But if you mean Klaus, he didn't leave me, I chose to stay here."

Damon frowns, "Why?"

I sigh, "Because, I know you hate me right now. But I thought it was about time we reunited, don't you think, brother?"

Damon rolls his eyes, "You almost killed Elena last night, you don't deserve to have a brotherly reunion."

I tilt my head as I click my tongue, "Actually, you're getting us siblings mixed up. I mean I know I kinda look like the female Stefan especially now that my hair is lighter, but come on, Damon. My hair isn't as good as his. It was Stefan who almost killed Elena." I raise my hands up, "I didn't touch her."

Damon scoffs, "You were still a part of it. One summer with the hybrid freak and you're back to being an original groupie already?"

"Stop being so stubborn, Damon." I groan, he starts to walk away but I vamp speed in front of him, blocking the door, "Hear me out, I know last night was a bit over dramatic and that it was wrong that Elena almost got killed. But if you think about it, it actually turned out perfectly."

Damon looks down at me confused and angry, "How the hell did this turn out perfectly? Stefan is a no humanity robot who is now a puppet for Klaus!"

I shrug, "You've been wanting him to turn it off since you got here." Damon tries to walk past me to walk out but I block him again and raise my hands in surrender, "Okay, okay. I agree that Klaus forcing Stefan to turn it off was wrong, of course I think that! But, what I meant was that Elena gets to live! All she has to do is donate some of her blood now and then to Klaus so he can continue creating a new species. Think of it as those blood donations humans do, it doesn't have to come with a life risk if she doesn't fight it. I don't see what the big deal is."

Damon rolls his eyes as he pushes me out the way, "Of course you don't." He storms out of my room, slamming the door on his way out.

Okay so the harsh love didn't work, time for plan B.


Damon goes downstairs. There are two dead girls on the floor at the foot of the stairs. He walks over them and enters the living room and Stefan is there with a few girls. They're playing Twister and there's blood on the Twister mat.

"Uh-oh. Alexandra." Stefan sings, "Left hand, please." Alexandra walks over to him, holding her hand out, Stefan takes her wrist and bites into it.

"Hey, the two brunettes on the staircase owe me a Persian rug." Damon says making his presence known.

Stefan releases Alexandra's wrist and looks over to Damon, "You mean, they owe us a Persian rug? It's my house, too, brother." He grabs the twister board and holds it up, "Ooh! Would you like a spin?"

"So this is what Klaus had in mind when he compelled you to protect Elena?" Damon says as he walks over to Stefan.

Stefan lifts his hands up, "These ladies are helping me be all that I can be."

Suddenly there's a knock at the door. Stefan looks up at Damon basically saying you go and answer it, which he does. When Damon opens the door, Rebekah comes marching in carrying shopping bags, "Where's Lola and Stefan?"

Damon, looking confused, watches her walking in, "Who the hell are you?"

Rebekah walks towards Stefan, "He left me here. My brother actually left me here."

Stefan looks at her, uninterested, "Oh, I'm sorry. Your tone implies that I'm actually supposed to care."

Damon walks back into the living room, "You're Klaus' sister?"

Rebekah turns her head to face Damon, "Rebekah. Pleasure, I'm sure." She turns to face Stefan, "Which one's my room?"

Stefan laughs as he shakes his head, "You're not staying here."

Rebekah then looks at Damon but he doesn't say anything, "Rude." Rebekah faces Stefan, "Both of you. I know Lola will let me stay, considering I'm her best friend." Rebekah says proudly as she walks out of the living room and heads upstairs.

Damon rolls his eyes, "Of course you are."

Stefan shrugs, "So I guess she's staying here."

Damon flashes a sarcastic smile and then walks out of the living room.


So I snook into Damon's room and stole an outfit, the classic Damon Salvatore outfit, black jeans, black shirt, leather jacket...the whole shabam. This is what I need for my plan, so I start getting dressed in them when I hear a familiar voice shouting, "Lola! Lola! There's so many bloody rooms in this house, which one are you in?!" It's Rebekah.

I peek my head through my door, smiling at her, "Hey, Bex. What are you doing here?"

