Chapter 42

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Do Not Go Gentle

Lola begins to stir awake, she reaches over to Klaus' side of the bed but it's empty. When she squints her eyes open she can see Klaus' figure sat beside the bed, she laughs, "You're watching me sleep again."

Klaus chuckles as he sets down his sketch book and walks back over to the bed, "I'm simply observing your beauty radiate even more when you're not speaking."

Lola nudges him as he lays back on the bed, "Asshole."

Klaus wraps his arm around Lola's waist pulling her in closer, kissing her. Lola then moves to now be on top of Klaus as they continue to kiss. Klaus cups Lola's cheeks pulling her away slightly, "Promise me something."

Lola smiles back down at him, "Anything."

"If anything happens to me, anything at all, promise me you won't get upset."

Lola frowns as she sits up, still straddling Klaus. "What are you talking about? What's going on?"

Klaus sits up, places his hands on Lola's thighs, "I'm not saying anything is going to happen, but just in case. I don't want you to be sad, I want you to be happy." He removes a piece of hair from her face, smiling faintly at his love, "So please promise me you won't get upset."

Lola mimics the same smile, "I promise only if you promise the same."

"I promise, love."

Lola pecks Klaus on the lips, then climbing off his lap, "But nothing is going to happen, you hear me? We are going to be just fine."

Lola walks towards their bathroom, Klaus watches her in awe, "Leave with me."

"What?" Lola asks, confusion on her face.

Klaus stands from the bed making his way over to Lola, "Let's leave. Today." He wraps his arms around her waist, pulling her closer, "Let's start the rest of our lives out of this dreary little town."

Excitement glistens in Lola's eyes, "Really?"

"We can go anywhere, anywhere you'd like. Here." Klaus takes her hand, walking her over to his desk where a vintage globe is. He stands behind Lola, leaning into her ear, "Close your eyes and stop the globe and where ever it lands that's where we'll go first."

Lola does as he says, she closes her eyes and spins the globe then stops it with her index finger. She opens her eyes, smiling at the location, then turns to face Klaus, "Indonesia."

Klaus smirks, "Bali is perfect this time of year. So is that a yes?"

"Of course it's a yes!" Lola exclaims, "I will go anywhere with you." She pulls Klaus in for a kiss then her phone begins to ring. She huffs, "I should get that."

"Let it go to voicemail." Klaus mumbles against her lips.

Lola looks over to her phone to see the caller ID; Adrianna.

Lola groans as she pulls away, "Uh, it's Ade. I haven't spoken to her for a while I should really get this."

Klaus kisses Lola once more, "Fine, tell Adrianna I said hi. I'll be downstairs." Klaus then heads into the bathroom to get changed then goes downstairs.

"Hey, Ade."

"Thank God, it's so good to hear your voice."

Lola frowns at the seriousness in Adrianna's voice, "What's up?"

"I don't suppose you've seen Hayley by any chance?"

"Uh, no, should I have seen her?"


"Ade, what's going on?"

"Hayley just took off and left weeks ago. Said she wanted to be with her people. She wanted to help people like her and we haven't heard from her since."

"I hate to be the one to say this to you, Ade, but Hayley isn't that teenager we took in all those years ago." Lola sighs as she sits back down on the bed, "It was going to happen sooner or later."

"I guess you're right, I just hope she isn't with the wrong kinda crowd. Last time we spoke she said she was in the Appalachian Mountains, helping a pack. God knows what she meant. It's not the pack is it?"

"No, that pack is still living in New Orleans as far as I'm aware." Lola informs, "Hayley still doesn't know anything about them."

"How's things in the crazy town that is Mystic Falls? Anyone else die?"

Lola cringes, "Uh..."

"Oh god, who died?"

"Nik's older brother, Finn."

"Finn? I thought he was daggered?"

