Chapter 33

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Our Town

The next morning I got a text off Elena asking if I wanted to meet her at Ric's. She's been working out lately apparently, to gain more strength which she definitely needs, her arms are like spaghetti.

Ric answers the door to me, smiling, "Hey Lola."

I smile as I lift up a cup holder, "I bring iced coffee."

I walk into the apartment to see Elena already putting all her strength into the punching bag, "Good morning, Lola."

"Good morning to you, little miss Rocky." I hold the punch bag and look over to Elena with a raised brow, "You've got stronger."

"How did you get so strong?"

I laugh awkwardly, "Well that's what happens when you die with vampire blood in your system."

Elena shakes her head, "But you're stronger than Damon and Stefan even though you all turned at the same time." I sigh as I look away from her avoiding eye contact, Elena steps closer to me, "You can mention him you know? Was it something to do with Klaus?"

I shrug, "Not exactly, it was mainly Elijah and Rebekah. Being an original groupie as Damon loves to call me did come with its perks now and then. They trained me to become a lot stronger than an average vampire."


I shrug, "Just practice. Years and years of practice." A hint of a smile appears on my face when I think back to those times where Elijah would force me to train back in New Orleans because he used to always say my outer strength needs to be just as strong as my inner strength.

I jump out of my memory and I see Elena watching me as though she's trying to read me, I clear my throat and flash a smile, "Anyway," I hold onto the punch bag, "The key is to let out all the energy you have within yourself through each punch. Whether it be anger, happiness, sadness, frustration..."

Elena interrupts me by punching the bag, catching me off guard, "I'm not frustrated."

I laugh slightly as I walk past her towards the counter where the iced coffees are, "Alright then, you're not frustrated. Just let out all your energy and take it out on the punching bag."

Elena starts to punch and kick the bag when Alaric walks in, "Hey, you're gonna put a hole in that thing!" He grabs onto the punching bag, "You wanna talk about it?"

"Nothing to talk about." Elena says between breaths as she continues to hit the bag.

Alaric looks over to me and raises his brow, mentally asking what's going on which I respond with a shrug, he looks back at Elena, "So, what's got you all worked up?"

Elena continues to hit the punching bag, "I didn't really sleep last night."

Alaric laughs, "Yeah, me neither. Probably something to do with dying..."

"Are you okay?" I ask him as I walk over to him, handing him an ice coffee.

Alaric smiles over at me, "Thanks. Yeah I'm fine, I'm fine. I think the ring, however, is running low on batteries."

Elena stops for breath, "Yeah, that's another reason why Jeremy has to get out of town. If those rings have a shelf life, he is not protected, neither are you." Elena punches the bag with all the strength she can muster.

Alaric laughs, "Nice, nice, you're getting stronger."

Elena shrugs, "I'm just channeling frustration."

I narrow my eyes at her and smirk, "I thought you weren't frustrated?"

Elena glances between Alaric and I, looking awkward. She moves away from the bag, "I need coffee." She walks over to the kitchen counter and takes off her gloves and grabs the coffee.

"Seems Damon's compulsion worked, Jeremy was packing when I left the house." Alaric says, "Going on about his new school in Denver."

Elena has her back to us, "Have either of you talked to Damon today?"

"No." We both respond in unison.

"Why?" Alaric asks.

Elena turns to face us both and shrugs, "No reason." She glances up at the clock on the wall, "I gotta go, we're decorating Caroline's locker for her, it's her birthday." Elena walks past us both towards the door and grabs her bag.

I turn to face her, "It's Caroline's birthday?"

Elena puts her bag on her shoulder as she opens the door, she turns to face me, "Yeah, why?"

I shrug as I take a sip of my coffee, "Just curious, have fun." Elena smiles then leaves Alaric's apartment.

"I should probably get going too." I mumble as I grab my purse.

"Wait," Alaric shouts up, "Have you spoken to Damon today?"

I shake my head, "I already told Elena I haven't and..." I sigh as I glance over to Alaric who is looking his usual awkward self, I slam my purse back onto the counter, "He told you about our fight last night, didn't he?"

Alaric starts to stutter, "Well...I...I mean, yeah, yeah he might have done..."

