Chapter 29

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Ghost World

Flashback - 1883:

September 25th 1883. It's been 19 years today since I became who I am; a vampire. To say I have handled it well would be an understatement, I've handled it poorly. I've tried to comfort Damon after he lost Katherine but it's proven difficult.

I remember Katherine explaining what it was like to be a vampire, she said you felt free and nothing was impossible. But all I felt was trapped. On the outside I would look fine in front of Damon, but on the inside I was screaming and wanting to end it all as a mean of escape.

I've never felt so alone before, yes I have Damon by my side but he isn't the same older brother I grew up with, this Damon was so sad. So heartbroken. Trying to get over losing the love of his life. Also trying to get over the betrayal we had got from our younger brother, Stefan. Forcing us to both turn, killing our father. Not that neither of us particularly cared for the man after he treated us both but still.

I can tell that it hurts Damon that we aren't speaking to Stefan nor have we seen him since 1864. I left straight after we found Stefan crouched over our father's dead body, I was in shock. My sweet and innocent little brother was no longer sweet and innocent. Damon left not long after I did and found me in Georgia which is where we have been since.

I've spent the last 19 years hating who I am and tonight it's time to end it all. Damon & I have been at the Marshall's plantation whom we made acquaintances with and who would invite us to every soirée they would host. When Damon was busy speaking to the head of the household, Issac Marshall, I made my swift exit.

I should feel guilty for leaving Damon and ending my life, leaving him alone but all I can think of is ending it. Nothing else matters right now. I hate who I am and nothing will change that.

I arrive at a deserted park, it's almost dawn. I rush through the park using my vampire speed, not realising I rushed straight past a young gentleman laid on a park bench.

Trying to catch my breath between my sobs, I look down to my shaky hand where my daylight ring is, ready to take it off and throw it into the pond once the sun comes up.

I close my eyes and take deep breaths to work myself up to ripping it off when a voice comes up behind me, "You don't wanna do that."

I turn around in shock with tears streaming down my face. I frown in confusion at the man, "Who are you? Go away." I turn to face the pond once more.

The man clears his throat as he takes a few steps closer, "Come on, I promise you, you don't want to do this."

I glare at him, "And what makes you think you know what I'm going to do?"

He puts his hands in his pockets and shrugs, "I know that's your daylight ring and as soon as the sun comes up you're going to throw it into the pond over there."

I frown in confusion, "How do you-"

"Know that you're a vampire?" The man finishes my sentence, "I'm just like you and I know what that look in your eyes means. It means you're not doing so great with it all. I've been where you've been and I also know that it would be the biggest mistake you would ever make."

I laugh spitefully, "I don't need your pity. Please, just leave and let me finish what I have started." The man doesn't move an inch, "I mean it, even if you are still standing there, I'll do it."

"No you won't." The man bluntly responds.

"What do you mean no I won't?" I snap back, "Don't just presume to tell me what I will and will not do. You don't know me."

"This feeling that's in the pit of your stomach, it will go away eventually. I can see in your eyes that small hint of a glimmer and it is trying to stop you from doing this." He reaches his hand out as he steps closer to me, "Just come with me."

I turn around fully to face him as he takes hold of my hand. I'm now able to take a full look at the man who saved my life. Brown short curls and eyes to match his hair.

The man smiles at me, "I'm Dominic, by the way. Dominic Matthews."

I smile back at him as I wipe away my tears, "Charlotte Salvatore."


Well, that's weird. I haven't thought about Dom in decades, why am I suddenly dreaming about him now?

Something doesn't feel right in my bedroom this morning. I can't put my finger on it, but something is off. I shrug it all off as I sit up in bed and reach across my nightstand for my phone.

I freeze when I see a ring on top of my phone. A ring I haven't wore in 124 years. It was an engagement ring from Dominic. I don't know why I kept it all these years, I should have threw it in that exact pond where we first met. But why is it out here and not in the little box I have had it in all this time?