Lola lays down on the bed, taking a deep breath, "Wow, I can't believe it's been this long since we last spoke. Have you got a drink? You're going to need it." Lola then informs Adrianna on everything that has happened since they last spoke from her arguments with her brothers, aunt visiting her in her dreams, crazy original witches.

"So are you like a witch now?"

"No I'm not." Lola corrects her friend, "Apparently in order for me to become a witch I have to die."

"You believe that?"

"I'm having a hard time to believe it. How do I not know this is just a ploy to just leave me for dead?" Lola rhetorically asks, "I'm not taking that chance."

"That's probably a good idea. So now what?"

Lola smiles as she sits up on the bed then walks over to the desk where the globe is, "Now, I can finally leave this town for a good and start the rest of my immortal life with Klaus, starting with us going to Bali tonight."

"And you're not at all bothered that you're going to leave your brothers behind?"

Lola rolls her eyes, "Of course I am. They're my brothers. But I'm not their sister, technically yes I am with DNA but I haven't been their sister for a long time. Not since everything happened with Elena. I don't even think they would notice if I did leave."

"You should still tell them you're leaving. If not for them but for you, it will give you the closure you deserve."

"I hate that you're always right."

"Wow, is that the Lola Salvatore giving me a compliment?"

"Oh, I take it all back now." Lola laughs.


Lola heads down into the living room where Klaus is working on an abstract painting. She walks up behind him, taking in his art as she hums, "Hm, maybe some more black."

Klaus raises a brow in her direction, "Are you mocking me and my art work?"

Lola fake gasps and smirks as she takes a seat on the couch behind him, "Wouldn't dream of it."

Rebekah walks in shortly after as Klaus continues to paint but notices her presence in the room, "What took you so long?"

"Alaric didn't want to hand over the stake." Rebekah informs, she shows them both the stake, "Luckily I'm quite the charmer."

Klaus smiles over to his sister, "That's it?"

"The last of the white oak stakes that can kill us." Rebekah says as she gestures down to the stake in her hands, "Do you want to do the honours or shall I?"

Klaus puts the paintbrush down, takes the stake from Rebekah and throws it into the flames in the fireplace, the flames flare up around the stake.

"Well that's that then." Rebekah smiles as she turns to leave the room.

"Pack your bags, we're leaving." Klaus informs his sister as he turns to continue his painting.

Rebekah stops in her tracks, "Today?"

"Why not?" Klaus retorts, "There's nothing keeping us here. We'll grab the doppelgänger and be off by sunset."

"Come with us, Bex." Lola says still sitting on the couch, smiling innocently over to Rebekah, "First stop is Indonesia, you'll love it."

"But tonight is the decade dance." Rebekah points out.

"So?" Klaus mumbles.

"So, I'm head of the committee, we have to go."

Klaus turns to face Rebekah, "I'm not going to any dance."

"I second that." Lola adds, "Nothing ever good comes from a stupid high school dance. I honestly thought you were joking when you spoke about it yesterday."

"Come on, please?" Rebekah whines, "For once I just want to be able to enjoy myself as a high schooler."

Klaus scoffs, "Which still baffles me why you would want to even go through the whole high school experience."

"Lola?" Rebekah turns her attention to Lola with puppy dog eyes, "Please, it's the twenties theme! Remember how much fun we had in the twenties!"

Lola looks over to Klaus, "She's got a point, well the first couple of years of the twenties we did."

"Please, I have big plans for tonight." Rebekah begs, now giving Klaus the puppy dog eyes, "Just go for me."

"Okay, fine." Klaus gives in, he smirks, "One last hoorah."

Rebekah smiles satisfied, "One last hoorah, Nik."


The high school dance is in full swing, Caroline is slow dancing with Tyler who's been away for a while. Tyler begins to stiffen as he feels a new presence enter the hall.

Caroline frowns and looks at him confused, "What is it?" She then follows his gaze to see Klaus enter the hall with Lola following shortly behind him.

Klaus heads straight over to them both, glaring at Tyler, "Where've you been mate?"

