Chapter 43

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Before Sunset

Lola has already packed everything of hers that was at the mansion due to not being able to sleep last night thinking about Alaric. Her plan was to get the last essential things she has at the boarding house, her Aunt Cora's grimoires she hide years ago underneath the floorboards in her bedroom.

Lola sits on the edge of the bed where Klaus is still sleeping as she begins to put her shoes on. The dip in the bed, makes Klaus stir awake. He narrows his eyes at Lola, "Where are you going?"

Lola turns to face him as she places a soft kiss against his lips, "Go back to sleep. I have some of my aunt's grimoires hidden in the boarding house, I'm going to get them."

Klaus starts to sit up, "Are you sure?"

"What's the worst that can happen?" Lola asks as she begins to walk out of the room, she turns to smile at Klaus once more, "I'll be back soon."

Lola is just about to pull up at the boarding house when her phone begins to ring, the ID saying Caroline. Lola presses answer then speakerphone, "Hey Car-"

But Lola gets interrupted by a panicking Caroline, panting, "Lola, Ric's at the school and-"

Next thing is the phone line goes dead, "Caroline? Caroline!" No response, "Surely not." Lola mutters to herself. A feeling in the pit of Lola's stomach takes over and without thinking twice Lola turns the car around and begins to drive towards the school.


Meanwhile back at the Mikaelson mansion, Klaus is packing away all this art work when Rebekah rushes in looking flushed, "Alaric Saltzman just tried to kill me."

"Alaric Saltzman is supposed to be dead." Klaus deadpans.

"Well, he's not and he's a vampire thanks to mother's spell with a white oak stake that can't kill him." Rebekah rushes out as fear sets in, "He's strong, Nik. Too strong."

"Where is he now?"

"He's stuck at the school without a daylight ring, but as soon as night falls he'll come after us." Rebekah informs, "We need to leave now, where's Lola?"

Klaus grits his teeth as he finishes off his packing, "Fine. Lola is at the boarding house grabbing the rest of her things, we will call and tell her we will get her from there. Then collect Elena and we will be on our way."

"Forget Elena!" Rebekah snaps, "You don't need any more stupid hybrids!"

Klaus glares over to his sister, "What I need is protection from Esther's continued assaults against us."

Rebekah shakes her head, looking at him dumbfounded, "We'll protect each other, like we always have." Rebekah steps closer to Klaus as tears threaten to escape, "Always and forever, Nik."

"I'm not leaving without her." Klaus walks past Rebekah, packing some more artwork.

Rebekah faces Klaus, looking hurt, "I'm leaving now." Klaus doesn't respond, instead continuing packing up, Rebekah scoffs, "You can either walk out that door with me or you are on your own because I doubt even Lola will want the doppelgänger to be a part of her fresh start." Klaus looks at her but says nothing, Rebekah clenches her jaw and nods faintly, "Fine. Trust your hybrids over your family. Let your spite be the death of you, see if I care." Rebekah storms out of the room, pushing past Tyler as she does, "Move it, sire boy!"

Tyler glances between Rebekah walking away and Klaus, "What's her deal?"

Not long after, Klaus walks out of the mansion trying to ring Lola but it's no use as her phone continuously goes to voicemail, "Love, please answer the phone. Something has happened, Alaric Saltzman is alive." Klaus stops in his step as he composes himself trying to ignore the feeling in the pit of his stomach that something has happened to Lola, "Just please call me back so I know you're safe."


At the Gilbert house, Bonnie, Damon, and Stefan are in the kitchen together. Stefan brings Bonnie a towel for her neck wound after Alaric feeding on her to complete the transition.

"What do you mean he turned?" Stefan asks his brother distressed, "I thought you were standing guard!"

"Don't blame me." Damon snaps back, "Blame Bonnie the blood bank. She fed him."

"I had no idea what was happening. Okay, the witches led me there." Bonnie informs the brothers, "They wanted him to feed so he turned."

"So, where's the stake now?" Stefan asks.

"Oh, you mean the white oak one?" Damon rhetorically asks, "The one that can kill an Original and wipe out an entire line of vampires?" He shrugs as he glares at Bonnie, "We don't know."

Bonnie glares back at Damon, "If you are so upset with me, why did you feed me your blood to save my life?"