She huffs as she walks down the corridor to my room and walks in, "Nik left you here too?"

I shrug as I walk in and walk back over to the mirror, checking myself out in Damon's clothes, "No, I decided to stay here."

Rebekah dumps all of her shopping bags onto my bed and jumps onto it looking over to me disgusted, "Why are you dressed like a man?"

I turn to face her and laugh, "It's part two of my plan to be back on speaking terms with Damon."

Rebekah opens her mouth to reply, "What are you--" She shakes her head, "You know what, never mind."

I jump onto the bed next to her, "So Nik left you, huh?"

She rolls her eyes as she starts looking through her mountain of shopping bags, "Yes, the little bastard. But at least you're here, I'm staying here by the way. Your brothers didn't exactly say yes but I knew you would agree."

I smile as I nod, "The bedroom next to me is spare, stay in that one."

Rebekah smiles back, "Thank you." She clears her throat and looks at me with a serious look, "So what happened between you and Niklaus? I'm guessing with you not being with him, you're still mad at him?"

I frown, "Rebekah, please don't take his side on this. He shut off my brother's humanity, the same exact brother who cannot deal with his ripper tendencies. Once the switch is back on, he is going to hate himself even more than he already did."

Rebekah looks at me confused, "I thought you didn't mind Stefan with no humanity?"

I shrug, "I didn't...but that was before I seen what he was like before all this. I don't like Elena but when she was around him, it was like he was my baby brother again back when we were humans, little sweet Stefan was back." I roll my eyes as I stand up from the bed and my tone becomes more angry, "And in comes Nik being the selfish, arrogant piece of shit that he always is and because Stefan didn't do what he wanted, Nik turned my brother into an emotionless robot to make himself feel better."

"Want me to kick his arse?" Rebekah simply asks.

I turn to face her, frowning with confusion, "Who's ass?"

"My brother's." She replies, "I'll go find him and torture him."

Rebekah's face looks dead ass serious, I laugh, "No, you're not hurting him. No one is hurting Nik." I demand.

Rebekah sighs, "I want love like that."

Here we go, I roll my eyes, "What kind of love?"

"The love that you and Nik have, the love that can get through anything, the love that is toxic but is also pure." Rebekah states, "The way you two have been looking at each other when we were in Chicago and even back in New Orleans, you can just tell you two are meant to be. You're good for him, Lola. You didn't see him as the beast everyone claimed he was, you seen him for who he truly was."

I raise my brow as I step towards her, "You do realise that mine and Nik's love comes with more pain than love lately, right? Need I remind you of what I told you what happened in the fifties."

Rebekah shakes her head, "No, it's filled with more pain because you both try to fight it. You try to fight the love that you have for each other because you are both afraid that it will hurt each other again and you two drive each other crazy because you repeat this crazy cycle over and over again."

"Who are you, Oprah?" I retort, "You're being ridiculous."

Rebekah stands, "Lola, what did Nik say to you that day in the park when you finally allowed him to take you out just the two of you?"

I flatten my lips, annoyed because I know where she's going with this. I sigh as I look at her, "He said...'he was your first love, I intend to be your last.'"

Rebekah smiles, "However long it takes." She finishes it.

I roll my eyes as I smile and playfully hit her arm, "So is there another reason why you're here? Or are you just here to give me relationship advice?"

Rebekah looks awkward, "How has Elijah been?"

I sigh as I take a seat on the bed, "Okay, I think, up until a few months ago. I hadn't seen him for a few years and then all of this doppelgรคnger bullshit started and here he was again."

Rebekah sits down besides me, "You know, you didn't just see the good in Nik, you seen it in Elijah as well. I've always been rather jealous of your relationship with him."

"Don't start all of this again, Rebekah." I groan, "I used to get enough of it off Nik."

"Look, I know you say that Kol and I are your best friends and I know we are..." She leans in closer, "I also know that you favour me over Kol." She whispers making me laugh, "But, my point is that you and Elijah have this bond between the two of you that I've never seen before. It's like you're soulmates..."