My phone beeps, I open up a text from Rebekah that says she has gone on some blood trip with Tyler, gross. Oh great, I'm all on my own again and left with my brothers. I head into my bathroom so start getting ready for whatever drama today has arrived with no doubt.


Meanwhile, downstairs Damon is tied to a chair with chains wrapped around him. A fireplace stoker is in his chest. He groans in pain as he awakens, "Oh, you got to be kidding me."

Mason's ghost is watching Damon struggle, glaring at him, "Hurts, doesn't it?"

Damon groans in frustration, "Oh, Stefan." Damon looks at the floor to see his daylight ring laying on the floor. He sits back and sighs, "Low blow, Stefan. Low blow."

Stefan appears, he leans against the door frames and laughs slightly, "What the hell happened to you?"

"Whatever twisted ripper game this is, leave me out of it."

Stefan laughs as he walks over to Damon, "I didn't do this."

"Quit screwing around!" Damon snaps.

"I didn't." Stefan repeats. He approaches Damon and observes the chains around Damon, "It's pretty messed up though, isn't it?"

Damon sighs, "Yep."

Stefan removes the iron stick out of Damon's chest. Damon screams out in pain. Stefan begins to remove the chains but stops and leaves.

Damon tries to break himself free, "Yeah, not to worry. I'll just untangle myself."

Mason opens the curtains so the sunlight can enter the room. Damon's skin burns, he screams out in pain once more as Mason watches on looking pleased with himself.


Once I'm all dressed I walk out of my bedroom to bump into Stefan who is looking rather smug. I frown at him, "What's got you so smug?"

Before Stefan replies, I can hear Damon shouting from downstairs, "Lola!"

Stefan laughs, "You'll see." He walks away and towards his bedroom.

I rush downstairs to see Damon chained up to a chair and his skin burning. I rush over to the curtains and shut them, "Jesus, what's happened?"

Damon struggles to break free and looks up at me, annoyed, "You tell me, was this you?"

I cross my arms and glare over at him, "Seriously? This is your way of torture, not mine." I take a few steps towards him, "This seems familiar though, didn't you do this to the hot werewolf uncle?" Damon hums in agreement. I rip the rest of his chains off him and laugh slightly, "Ooo, maybe his ghost is haunting you."

Damon stands up in a huff, "You were part of that as well!"

"Yeah well you're the one who actually ripped his heart out of his chest." I mumble sarcastically as I pour myself a glass of bourbon, I turn to face Damon and raise my glass, "I was just merely your cheerleader for it all."

Damon rolls his eyes, "If what you said is right...and this is his ghost, how the hell is he able to do this sort of thing?"

I shrug my shoulders, "I mean, I was only kidding. But maybe whatever Bonnie did about Matt's sister had a loophole or something."

Damon sighs as he crouches down to pick up his daylight ring, "Give me 5 minutes and we'll go find the witch."

As Damon begins to walk away, I shout up once more, "Hey, you didn't go in my room while I was sleeping last night did you?" Damon turns to face me looking confused, I shrug, "You didn't go through my stuff or anything?"

"No, why?"

I flash a smile, "No reason."



Flashback - 1885:

"Dom?" Lola shouts out, searching for her love in the park where he asked he to meet tonight, "Are you here?" Lola approaches the same pond where she was standing by 2 years ago when she met Dominic; when he saved her. She smiles to herself as she remembers the memory.

"You remember this place?" A familiar voice appears, Lola turns to see Dominic standing behind her with his hands around his back.

Lola nods, "It's where I met this darling man, you know he saved my life that night."

Dom chuckles, "He sounds like a terrific man."

Lola places a soft kiss on Dom's lips, she looks up at him and smiles, "He really is." Lola turns to face the pond, watching the moon glisten on the water, "So was there a reason you wanted to meet here?"

Lola turns back to face Dom who is now kneeling on one knee holding out a small navy velvet box with the most perfect diamond ring in the centre of it.