"That jackass!" I raise my voice, I narrow my eyes at Alaric, "What did he say?" Alaric looks away and starts to walk away, "Alaric!" I vamp speed in front of him to stop him from walking any further, "What did he tell you?"

Alaric sighs, "He told me what Mikael done to you all those decades ago."

I frown at him, "Okay, so why has that turned you all shifty and more weird than usual?"

Alaric glares at me, "Are you expecting me to let that one slide?"

I shrug, "Yes."

Alaric rolls his eyes, "This isn't about Mikael anyway."

I interrupt him, "So why bring it up?"

Alaric shrugs, an awkward laugh escapes his lips, "Because I'm being shifty and more weird than usual!"

I raise a brow, folding my arms against my chest, glaring at him, "Cut the bullshit, Ric, just tell me what this is really about."

Alaric sighs, admitting defeat, "I think you should just cut Damon some slack."

I can tell Alaric immediately regrets saying that, mainly because it probably looks like I'm about to murder him, "Cut him some slack?! I should cut him some slack?! Are you actually for real right now?!"

Alaric raises his hands, "Look, he's worried about you. Okay? He's worried you're going to get caught in the crossfires...again."

I narrow my eyes at him as I step closer to him, "Alaric, what's going on?"

"Why don't you just come to the Council meeting tonight and try to make amends with at least one of your brothers?"

"Why should I?"

Alaric sighs as he picks up my purse and hands it to me, "Because you both need each other right now, but both of you are too stubborn to admit that. I just care about the two closest friends I've got."

"But..." I stop myself as his words sink in, I look up at him in shock, "I'm your close friend?"

Alaric laughs awkwardly, "Too much?"

I purse my lips and shake my head slightly, "No, no. Just...not what I was expecting." I laugh, "Okay, fine. I'll go tonight. But it's your funeral if tonight turns sour."

Alaric smiles and nods, "Deal."


After being at Alaric's, I drive over to Caroline's, hoping I would catch her before she heads to school. Which luckily I do, as I walk up her path, she walks out of the house.

Caroline turns to walk away from the house, but stops in her step as she sees me. She smiles slightly at me, "Lola, what are you doing here?"

I remove the small box I had hiding behind my back and smile, "Happy Birthday."

Caroline shakes her head, "You didn't have to get me anything."

I nod, "I know, but think of it as also a peace offering. I know it's been hit and miss between the both of us but I just don't want there to be any bad blood between us here."

I hold out the box to Caroline. She smiles as she takes it, removing the white ribbon from the box, her smile becoming even more broad as she opens the box, "It's beautiful."

"I bought this for myself on the first birthday I had after I became a vampire." I begin to explain, "The first everything after you turn is the hardest, the first birthday, Christmas, anything. It's hard because you realise that they just aren't a special moment anymore, you're stuck in the body you're in when you turned so why would you want to celebrate your birthday when technically you're dead."

Caroline laughs slightly, "That's exactly how I feel right now."

"But it does get easier, I promise. Soon it will hit you that this doesn't define who you are. It doesn't matter whether you're living, or a vampire, or whatever. The only thing that matters is who you are on the inside because no matter what happens to you, that will never change. Celebrate the fact that you're no longer bound by trivial human conventions. You're free."

Caroline closes the box and holds it out, "I can't accept this, I can't. It's too much, it's your memory."

"Please, take it, it will look much better on you anyway. It's my gift to you."

Caroline smiles and nods, then pulls me in for a hug. I pull away from the hug and smile back then turn to walk away, "Lola..." I turn back to face Caroline, "How do you do it?"

"Do what?"

"How do you walk around like everything is okay when you're in love with the town's villain?"

I sigh, "Caroline..."

"No I'm not saying it in a bitchy way," Caroline defends herself, "It's just, well it's not like I'm not in the same boat right now with Tyler..."

I run my hands through my hair as I try to find the right words, "I know that everything Klaus has done over these few months haven't exactly been great, but..."

"But you see the good in people." Caroline interrupts with a smile.