I interrupt her by laughing as I stand up, "No, no, no, no!" I turn to face her, "Do not even go there, Bekah. You know Elijah and I don't see each other that way and we never have."

"I know you haven't, I didn't mean soulmates in a romantic way. Simply platonic, you both needed each other. You and I both know that Elijah isn't one to express how he feels but once you came to be a part of our family he opened up to you. You know things that none of us Mikaelsons know, you got to see what he keeps behind that bloody red door in his mind. You even proved me being right when you told me that Nik erased all your memories of us and yet you were still there for Elijah even though you couldn't remember him."

It was true. In 1942 I was in New York in a bar when Elijah found me. I couldn't remember him because of Nik compelling me to forget the Mikaelsons but Elijah sat and spoke to me for a little over 4 hours that night. I remember thinking it was so strange that a random stranger saw comfort in speaking to a fellow stranger. But there was also a part of me that night that felt like I knew him...which I did.

I look down at her sitting on my bed and smile at her, "I hate it when you do this."

Rebekah smirks, "You only hate it because you know I'm right."

I roll my eyes, but a little laugh still falls from my lips, "So are you just going to stay in my room all day giving me advice and taking trips down Memory Lane about my history with your brothers?"

"No." Rebekah picks her bags up, "I'm going to school."

I burst out laughing, "School?" I repeat, then I burst out laughing once more, even a little snort comes out. I look at Rebekah who doesn't look as amused as me, I calm myself down, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry." Rebekah begins to walk away but I laugh and speak again, "Wait, hold on, you're going to school? A thousand year old, original vampire, wants to go to school?"

Rebekah looks at me, still with the same unamused look, "Are you done making fun of me now?" I clear my throat to stop myself from laughing as I nod. Rebekah nods, "Good." She walks out of my bedroom and goes into the spare room next door.


In some graveyard in Charlotte, Katherine is dangling a live mouse by its tail above Mikael's desiccated corpse, who is still asleep, "Come on, Mikael, breakfast." Katherine's phone begins to ring, "Mm, yummy. Mikael, wake up!" Katherine shouts, fed up. She gives in and answers her phone, "What?"

"What? What do you mean, "what"? I've been calling you for two days." Damon says pissed through the phone as he paces in his bathroom.

"Odd, that's exactly how long I've been ignoring you." Katherine replies sarcastically as she continues to dangle the mouse above Mikael

"Jeremy Gilbert told me that you found Mikael." Damon says as he walks into the bedroom.

"Sort of. He's a little bit out of commission. He won't eat." Katherine tosses the mouse onto Mikael's chest and she stands up straight, "And I've tried everything...Gravediggers, mourners, mice, rats, bats. He's just not interested."

"Well, try harder." Damon demands, "We need him to kill Klaus so I can de-rippefy Stefan before he destroys my house and so I can make sure Lola isn't getting involved in any original vampire crap again."

Katherine looks out of the crypt door window and sees a man visiting a grave in the distance, "Fine. I'll give it another shot." She hangs up.

Damon sits on his bed and dials Elena's number and she answers, "Hey. Are you checking up on me? Because I'm fine."

"Yeah. So...You might not want to come here for a while." Damon says awkwardly, "We have a new housemate. Barbie Klaus."

"Rebekah?" Elena asks, shocked, "She's living with you now? Why?"

"She's stranded." Damon answers, "Apparently Klaus left her in the dust after I name-dropped Mikael. Here's a shocker for you, she's best friends with Lola." Damon rolls his eyes, "Would never have predicted that Lola knew her too." He says sarcastically.

"How are things with you and Lola?" Elena pries.

Damon pauses for a moment, "Well, let's just say we aren't braiding each other's hair and swapping secrets again just yet."

"What about Stefan?" Elena asks, "What's he up to?"

"Oh, you know Stefan. Journaling, reading, shaping his hair." Damon lies.

Elena sighs, "Come on, Damon. I can handle it. What?"

"Is that the bell? Oh...Ring! Ring! Don't want to be late!" Damon hangs up the phone and goes back downstairs.