Damon frowns, "Because I do stupid things, Bonnie. I do things, like let my friend die with dignity when I should have just killed him and letting my sister go off with the hybrid freak."

Stefan sighs, "Alright, so how do we kill him now?"

"I've been trying to figure that out." Bonnie says as she still holds the towel against her neck, "A witch can't truly make an immortal creature, there's always a way to undo a spell."

Damon shrugs his shoulders, "So, what's the witchy work around?"

Bonnie glances between both brothers as she shrugs her shoulders, "That's the problem. I don't know."

Meanwhile, Elena is upstairs painting Alaric's old room when her phone rings. She picks it up and feels her heart drop when she sees the caller ID as Alaric. She grits her teeth as she answers the call, "Whoever this is, it's not funny."

"Well, who else would it be?" Alaric says on the other end of the phone.

"Ric?" Elena says quietly in shock.

"Listen closely, I'm at the school, I have Caroline, and if you want to keep her alive, I need you to get in your car and come down here right away. If you tell anyone where you are going, I will kill her."

Alaric hangs up. Caroline is staked down into a desk with pencils in her hands and a cloth dipped with vervain in her mouth.

Back in the Gilbert house, downstairs the doorbell rings. Jeremy answers the door to find Klaus with a smug smile on his face standing outside. Jeremy glares at the hybrid, "What the hell do you want?"

Klaus laughs slightly, "Now is that any way to treat a guest?"

Stefan comes up behind Jeremy, "What are you doing here, Klaus?"

"Well, for starters, young Jeremy here could show some manners and invite me inside."

Damon walks over to the door as Stefan moves in front of Jeremy, "Why don't you go up to your room?"

When Jeremy doesn't move, Damon glares at him, "Now." Jeremy sighs and walks up the stairs.

"Hm, poor lad." Klaus taunts, "Loses one questionable father figure only to be replaced by the likes of the two of you."

"Yeah, about that." Damon pipes up, "Something happened."

"Oh, I know all about my mother's invulnerable little creation and that's why I'm here. I'm leaving town, just need to pick up a few road trip necessities." A smirk grows on Klaus' face as he glances between Stefan and Damon, "Spare tire, flashlight, doppelgänger."

Damon smirks, "Can't help you there." Damon claps Stefan on the shoulder, pulls him back, and shuts the door on Klaus.

Damon moves into the living room and Stefan goes towards the stairs, "Elena!"

Outside, Klaus paces up and down the front porch looking into the windows, trying to figure a way to get inside. It's then he notices a newspaper beside the front door, he crouches down to pick it up with a smirk growing on his face.

Inside, Stefan walks up the stairs and into Alaric's old room. Jeremy is in there mixing some more paint, but Elena is nowhere in sight, Stefan looks at Jeremy, "Where is she?"

Jeremy shrugs, "I don't know, she was just here a few minutes ago."

Stefan walks out of the room and down the stairs where he meets up with Damon. Damon throws his hands up, "Where is she?"

"She's not here." Stefan answers.

"What do you mean she's not here?" Damon retorts, "Where did she go?"

Bonnie walks into the living room, "What's going on?"

Damon looks out the blinds and sees Klaus pacing with the newspaper still in his hands, "Klaus wants in, we have to keep him out." Damon sees Klaus pull back his arm and throw the newspaper at the window with vampire strength, "Ah, duck!" The newspaper smashes through the window and flies into the living room. Damon ducks down. Stefan grabs Bonnie and they both duck.


On the other side of town, Lola arrives at the school. She makes her way into the school, slowly walking through the halls making sure she doesn't make a sound. As she approaches Alaric's classroom she can hear Caroline's soft cries from inside.

Lola takes a deep breath and rushes into the classroom. Before Alaric can fight back, Lola breaks his wrist then kicks him across the classroom making him crash into some desks. She quickly rips the pencils out of Caroline's hands, making Caroline scream out in pain.

Lola quickly helps Caroline up, "Caroline, get out of here!" Caroline then rushes out of the classroom.

Lola is just about to turn to face Alaric when he grabs a fistful of her hair, slamming her head against a desk making her pass out.