I smile as I clear my throat, "Too often people define him by the mistakes he has made. Granted, he has made countless mistakes lately and yet when others make mistakes, they're forgiven a lot easier than Klaus. We've all spilled blood, Caroline. You and myself included, so why can people find it in their heart forgive us but not him?" Caroline takes a step closer to me, growing more and more interested about what I have to say, "Though people focus on the negative parts of Klaus, no one really pays attention to the positive side of him. Klaus has made such a huge impact on my life, all I ever wanted was to feel like I was someone, I wanted to feel special, to feel loved; Klaus made me feel all those ways."

"So why aren't you with him now?"

A faint smile appears at the corner of my mouth as I shrug, "Because I'm stubborn. I love Stefan and Damon more than anything in this world and when something come between any of us, I'll always be on their side; even if they're not on mine." I clear my throat as I reach out a piece of paper in my pocket and hand it to Caroline, "Here's my number, if you ever want to talk to someone, about anything, give me a call, okay?"

Caroline smiles, she takes the paper out of my hand, "Thank you."



It's night time, Alaric and Damon are approaching the Founders' Hall for the Council meeting. Damon fills in Alaric on what he's been up to today, by helping Stefan hide the coffins of Klaus' family and also Stefan going on a crazy hybrid murder rampage until Klaus gets rid of them all.

"I thought Stefan saved your life." Alaric says as they approach the hall.

Damon scoffs, "He did."

"And now he is willing to risk it just to see how far he can push Klaus?"

Damon shrugs, "It seems so."

Alaric frowns, "So is his humanity on or off?"

"I think there is another option at play, a bit of a dimmer switch, which is a huge problem."

Alaric comes to a halt and faces Damon, "Why?"

Damon also stops walking and faces Alaric, "Because I can't predict how far he is willing to go until someone gets killed."

"So, suddenly you care who lives or dies?" Alaric retorts.

Damon flashes a sarcastic smile, "I have a small list."

Alaric rolls his eyes, "Talk about a humanity dimmer switch."

"Screw you!"

Alaric sighs as he looks at the hall, "Can't a Council meeting ever just be a Council meeting?" They both glance at each other, Damon shakes his head and Alaric scoffs, "No? Okay."

They both walk further towards the hall which is when Lola walks out and awkwardly smiles at the pair, "Hey."

Damon shares the same awkward grin, "Hey."

Alaric pats Damon on the shoulder, "I'll leave you guys to talk." Alaric walks past Lola, smiling as he does so.

Lola stares down at the ground, trying to find the right words, "Damon, I..."

Damon interrupts Lola by pulling her in for a hug, "You don't need to say anything, I deserved everything you said to me yesterday." He pulls away from the hug and smiles down at his sister, "I just really need my baby sis by my side right now."

Lola smiles back up at him, "Well stop being an ass and you will."

Damon shrugs as he messes up Lola's hair, "What kind of big brother would I be if I wasn't being an ass at least half the time?"

Lola playfully pushes him away and fixes her hair, "Lately you've been about 99% annoying, so lets try and stick with 50%, yeah?" Damon laughs and nods, "Good, now you can get me a drink and tell me what's going on because I know you and Stefan are up to something."

Damon sighs as they step into the hall, "You're not going to like what's happening."

Damon tells Lola everything, how Stefan is on a killing rampage towards Klaus' hybrids, that Stefan is operating on crazy right now and also that they're hiding the coffins until Klaus does as they say.

Damon hands Lola a drink after explaining everything, she looks up at him and frowns, "Why don't you just give him the coffins back?"

Damon frowns back, "And let him win? No way."

"Look, Damon, I'm on your side, I always will be but don't you think this has gone on too far? I'm sure Klaus will back away if we just cooperate."

Damon shrugs, "Well answer me this, Lo, who are in the coffins?"

Lola clears her throat, "Well, there's Elijah, obviously, their other brother Kol and a brother who I haven't met called Finn."

Damon narrows his eyes at his sister, "Okay so explain the fourth coffin."

Lola frowns, "There's a fourth coffin?"

Damon shushes her, "Keep your voice down, the hybrid freaks are everywhere. Are you really telling me you have no idea what or who is in the fourth coffin?"

Lola shakes her head, "I have no idea."

Damon nods, "Which is why we just need to stall everything so we can figure out what's in that coffin because it may be the key to destroy Klaus."

Lola bursts out laughing, "Destroy Klaus? Why would Klaus keep something in a coffin that could destroy him?"