Once Rebekah and Stefan left for school, I started my new plan. I checked in Damon's bedroom and he wasn't there, perfect. One thing Rebekah didn't notice was the 40 odd giant balloons I had hidden in my bathroom.

I quietly vamp speed them all into Damon's bedroom and place them around the room and even place a 4 tier birthday cake for him. I grab my speaker and place it into Damon's bedroom and start playing a song obnoxiously loud then I go and hide in his bathroom.

Damon soon walks in, he looks around at the balloons confused and observes the cake. Damon takes a bit of frosting off the cake and eats it which is when I jump out of the bathroom dressed as him.

He turns to look at me, confused as I place my hands on my hips, "What the hell are you doing?" He shouts over the music.

I start to dance towards him, "Happy Birthday!!!!"

Damon shakes his head, "It's not my birthday."

I ignore him as I start to dance around him in a circle, "Dance with me!"

Damon isn't looking impressed, "Turn the music off."

I ignore him once more as I stand in front of him, dancing on the spot with my hands on my hips, "Dance with meeeeee..."

Damon finally notices that I'm wearing his clothes, he looks at the clothes confused, "What are you doing?"

I grab his hand and start dancing around the room with him. We stop and I step back a little, "Okay, lift me, lift me..."

"I'm not going to lift you."

I look at him, serious, "Lift me..." I run up to him and jump up at him, Damon catches me but then throws me onto his bed.

I look up at him shocked while he looks down at me annoyed, "Turn this music off!"

I roll my eyes as I get off the bed and switch the speaker off, I turn to face him, "I just wanted to do something nice for your birthday!"

Damon looks at me unimpressed, "My birthday was months ago now...which you missed...because you were off doing god knows what."

I smile playfully at him, "You're not still mad about that, are you?" Okay so the glare I am getting off him clearly shows he is still mad, "Come on, Damon. Look, I'm sorry, okay? I'm sorry that I left with Klaus, sorry that I never returned your voicemails, sorry that I didn't leave with you in those woods and I'm sorry about what happened with Elena last night."

Damon doesn't respond, so I pout my lips and give him the puppy dog eye look which makes him crack. He sighs, "I hate that I can't stay mad at you."

I pull him in for a hug, "I really am sorry. I've missed you, Damon."

Damon pulls away from the hug and smiles down at me but then messes up my hair, "I've missed you too, baby sis." He smiles leaves and looks at me annoyed, "Now put some of your own clothes on and get out of mine then we can catch up."

I roll my eyes and huff, "Fine." I walk into my room and get dressed into my own clothes and then go back to catch up with Damon.

"Better?" I ask as I walk back into his room.

He nods as he gives me a glass of bourbon and I take a seat on his bed, "So what have I missed in the exciting town that is Mystic Falls?"

Damon proceeds to tell me about the drama with Caroline and her father, how Elena is trying to turn him into another Saint Stefan and also how he killed Alaric.

"You killed Alaric?!" I shout at him.

"Out of everything I just told you, that is what you're annoyed about?" Damon scoffs.

"Well the Forbes family have always been assholes over the decades so that didn't surprise me. Elena trying to change you doesn't surprise me because...well it's Elena." I shrug, Damon rolls his eyes, "So yeah that's what I'm annoyed about, he's your best friend why would you do that?"

"Everyone in this town just kept trying to change me and I was pissed off."

I roll my eyes, "I'm guessing he's still mad at you then?" Damon nods, "I can't blame him to be honest but you both have this weird friendship bond so don't worry, I'm sure you'll be back to being alcoholics together again in no time."

Damon laughs a little, "Wanna tell me about your summer then?"

I purse my lips and look awkward, "Not really, no."

"Well I would like to think you told Klaus where to stick it if he tried flirting with you." I bite my lip and look down but when I look back up Damon's smile falls off his face and he looks at me with a raised brow, "Lola, what aren't you telling me?"

My eyes widen knowing what he's getting at, but I look away trying to play it cool, "I don't know what you're talking about."

I stand up to walk out the room, "Charlotte Amelia Salvatore!" Damon shouts making me stop walking but I don't turn my back to face him. I can hear him stepping closer to me, "Please tell me what I'm thinking isn't true."