Lola begins to stir away shortly after as blood drips down her head, she squints her eyes open to see now her hands are trapped against the desk with pencils going straight through them.

Her eyes finally focus as she looks over to Alaric sitting by his desk, glaring at her as he twirls the white oak stake around his hands, "You just had to get involved, didn't you?"

Lola scoffs as she shrugs her shoulders, "What can I say? I just love putting myself in these kinda situations."

Alaric walks towards Lola, he puts the stake under Lola's chin, making her look up at him as he looks down at her in disgust, "Why would I have ever seen you as a friend?"

Lola purses her lips slightly, "Oh I don't know, my amazing personality, I'm not too bad to look at, or maybe it's just because my humour can't be beat sometimes." She starts laughing to herself, "Now that I think about it, why did you have me as your friend? Because having me by your side just highlighted how pathetic and worthless you are."

"The only pathetic one around here is you." Alaric seethes as he grabs hold of Lola's neck, tightening his grip.

"So what's your plan, huh?" Lola spits out as she gasps for breath, "Kill me? Go right ahead."

Alaric continues squeezing Lola's throat then letting go, making Lola gasp for breath. He rests against his desk opposite Lola, "Not just yet." He grabs a beaker that is full of vervain and dips a cloth in it, "What will be more enjoyable will be killing your precious hybrid of a boyfriend right in front of you then watch as you and every other blood sucker that is part of his bloodline slowly die."

"How poetic of you." Lola scoffs as she watches Alaric take the cloth out of the beaker.

"Shut up." Alaric snaps, he wraps the cloth around Lola's mouth, tying it tightly around her head. Lola closes her eyes as she tries not to scream in pain at the burning sensation of the vervain against her face and what feels like acid mixed with shatters of glass going down her throat.

Like clockwork, they both hear the doors opening into the school. Alaric smirks instantly knowing who it is, "Right on time."

Elena walks down the hallway, looking around. She hears crying from inside Alaric's classroom and runs towards the noise. When she enters she looks over to Lola in shock, "Lola." Lola looks over to her wide eyed, mentally telling her to get the hell out of here, but it's no use. Elena glares over to Alaric, "Let her go, Alaric!"

Alaric shrugs from his seat and gestures over to Lola, "Free her yourself."

Elena and Alaric stare at each other for a moment before Elena cautiously walks over to Lola. She crouches down to be eye level with Lola, "Are you okay?" Lola nods slightly as Elena starts to gently pull the one of the pencils out of Lola's hand, making Lola wince at the pain. But Alaric comes up from behind Elena, slamming the pencil back into Lola's hand, making her scream out, mumbling curse words against the vervain cloth in her mouth.

"You said that you would let her go!" Elena snaps at Alaric.

Alaric closes the gap between him and Elena, nothing but hatred in his eyes, "How many times do I have to tell you, Elena? Stop trusting vampires!"

Elena looks around the classroom, "Where's Caroline?"

"I know I originally said it was Caroline but this one over here decided to get involved." Alaric takes a seat again at his desk, "But when you think about it having her here works out better."


Klaus is still outside, waiting as he stares at the Gilbert house, "I think you're probably gonna want to let me in!"

Now trying to think of another way to get into the house, Klaus looks around the nearby houses when he notices one across the street with a white picket fence. He storms over to the house and leans against the picket fence as he continues to look around. Klaus then notices a soccer ball in the garden and smiles coming up with another plan.

Back in the house, Bonnie, Jeremy, Stefan, and Damon are standing in the kitchen. Stefan looks out of the kitchen window, "Elena's car is gone."

Bonnie frowns, "Why wouldn't she tell anyone where she was going?"

Suddenly, the front door bursts open and the soccer ball flies in, Damon blocks his face from the ball hitting him. Damon looks towards the front door to see Klaus walking up the steps to the porch, carrying to pieces of the white picket fence.

Klaus swings the first picket straight into the house, aiming for Damon but it narrowly misses his head as Damon ducks making the wood slam into the wall behind him. Stefan grabs Bonnie and Jeremy, "Get down!"

Damon stands up straight, glaring at Klaus, "Missed me!" He rips the picket out of the wall behind him, throwing it back at Klaus.

