Chapter 32

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The New Deal

6 days. It's been 6 days since I've spoken to anyone, I've been staying in my room all this time.

When I came back after being on the road all summer I bought a mini fridge to keep in my room to keep the supply of good blood bags because Damon would always take them first, so it was sort of a blessing I got the fridge because that way I've not had to leave my room at all. Plus I had all the good snacks in there too.

Damon has tried to get me to talk to him. Whether it being he was sat by my door for at least an hour begging me to speak to him, or sliding notes under my door to say how sorry he is. I will forgive him and I know Dominic would want me to forgive him but I just need some time first.

My brother killing my fiancé, then my boyfriend planning to have my brother killed if my brother killed my boyfriend then my boyfriend's father trying to kill me. That's a lot to take in.

I've had my phone switched off all this time too because I couldn't bare all the text messages and voicemails I was getting off Klaus. I do want to call Adrianna though, I promised her I would keep in touch and I doubt she will be best pleased I've been MIA for the last 6 days.

As soon as I turn my phone on, a call comes through straight away without even giving me chance to check my messages, it's Adrianna, here we go.


"What the hell is wrong with you, Lola?!"

I laugh at her getting straight into the grilling, "Where shall I start?"

"This isn't a joke, Lola! Your phone has been off for a week! My nerves have been in pieces!"

"Calm down, Adrianna. It's not like we are constantly in touch with each other, are we?"

"Don't tell me to calm down!" There's quite a long pause then Adrianna takes a deep breath, "Okay I'm calm. You better have a good reason why you haven't kept in touch and to say we don't constantly keep in touch hurts. Yes I know we haven't but that was before your brother's were stabbing you in the back and you were in love with a guy who is now enemy number one towards your entire town."

I tell Adrianna everything that happened on that one night. Every last detail, even down to what colour tie Klaus had on. But I then get greeted with silence after venting to Adrianna.

Nothing is heard other than her heavy breathing down the phone, "Uh...Ade? You still there?"

Adrianna clears her throat, "Yeah still here. That's just a lot of information to take in. All of this within 24 hours?"

"Well if we wanna get technical, I think it was all within about 6 hours."

Adrianna laughs, "And you've been in your bedroom ever since Klaus healed you?"

"Pretty much. I don't want to face any of them right now."

"Can I also just say I'm going to buy you a drink next time I see you for what you said to this Elena girl, by the way? Good for you, who does she think she is?"

"She's a tricky one, that's for sure. I'm changing my mind constantly on that girl."

"Well you know what I think you should do right now?"

I roll my eyes at the mere thought of what Adrianna is going to make me do.

"I can feel your eye roll from all the way over here by the way! Knock it off!"

"Jesus, girl. Are you some type of witch or something?! How did you..."

"How did I know you were rolling your eyes? It's in your nature, sweetie. Anyway, what I was going to say is I think you should get out of your bedroom. Go downstairs and make your famous waffles."

"...You want me to make waffles?"

"Yes I do and I think you should patch things up with Damon. I know what he did sucked, completely. But can you really be bothered to be tip-toeing on eggshells while you're in the same house as him?"

Ugh, I hate that she's right. I'm so tired of being angry at Damon, but that doesn't mean I can't mess with him once more...

"Okay fine."

"You're admitting defeat awfully quickly, Lo. What are you planning?"

"Me? Planning something? Never!"

"Stop acting dumb that shit doesn't fly with me."

"Okay, I gotta go, Ade. Love you so much, I'll catch up with you later!" I then hang up the phone before Adrianna can say anything else then I make my way downstairs into the kitchen.

The clock in the kitchen says it's already past noon, whoops, didn't even realise how long I was on the phone to Ade for. I can't hear anyone in the house either so I take this as my perfect excuse to listen to some cheesy hits while I cook.

Britney Spears - Womanizer comes on next. I forgot how much I loved this song! I've been dancing around the kitchen like an absolute fool, I never even realised Damon leaning against the door frame laughing at me with his arms folded.

I turn the music down on the stereo and flash an awkward smile, "Didn't see you there."