I turn to face him and act dumb, "What are you thinking?"

Damon glares at me, "Don't do that."

I continue playing dumb, "Do what?" I ask casually as I start to walk around his bedroom and take a bit of frosting off the cake.

"Don't play dumb with me, it won't work. It didn't work when we were kids and you stole my toy horse but blamed George Lockwood."

I frown and open my mouth in shock, "It was him!"

Damon looks at me with a 'really' expression on his face as he crosses his arms. I groan as I give in, "Ugh, I'm never going to hear the end of that stupid wooden horse! You would never let me play with it so I threw it in the quarry. There! You happy?"

Damon points at me, "Ha! I knew I would get you to admit it eventually!"

"Feel better now?" I ask sarcastically looking at him annoyed.

"I will be when you tell me what I hope is true." Damon steps closer to me, with his serious big brother look plastered all over his face, "And what I hope is that you didn't let Klaus speak to you one on one or look at you or even touch you."

I look up to the ceiling, pretending to think, "Define touch..."

Damon groans and looks at me disgusted, "Oh, Lo, you didn't."

I walk away from him, "Okay can we stop talking about this please?" I turn to face him and cross my arms against my chest, "This is grossing me out."

Damon nods awkwardly, "Trust me, it's grossing me out as well."

I clear my throat, "So what are we going to do about our brother?"

"You going to help us turn him back to Saint Stefan?" Damon says smirking mischievously at me.

I nod, "Just tell me what I need to do."



Elena is lifting weights on an incline bench in Alaric's apartment when Damon walks in. He smirks over to her, "What? Are you going to bench press a vampire?"

"Do you actually know what's happening right now?" Elena asks as she bench presses, "Stefan called me a human blood bag. He's a completely different person." Damon walks over and presses down on the bar Elena is lifting with one hand. Elena tries to push it up but fails, "What are you doing?"

"Helping you out." Damon replies casually.

"Damon!" Elena shouts as she continues to struggle.

"Come on, Buffy!" Damon taunts.

"Stop it!" Elena gives in and let's go of the bar and starts panting.

The bar remains mid-air held by Damon, who places it back on the rack. Damon smirks to himself and walks away from the bench.

"Like two obnoxious Salvatore's isn't bad enough, we don't need a third." Elena says annoyed as she sits up straight.

"You called. I'm here." Damon says, he turns to face Elena as he holds a wooden stake and stabs the air, "What's your plan, oh warrior princess?"

"I want to lock Stefan up, at least until this Mikael guy comes, kills Klaus, and the compulsion breaks." Elena says.

Damon shrugs, "Compulsion or not, Stefan's high on human blood, okay? A lot of it."

Elena sighs, "You've gotten him off of it before."

"This is different. It's not a stint in rehab, Elena. His humanity's gone. Light's out." Damon points out, he puts the wooden stake back onto the table, "No one's home."

"Then do it for me, Damon. Every single time I look at him, I feel like I'm going to break." Elena stands up and walks towards Damon, "And I'm not going to give him that satisfaction." Elena turns to walk away but Damon takes her hand and puts it on his chest, Elena looks at him confused, "What are you doing?"

"Feel that? That's the sternum. Solid plate of bone." Damon spins Elena around so she's in front with her back to his chest. Damon puts his fingers on the side of Elena's body, "Right here, just below the ribcage, next to the spine, that's your way to a vampire's heart." He removes his fingers, "I'll do whatever it is you need me to do, Elena." Elena turns to face him, "No one going to hurt you. Especially not my brother."

Elena smiles softly, "Thank you."

Damon clears his throat, "Lola said she will help us however she can too."

Elena frowns, "You're trusting her?"

"She's my sister, Elena, of course I trust her." Damon defends, "We both want the same thing, Stefan to turn it back on." Damon grits his teeth, "Although, the only thing I don't trust her on is our plot to destroy Klaus so let's not speak about that when she is close by."

"Why?" Elena asks confused, "Lola hated him before she went with him over the summer."