Klaus easily dodges the picket as it flies past his shoulder, he breaks the second picket into two and throws half of it at Damon again. Damon ducks for a second time, causing the picket to smash against a picture behind him.

"Missed me again!" Damon taunts as he ducks behind the dining table.

Klaus smirks as he throws the last picket up in the air, turning it around to then throw it into the house, making it smash into pieces around Stefan.

Stefan's phone begins to ring, reading the ID immediately, "Alaric."

Klaus now comes back up to the house with a propane tank and a newspaper 'torch'. Stefan comes up to the front door, "Put it out."

"Come outside and make me." Klaus threatens looking smug.

Stefan looks at Klaus with no expression on his face as he steps out of the house towards Klaus, "Elena's not here. Alaric has her and Lola and he's gonna kill them both unless you turn yourself over to him."

Taken aback by Stefan's statement, Klaus throws the newspaper down and drops the propane tank. How did this happen? Alaric has Lola, he has Lola.

Klaus glares at Stefan, "Now, I know you're not asking me to walk into a certain death."

Stefan laughs slightly, "I really wish we could. But unfortunately, if Alaric kills you there's a one in four chance that we die too."

Damon walks out with a picket over his shoulder, looking smug, "I'll take those odds."

Stefan glares at Damon, "And a hundred percent chance that Tyler dies."

Damon shrugs his shoulders, "Good with that too."

Stefan turns from his brother, ignoring his comment, tilting his head slightly as he looks back over to Klaus, "Why don't we just figure out a way to put Alaric down?"

Klaus and Stefan are pacing outside as they try to think of a way to get Lola and Elena out of the school while Damon leans against the picket as he also thinks of a plan.

Klaus stops and turns around with a mischievous grin on his face, "Okay, how about Damon sneaks in and distracts Alaric, while Stefan grabs Elena and carries her to safety?"

Damon scoffs, "Huh, that's a great idea. What's to stop me from getting killed instantly?"

Klaus flashes a cocky smile at him, "Nothing."

"Lola's in there." Damon taunts, "You going to prove you actually feel something for my sister and not just using her to divide us all?"

Klaus grits his teeth as he takes a step closer to Damon, "You've done that all on your own, mate."

Stefan steps forward, placing himself in between them both, "This isn't really helping too much." Stefan drops his head for a moment and sighs before bringing his attention back to Klaus, "Look, as much as we don't get along right now given all the drama and the fact we don't particularly like what's going on between you and Lola, she's our sister. We're not going to let Alaric hurt her or Elena so we need to work together and get them back safely."

Bonnie walks out of the house, "I might have an idea. My mom used a desiccation spell on Mikael that immobilised him for over 15 years. If I can get it, I might be able to use it on Alaric."

"If and might? Your words inspire such confidence." Klaus quips as he raises his brows in doubt.

Bonnie shoots Klaus a glare, "I'll get it. But even with the spell, we'll need a lot of vampire muscle to take him down. Including yours."

Damon and Stefan both nod in agreement at Bonnie's plan, Klaus turns away from them all and glances up at the sky, "Just so we're clear, the sun sets in about eight hours." Klaus turns to face them all once more, "If we don't succeed before then, Elena will be dead, I'll be gone, and the rest of you will be left to fend for yourselves."

Bonnie's stare fixates over Klaus' shoulder as she sees Caroline running towards them all, "Caroline!"

Stefan runs down the steps to catch her, clearly looking like she is about to collapse after the ordeal with Alaric. Caroline falls into Stefan's arm, panting, "Alaric, he-he's got Lola. She saved me but she didn't follow me out."

Klaus sighs and bows his head, of course Lola helped out Caroline after explaining she feels protective over the newby vampire.

Stefan sighs as he guides Caroline up into the Gilbert house, "Yeah we know, he's got Elena too but don't worry. You just stay here, we're all going to sort this."


Alaric dips the cloth that was in Lola's mouth back into the beaker of vervain. The skin around Lola's mouth is very red and appears to have peeled away, with the odd blister forming.

Alaric walks back to Lola as she looks up at him and smirks, "If I didn't know any better I would think this kinda thing is a kink for you, Ric."

"You don't get to call me that anymore." Alaric seethes, pushing the pencils further into her hands, "You don't know me at all." Lola grits her teeth, trying her hardest not to scream out in pain, tears falling down her face.