Damon shrugs, "Why else would it be spelled shut? Are you with us on this?" Lola looks away and shrugs, Damon sighs, "Come on, Lo."

Lola looks at Damon, guilt all over her face, "Do you realise what you're asking me to do, Damon? You're putting me in a tough spot, D."

The clogs in Damon's mind start spinning away, trying to think about what to say next. Deep down he understands he's putting his sister in an awkward position, as much as he hates to admit it and the last thing he wants to do is start yet another argument and risk Lola running back into Klaus' arms.

Damon sighs, "Okay, fine. Just promise me you'll stay away from him?"

Lola nods, "Deal."

They both walk into a different room of the hall where there's a model of the Wickery Bridge restoration project. Where Alaric is standing, looking at it.

"That's the bridge where Elena and Jeremy's parents died in the car accident." Damon says as they both stand beside Alaric.

"Something is up with her. Elena. Something more than usual." Alaric glances over to Damon, "You know what it is?"

Damon shrugs, "Well I'm sure it starts with a "Stef" and ends with an "an"." Damon finishes his drink, "I'm gonna get another drink, write a check and then we're out?" Alaric nods, Damon nudges Lola to follow, "Come on, sibling bonding."

Lola and Damon are stood having a drink when they spot Klaus gushing over Carol Lockwood.

Lola glares over to him, "Just can't shake him off, can we?"

Damon shrugs as he takes a sip, "He was talking about getting a house here."

Lola rolls her eyes, "You're kidding."

Damon shakes his head, "Wish I was."

"You know Carol when I think of a mayor I think of an old fuddy-duddy, but you really have changed my perception!" Klaus says as he continues to flirt with Carol.

Carol blushes, "Oh, thank you!"

Damon and Lola both roll their eyes at the conversation, Damon guides Lola over to them both.

"I mean you are just delightful!" Klaus says, "What color are your eyes?"

"They are blue."

Klaus stares into Carol's eyes, "Oh yes, they are."

"Look at what the cat dragged in." Damon says as he and Lola approach, both have a fake smile plastered on their faces, "Nice vest."

Klaus glances over to the Salvatore's, "Thank you very much, good to see you, Damon." Klaus' eyes find Lola's, he smirks over to her, "Lola. Carol and I were discussing about whether you would be the other big benefactor."

Carol smiles over to them both, "What do you say Damon, Lola? Klaus has made a very generous pledge. You know how we're chomping at the bit to begin the renovation."

Lola laughs slightly as she pats Damon on the shoulder, "Well, Damon is the sibling with the bigger pockets, right, D?"

Damon rolls his eyes at his sister, he narrows his eyes towards Carol, "Carol, don't take this the wrong way, but do you realize that you've been kissing the ass of an immortal hybrid who ruined your son's life?"

"Oh, come now. Some would say that I saved it from all that nasty full moon business." Klaus turns to face Carol, "I've never had to go through it myself more than twice, to be honest, but still, I'm very sympathetic."

Lola groans, "Uh, I'm gonna be sick." She mumbles to herself.

Carol smiles at Klaus then faces Damon, "Klaus has promised to protect Tyler, Damon. And our town."

Damon frowns, "From who? His hybrids are the one the town needs protection from."

Klaus shrugs, "Well, I'd have no use for them if your brother would kindly return my family."

Damon flashes a cocky smile, "Not gonna happen."

"That's what I thought, which is why I've come to an agreement with the Mayor." Klaus says, looking as smug as ever, "You and the Council stay out of my hair, I stay out of yours. Your town gets protected, my hybrids get left alone and everybody will be happy. All you have to do is to get Stefan to stop decapitating my friends."

"Please Damon, just get your brother under control, or the Council will be forced to take action against him." Carol pleads with Damon.

Damon glares at her, "You've gotta be kidding me!"

Klaus smirks, "Oh come on mate. Give peace a chance."


I've left Damon to go and speak to Liz, while I have a marvellous conversation with a lovely bottle of scotch. But not long later I notice Stefan walking upstairs, clearly up to something.

I watch him as he walks up the stairs, I begin to walk towards the staircase to follow up but that's when I bump into Klaus who smirks at me, "Hello love."

I roll my eyes, "Leave me alone, Klaus."