Damon shrugs and starts to look awkward, "Well, let's just say she and the hybrid freak got a little too close over the summer...if you know what I mean."

Elena looks at Damon confused, but then her eyes widen when she comes to the realisation of what Damon means, "Oh my god."

Damon nods awkwardly but then shrugs it off, "Lola has also apologised about everything that has happened lately and apologies don't come from her lightly. She wants to help our brother and that's what we're going to do."



When I said to Damon that I would do whatever I could to help getting Stefan's humanity back on, I didn't expect to be back at the high school. You'd think I went here as well with the amount of times I've been here lately.

We're all in Alaric's classroom, plotting on how we are going to get Stefan. Damon and I are both sat on a bookcase.

"I'll lure Stefan away from the bonfire." Elena begins the plan, "Then when he's distracted..." She looks over to Alaric to continue.

"I'll shoot him." Alaric finishes.

"Can't Bonnie just ju-ju him or something?" Damon interjects.

Elena shakes her head, "I'm trying to keep Bonnie out of this. I don't trust that Stefan won't hurt her." She looks over to Caroline, "Caroline, are you covered?"

"Yes!" Caroline says eagerly, "I will make sure that the old Forbes jail cell is prepped and ready."

"We're forgetting a key player here." Damon pipes up once more, "Rebekah? Wherever Stefan goes, the blonde ponytail tends to follow." Damon gestures to me, "...unless she's with this one."

I glare at him and elbow him in the stomach, "I have a name, asshole."

"Which is why it's both of your job to keep her away." Elena says to both of us. Oh boy, Rebekah won't be best pleased I'm in on this.

"How?! She's an Original. Last time I checked, we're out of daggers." Damon argues.

Elena shrugs, "So then preoccupy her with your charm."

Alaric scoffs, "Might have better luck finding the dagger."

It's Damon's turn to now elbow me in the stomach to stop me from laughing at Ric's remark. He looks over to Ric, "Are you ever not going to be mad at me, Ric?"

"Doubtful." Alaric snaps back.

Tyler walks in the classroom, "Sorry I'm late. What's going on?"

"We need you to raid your mom's vervain supply." Elena starts, "Enough to keep Stefan down for a while."

Tyler shakes his head, "You can't do that to Stefan."

Caroline frowns at Tyler, "Why not?"

"Trust me, Tyler, it's in his best interest." Elena assures.

"Yeah." Caroline adds.

"It's not in Klaus'." Tyler says dead ass serious as he tilts his head.

No, this can't be right...can it? Is what I'm thinking true? I nudge Damon and gesture to Tyler to make him think.

"But Klaus is the bad guy, Tyler." Caroline says. Okay, I'm just gonna pretend I didn't hear that. Caroline starts to look even more annoyed, "You know, why are you acting like some freaky, hybrid, slave minion."

Yep, that clicked it for me. I stand up, "Uh-oh." Damon stands up also and looks suspiciously at Tyler.

Alaric turns to look at us, "What?"

"Klaus made me who I am, Caroline." Tyler defends, "I owe him everything."

"Oh, boy." Damon mumbles.

Caroline turns to face us both, "Okay, can we cool it on the commentary, please?" She snaps.

Elena looks at everyone confused, "What is going on?"

Damon takes a vervain dart off the teacher's desk.

Tyler raises his hands, "I'm just gonna go."

Tyler turns around and starts walking to the door. Damon rushes over behind him and injects him with the vervain dart. Tyler collapses.

Caroline pushes past Damon to check on Tyler, "What are you doing?!"

"He's been sired." I announce.

Alaric looks even more confused than before, "What?"

"Sired." Damon repeats, "He feels loyal to Klaus because Klaus' blood created him."

"Loyal how?" Elena questions.

Damon glances down at Tyler's body, "He'll seek acceptance from his master."

"I haven't seen this in a long time." I pipe up, "It's really rare."

Damon shrugs, "But maybe not so much in hybrids."

Caroline looks up at us all, "So how do I fix him?"

Damon flashes a cocky smile at Caroline, "Get a new boyfriend."

