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"I can feel you glaring at her from by here," Faith joked as The Time of My Life came on. Lexi's hard stare turned soft as her eyes found Faith staring up at her. "She's living in your head rent free."

"I don't care," Lexi said, her hand running up from the small of Faith's back to the base of Faith's neck.

"I told you, I don't like her," Faith told her back, giggling slightly as Lexi spun her around. Faith was pulled back into Lexi's chest, the shorter girl leaning up to kiss Lexi softly. "I love you, Lexi Howard, I am hers and she is mine. From this day, until the end of my days," Faith recited from Game of Thrones, getting a small laugh from Lexi.

"With this kiss I pledge my love," Lexi mumbled, cupping Faith's cheeks with both her hands, making sure Maddy was watching as Lexi dipped Faith lowly, she igniting their most passion filled kiss yet. "You big nerd," Lexi chuckled when they pulled away. "Let's go sit down," Faith nodded, leaning up to kiss Lexi one last time before dragging Lexi back to the table by her hand.

"I guarantee you Maddy and Nate are gonna get married," they overheard Kat say as they joined the table, pulling Faith onto her lap. "And probably, like, divorced three times, and in some strange way, live a pretty happy life."



"Yeah," Lexi, Cassie and Rue said, Faith not paying attention as she stared down at her mothers contact that had popped up on her phone. Faith finally looked up when Rue left the table, rejoining the conversation.

"Let's get out of here," Lexi whispered softly into Faith's ear, the smaller girl nodding against Lexi's shoulder blade. They waved goodbye to Cassie and left the gymnasium hand-in-hand, Faith refilling her flask with the spiked punch one last time.

"Where are we going?" Faith asked, leaning her head against the open window as the music filled her ears.

"I'm not telling you," said Lexi, drumming her fingers against the steering wheel.

"Every breath you take
And every move you make
Every bond you break
Every step you take
I'll be watching you."

Faith pouted in her seat playfully, crossing her arms across her chest.

"Every single day
And every word you say
Every game you play
Every night you stay
I'll be watching you."

"Don't pout, sweetheart," Lexi chuckled softly at her, reaching across to place her hand on Faith's thigh, knowing that the girl wouldn't be able to resist holding her hand. "We'll be there soon."

"Oh, can't you see
You belong to me?
How my poor heart aches
With every step you take?

Every move you make
And every vow you break
Every smile you fake
Every claim you stake
I'll be watching you."

Faith, who was feeling on top of the world, crouched in her seat, laying herself out of the open window, hanging herself out of it with a laugh, feeling the wind whip her hair back. Lexi took her eyes off the open road for a few seconds, her eyes trailing up Faith's tanned legs, biting her lip when her eyes found Faith's white lacy underwear.

Forcing her eyes forward, Lexi breathed through her nose as she began their ascent up the hill. She stopped the car short of a small picnic blanket, Faith gasping as she got out of the car.

"What's this?" Faith asked, looking around at the fairy lights. Her eyes found Lexi, who was down on one knee, a ring her hand. Her eyes widened, before she shook her head. "Are you proposing to me? Lexi, this is really Naley..."

"What? No!" Lexi shook her head with a laugh. "It's a promise ring. "Until we are joined in marriage, this ring is a testament to my commitment to our relationship. Our love story has changed my life forever, and with this ring, it is only just beginning. I promise to love you, to cherish you and your flaws, to hold you when you're sad and love you again until my dying breath. So, Faith Morales, will you accept this promise ring?"

"Just kiss me you soppy idiot," both girls broke into tearful giggles as Faith got down onto her knees, wrapping her arms around Lexi's neck and smashing their lips together.

On the other side of town, Grace sighed as Faith's voicemail rung in her ear again. Sighing, she threw her phone into the passenger side of her car, dialling Frank's number using the screen on her dashboard as she pulled out of the car park of her office building.

"Hey," Frank's voice made her smile. "How was work?"

"Work was work, same shit, different day," Grace sighed, turning left at the junction. "Did you see Faith?"

"No, she had already left by the time I got to her building," said Frank, causing Grace to sigh again. "I went to see Suze though, she showed me all the pictures Faith had with her daughters and her friends."

"How's she look?"

"Beautiful, just like her mother," Grace smiled, drumming her fingers against her gearstick as she stopped at a red light. Grace was about to reply, but the screeching of tires caused her to look left, her eyes widening when she saw a semi truck hurdling towards her. The last thing Frank heard on the other line was Grace's fearful scream and the crashing of metal before Grace's world went black.

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