I attempt to walk past him but he takes hold of my hand, "Nice to see you've mended things with your brother, you know, the one who broke your heart."

I scoff, "He isn't the only one who's broke my heart in the past, but you know, we move on."

"And what about those who don't wish to move on?"

I sigh as I snatch my hand out of his hold, "Can we not talk about this, again? Especially here." I push past him and walk up the stairs.

Once I get to the top of the stairs, I walk down the hallway where I see one of Klaus' hybrids passed out on the floor, with Damon and Stefan towering over him as they argue.

"To beat the villain, Damon, you have to be the better villain." Stefan says smugly.

"What the hell is going on?" I ask as I walk up to them both, I glare over at Stefan, "Are you out of your damn mind?!"

Stefan shrugs, "Maybe." Stefan pushes past me and walks away.

I glare over at Damon, "Care to explain?"

Damon smiles, "Keeping you out of it, remember?"

I roll my eyes as I walk back downstairs, "What the hell did I do in a past life that was so bad that God gave me two idiotic brothers." I mumble to myself.

I walk over to the bar, the waiter smiles at me, "What can I get for you, Miss?"

"Do you have any tequila?"

The bartender looks around the bar but shakes his head, "Sorry but I don't think we do."

I hand him a 50 dollar bill, "Well then go find me some." I compel him, he nods and walks away. My phone then starts to ring, as I grab my phone out of my purse, I see an unknown number, "Hello?"

"Lola, it's Matt."

"Matt? How did you get my number?"

"It's Caroline, I need your help. Tyler bit her."

"He what?!"

"Caroline isn't doing great, Lola. She keeps mumbling all sorts of weird stuff and hallucinating."

I look up and stare into the crowd when I spot Klaus, rubbing against all the founding families, trying to win them over. This has Klaus written all over it, "Matt, get Caroline back to her house. I'll be there as soon as I can."

I storm over to Klaus, I smile at the random people he is standing with, "If you can excuse him for a second, I need him to come with me."

I grab hold of his arm and push him into an empty room, "Give me your blood."

Klaus smirks over to me, "You couldn't stay away, could you, love? You just pulled me away from a fascinating conversation about landscaping the Town Square."

I glare over to him, "You got Tyler to bite Caroline."

Klaus acts dumb, "Did I? Well, yes, I suppose I did. You see, this is what's known as collateral damage, sweetheart. If your brother keeps my family from me, then I'll just be forced into adding people to the list of people who are going to die because of that."

I storm over to him, "You son of a bitch!" I slap him across the face, hard, "Caroline has done nothing to you! She doesn't deserve this!" I start to laugh, "You know I was actually defending you to her this morning? I told her that people always defined you from your past yet I was able to see the good in you! But I was just kidding myself, wasn't I? There's no good left in you at all."

Klaus closes the gap between us both, his eyes full of hurt, "You're wrong, Lola."

"So save Caroline, give me your blood so I can go and heal her." I narrow my gaze at him, "Prove that I'm wrong."

Before Klaus can respond, Damon storms in. He looks over to me as his anger builds, "Get away from her."

I sigh, "It's fine, Damon."

Damon storms over and pulls me aside and stands in front of me as he glares at Klaus.

Klaus smirks, "What do you want?"

"Stefan just grabbed Elena."

I look at Damon in shock, "Wait what?"

Klaus laughs slightly, "Well, he's getting desperate."

"He's gonna try and use her against you. Do what he says, get rid of your hybrids." Damon demands.

"Or what?" Klaus retorts, "Stefan would never dream of killing her."

"You sure about that?" Damon snaps back, "He just tried to behead someone in the middle of a Council party. He's operating on crazy right now."

Klaus smiles as he turns to face us both, "Well, crazy or not, that kind of love never dies. He's bluffing."

"Maybe he is, maybe he isn't but if you don't want to believe him, believe me." Damon steps closer to Klaus, "I know my brother better than anyone, and right now, I don't have a clue how far he is willing to take this. So if he says blink, I suggest you blink."

"I need to go." I mumble as I open up the doors.

Damon stops me, "Where are you going?"

I glance over to Klaus, "Ask him."

I storm out of the founders' hall, rummaging through my purse to find my car keys. I jump when I look up and see Klaus standing in front of me, dangling my keys from his hand, "Looking for these?"