Damon and I get to the bonfire and look around for Rebekah. Rebekah is too smart for this little game to go ahead.

"This isn't going to work, you know." I say bluntly to Damon.

Damon shrugs, "Have a little faith, sister."

I roll my eyes as we continue to walk through the crowd of people. We spot Rebekah sitting near the bonfire, holding a stick, roasting marshmallows.

Damon sits beside Rebekah, she glances over to him, "What? No friends your own age?"

Damon scoffs, "Like you can talk."

I walk up behind them and hit Damon on the back of his head, "Excuse me, I'm her friend." I walk around to be in front of them, "Considering Ric hates you, I'm your only friend too."

Rebekah smiles up at me, "What are you doing here?"

I open my mouth to think of something. I turn to see a guy walking past holding a beer, I snatch it off him and then look down at Rebekah and smile, "Free beer." I down the cup of beer but turn away from them to hide my disgusted look at the taste of this cheap beer then take a seat on a bench next to them.

Rebekah brings the burning marshmallow to her mouth and blows it out, it's burnt, "Is this supposed to be fun? I've been through 10 of these."

"No, you're just looking at it all wrong. This is a little rough on the outside." Damon reaches over and pulls off the burnt outer layer of the marshmallow, "But the inside...yum."

Damon moves the stick and puts the marshmallow in Rebekah's mouth. She eats it and looks at him, "Mmm. It's good."

"Yep." Damon licks the remainder of the marshmallow off his fingers.

Why am I even here with him? Clearly he's having too much fun flirting with her, I'm just sat here looking like the third wheel.

"What's wrong with you?" Rebekah looks over to me, clearly I'm showing my mood on my face.

I shrug as I smile at her, "Well aside from the fact you'd rather eat marshmallows with my asshole of a brother than I don't know, go somewhere not so teenager infested and get drunk?"

"The way I see it, I'm just doing what you did with Nik." Rebekah says smirking over to me.

I roll my eyes and laugh, "Touchรฉ, Bex."

Damon gives Rebekah a s'mores, "Can't believe you've never had one of these before."

"Well, I've been in a casket for ninety years." Rebekah says as she takes the s'mores and starts to eat it.

Damon scoffs, "That's no excuse."

"If we wanna get technical..." I pipe up, "I don't think they were actually invented until after Rebekah went into her deep slumber." Rebekah glares at me after my comment making me laugh.

Damon gives me a dirty look, "If we wanted to know pointless history facts we would have Ric here." I flash a cocky smile back at him.

"Why are you being so nice to me?" Rebekah asks Damon, oop, she's figured it out, "You hate me. You should be mean."

Damon smirks, "Well, I could be mean if that's what you're into."

I cover my mouth to stop the cheap beer coming back up, "Oh god, please no."

Rebekah stands up and looks down to Damon, "You're distracting me. Why?"

Damon stands up too, "Just trying to be a good housemate."

Rebekah steps closer to Damon and places her hand on his shoulder, "There's never a fair fight between us, Damon." She whispers, she plunges the stick she's holding into Damon's abdomen, "Remember that." Rebekah looks over to me, "See you at home."

I nod awkwardly and wave at her as she walks away. Damon falls back onto the bench, groaning in pain, "Bitch."

"I hate to say I told you so..." I start off, Damon glares over at me so I stop myself from finishing what I was going to say. I raise my hands in surrender and wait for him to get over his dramatic episode as he pulls the stick out.

A spotty teenager comes and sits next to me on the bench and puts his arm around me, "I've not seen you around these neck of the woods before...pun intended by the way." He starts laughing at his own joke, really?

I take a deep breath to stop myself from breaking his neck there and then. I flash a forced smile at him as I swat his hand off my shoulder, "There's a reason for that." I grab his face, "Why don't you go back home and read one of those trashy porn magazines you clearly have hidden underneath your mattress." I compel him. He stands up and walks away. Ugh, as if. I turn to face Damon, "Can I go home now, please?"

Damon nods, trying his hardest not to laugh, "I'll see you back at home."

Uh thank god. I go straight home and go straight to sleep, practically dead to the world.

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