He takes a deep breath, "Charlotte Amelia Salvatore, I love you with all my heart. In this exact spot 2 years ago, you said I saved your life when in all honesty it was you who saved mine. Rushing through this park in your ivory dress you resembled my very own guardian angel. You are my angel, you saved me that night too. Which is why I would love nothing more than to be your husband...forever. Will you marry me?"

Lola stares down at him in utter shock, a smile from ear to ear and tears streaming down her face. No words can leave her mouth, she is completely and utterly speechless, unable to say anything but nod.

A nervous laughter escapes Dominic's lips, "I'm going to need more than a nod."

"Yes." Lola blurts out, she laughs, "Yes, I will marry you."

Lola holds her left hand out as Dominic places the ring onto her finger. She stares down at it in amazement as Dominic stands up.

He holds Lola's hand and points out the sides of the ring, "You see those parts of the ring that looks like leaves? I had them made onto the ring because of where we first met. Then round the diamond itself, in the shape of a crown but I don't think that needs any explanation why that pattern is on it."

They both pull each other into a quick yet passionate kiss. Lola looks up at her first love, completely besotted, "I love you so much."

"I love you, Lola. Everything you are, I love you and I always will."



"You ready?" Damon says making me jump out of my day dream.

I look up at him all flustered, I smile it off as I stand up, "Yeah, let's go."

Why do I keep thinking about him? It's been years, he left me with no explanation 124 years ago. So why the hell does his face keep showing up in my head.

I haven't thought about Dom in years. I wonder where he is, I wonder how many other women he made fall in love with him and then leave them with no explanation.

It was Damon who came to me about Dom's sudden departure. I don't think Damon gave me the full story as to why he left, part of me thinks it's just because Damon didn't want to upset me more than I already was over it all. Dom was the first man I let in, I told him everything. Even things I never told my brothers. It's just him and Nik that know some of my secrets.

I get pulled out of my thoughts as Damon nudges me, "Lola!"

"Huh? What?"

"Oh don't mind me..." Damon starts with a cocky smile, "I've just been having a conversation with myself for the past 10 minutes."

"Sorry. I was just lost in thought." I reply as we drive past people setting up for the night of illuminations tonight.

Damon pulls up besides Caroline and Bonnie standing on the side walk, "Greetings, blondie. Witchy. I think you got your voodoo wires all crossed when you got rid of Vicki Donovan."

Bonnie looks at us both confused, "What do you mean, why?"

Damon shrugs, "Because I'm pretty sure I just got spit-roasted by Mason Lockwood's ghost."

Bonnie's expression turns shocked, "What?"

Caroline scoffs and folds her arms against her chest, "And why would you think that?"

"Maybe because he chained me to a chair and shoved a hot poker in my chest." Damon shrugs again.

The two girls look at me confused, I smile awkwardly, "Let's just say we're having a bit of déjà vu."

Caroline looks at Bonnie, dumbfounded, "I thought you said that ghosts couldn't physically interact with people."

Bonnie shakes her head, "They can't."

"Yeah, well, I don't have time for a vengeful Lockwood." Damon says annoyed, "When I kill someone, they're supposed to stay dead. Whatever you screwed up, fix it."

He drives away fast with his tires squealing. I turn to face him, raising an eyebrow, "Was there any need to be so rude?" The only response I get off Damon is a scoff. "Take us to the Grill." I demand.

Damon frowns, "Why?"

"Because no doubt Ric is there so I'm going to force you both into the same room and make you both be best buds again." I say in a mocking tone as I pinch Damon's cheek. He swats my hand off his face, "Plus he was involved in the whole killing Mason, let's see if he's had any spooky ghost things happening to him."

Damon agrees and drives over to the grill. As we both walk in, I see Elena walking towards the rest rooms which is when I spot Alaric in the grill too.

Alaric notices us both too and tries to walk away, "You know, I've had enough vampires today, thanks."

I roll my eyes as I stand in front of him to stop him from walking away, "Stop being such a drama queen, Ric." I smirk up at him, "Will both of you just kiss and make up already?"

Alaric glares at me, "I'm glad you find this amusing, Lola. Your jack-ass of a brother killed me!"

