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Faith was angry. Isabella had tricked her into coming over, only to find her mother sat in her aunts kitchen as well.

"Sit down," said Isabella, sat in the middle of the table. Grace was at the far end, staring silently at Faith, who's jaw clenched as she sat down at the other end.

Faith stared at the two women from across her table. Her eyes void of emotions. She felt nothing but anger as she looked at the her mom and aunt, who had lied to her her whole life.

"If I hadn't found out, would you have ever told me?" Faith broke the awkward silence filling the room, her fists clenching at her sides when Grace shook her head. "I'm grown up," Faith spat out to her mom, "You should at least had the decency to tell me that I'm the sister of an abusive asshole who i wanted to fucking kill my whole life!"

"Faith-" said Isabella, trying to calm her niece down.

"The trust, everything thrown out the window because of what? Because you were scared?" Faith interrupted her, turning to her aunt aggressively, getting up from her seat with a finger pointed at Isabell. "And you knew and still lied. You're both fucking terrible to me because you know I deserved to know. You saw me cry, wishing i knew who my father was and still kept quiet. For fucks sake!"

Faith slammed her hands into the table, tears streaming down her face as her mother just stared at her, her eyes showing her emotions.

"I wanted to," Grace said barely above a whisper, but the silence in the room made it louder. "All your life I wanted to tell you, tell the cops, but I was scared."

"I would much rather have found out that my father was a pedophile and a good for nothing asswipe than crying to myself all my life because I had no one to be mad with because I thought he didn't exist!" Faith screamed, pulling at her hair.

"Faith, please," Isabella pleaded, watching as her niece was going rigid. She slowly tried to approach her but Faith, already filled with adrenaline and anger, harshly pushed Isabella away.

"Get away from me!"

"Faith, please calm down!" Her mother choked out a sob, helping her sister to stand up.

Faith felt the rage tighten her insides, filling her with the desire to hurt her mother and sister for their poor attempts to diffuse the situation.

Being lied this whole time. It's was way too much for her handle.

"Fucking hell you two are such hypocrites, especially you, Grace," she let out a dry laugh, "You are fucking coward!"

"I know you're mad-"

"OF COURSE IM MAD!" Faith roared, she seized the porcelain vase from from the dining table nearby and throw it across the wall, shattering it into pieces. "STOP FUCKING TELL ME WHAT TO YOU - YOU - GOD I CANNOT EVEN LOOK AT BOTH OF YOU!"

"Enough Faith!" Grace called with a strict voice, earning a dry chuckle from the Faith, who was looking around in the room to smash something else.

"Fuck you, Grace!" She yelled back her mother. She laid her arm on the dining table and swept off all the cutlery with the food in it on the floor.

"Faith Valentina Morales! You'll end this now!" Grace raised her voice, anger rising in her tone. She was definitely getting annoyed with her daughter.

"Shut the fuck up," Faith sing-songed sarcastically, grabbing one of the forks and with a flick throwing it in the sink.

"FOR GOD'S SAKE FAITH I SAID ENOUGH!" Roared in rage Grace, grabbing the knife from her daughter's hands which was about to be thrown the same way as the previous fork. "You're being extremely ungrateful now! I never taught you like this! Thrashing the whole room off!"

"Oh I'm ungrateful?" Called Faith with mocking shock, she chuckled humourlessly, "Well Grace it's not my fault for being disciplined wrong. If you can't handle the child, why even keep it, huh? WHY DIDNT YOU JUST CHOSE THE EASIEST OPTION AND TAKE THE ABORTION, HUH?"

"BECAUSE I COULDN'T AFFORD IT, BUT IF I HAD THE MONEY I WOULD'VE DONE WITHOUT QUESTION!" Grace's hands automatically clapped over her mouth, shocked herself that she has said something so stupid.

Faith's paused from shock as well, for once incoherent to say anything. A big lump formed in her throat as her eyes glistened from what her mother had said.

"N-No Faith, I didn't-"

"Fuck you, mom." She muttered through her sobs and stormed out of the room.


"I don't know what you're gonna say, but this feels like... really dramatic," said Kat when herself, Lexi, BB, Maddy, Cassie and Faith sat around the table in the Howard household later on that afternoon. Cassie had called them over to to them about something, and was starting to get annoyed with Faith snorting cocaine off her phone case.

"Yeah, this is spooky," said BB, causing Faith to laugh as she threw her head back, sniffing as she looked up at the ceiling.

"It is not spooky, BB, and will you stop doing coke in my house?" said Cassie, glaring at Faith. The Morales girl stuck her tongue out at the blonde, flipping her off as she threw her feet up on the table, causing Maddy and Lexi to snicker slightly even though they were concerned for her. "I need your advice on, like, two things. And I need you guys to promise me not to say a single fucking word," all the girls hummed, except for Faith who nodded dramatically.