Damon laughs as he unfolds his arms, walking towards me then taking a seat beside the counter,
"Clearly, but it's nice to see you out of your bedroom, Lo."

I shrug as I plate up the waffles, "Yeah well I figured I would show my face again and speak to you even though you killed Dom. I made waffles."

Damon rolls his eyes, "I've told you I'm sorry at least 900 times, you ever going to forgive and forget?"

"I made strawberry syrup too, eat em while they're hot." I say as pour strawberry syrup all over the waffles and push the plate towards Damon.

Damon smiles up at me, "I've missed your waffles."

Damon takes a bite of the waffles but spits it right back out and starts choking on the vervain I put in the syrup. I smile down at him on the floor in pain, "Did I forget to mention that I put vervain in the syrup? I had to put quite a lot in given that you're still taking vervain every day." I walk around the counter and crouch down beside Damon and flash a smug smile, "Okay, now I'm over you killing Dominic. We're even now."

Damon glares up at me and grabs hold of my wrist. He spins me around, picking me up and throwing me over his shoulder and storms out of the kitchen.

"Put me down you jackass!"

"No." Damon bluntly states as he walks us down the hallway, "We're going to talk this through, no matter how painful it will be for the both of us. And also can I just bring up why the hell you were listening to Britney Spears?!"

I scoff, "Why not?! Just because you're still pissed she written that song about you doesn't mean I can't listen to it still! Let's not forget your memorable music taste when you're cooking pancakes...what was that song again? He's a mighty mighty good man!" I start singing the lyrics to Damon's secret favourite song, not really a secret anymore though.

I can hear chuckling from behind me, I look up to see Klaus standing by the front door. I groan and roll my eyes, "What the hell are you doing here?"

Damon storms us into the library and throws me onto the couch. He turns to face Klaus and glares, "What the hell do you want?"

Klaus smirks at us both as he leans against the door frame, "I think it's about time we had a drink, don't you?"

Damon shrugs, "I'd say we were overdue."

Klaus smirks, "Well, you've been so busy with all your plotting and scheming."

"You know me. Never miss a chance to plan an epic failure." Damon says as he takes a drink.

"Don't be so hard on yourself." Klaus says as he walks further into the room, "Who could have guessed your own brother would betray you?"

Damon scoffs, "Well, I did have a front row seat when your sister lied to you."

Klaus glares over at Damon, "Yeah, well she's fickle that one. And you say you have no idea of her whereabouts?"

Okay I am the worst friend in the world. Why did I not notice Rebekah was here for all of this drama?!

Damon shrugs, "That's the thing with younger siblings." He glances over to me then back at Klaus, "You just never know what they're gonna do."

I scoff as I pick a pencil up from the table next to me and throw it towards Damon but he turns around and catches the pencil before it stabs him in the back of his neck.

Damon flashes a smug smile at me then turns to face Klaus once more, "See what I mean?"

I scoff as I roll my eyes, "You're such an asshole, Damon."

Damon turns to face me, "And you're being even more bitchy than you usually are. Last time I checked you were willing to turn your back on your brothers to run off into the sunset with each other."

"Things change." Klaus mumbles.

"No kidding." I mumble back.

Damon holds up a glass of bourbon to Klaus, "Drink?"

Klaus nods and takes the glass, "Cheers mate!"

"Down the hatch." Damon mumbles into his drink as they both take a drink. Damon glances between both Klaus and I who have barely looked at each other since he walked in, "So what did happen between the two of you?"

I tilt my head as I look up to Damon, a sarcastic smile plastered over my face, "It's none of your business. You know, you should introduce your upper lip to your lower lip sometimes and shut the hell up." Damon rolls his eyes at me insult, "Go on, keep rolling your eyes, maybe you'll find a brain back there, although that is very doubtful."

Damon scoffs as he steps closer to me, "Sometimes babies were dropped on their head but clearly you were thrown at the wall."

I laugh as I nod my head, I stand up in front of him, "I am not going to sit here and trade insults with you like we're twelve again because first of all, we're not twelve and second of all, I would win."

Damon pushes me back down onto the couch, "Sit. Down. We're not done talking." I huff as I sit back and fold my arms.