Elena stands up from her seat, "Alaric stop!"

Alaric pushes Elena back into a seat, "Sit down!" Alaric puts the cloth back in Lola's mouth, her skin begins to smoke and burn once more as Lola cries out in pain, "This keeps the vervain in her system. It's like inhaling razorblades with every breath."

Elena softly places her hand on Lola's arm as she looks up at a man she used to trust but now sees him as a stranger, "Why are you doing this?"

"To make it easier on you when you put her out of her misery." Alaric picks up the white oak stake and walks towards Elena with it.

Elena looks at the stake in disbelief, "What?! No!"

"Isn't this what you wanted, Elena? For me to teach you how to kill a vampire?" Alaric holds out the white oak stake towards her, "Well, here's a vampire, Elena. Kill her."

Elena shakes her head, "This isn't what I want."

"Of course it is. All those hours you spent training, getting stronger, you could be a hunter, Elena. But you've never actually staked a vampire through the heart." Alaric persistently holds out the stake as Elena stares at it.

Stefan and Klaus pull up to the school's parking lot in Klaus' car. They get out as Stefan receives a text, "Abby just showed up."

"Good. Perhaps this plan won't be an epic failure after all." Klaus quips as he leans against the hood of his car, "You know, if this does go off and we drop the history teacher in the Atlantic, I'm still leaving with Elena."

"I'll go with you." Stefan responds as he stares towards the high school.

Klaus narrows his eyes at the Salvatore, "Really? What's the catch?"

Stefan turns to face Klaus, "There's no catch. I'd turn my back on everything here to make sure Elena's safe."

"And that is what makes you her better option. It's a shame it's not easier for Elena to see that, I mean, personally, I think she's wasting her time with Damon."

Stefan laughs slightly, "You know, all this time and energy you've spent trying to get me and my brother to hate each other. It's actually had the opposite effect."

Klaus laughs, "Has it? Has it really?" He stands up straight, "Well then, perhaps I should let Elena decide which Salvatore joins us, being as you and Damon are so close."

Stefan shrugs, "Ah, go for it. Damon and I have been through a hell of a lot worse than you. Lola too, we may have had more differences over the years but we always see it through."

Klaus looks at him amused, "It's funny, you and Damon continue to accuse me of being the one to drive Lola away from you both but it was the both of you entirely. You expect Lola to be okay with your decisions and yet she is never allowed to make her own decisions and when she does you don't allow it and completely abandon her." He steps closer to Stefan and purses his lips, "Quite peculiar." Klaus walks away letting his words sink for Stefan.

Later, Jeremy is sitting on a table outside looking at his ring as Bonnie and Damon walk over to him. Bonnie shows Damon something on her phone, "I just got this. It connects me to Caroline and Elena through our phones." Bonnie turns on the app and it locates Caroline and Elena, "You can see Caroline is still at Elena's and looks like Elena is in Alaric's classroom, I'm guessing that's where Lola is too. You should go in from the south entrance."

"Hmm. Digital locator spell." Damon mumbles, Bonnie smiles and nods as Damon looks at her, "Why the hell do we need you then?" Bonnie stops in her step, offended at Damon's comment as he walks over to Jeremy, holding out his hand, "Hand it over."

"I'm not giving you my ring." Jeremy states, he looks over to Bonnie, "Let me do this."

Damon rolls his eyes, "By my math, you've already bit it once, this will be twice, wearing that thing and if for some reason, Bonnie can't restart your heart and you do indeed die, then before you know it, we have another psycho alter ego case on our hands, which is bad so give me the ring."

Jeremy scowls at Damon, "This is my ring, Elena's my sister. No one's gonna fight harder for her than me."

Damon looks at Jeremy, annoyed, "Fine. Be stubborn." He turns to face Bonnie, "Try not to kill him, will you?"

Klaus and Stefan walk up to them, Klaus having a smug look on his face, "Look at this, one big, happy family."

Bonnie pulls out a small vial with her blood, "Drink this. It's my blood. It bridges us all together so that when I stop Jeremy's heart, you'll have the power to stop Alaric's. You need to make a physical connection to his bloodstream; a vein, artery, something connected to his heart."