"So, the night of Daniel's Halloween party, something happened..." Cassie trailed off, then going onto explain how she made out with Daniel.

"He's a fucking pervert," Faith said bitterly, clenching her fist around her phone. "Did I ever tell you guys about the time he stole my clothes in middle school gym class?"

"Nope, but we're going to talk about that later," said Maddy defensively, before turning back to Cassie. "Am I hearing this correctly? You want to tell McKay that you made out with Daniel at the carnival and on Halloween?"

"Yeah, but, I don't... I don't have to say it's Daniel," Cassie stuttered, looking around the table for support.

"Bitch, that's the craziest idea I've ever heard. Right?" Maddy asked.

"Word," said Faith, biting her lip as she threw up a gang sign. The group of girls rolled their eyes at their friend, a slight twitch playing at each of their lips except Cassie's.

"Yeah, but I want to be honest with him," Cassie tried to reason with them, causing Faith to grimace as Lexi groaned.

"What is it?" Lexi asked when Faith began tugging on her arm.

"Drink?" Faith asked pleadingly, pouting and now using her puppy eyes to her advantage. Lexi groaned once more, snatching the cup from her girlfriends hand and marching to the kitchen.

"You cannot tell McKay," said Maddy when she was done eyeing up the couple.

"But it's not like I cheated-cheated," said Cassie said defensively.

"Kissing is worse. It's so much more intimate," said Maddy, like she was scolding an eight year old. "And if anybody brings it up, you deny, deny, deny."\

"Thank you," said Faith cutely when Lexi came back in, handing Faith a cup of orange juice and a bar of chocolate.

Lexi had grown used to Faith's cravings when she was high. For example, like now, Faith always craved orange juice and chocolate. And even though Lexi was trying to her her girlfriend to quit drugs, she knew it would be a harder case.

"You're welcome, honey," said Lexi softly, placing a kiss to Faith's forehead because her lips was around the rim of the glass. Lexi took a seat in Faith's lap, looking at Maddy who looked away with haste, a burning sense of jealously in her stomach.

"Okay, but, I just don't want there to be something this bad between us forever."

"Too late for that," Faith muttered beneath her breath.

'I wouldn't worry, Cassie," Kat spoke up, causing all eyes to snap to her. "It's not like you guys are gonna be together forever."

'Kat, what the fuck is your problem? You're being a bad friend now," said Maddy angrily, her jealousy spilling over the top. "You were a bad friend to me, and this whole new personality is seriously unlikable."

"World Star!" BB sung, her and Faith giggling like children.

"Why, because I won't sit and listen to you bitch and moan about your psychotic, abusive boyfriend who you've literally broken up with a thousand times?" Kat snapped back.

"Guys, enough," said Faith, suddenly turning rather stern, but was ultimately ignored.

'It was literally the lowest point in my life, so, yeah," Maddy replied. "That and the fact that you're just fuckin' mean."

"Guys" said Faith once more.

"Maddy, ever since I've met you, all you talk about is yourself. Your clothes, your boyfriends, whatever superficial shit you think is so fucking important," Faith rolled her eyes at both of them, burying her head in Lexi's chest. She was done with hearing arguments for a long while. "Sorry I'm no longer interested."

'I don't know about everyone else, but I miss the old Kat," said Maddy, and Faith felt a bitchy comment coming. "You know, the one who had a sense of humor and wasn't a fuckin' cunt?"



"Look at this place, Fi," Lexi laughed joyfully as they inspected a two bedroom apartment. Faith had convinced herself she was overstaying her welcome at the Howard household, despite their protests, and was finally looking for an apartment. She had bought herself a red sedan a few days ago so she could get around, and make it easier for her to take Lexi on dates.

"Rent is fifteen hundred a month, we allow a maximum of two pets and any repairs needed will be added on your rent at the end of the month," the landlady explained kindly from where she stood by the kitchen island, watching Faith run her fingertips over the wall near the balcony.

"I'll take it," said Faith, causing the landlady to clap excitedly.

"Brilliant, I'll go fetch the documents to sign," and with that, she rushed off, leaving the young couple alone in the empty apartment.

"I'm so proud of you," said Lexi, her voice echoing off the walls as she wrapped her arms around Faith's waist. The Morales girl blushed, running her hands up her girlfriends arms.

"You're only saying that to make me feel better," Faith mumbled.

"Listen to me," said Lexi, placing two fingers underneath Faith's chin so the Morales girl would look at her. "Im so so so so proud of you, Faith. You've overcome so much in the last two months, and you're math grade is coming up, and you finally quit that horrible cheerleading team."