Damon walks back over to Klaus as Klaus begins speaking, "You know, we've actually got a lot in common, you and I."

Damon raises his brows, "Really? Well, yeah. Maybe we can bond over our mutual loathing of my brother. Why are you so mad at him? He stole something?"

Klaus laughs slightly as he walks around the room, now standing in front of me but looking behind me at Damon, "My family, the Originals. I had them daggered, boxed-up awaiting the day when I saw fit to wake them. And he went in and pinched the bloody lot."

I sit up slightly and look up at him in shock, "Wait, what?"

Damon scoffs as he walks over to the window and looks out of it briefly, "Of course he did. Such a buzzkill, my baby bro." He turns around and walks towards Klaus, "Well, I'd love to find him. Just the trouble is, I sure as hell don't work for you."

Klaus smiles over to Damon, not your average smile, a Klaus Mikaelson up to no good smile, "You know, your drink stinks of vervain so I can't compel you."

"Even if he hadn't had that drink, he would still have vervain in him." I butt in, "Those waffles were delicious weren't they, Damon?"

"Shut up, Lola." Damon snaps without even looking at me, fixating his glare on Klaus.

"There'd be no point in killing you because you're actually the one with the most hope of getting me what I need. And yet it would seem a demonstration is in order. Perhaps I wasn't clear enough when I told you to find Stefan. Well, it seems you people respond best to displays of violence. Why don't you take this as an example of my reach?" Klaus reaches into his jacket pocket and takes out his phone and dials a number, "There he is! So, that thing I told you to do...why don't you go ahead and get on with it?" Klaus hangs up and flashes a smug smile at Damon.

"What did you just do?" Damon demands.

Klaus shrugs, "Perhaps you should go check on young would be a shame if something had happened to him."

Damon glances between Klaus and me before rushing out of the house. I sigh as I stretch my arms out, "Well that talk has flew out the door."

Klaus turns to face me, "Aren't you going to join him?"

I stand up and look at him confused, "Why would I?"

Klaus shrugs, "Well you're clearly not on my side anymore."

I laugh as I walk over to the drinks table, "So that automatically places me on their side? No thank you. I'd rather not be on any side with the way you're all going on." I pour myself a bourbon and scoff, "You're all so dramatic!"

"Don't be angry, love. We had a little spat." Klaus says casually as he walks towards me, "I'm over it already."

I purse my lips, "Oh well, I'm not."

"How can I acquit myself?"

I sigh before I respond, looking up at him as I feel defeated, "You can just leave me alone, Klaus."

Klaus' eyes trace my face and his hand rises to hold my cheek, "The type of love we have makes it impossible to be apart from another."

I look down to the ground as I remove his hand from my cheek and I start to walk away "Well it was easy enough to run from you for 50 years, are you going to give me a head start and I'll make it 100 this time."

Klaus laughs as he takes hold of my arm, stopping me from moving any further, "You can deny this all you want, love. But you're doing it again..."

I frown as I glance down at him holding my arm and up at his smug smirk, "Doing what?"

His hand on my arm begins trace circles while his other hand removes hair out of my face as a soft smile appears on his face as he gazes into my eyes, "Pretending as though you don't have feelings towards me. You done it when we first met all those years ago, you did it during the summer and now you're doing it again." His voice becomes softer, "The love we have between each other is forever."

"And what type of love is that?" I retort.

Klaus' eyes gaze into mine with such intensity I can't look away, "Never giving up. This type of love means waiting, even if you have to wait forever, and I will. Lola, I will wait forever..." Klaus closes the small gap between us as he whispers, "All I need is a little bit of hope."

I clear my throat and exhale a shaky breath, "Hope for what?"

"Hope that maybe...if I change, if I can prove to you that I'm worth loving...maybe someday I'll be that man in your life once more."

Biting my lip as I lower my voice, closing my eyes, "Klaus...I..."

Klaus rests his forehead against mine, our lips practically touching, "I need you by my side, Lola."

Klaus turns silent, letting my collect my thoughts as his hands caress my skin, both of our heartbeats pounding in sync, I flutter my eyes open to meet Klaus' gaze.