Tyler starts up more straight, clenching his jaw, "I just got back in town."

Klaus takes a step closer to Tyler, "That's funny, I don't recall giving you permission to leave in the first place."

Lola stands in between them both and looks over to Klaus, "Dance with me?" Without even giving Klaus a choice, she drags him away into the middle of the dance floor.

Klaus' glare doesn't leave Tyler, "I wasn't done talking to him."

Lola places her hand on Klaus' cheek to make him face her as she smiles softly, "Just give them tonight, okay? You can grill him on where he's been after the dance."

Klaus spins Lola around then pulling her back closer to him as he smirks, "Look at you being the angel on my shoulder."

"Well someone has to make sure you don't cause another scene at this school." Lola teases, "Is it possible for you to maybe just once not try and prove you're the alpha male?"

Klaus laughs slightly, "I don't have to prove anything, love, I am the alpha male."

Lola playfully rolls her eyes as they continue to sway to the music, "Oh yes, how could I forget."

"You have a bit of a soft spot for her." Klaus says as he glances back over to Caroline then to Lola.

"Who, Caroline?" Lola asks, Klaus nods, "She just reminds me of me when I first turned. Plus she has been through a lot since becoming a vampire so kill me for feeling a bit protective over her."

Klaus leans closer to Lola's ear, "You look ravishing, by the way."

"You don't look so bad yourself." Lola compliments back, taking in his attire for the evening, "I've missed the twenties look on you."

Klaus narrows his eyes at Lola's dress, "I remember this dress."

"Mhm, you should. You got me it for my birthday, 1921."

Klaus smiles, "Ah, yes. How could I forget." He twirls Lola around once more before dipping her slightly, "If I remember correctly the dress spent more time on the floor that night than actually on you." Klaus then slowly brings Lola back up, chest to chest as he smirks, "Perhaps we should recreate that tonight."

Lola laughs as her cheeks heat up with blush, "Easy, wolfie. Is this the kind of talk we should be having in the middle of a high school dance?"

Klaus rolls his eyes then looks around the crowd of teenagers searching for his sister, "What are we even doing here?"

Lola frowns as she now begins to look around for Rebekah, "We were being nice for your sister and yet she is nowhere to be seen. Come to think of it, did you see her get ready at the house?"

"I haven't seen her since this morning."

"Did you think she was acting a bit strange this morning?"

Klaus scoffs, "She always acts strange."

"Don't be a dick." Lola hits Klaus against his chest, "I don't know though, something wasn't right."

"Neither is us being here." Klaus takes hold of Lola's hand, "Come on, we're leaving."

Klaus guides Lola out of the hall and begin to leave the high school. As they start to walk out, Klaus grabs his phone and tries to call Rebekah but gets her voicemail, "Rebekah, call me back immediately! I only came to this ridiculous dance because you begged me to and now you're nowhere to be found." Both of them come to a halt when they notice the line of salt going around the school, "What is this?"

Stefan walks up behind them, "Your mother is back."

All three of them walk back into the high school and go into a classroom that has several candles lit around the desk and Bonnie is chanting. Damon, Jeremy and Bonnie's date, Jamie are also there.

Jamie watches Bonnie, "She does this all the time, right?"

"What's taking so long?!" Klaus exclaims, growing impatient, "All boundary spells have a loop hole."

Matt enters the classroom, "People are walking right out of the dance, past the barrier."

"Matt and I can leave, we can stop Esther ourselves." Jeremy informs, "We just gotta find out where she is." Both Lola and Klaus look at Jeremy, amusement on their faces at the young Gilbert.

"It's suicide, Jeremy." Stefan mutters.

Klaus rushes over and grabs Jamie by the throat and starts to strangle him, "Suicide would be disappointing me! Now work your magic, witch, or I'll start killing people you fancy."

"Let him go!" Bonnie yells

"Not until you get us out of here." Klaus threatens as Jamie struggles in his hold.