Damon drinks some blood out of the vial and hands it to Stefan, "If one of us gets a clean shot, take it, the other two: hold him down."

Stefan takes a swig of the blood and passes it to Klaus, "Before we all walk through these doors, let's get on the same page, shall we? I was the one who created your vampire bloodline, therefore I am responsible for your lives and Lola's life, Tyler's life, Caroline's life, and of course, Abby's life, should anything go wrong."

"Or you're just lying to save your ass." Damon jests.

Klaus shrugs, "I'm not lying. But go ahead, call my bluff, let the teacher kill me. You'll all be dead soon thereafter." Klaus smiles as he drinks the remainder of the blood.

"Let's just get this over with, shall we?" Stefan says as they all start to walk towards the school, leaving Bonnie and Jeremy behind.

In the classroom, Lola is still staked down to a desk, Elena is in the desk next to her. Due to the amount of vervain in her system and the gash on her forehead, Lola keeps going in and out of consciousness. Alaric notices this as he begins to pace, pushing the pencils further into Lola's hands making her scream out in pain.

Elena watches in distress, "Why are you doing this?"

"Because you need me." Alaric snaps, "Because you're an eighteen-year-old girl without parents or guidance or any sense of right and wrong anymore."

Elena frowns, "Look at you." She gestures over to Lola beside her, "How is this right?!"

Alaric points to Lola with the stake, "She's a murderer. She has killed so many people over the years and never cared about it once. Now how is that right?" Despite everything happening, Lola still manages to let out a stiff chuckle against the vervain cloth. Alaric steps closer to Elena, "Listen, Elena, your parents led the council. It was their life's mission to keep this town safe. They weren't dead six months before you undid it all."

Elena shakes her head, "You don't know anything about them."

"Why, am I wrong? Do you actually think that they'd be proud of you?" Alaric kneels down in front of Elena, "If you don't side with the humans, you're just as bad as them." He stands up straight, putting the stake in front of Elena, "Now kill her. Or I'll do it for you and I'll make it hurt." Alaric roughly grabs Elena's arm, dragging her to stand, "Get up!"

Alaric places her in front of Lola and forces the stake into her hand. Elena stands there with the stake in her hand for a moment, then turns around and tries to stab Alaric. He grabs her wrist before she can, "I thought I taught you better than that."

"You did." Elena breaks the beaker filled with vervain over Alaric's head. He screams in pain and his flesh starts to burn.

Elena releases Lola and urges her to leave, "Get help!"

Lola puts all of her remaining strength into vamp speeding out of the classroom. She makes it half way down the hallway before turning around to see Elena didn't follow her out of the room.

Lola takes a few steps backwards as she catches her breath when she feels arms pull her from behind, a hand covering her mouth to silence her scream, "Shhh. It's okay, it's okay. It's me." The soothing sound of Klaus' voice makes Lola sigh with relief and relaxes in his hold. Klaus takes his hand away from her mouth, "It's okay, you're safe. We'll save Elena. You go straight home. You stay inside, do you understand?" Klaus turns Lola around so that she is facing him, his heart sinking a little when he sees the big gash on her forehead, "Do you understand me?"

Lola nods with a faint smile, "I love you."

Klaus cups Lola's cheeks, "I love you." They look at each other for a moment before Klaus rushes away further into the school. Lola, frozen for a moment, eventually rushes out of the school and heads back to the mansion.


Lola practically falls into the mansion, the remainder of the energy she had put into rushing back home.

Rebekah walks out of one of the rooms and looks at Lola horrified, "Oh my god, Lola!" She rushes over to her best friend, helping her stand up, "Are you okay?"

"I need blood." Lola breathes out.

"Come on let's get you upstairs." Rebekah guides Lola up to the bedroom, giving Lola a blood bag which gets drained within seconds, the gash on her forehead now slowly healing. Rebekah sits beside Lola on the bed, "Are you feeling better?"

Lola nods as she holds her head, "A little, I just need to lay down for a second." Lola kicks off her shoes and lays down on her bed, shutting her eyes.

"What were you thinking going to the school?" Rebekah asks as she stands up.