I turn my head slightly to look away from him, biting the inside of my cheek to stop myself from crying, "I can't."

Klaus steps back, moving away from me. I stay looking at the side, now at the ground as I fidget with the hem of my jumper. Klaus sighs but then steps closer to me again, pressing a kiss against my forehead before leaning down to my ear, "I won't lose hope."

Then he's gone. I take a deep breath as though I've been holding my breath for a long amount of time before sitting down onto the couch as the tears form. I bury my face into my hands and let it all out. Why does everything have to be so complicated?


I turn my head towards the front door as I am now sitting in the living room. Elena walks through, she looks almost surprised to see me. But in all fairness, I have trapped myself up in my bedroom for a week.

Elena smiles over to me, "Lola, hey." She frowns when she notices my red puffy eyes and the empty bottle of wine next to me, she walks towards me and takes a seat next to me on the couch, "Are you okay?"

A sudden laugh escapes my lips, I turn to face her, "You're asking me if I'm okay? You should hate me, Elena."

"I don't hate you."

I shrug, "Right there was a free pass for you to agree and say you do hate me. Which I know you do and I don't even blame you either, Elena. I've done some pretty fucked up things while I've been back in this stupid town."

Elena sighs, "Well, yeah...some things that happened weren't exactly great." I hum in agreement as her response and raise my glass, Elena sighs and takes the glass out of my hands, "But none of the things that happened were your fault. It was all Klaus."

I purse my lips and laugh awkwardly, "Yeah, no comment on him."

"That's the other thing, I know you're in love with Klaus and I just want you to know that I would never hate you over your feelings towards him. Bad guy or not, I wouldn't do that."

I scoff, "You know, everyone always goes about defining good and bad but what people fail to understand is how people got to that point." I turn to face Elena who looks confused, "No one is born bad or evil, Elena. And I'm not planning on sticking up for Klaus, because I'm not but he hasn't always been like he is now."

Elena shrugs, "It's hard to imagine it." She looks down at her lap as sadness fills her face.

"I know." I place my hand on top of Elena's, "I'm sorry for what he has done over the last few months but I honestly do think he will back off if Stefan gives him his family back."

Elena smiles awkwardly, "Here's the thing..." I frown as I remove my hand from hers, "You've probably wondered where Rebekah is, well, she's in the cellar...daggered."

I stand up and glare down at Elena, "What?!"

Elena shoots up and stands in front of me, "We just done it in case she didn't stick to the plan with Mikael."

I furrow my brows in confusion at her, "Rebekah was in on it?"

Elena nods, "She knows that Klaus killed their mother."

A shaky breath falls from my lips as I sit back down on the couch, "Shit."

Elena sits back down next to me, "Did you know about that?"

I cover my mouth with my hand as I nod, "Klaus told me not long after I met him, we told each other pretty much everything about each other."

"I've got in touch with him, he's coming round here tonight to make a deal with me."

I turn to face Elena and raise a brow, "Does Damon know about this?"

Elena shakes her head, "No, I'll tell him after the deal is done so he can't stop it. Klaus tried to kill Jeremy, killed Ric in the process so my deal with him is that I give him Rebekah and he leaves Jeremy alone."

"Wait, Ric got killed?" Elena nods, I sigh, "A lot happens when I don't speak to any of you."

"I'm sorry about the other night too, Lola." Elena starts, "I'm sorry about what Mikael done to you, you didn't deserve that."

I shrug, "Wasn't the first time, but now he's just ash lets hope that was the last time."

There's a sudden knock at the door, Elena and I both glance at each other and I flash an awkward smile, "I'll be upstairs for this."


Elena opens the door; Klaus stands outside. Elena tries to hide her fear, "Thank you for coming."

Klaus enters the house by pushing past Elena, "I trust you have news of Stefan?"

Elena sighs, "I couldn't find him. But I have something else."

Elena walks down into the cellar as Klaus follows. In the cellar, Elena opens the door to Rebekah's cell; Rebekah lies on the ground, daggered.

Klaus sighs, looking down at Rebekah's body, "My poor sister. I can't turn my back on her for a moment."

"You have Rebekah. A deal is a deal."