"Ah, don't be stupid, Klaus." Stefan pipes up as he walks towards Klaus, "Bonnie doesn't give a damn about us. The only reason she's helping us right now is to save Caroline and Tyler. You start killing the people she cares about, she'll tell us all to go to hell."

Klaus contemplates Stefan's words for a moment, glaring between Bonnie and Jamie and eventually letting Jamie go. Bonnie goes to Jamie's side as he gasps for breath when Stefan walks out of the classroom.

Lola rushes out as she hears Adrianna's voice in her head about getting closure and follows Stefan, "Stefan, wait! Can we talk?"

Stefan stops in his step, sighing before turning around to face his sister, "What is it?"

"I just want you to know that I'm leaving, for good." Lola informs him as she starts to play with her nails nervously, "I'm not coming back."

Stefan faintly nods before stepping closer to Lola, "Are you sure this is what you want?"

Lola gets a lump in her throat when realisation hits that this might be the last time in a long time, possibly forever that she will speak to her brother, "I was never meant to end up back here, you know that. Look, I know you hate me and the choices I've made but just know I don't hate you." Stefan looks over to her, a little shocked at her loving words. Lola laughs nervously, "Not one bit, you're my little brother and I love you so much even if you hate me."

A sad smile begins to form on Stefan's face, "I don't hate you, Lo, it's not possible for me to hate you. I may not agree with some of your decisions, just like you don't agree with some of mine, but... but if this is what it takes to keep you happy then I'm not going to stand in your way."

"I still see you as that little 5 year old who would never leave Damon and I alone." Lola reminisces as a single tear falls down her cheek, "Always wanting to be included whenever we snuck out of the house to go on an adventure."

Stefan laughs slightly, "Yeah and you only let me join in because I was smaller than you and you could make me sneak out first to make sure it was safe to leave."

"Then life got complicated, so complicated." Lola says with sadness in her words.

Both siblings looking at each other with sorrow, for a moment seeing each other as the innocent children all those years ago, remembering how they would call themselves the three musketeers.

Stefan steps closer to Lola, "I'm going to miss you, Lo."

"I'm going to miss you too." Lola says as she holds back tears, they both pull each other into an embrace, "I love you, Stef."

"I love you too."

Stefan then heads further into the high school and Lola walks outside to get some air as she waits for the spell to be lifted.

Lola reaches outside, staring out into the night past the salt line when she feels a hand on her shoulder, instantly recognising it as Klaus.

"Are you sure you want to leave with me?" Klaus asks softly.

Lola turns to face him, confused, "Of course I do, why?"

"I heard your conversation with Stefan. This is your hometown, after all, you belong here."

Lola smiles up at Klaus, her usual smile when she is hiding how she's feeling on the inside however Klaus can still see the sadness in her eyes, "I just needed closure. I belong wherever you are, you're stuck with me."

Klaus' warm facial expressions soon turn hard and cold when he notices Stefan walk outside, "You know this is your fault."

"Nik, stop." Lola warns.

"You set us on this path when you released my mother." Klaus looks over to Stefan, "I wonder if revenge will prove worth the cost."

Stefan shrugs as he puts his hands in his pockets, "Oh, I'm done with revenge. As far as Esther; we've stopped her before, we'll stop her again."

"We're strange bedfellows, you and I." Klaus says as he steps closer to Stefan, "You know, all of this, reminds me of our time together in the Twenties."

Stefan scoffs, "You say that like I'm supposed to have happy memories about it."

"Well, there were moments. Real friendship. Brotherhood."

Damon walks up to them all, "Well, he already has a brother. Not to be, you know, territorial or anything." He flashes a smile in Stefan's direction as he stops beside him, then glances over to Lola who is standing beside Klaus, "I would say he has a sister too, but looks like she's already chose her side."

Lola looks away from him uncomfortably, still trying to work up the courage into telling him she's leaving.