Damon sighs, "Oh, come on. Have a drink with me. We've got trouble."

Alaric shakes his head, "No, you've got trouble. See, we're not a team. You tried to kill me. All right? We're not friends. I don't like you anymore."

"Ah! But remember back when you liked me and we conspired to kill Uncle werewolf Mason Lockwood?" Damon says getting straight to the point.

Alaric shrugs, "Yeah, and?"

Damon scrunches his face, "I think he's still a little pissed."

I pat them both on the shoulders, "Okay now that you are both on speaking terms, I'm leaving." I turn to start walking away.

Damon turns to face me, "Where are you going?"

I continue walking out and raise my hand, "I'm going back home."


"Lola, wait!" Damon shouts but Lola is already out the grill, he sighs, "Ugh. Actually, you know what...probably a better idea that she isn't here."

Alaric frowns, "Why?"

Damon flattens his lips, "Need to come up with a new plan to end Klaus."


I step out of the grill and stay standing in the same spot for a moment. I grab the ring out of my jean pocket and stare down at it once more with a hint of a smile appearing on my face. I soon snap out of that and start to walk back to my car but then I remember Damon drove us both here, great. I guess I'm walking home.

My heart stops as I walk through the busy crowd and see a familiar face amongst strangers. I can literally feel my heart trying to escape out of my chest and I begin to tremble as I lock eyes with Dominic.

I shake my head as though I need to pull myself out of this hallucination, I turn away to walk away, "This can't be happening right now."

My heart sinks even further when I hear his voice, "Lola!"

I continue walking, speaking to myself thinking I've created this all up in my head, "No, not happening."

Dom appears right in front of me. He places his hands on both of my arms to stop me from walking further, "Please, just listen to me."

I glare up at him, "What are you doing here?"

Dom shrugs, "You were thinking about me, so here I am."

A shiver runs down my spine as I'm hit with reality, "'re dead?"

Dom laughs like he always used to in awkward situations. He steps back a bit and gestures to his clothing, "I mean, isn't it obvious by what I'm wearing? I'm not exactly dressed for this century, am I?"

I never even noticed his attire until now. Wearing an old fashioned suit like all the men used to wear in the 1800s. My eyes start to fill with tears, "You died?"

Dom responds with a simple nod, he smiles as he removes a piece of my hair from my face, "God, I have missed you."

Now that the shock has left my body, I'm engulfed in rage. I push his hand away from me and change my entire posture and rebuild the walls that hide my vulnerability, "You could haunt anyone you want. Why are you haunting me?"

"We have some unfinished business we need to discuss."

A spiteful laugh escapes my lips, "Yeah, we do. You remember that time when we were meant to be getting married?" I step towards him and laugh again as I prod him against his chest as my voice raises, "Yeah, then you left me...on our wedding day!"

Dom looks around to see people watching us as I began to shout. He looks back down at me, "Maybe we should talk about this somewhere less public."

I try to walk away as I scoff and shake my head, "I'm not going anywhere with you."

Dom stands in front of me again, panicking he grips hold of my arms again, "Lola, please. Just let me explain."

I glare up at him, "No, get off of me!" I try to pull away but his grip gets tighter, now on my wrists, "Don't touch me! I swear to god-"

"Damon killed me!" Dom blurts out in a panic.

I stop fighting against his hold and look up at him dumbfounded, "What?"

Dom sighs, "It was Damon, he killed me."

I step back slightly and stare down at the ground in shock. No way, he wouldn't do that to me. I start to breathe heavily as my eyes fill with tears, I shake my head in disbelief, "No." I mumble quietly. I look up at Dom, my eyes full of hurt, "You're lying." I push him against his chest, making him step back, "You're always lying!"

"I don't know how long I've got here, Lola." Dom starts pleading, "I'm begging you. Just please take a walk with me and I'll explain everything."

I hesitate for a moment, wondering if anything Dom has just said is the truth. Would my brother really betray me like that and kill the man I loved? I turn my head to face the entrance of the grill, a part of me wants to run in there and confront Damon and see if it's true.