"Hey, it weren't that bad," Faith defended herself.

"Babe, you can't dance," Lexi chuckled as Faith blushed in embarrassment, slapping Lexi's arm playfully.

"I love you," Faith whispered.

"I love you too, Angel," Lexi whispered back, leaning down and kissing Faith softly.

"Cute," set the landlady, causing the young couple to jump back in fright. The woman in question laid out the documents on the kitchen island, motioning for the two girls to join her. "Will your fiancé be living with you, Miss Morales?" She asked, glancing down at the silver ring on Lexi's finger, which was by no means an engagement ring.


"No, unfortunately I have to stay at home and look after my mother," said Lexi, resting her hand on Faith's over back. The Morales girl looked at her with wide eyes, before looking back to the landlady without saying anything.

"That's a shame," she said, handing the documents to Faith. "Personal details, card details for rent, an agreements that you'll comply with the building rules," she handed Faith a pen, and watched her sign all the documents. "Welcome to apartment 705, Miss Morales," and with that she left the keys on the kitchen island, winking at them as she left.

"My fiancé, huh?"

"It had a nice ring to it," Lexi shrugged.


"What up, Fez?" Nate asked when he walked into the boys shop that evening, leaving Maddy in the car.

"What's up, man?" The drug dealer asked, looking down at the counter as he put his cigarette out.

"Yo, can I get, uh, two of the rolling papers, too, bruh?" Nate asked, as he reached into the fridge for a drink.

"Yo, man. I don't know what's been going on with you and Faith and shit. But you should know, I really do care about her," said Fez, looking up from the counter to see Nate leaning against the fridges, a unmistakable smirk along his face.

'Aren't you, like, her drug dealer?"

"Nah, man."

"What, are you in a relationship with her?" Nate asked, a sudden protective feeling washing over him.

Ever since he had found out Faith was his half-sister, his need to mock her went down and his need to protect her went up, even if he was still shit scared of her after what happened at the school. She took down two armed cops with a crowbar for Christ sake.

'Nah, bruh, that's like, my family," said Fez with a grimace.

"So it's platonic."

"Look, man, all I'm saying is, leave Faith and her friends alone," said Fez sternly.

'Is that a threat?" The Jacobs boy asked quietly.

"Nah, I'm just telling you."

"Or what?"

"Or the next time you come around," said Fez lowly, leaning forward to try and look more intimidating to the taller boy. "We're not gonna be having this conversation."

"Fezco, let's get this straight. You're, like, half a retard. You dropped out of school at 20, and now... you're a gangster," said Nate, glancing back at Maddy before pushing himself off the fridges, stepping closer to Fez. "What are you, like, fucking Tony Montana? What's the plan? Hmm? You gonna be living in a mansion, fuckin' pet tigers and shit?" The boy chuckled to himself. "Go fuck yourself."

"Listen, bruh. All I'm sayin', you keep fuckin' with Faith and her friends, and I'mma kill you," Fez turned towards the counter, ringing up the items in Nate's hands. "It's gonna be $5.75, playboy."


"How's the new apartment?" Maddy asked when Faith picked her up Monday morning for school. Faith had to pass the Perez household to get to school, and seeing as Faith didn't want Maddy catching a ride with Nate anymore, here she was.

"It's nice, yeah," said Faith, drumming her fingers on the steering wheel as she waited at a red light. "Lexi and I went to go buy some furniture and some decorations yesterday after I signed those documents and the furniture should be coming today?"

"So, you and Lexi are pretty serious then?" The Perez girl asked, playing with the ring on her finger. "Moving in with each other and all."

"Nah, she ain't moving in, not yet anyway," said Faith, causing Maddy's eyes to light up slightly. "Her mother is going through a rough time with everything to do with Gus, and Cassie has gone rouge these last few days, so she's gonna live at home."

"That's sweet," said Maddy as they pulled into the school, meeting up with Cassie.

"Where's Lex?" Asked Faith as they walked towards her locker. The Howard girl shrugged, causing Faith to sigh as she opened her locker, getting confused when a piece of paper fell to the floor. Opening up, her confusion turned into amusement at the note.

'Will you go to the winter formal with me, from Lexi ♥' the note read, with two little boxes saying yes and no for Faith to tick.

"Hey, do you have a pen?" Faith asked Cassie who nodded, pretending to be sick as she read the note.

"You and my sister are so cute it's sickening," Cassie mumbled, watching Faith tick yes and stroll across the hall to Lexi's locker.

Not even a minute later, the youngest Howard girl opened her locker and picked up the note, making Faith laugh as she watched her girlfriend do a little dance in happiness.

She was completely smitten with Lexi Howard, and probably always would be.

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