"Don't start, Damon." Stefan sighs.

"Oh no, of course, the Salvatore brothers and their unshakeable bond." Klaus taunts as he chuckles, "I wonder what'll happen when Elena finally makes her choice. Will we see you shake just a little bit?" Damon's smirk falling off his face as both brothers now have a sombre look on their face.

"It's done. Esther's not fighting me any more." Bonnie announces as she walks out of the school, "The boundary spell is broken."

Klaus tests the boundary with his arm, and seeing Bonnie's words are correct. He takes Lola's hand and they both speed away from the school and go to the graveyard.


They both arrive at the graveyard and instantly see Esther's dead body on the ground. A part of Lola annoyed that once again the witch is dead and so many questions she has remain unanswered.

"I'm proud of you for saying what you said to Stefan." Klaus says making Lola jump out of her thoughts, she looks over to see Klaus already picking up his mother's body, "Are you coming?"

Lola's lips part to reply but at the corner of her eye spot Alaric standing in the distant, his expression looking as though he wants to speak to her. Lola looks back over to Klaus, "I'll see you back at the house." Klaus goes to interfere but Lola soon interrupts, "It's fine, I'll be back soon." Klaus hesitates for another moment but eventually nodding and leaving.

Lola walks over to Alaric, "You okay? I heard about what's happened."

Alaric sighs as he shrugs his shoulders, "I'm not going to complete the transition, Lola. I don't want to be the person I become because of the ring."

Lola nods, stepping closer and pulling Alaric in for a hug, "I am so sorry it's ended up like this, Ric." She pulls away from the hug, smiling at him, "You're one of the good guys."

"Take care of yourself, Lola." Alaric smiles softly at her then reenters the Salvatore crem to say goodbye to Jeremy and Elena.

It's not long after everyone begins to arrive at the graveyard to say their goodbyes to Alaric. Damon and Stefan arrive first with Caroline, Tyler and Bonnie following shortly after. Lastly, Meredith Fell turns up.

Jeremy walks out of the crem first, standing amongst everyone there. Elena and Alaric walk out, both looking taken back by everyone standing there in silence. Alaric glances at everyone there with a faint smile on his face before turning back around and closing the gate behind him. Meredith follows him in with her doctor's bag, stating she wants to help him feel more comfortable.

Everyone slowly vacates the graveyard, leaving just Damon and Lola behind. Damon has barely looked at his sister lately so tonight wasn't any exception to stop doing that. He sighs as he takes a seat on a nearby rock and begins drinking his bourbon.

Lola slowly approaches him from behind as she works herself up into saying what she has been wanting to say to him for so long, "You should know, I'm leaving town tomorrow."

Damon scoffs as he takes another drink of bourbon, still with his back to his sister, "Surprised it's took this long, Stef and I never really mattered to you since the Mikaelsons came into town."

Lola's heart sinks a little hearing Damon's words, she frowns as she steps closer to him, "Damon, I thought the world of you. You were my big brother, my knight in shining armour when we were growing up. You would always protect me when it came to our father, even protected me when George Lockwood pulled my hair that one time." Damon continues to have his back to Lola, not knowing the pain and heartbreak that is all over Lola's face as warm tears stream down her face, "It breaks my heart that we are so distant now, I just want my big brother back." Lola's voice breaking a little, "I forgive you and Stefan about everything that's happened and I hope that one day you might forgive me too. Even if you don't, still know that I love you both so much. I'm really sorry that I'm not doing what you want me to but I'm happy, Damon, Klaus makes me happy." Lola puts her arms around Damon, who hasn't even looked away from a patch of dirt he fixated his eyes onto during Lola's speech. Lola kisses her brother's cheek, "I know you can't see that and I just wish you would."

Lola stands up straight, giving one last look at her brother's back, "Goodbye, brother."

A/N: When I tell you I am NOT READY for the next two chapters, I really mean I AM NOT READY!!

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