But then there's the part of me that wants to hear it from Dom. I turn back to face him, his eyes are practically begging for me to hear his side of the story. I respond with a light nod and we both head into the woods.


We've both been walking through the woods for a while now, neither of us speaking. Dom probably is trying to figure out how to start telling me what happened and I'm just trying to get my head around that he's actually dead. I never seen him
throughout the years but I just figured he was off in Europe, like we planned to do.

"I'm done walking." I huff, Dom stops walking and turns to face me as I cross my arms, "Whatever you want to tell me, tell me here."

Dom nods, "Okay. Two days before our wedding you were upset because Stefan had never written back about coming to the wedding. Do you remember?"

**FLASHBACK - 1886**

I've been sitting at my dressing table for the past hour crying. I'm getting married in two days and I've not heard anything back from Stefan whether he was going to come to the wedding or not. I'd have liked this to have been a fresh start for him, Damon and me.

Damon wasn't too keen on the idea of inviting Stefan to the wedding but Dom encouraged it. Damon gave in eventually and didn't want to ruin my special day so he told me he found a witch to magically send the invitation to Stefan but I never heard anything back.

There's a knock at my door, I quickly wipe the tears away from my face, "Yes?"

I look in my mirror to see Dom walking in, he looks over at my sympathetically, "Are you okay, darling?"

I flash a smile as I grab a handkerchief, "Yes, I'm fine."

Dom walks over to me and places a light kiss on the top of my head, he crouches down and we both look at each other through the mirror, "Stefan hasn't written back I assume?"

I bow my head as the tears start once more and I nod.

Dom sighs as he wraps his arms around me, "Are you sure Damon got the invitation to him?"

I look up and frown, "Of course he did. Why wouldn't he?"


"What's your point?" I snap at him.

I had never brought this up to Stefan before. I was so angry with him about that but then I met Nik and I didn't care about that anymore. When I seen Stefan again in the twenties, I was just so happy to be seeing him again I didn't want to bring up bad memories.

"It's a good thing he didn't come anyway." I continue, "It would have been a wasted trip for him, wouldn't it?"

Dom sighs, "Stefan never got the invitation, Lola."

I scoff, "And how do you know that? You've never even met him!"

"Damon never sent the invitation." Dom says softly.

I run my hands through my hair as I start to grow irritated, I glare back at him, "Look I know you and Damon never really got along but I know my brother. He wouldn't have done that to me."

"Just like he would never kill anyone you love?" Dom retorts, "He done that as well."

"I've had enough people over the years to pull Damon and I apart. I'm not going to let this ghost version of you do the same." I snap as I turn to walk away. I jump as Dom suddenly appears in front of me, "Stop doing that!"

"You clearly aren't going to listen to a word I'm going to say-"

"Yeah you got that right." I interrupt him.

Dom sighs, clearly still annoyed whenever I interrupt him, "At least let me show you what happened." He holds his hands up towards my face, I hesitate at first but then allow him.

**FLASHBACK cont.**


It was the night before our wedding. Lola is the traditional type and forbid me from staying in our bedroom tonight as she thinks it will be bad luck. I've tried on many occasions to get Damon to warm up to me but I have always failed in that matter.

One last try, I'm going to give it one last try. If I don't succeed this time, all I can say is I've tried. Lola and I will be leaving this country sooner rather than later anyway so Damon will not be constantly in our shadows.

I head into the study and pour myself a drink which is when Damon walks in. I turn to face him as he does so, he looks at me and rolls his eyes and begins to walk out, "Damon, wait." Damon stops walking and turns to face me, "How about a drink?"

Damon hesitates at first but then nods in agreement and walks towards me as I hold out a glass of bourbon, "Cheers."

"How's my sister doing the night before the big day?" Damon asks.

"I wouldn't know." I chuckle to myself, "She hasn't let me see her today and told me upstairs is out of bounds until after the wedding. She's up there now with the Marshall sisters." Damon flashes a fake smile and nods as he continues to finish his drinks, not interested in finishing our conversation.

