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"What do you think?" Faith asked, coming out of the changing room and doing a spin, Maddy's eyes trailing from Faith's head down her body. The two were having a day out together, when they decided then and their to get their dresses for the winter formal coming up.

Faith done another spin, inspecting herself in the gold/cream dress. She liked it. After years of bullying herself and breaking herself down, Faith was finally starting to see her self worth, thanks to one Lexi Howard.

"Great," said Maddy, a genuine smile painted on her lips as she watched Faith take her phone out of her pocket, recording herself in the mirror before sending it off to Lexi.

"Who're you going to the dance with?" Faith asked suddenly, looking up from her phone. Maddy furrowed her eyebrows, her feet suddenly becoming intriguing as the heat raised to her face. She was hanging on to some miracle that Faith would ask her.

"Riding solo, why?" Maddy asked, running her hands along a dress.

"Just hoping you aren't going with Nate," Faith shrugged, throwing her phone on top of her purse. "I'm going to get changed then leave, okay? I'm bored and I fancy Taco Bell."

"Faith, wait," Maddy said as the other girl went to walk into the changing room. Faith paused, spinning around as Maddy stood up, closing the distance between them. The Morales girl stood there frozen in shock, her eyes wide as Maddy kissed her.

"What're you doing?" Faith asked when Maddy pulled away.

"I'm in love with you, Faith," Maddy finally admitted, Faith's jaw dropping in shock. "Please, just listen to me-"

"Listen to you?" Faith questioned, laughing in disbelief. "I've got a girlfriend, Maddy!"

"I know-"

"Maddy, I love her!" Faith shouted, the shop in the mall going silent, watching the two interact. "I love Lexi, I always have."

"But you had feelings for me," Maddy retorted. "Back in Middle School."

"Oh yes, when you publicly rejected me and made a fool out of me by snogging Nate in the hallway," Faith laughed bitterly, and even though she was only small, she managed to shove the Perez girl away from her. "I'm sorry that I lost feelings for a cold-hearted fucking bitch after that!"

Faith and Maddy stared at each other r for a few moments, before the latter picked up her dress and her purse and walked out, leaving Faith where she stood in disbelief.


"Hey, how was shopping?" Lexi asked, looking up from her book when Faith got back to her apartment. Even though Lexi didn't live there, she was over a lot of the time. Four nights out of seven she would stay at Faith's, that being  Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays and Sundays, basically the days her mother would get the most drunk.

"Shit," Faith shrugged, laying her dress on the dining table and throwing her purse on top. She sat down on the arm of the chair where Lexi sat, nuzzling her head into Lexi's neck. "What book are you on?"

"Goblet of Fire," Lexi smiled. Faith couldn't believe that her girlfriend had never read a single Harry Potter book or watched any of the films, so here Faith was making her read them all before watching the films.

"My favourite one," Faith smiled, closing her eyes as Lexi began to read out loud.

""Did you put your name into the Goblet of Fire, Harry?" Dumbledore asked calmly,"" Lexi read from the book, causing Faith to begin laughing as the film scene began replaying in her head. Lexi sent her a questioning look as Faith began giggling uncontrollably.

"It's nothing," Faith muttered when her laughter died. She kissed Lexi on the forehead, standing from her lap. "Lunch?"

"Please," Lexi smiled. She pointed to her lips, causing Faith to laugh as she playfully rolled her eyes, leaning down to kiss Lexi softly. "I love you."

"I love you too," Faith smiled, kissing Lexi one last time before walking behind the kitchen island, pulling the bread out of the bread bin and stuff out of the fridge.

"Are you sure you're okay?" Lexi asked when she took her ham and lettuce sandwich from Faith. The Morales girl hummed, sitting down on the sofa opposite her with the TV remote, watching reruns of The Vampire Diaries.

"Maddy kissed me," said Faith suddenly after five minutes of silence. Lexi looked up from her book, marking her page and putting it on the coffee table next to her. She set her sandwich next to it.

"Oh," said Lexi quietly. "Did you kiss her back?"

"No, what?" Faith asked confused. "Why would I do that? I love you."

"Oh, that's okay then," Lexi shrugged, picking her book and her sandwich back up, bringing her knees back up to her chest and resting her plate on her chest.

"I- what?" Faith asked, pausing the show and putting the plate down. "Sorry, I'm just confused."

"What about?" Lexi asked, not looking up.

"Should you be like, I dunno, screaming at me?"

"You haven't done anything wrong, love," Lexi shrugged, meeting Faith's eyes with a fond smile. "But don't worry, I'll be sure to talk to Maddy soon."


"Well, this is fucking awkward," Faith said sarcastically. She was sat around the table at the winter formal, sandwiched between Cassie and Lexi, the latter glaring at Maddy who had just sent a small smile at Kat as she joined the table. Jules and Rue looked between the three of them

"You're telling me," Cassie mumbled under her breath. "What if these are, like, the big moments in life?" Cassie said a bit louder, getting the girls attention. "Like, my mom always talks about how high school was like this big, monumental part of her life. But I cannot imagine being 40 and looking back at this, like, "Wow."

"Yeah, but that's because most people peak in high school," Maddy reasoned with a laugh.

"And you plummet back down when you try stealing other girls girlfriends," Lexi bit with a fake smile.

"I definitely haven't peaked, so..." Kat shrugged, pulling the conversation back. Faith, who was trying her hardest not to smile at Lexi's words, hummed in agreement, offering her flask of neat vodka to Lexi who took a large, thankful gulp before handing it back.

"I feel like I'm not even a person yet," Lexi added her reason, watching Faith hold a small bag of white powder up to her eye level, giving the bag a little shake.

"Yeah, I'm definitely at, like, 25 percent peakness," Cassie chuckled.

"I feel like I'm at a hundred," Jules shrugged, taking a swig of her Gatorade and vodka. "But I can definitely get to 150."

"Honestly, I never thought I'd make it this far," said Rue, causing Faith to hum in agreement again, feeling Lexi's nails dig into her knee.

"What do you mean?" Cassie asked, looking between the two girls with a frown.

"I mean, I was having a heart attack in your boyfriends bathroom four months ago," Faith shrugged, taking another swig of vodka. "If it wasn't for Lexi I'd most likely be dead."

"I don't know. I just always had, like, this overwhelming anxiety that something bad would happen," said Rue.

"In all fairness, last summer, there were, like, three weeks where I thought you were dead," Maddy added, causing Lexi to roll her eyes.

"Every time you open your mouth I consider punching you more and more," said Lexi, tilting her head to the left. "Strange."

"Come on, let's dance," said Faith before things could escalate, grabbing Lexi by the hands and pulling her towards the dance floor. The girls watched as the couple laugh loudly as Lexi let loose grinding her hips into Faith's, reaching behind her to hold Faith's head to her neck.

"First of all... ew," said Maddy, staring at Faith and Lexi before her eyes found Nate and his date, her ass out. "Second of all... ew."

"Not having the best time," Kat teased her. Maddy flipped her off, causing Kat to mock gasp. "First Nate turns out to be gay, so you go bisexual to bang his pansexual half-sister, only to have said half-sister reject you for innocent lesbian Lexi," Kat pouted mockingly. "Guess you're not running the show anymore, are you, bitch?"

"I'll show you fucking running the show, cunt."

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