"Caroline rang me panicking, Rebekah." Lola sighs as she opens her eyes, looking over to Rebekah, "She's the only one in this town that doesn't treat me different because of my association with this family. I wasn't going to let anything happen to her."

Rebekah shakes her head as she smiles down at Lola, "You can be way too nice sometimes."

Lola rolls her eyes, "Tell me about it. It's exhausting." Lola watches as Rebekah puts on her jacket, instantly knowing what's happening, "Are you leaving?" Rebekah nods, Lola sits up slightly, leaning on her elbows, "You're not going to let me talk you out of it, are you?"

Rebekah smiles as she shakes her head, "No. But wherever I end up, I'll tell you then you can come and meet up with me."

Lola smiles as she lays back down, "I like the sound of that. I'm just going to shut my eyes for a minute or two, Bex." Lola mumbles, within seconds, she's asleep giving Rebekah the opportunity to leave.


Downstairs in the Mikaelson mansion, Elena is unconscious strapped against a chair. At the school, it was discovered that the only way for Alaric to die is if Elena dies as well, his life being linked to hers. Klaus took Elena at the school to take all her blood, killing her and Alaric in the process.

Elena begins to stir away as she feels a prick in her arm making her gasp. She looks down to see a nurse inserting a needle into her arm. The nurse smiles innocently at Elena, "Be careful. Moving only makes it hurt more."

Elena's blood starts to run through a tube out of her body, Elena tries to break free but is too weak, "What are you doing?"

"Draining you of all your blood." Klaus speaks up from a nearby couch.

Tyler walks into the room with a box of Klaus' stuff and stops dead in his tracks when he sees Elena, "Elena?"

Elena sits up a bit, looking over to Tyler, desperate, "Tyler, help me!"

Tyler puts the box down and begins to walk over to Elena until Klaus speaks up, "He can't." Tyler stops in his tracks, looking over to Klaus, "He needs to go fetch me more empty blood bags. About three litres worth, please Tyler."

"Tyler, please." Elena pleads, "Get Stefan, please."

"No, Tyler, get the bags." Klaus demands.

Tyler stands there for a moment, thinking about what to do next and not wanting to reveal that he has broken the sire bond. Tyler glances at Klaus then back to Elena, he takes a breath then rushes towards Elena.

Klaus speeds in front of him, pushing him away, "Forget the girl and get the bags. Now."

Tyler looks at Elena, than walks out of the room. Klaus walks behind Elena and grasps the back of the chair.

Elena continues trying to break free, sighing when the ropes don't budge, "So, that's it? You're just gonna bleed me dry."

"Yes, but don't worry, it'll be completely painless." Klaus lowers to Elena's level from behind her, "As the last drop is drawn, you'll simply fall asleep."

The nurse switches out the filled blood bag for a fresh one. Elena looks over to Klaus as she becomes weaker, "What about your hybrids? You'll need more than this to create your army."

Klaus takes one of the blood bags from the nurse, "These last few litres will have to suffice. You see, by attempting to kill us, my mother strengthened the bond between my siblings and I. I don't need hybrids. I have my family."

"If you believe that, then why take my blood at all?" Elena points out, "You want a backup family. You know that your siblings will never trust you again."

Klaus steps closer to Elena, "You know Stefan blames me for trying to tear him from his brother, but I think we both know who really came between them. You. That's why you won't choose. You know once you pick a Salvatore, you'll destroy their bond." Klaus rushes closer to Elena, hands on either side of the chair as he becomes level, "Consider this me doing you a favour. Once you're dead, you won't have to choose. No broken hearts. Their family stays intact." Klaus begins to smile, "But just between us girls, who would you have picked?"

Elena glares at him, "Rot in hell."

Klaus hums as he narrows his eyes, amused, "You're welcome. Sweet dreams, Elena. It's been fun." Klaus walks past Elena, grazing her neck with his fingers and leaves the room.

Lola begins to stir awake at the feeling of Klaus moving pieces of her hair away from her face as he sits on the edge of the bed beside her. Lola looks up at him and smiles, "You're okay." She quickly sits up and pulls Klaus in a hug.

"I'm okay." Klaus reassures Lola, he pulls away from the hug, checking her for any unhealed injuries, "Are you?"

Lola nods, "Better now that you're here. What happened?"