I sigh as I place my glass down, "Look, Damon. I know you don't like me much, but just know I would never do anything to harm your sister in anyway possible. I love Lola more than anything."

"Lola has been heartbroken by some of the most important men in her life, my father and brother." Damon looks over to me with a blank expression, "I would really hope we don't have to add you to that list either."

I shrug, "Or you for that matter."

Damon stands up straight and faces me, "What's that supposed to mean?"

I pour myself another drink, "It's no secret that you lied to Lola about sending Stefan an invitation to the wedding."

Damon's expression drops, he looks over to me shocked for a spilt second but then shakes it off, "You have no idea what you're talking about." He then walks out of the study and out of the house.

"You still haven't denied it." I respond as I walk outside and follow him, Damon stops walking, still with his back to me. I take a few steps towards him, "It's obvious that you aren't as forgiving as Lola. No, you still hate Stefan for what he made you become and to punish him even further you haven't even told him about his own sister's wedding day." Damon turns to face me, hatred all over his face, "You may think you're punishing Stefan, but you're punishing Lola more."

Damon rushes over to me and pushes me against the house, "You breathe a word of this to Lola and I will kill you."

I push him away and step towards him, "If anyone should tell her the truth, it should be you. This has already ruined the wedding enough, I'll not allow you to spoil it further. But you will tell her after the wedding and if you don't I'll do it myself. You have two days to tell her, then we both leave the country and so help me I'll make sure it's permanent."

Damon looks at me stunned, "She's leaving?"

"Didn't she tell you?" I ask sarcastically, "We're going to Europe, probably never going to come back. Once Lola knows the truth about what you've done she probably won't ever want to come back and even if she did, she sure as hell wouldn't want to see you again."

Damon rushes over to more once more and plunges his hand into my chest and then everything goes black.


"Oh my god." Is all I can bring myself to saying. A shaky breath escapes my lips as I blink the tears from my eyes and they run down my cheek. I look up at Dom, "He killed you?"

Dom looks down at me as tears begin to fill in his own eyes. He wipes the tears off my cheek with his thumb, "I'm so sorry you found out like this."

I cup his cheeks, "He killed you." I repeat once more, mainly trying to make my brain compute everything I've just witnessed. I close my eyes as we rest our foreheads on one another and I sob, "You didn't deserve that." We pull each other into a hug but it's not long after I can hear voices in the distance, one of them is Damon's. My eyes widen as I pull away from the hug and vamp speed Dom and I out of sight.

We venture deeper into the woods and take a seat on a fallen tree, Dom looks at me confused, "Was that Damon back there?" I nod, "Don't you want to speak to him about this?"

I shake my head and smile, "No." I wipe away my tears and then take hold of Dom's hands, "I just wanna stay with you for however we've got left." I bow my head, "I'm so sorry, Dom."

Dom puts a finger underneath my chin and raises my head, "What have you got to be sorry for?"

"Up until right now, I hated you. I hated you so much because I thought you broke my heart. Damon told me you left because you stopped loving me." I begin to sob even more.

Dom moves a piece of hair out of my face, "I would never stop loving you."

"I shouldn't have believed him." I cover my mouth to try and calm myself down, "He didn't even tell me until about 30 minutes before he was meant to walk me down the aisle, I was all ready in my wedding dress and everything. God, he killed you the night before but didn't tell me until minutes before we were due to be married. Damon let me think that day was going to be the best day of my life, knowing damn well it wasn't going to be."

Dom sighs, "I know. You looked breathtaking though."

I frown in confusion, "What?"

"I seen everything unfold from the other side. I watched you get through the heartbreak like the strong beautiful woman you are." Dom smiles, "I even seen you fall in love with that original vampire, Klaus is it?"

I laugh as I cover my face, "Well this isn't weird at all."

Dom laughs, "You truly found yourself when you met him, you know." I laugh as I roll my eyes, "I'm serious." Dom continues, "He brings out a side of you that I've never seen before, you're just so happy when you are together. Can't say I haven't been jealous seeing you both together, happy and in love."