Klaus steps further into the cell, "The life of my sister in exchange for your brother? Yeah I'd say that's a bargain. Consider him spared."

Elena sighs with relief, she glances down to Rebekah, "You should know I was the one that daggered her. When she wakes she'll come after me."

"I can control Rebekah." Klaus crouches down besides Rebekah and looks up at Elena, "Besides I still need your help finding Stefan."

Elena looks away and laughs nervously, "I told you I don't know where he is."

Klaus undaggers Rebekah, "You're lying. Fortunately you have no shortage of loved ones. If I don't find my family the question you should be asking yourself is who's gonna die next! Bonnie? Caroline?" He looks up at Elena and smirks, "Damon?" He stands up properly, "It's only a matter of time before Stefan gives me what I want."

Elena shakes her head, "He doesn't care about me anymore. You made sure of that. You turned him into a monster." Elena scoffs, "Now he's your problem. And just so you know I'm not the only one that Rebekah wants dead. She knows what you did to your mother. She knows that you killed her." A hint of a smile appears on her face when she is satisfied with the horror expression on Klaus' face, she walks past him and begins to walk out of the cell, she turns to face him when she is at the doorway, "You can let yourself out."

Elena walks back upstairs and along the hallway when she sees Lola sitting on the stairs, she smiles over to Lola, "You okay?"

Lola smiles up at Elena and nods, "Yeah, I will be." Elena smiles in response and walks out the house.

Lola stays sitting there for a moment reflecting on everything that's happened today and realised she should have just stayed in her room. Lola shrugs it off and begins to walk up the stairs when Klaus appears in the hallway, carrying Rebekah.

Both of them staring at each other, both wanting to say something but neither finding the right words. A smile forms at the side of Lola's mouth as she taps her fingers against the banister, she breaks eye contact from Klaus as she sighs and walks upstairs into her room.



It's been a while since the awkward run in with Klaus, I rushed into my room straight after and collapsed on the bed. Laying on my front with so many thoughts going through my head.

"So, I've spoken to Stefan..." Damon says as he enters my room, pulling me out of my thoughts, "He explained why he saved me the other night. Which also explains why you're not being an original groupie right now." Damon flashes a smug smile.

I roll my eyes as I roll of my bed, standing on the opposite side of the room to him, "If you're here for another argument Damon just save all your insults for another time."

Damon sighs as he walks over to my bed and sits on the edge of it, "When Mikael was here, he told me how you both crossed paths in the fifties. Told me that he was actually the one who told you about me being in Augustine."

I scoff, "Did he miss out the part where he tortured me for 2 days before he actually told me where you were?"

Damon looks down to the ground, "No he told me about that too."

Not going to lie that hurt, I release a knowing laugh as I shake my head, "Right."

Damon walks over to me, looking guilt-ridden, "Why didn't you tell me about what Mikael had done to you in the past?"

"If I did would you have stopped your little scheme?" I ask, Damon doesn't respond, he puts his hands in his pockets and looks away. I bite my tongue to fight back the tears as I glare at him, "That's what I thought." I walk past him and start to laugh as I turn to face him again, "God, you really love her don't you? Enough that the risk of your own sister coming into harms way doesn't matter."

Damon frowns, "Hey, it's not like that. You weren't here, Lola." Damon shrugs, "How was I supposed to know you were going to show up with Klaus?"

"Did that ever cross your mind?" I retort, "Was that ever a factor in your plan that maybe I was going to be here and Mikael was going to do something to me? Of course it didn't, because it was all about protecting Elena. Which I understand, but that shouldn't have stopped you from thinking about me either."

Damon rolls his eyes, "You're being dramatic."

Gritting my teeth, I glare at my brother, "Am I?" A spiteful laugh escapes, "Even Elena has apologised for what happened, the things I've said and done to her made me surprised she would still be so nice to me!" I take a step closer to him as my anger keeps building up, "I could be happy with Klaus right now but I'm pushing him away yet again because I care about you more!" I can't keep the tears away no more, they start to stream down my face, "No one means more to me than you and Stefan! Even after everything you have done!" I muster up my deadliest glare, looking him straight in the eyes, "Remember that."

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