Klaus' face becomes blank before flashing a smile that Lola knows is fake, "Nothing you need to worry about just yet. You're safe, that's all that matters."

Lola furrows her brows, "Don't lie to me Klaus, I can tell something is up by your face alone."

Klaus looks away momentarily and sighs before looking back over to Lola, "The doppelgänger is making her donation downstairs. The only way Alaric stays alive is if Elena's alive."

"So by donation you mean..."

Klaus nods not needing Lola to finish her sentence, "It needs to be done, sweetheart."

Lola sighs, "Yeah, I know. Once it's done we can leave?"

"We can leave and never come back."

Lola softly kisses Klaus and smiles, "That sounds perfect."

"I'll be right back." Klaus rushes out of the bedroom and goes back downstairs.

Not thinking anything of it, Lola goes into the bathroom, turning on the faucet to wash off all the dried blood on her face.

Downstairs, Elena keeps going in and out of consciousness, vision becoming blurry. Gasping and grunting as she continues trying to break free.

Tyler rushes back into the room and begins to undo the ropes around Elena. Elena frowns, "What are you doing?"

"Shhh." Tyler continues to untie Elena from the chair.

Elena freezes as she looks over Tyler's shoulder to see Klaus standing in the doorway, "Tyler."

Tyler turns around and stands up to face Klaus who is glaring in his direction, "So much for that sire bond."

"I'm not your little bitch anymore." Tyler snaps.

Klaus smiles and walks towards him, "How did you break the sire bond?"

"By breaking every bone in my body a hundred times for the girl I love."

"That's impossible."

"Is it?" Tyler walks up to Klaus, "Or maybe real love is stronger than fake loyalty. But what would you know about that?"

"You know, you should be thanking me. I gave you a gift. I took away your misery."

"You didn't give a crap about me! You just didn't want to be alone!" Tyler walks back towards Elena and helps her up, "Come on."

Klaus rushes towards Elena and pushes her down. Her head hits a ledge and knocks her unconscious. Klaus then grabs Tyler by the throat and pushes him against a wall, "Goodbye, Tyler."

Klaus attempts to grab Tyler's heart out of his chest, but Tyler twists his arm around. Stefan and Damon come into the room. Damon grabs Klaus' other arm and Stefan puts his hand into Klaus' chest, causing Bonnie to feel the connection once again.

As Lola turns off the facet she hears Klaus' scream from downstairs to rushes down to see what's going on as Damon helps Elena up, "Hey, are you okay?" Elena nods, "Come on."

Lola rushes into the room to see Klaus almost fully desiccated, Tyler holding him as Stefan has his hand in Klaus' chest gripping on his heart. For a second, Klaus' pleading eyes fall on Lola as rage fills Lola as she storms over to them, "What's going on?! What do you think you're doing?!"

"It's for the best, Lo." Stefan says calmly, not batting an eye at the pain and betrayal in his sister's eyes.

"The hell it is!" Lola speeds over to Tyler, pushing him off Klaus, snapping his neck and throwing him half way across the room. At first not wanting to hurt her brothers but now seeing it as the only option she has if it means she saves Klaus.

Lola now aims for Stefan but Damon pulls her back, holding her arms behind her back, "Stop fighting this, Lola."

Lola tries to pull out of her brother's hold but it's no use, she is still weak from all the vervain. Strong enough to fight off Tyler but not a vampire the same age as her, "Damon, let me go!" Lola's pleading eyes then meet Klaus' once more, both having to see each other in pain and neither one strong enough to save the other.

Damon wraps his arm around Lola's neck, "I'm sorry, little sister." He then snaps Lola's neck, "It's for the best." He gently lays his sister's unconscious body on the floor.

Klaus has been completely neutralised. Stefan takes his hand out of his chest, lays Klaus down on the ground beside Lola.

Stefan sighs as he looks down at his sister, hating that this is what it's came to. He looks over to Damon who helps Elena stand up straight, "We should get her home before the sun sets."

Damon takes Elena's hand and walks her out of the house. Elena looks down at both Klaus and Lola in shock, Stefan stares at their bodies for a moment then walks out as well.


A/N: Eeeek, just one more chapter to go for the ending of season 3!! With the reappearance of a particular original ;)))

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