I grab hold of his hands again, "Hey, don't be ridiculous. I really did love you, you know? A part of me always has, probably why I kept this all these years." I pull the ring out of my pocket, Dom smiles as he holds it. "It only feels like yesterday you were down on one knee proposing to me."

"I know you loved me, but I also know that you're in love with Klaus. The years we were together I could always tell there was something in you that wasn't fully into us being together." Dom explains, "You didn't know that yourself though, you only realised that once you met Klaus. He's the better man."

"Don't say that."

"You know yourself deep down that it's true. You should go to him, go and find Klaus, you deserve to put yourself first for once." A long breath drawls from Dom's lips, he then places a kiss on my forehead. He looks down at me and smiles with tears in his eyes, "It's so good to see you again, Lola. I love you." And in an instant, he's gone.

I look around wondering if I had just dreamt all of that. I start to sob uncontrollably as I slide off the log I've been sat on and land onto the ground, I bring my legs up to my chest and sob even more.

Damon broke me. He broke my heart. He took away the man I loved and for what reason? Because Dom found out that Damon betrayed me even more by lying to me and saying he sent Stefan an invite, when in fact he didn't because he was still pissed.

Dom was right, I need to put myself first for once. That means packing my bags and going to the exact place I said I would be for Nik to find me. But not until I've spoken to Damon myself.


I get back home and pack my bags. I've tried to ring Rebekah to explain that I won't be here when she comes back but her phone is not in service so I can't even leave her a message. I head into the room she is staying in and write her a note:


I'm sorry that I'm telling you this over a letter and not to your face. But I've had to leave Mystic Falls. Things have happened here while you've been gone, reality has hit me like a tonne of bricks and realised Damon isn't the caring big brother I always thought he was.

I can't tell you where I'm going. It's not that I don't trust you, because I do, I trust you with my life. But I can't trust that my brothers won't try and find out where I am through you. Or worse, Mikael.

Nik told me that Damon threatened him with Mikael. Please be careful just like I know you always are.

I love you so much, sister.

Lola x"

Once I have finished the note, I head downstairs and wait by the fireplace for Damon to return home.

Not long after, he comes back, "Ah, there you are. Well you were right, a bunch of ghosts came back for a short while, including Mason."

I continue to have my back to him as I stare into the fire, "Yeah, I heard."

Damon walks into the living room towards me, "So what have you done today?" I turn to face him as he looks down at my feet and notices my bags, he looks up at me confused, "What's going on?"

I clench my jaw as I take a deep breath, "I had a little ghost visit of my own...Dominic."

Damon's eyes widen in shock, he takes a step closer to me, "Lo..."

"Save it." I snap back at him, "He told me everything. Told me how you never actually invited Stefan to the wedding, how you never really liked Dom...oh yeah and how you killed him!"

Damon raises his hands, "If you just let me explain-"

"I don't want to hear any more of your lies!" I glare at him with tears streaming down my face, "You know what hurt the most? The fact you never told me until I was just about to walk down the aisle. You could have told me that night, or first thing in the morning, or better yet before I got in the fucking wedding dress!"

I pick up my bags and push past him, Damon sighs as he turns to face me, "Where are you going?"

"Away from you." I open up the front door, I turn to face him, "I don't want to be anywhere near you, I don't even want to be in the same state as you."

"Come on, Lola. Dom was a jackass, he was planning on taking you away from here for good." Damon sighs, "I just didn't want to lose my little sister."

I stare at him blankly, "Well congratulations, you have lost me."

I turn to continue walking out but Damon grabs my hand, making my drop my bag, "Lo, just wait a second."

I grow tired of him trying to make excuses. I grab the coat stand and snap it in half and drive one half through his stomach. Damon bends over in pain, I lean forward towards his ear, "Damon, I swear to god if you try and stop me from leaving the other half of that stick will go through your heart." I push Damon onto the floor, pick up my bag and slam the door behind me.

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