"This isn't funny, Klaus. Give me my keys."

"On one condition."

I scoff, "Seriously? You're going to bargain with me? You can forget it if you're going to ask me to get the coffins back from Stefan, that's your mess with my brother, not mine."

"I wasn't going to say that."

I fold my arms against my chest, "Well then, what were you going to say?"

Klaus sighs as he reaches inside his jacket, he retrieves a velvet box with an envelope attached to it, "I don't expect you to read this right now, but in time, I would hope you would."

I take it off him, I look up at him and frown, "What is it?"

"Please just promise me that in time you'll read it."

I nod, "Fine, as long as you save Caroline." Klaus nods in agreement, I take my keys out of his hand, "Good. I'll be at the Forbes house waiting."


I arrive at Caroline's house, I speed up to the front door and continuously knock until Matt answers the door. He opens the door wide to allow me to walk in, "How is she?"

Liz walks out from Caroline's room, smiling over to me, "She's been asking for you."

I look at her confused, "For me? Why?"

Liz gestures for me to go into Caroline's room, "See for yourself."

Caroline is laid on her bed, looking fragile, grey and pale skin with sweat droplets all over her face and neck, dark circles underneath her eyes and yet she still manages to show a hint of a smile towards me, "Lola." Her voice is croaky and weak.

I walk over to her bed and sit on the edge, "How you feeling?"

Caroline laughs slightly, which makes her cough, "Oh you know...dying."

"Caroline, I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry this has happened to you."

Caroline takes my hand and squeezes it slightly, "It's not your fault."

"Klaus told me he is going to come here and give you his blood to heal you, you'll soon be back to your normal preppy self." I smile down at her as I remove pieces of hair out of her face.

"You made Tyler do this!" I hear Matt shouting from down the hall.

I glance down to Caroline and smile at her, "I'll be right back."

I walk down the hall to see Klaus standing in the doorway, "I would be grateful if you could just ask the Sheriff to invite me in and I will heal Caroline myself."

Liz walks into focus from behind me, "I know how this game works. You want something in return."

Klaus shrugs, "Just your support." Klaus glances over to me and smiles, "If it would make you feel more comfortable I can give my blood to Lola to heal Caroline, that way I won't be invited in."

Liz looks over to me, as though she needs validation off me, I nod back at her. Liz sighs, she walks into the kitchen and comes back with a cup, handing it to me. I take the cup and walk outside to see Klaus, I hold it out for him and smile, "Thank you."

Klaus nods, he bits into his wrist and lets his blood pour into the cup. Klaus hesitates to leave for a moment, as though he wants to say something but can't find the right words. I take his hand, causing him to look at me, I smile, "I'll read the letter." That's all that he needed to hear because as soon as those words came out of my mouth, he was gone.

I vamp speed back into Caroline's room, sitting in the same spot I was in minutes ago, "Here, drink this."

I help Caroline sit up slightly and ease her into drinking the blood. Caroline lays back down and sighs with relief, she looks up at me and smiles, "Thank you, Lola."

"Get some rest." I place the cup on her nightstand and stand to walk out when Caroline's still croaky voice stops me.

"Is it always this complicated being a vampire?"

I laugh slightly as I turn to face her, "You're asking the wrong girl." I sigh as I walk back over and sit beside her, "I haven't told anyone this, not even Damon or Stefan but about 19 years after I turned I was so close to taking my daylight ring off and ending it all. Even though I had Damon, I felt so alone, so lost and all I could think about was ending it."

"So what stopped you?"

I roll my eyes as I laugh, "A man, it's cliche I know." Caroline opens her mouth to say something but I stop her, knowing what she was going to say, "No it wasn't Klaus."

"Was it the guy who Damon killed? Elena told me about that."

A hint of a smile appears on my face as I remember Dom, "Yeah, it was him." I clear my throat as I look over to Caroline, "All I'm trying to say is, if you ever feel like that, if you ever feel alone or lost. I just want you to know that you'll have me, okay?" Caroline nods, I stand up again and begin to walk out the room, I turn to face her before I close the door, "Here's to many more birthdays right? Lets just hope none of them are going to be like this again though."

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