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Faith ground her hips into the boy standing behind her, her arm reaching around so she could hold the back of his neck as his hands planted on her waist. She was drunk, and the amount of cocaine she had snorted up her nose a mere thirty minutes ago was sending her brain into override. Pushing herself away from the boy behind her, Faith navigated her way through the McKay household and ended up in the bathroom on the second floor.

Faith sat on the toilet, her head lolled back. She was beginning to see stars, and the pain in her chest she began to feel in her chest two weeks ago worsened.

Just as she pulled her phone out of her purse, she squeaked as the bathroom door opened and slammed behind the person who just entered.

"Oh shit, Faith!" Lexi Howard gasped in shock, covering her eyes with her hand. "I'm sorry! I didn't think anyone would be in here!"

"I'm not pissing," Faith slurred, holding out her phone to Lexi. "I need you to check my pulse."

"I- why?" Lexi asked, looking from Faith's phone and back to her. "Are you alright?"

"No," said Faith, shaking her head as she almost slipped off the toilet, but thankfully Lexi caught her before she fell. "I-I think I'm going into cardiac arrest."

"What?!" Lexi shrieked, almost dropping Faith's phone.

"Stop screaming and just take my fucking pulse," Faith slurred, rolling her eyes as she watched Lexi take a deep breath and approach her. Lexi set the timer off on Faith's phone and pressed two fingers to the smaller girls neck, counting her pulse silently.

"Forty five," Lexi announced.

"Oh fuck," Faith groaned, holding her chest as she motioned to her purse with her right hand. "Uh- Adderall, i-in the bottom o-of my purse," Lexi nodded, finding them as quickly as she could. "G-good, now crush them up," Lexi nodded, using the little container to crush them on the back of Faith's phone case.

Faith snorted them off, wiping any excess off with the back of her hand.

"You, Lexi Howard, just saved my fucking life," Faith grinned, pulling Lexi into a surprisingly tight hug.

"Come on, I'm taking you home," Lexi told her, causing Faith to pout.

"Maddy's taking me home."

"Maddy is also having sex in McKay's pool," Lexi said bluntly, causing Faith to giggle as Lexi pulled her up of the toilet. "God, you're a state," said Lexi, looking Faith up and down.

Faith's golden tight dress had rode up past her hips, exposing the fact she was wearing no underwear, and when Lexi realised she had blushed so hard she thought her head might burst. So, being the good friend she was, Lexi pulled Faith's dress back down to the right length and balanced her between the wall and her shoulder.

"D-did you h-hear about the n-new girl?" Faith slurred, her head resting in the crook of Lexi's neck.

"The fact she's a little bit off the rails?" Lexi asked, causing Faith to laugh loudly as the two girls went through the crowd of hormonal teenagers.

The two girls walked through the streets in comfortable silence, with Faith leaning into Lexi's side.

"Faith?" Lexi mumbled. Faith felt the arm that was wrapped around her waist tighten ever so slightly. The Californian air had turned quite chilly, and Faith had no coat. The Morales girl hummed, signalling to go on. "I think you should stay at mine tonight."

"Lex, I might be high, but I'm not that high," Faith laughed, but seeing the serious look on her friends face, the laughter died in her throat.

"Your mom's home from work, right? And y'know she doesn't like drugs and alcohol," Faith couldn't disagree with that. It was true. No one ever knew why Grace Morales was so against alcohol especially, but they all had their theories. "So come on, what do you say? Could be like a sleepover?"

"Like when we were six and used to share a bed?" Faith asked teasingly.

"Shut up,"Lexi laughed, the moonlight showing the light blush on her face. When they arrived at the Howard household, Lexi held her breath as she opened the door, releasing a breath as she saw Suze Howard fast asleep on the sofa.

"The coast clear?" Faith asked in a whisper, getting a small knock on the arm from Lexi.

"Skip the middle step, it creaks to loud," Lexi whispered back, her breath hitting Faith's face. The Morales girl paused her movements, as if she was suddenly under a spell.

Faith hadn't exactly made her crush on the youngest Howard obvious in years gone by, but she had always been afraid to admit it.

Faith Morales came out as Pansexual to the world when she fourteen. Mainly for the fact she was caught sleeping with a junior boy and a senior girl at the same time. The school took it relatively well, who wouldn't when the hottest bachelorette just announced she didn't give a fuck who she dated or fucked?

And however much Faith liked Lexi Howard, and there was no doubt in everyone's minds but Faith's that Lexi liked her back. Yes, Faith Morales was rich, materialistic, bitchy and had the potential to be horny at any given moment, deep in her mind Faith Morales was insecure.

It wasn't the fact she was diagnosed with Dyscalculia, or the fact she never knew her father. Despite everyone telling her how "pretty" and "drop dead gorgeous" she was, she never truly felt it. She always thought she was overweight, ugly etc, and it all started when Nate Jacobs picked on her for her acne in Middle School.

Her unknown half-brother was a cunt at the best of the times, even more so when it involved Faith. His boys wouldn't get involved with bullying a girl, but that never stopped Nate from pushing her around and the passive aggressive sticky notes he'd leave on her locker everyday.

Now another thing that made Faith insecure was simply for the fact that she thought she wasn't good enough for Lexi Howard, which is exactly why she threw herself into parties, drugs, alcohol and sex. However, she couldn't have been more wrong.

"Fifi?" Lexi asked her, gently tugging on her hand. Faith snapped out of her thoughts, quietly apologising. When they got to Lexi's and Cassie's shared bedroom, both girls let out a small sigh of relief. "Here, I'll get you some clothes."

"Thanks, I'll just give my mom a message," she patted her phone, and Lexi nodded.

Faith:  Sleeping over Lexi's house. Don't wait up

Mom: Have fun, baby. Remember we have Mass tomorrow at 10

And another thing about Grace and Faith Morales, they were big fucking Christians, well, mainly, Grace, but she passed on her ideals to Faith.

Despite her religious beliefs, Grace didn't really care that Faith liked boys, girls etc, she understood that the times were changing, and accepted the fact instantly.

Faith's grandpa, Grace's dad, wasn't very happy though. He was still a huge fucking alcoholic, especially now his only son died, and he regretted disowning him everyday.

"Thanks," Faith smiled. Lexi nodded, going into Cassie's side of the room and drawing the curtain to change. Faith sighed, unzipping her dress and letting it fall to the ground by Lexi's bed, throwing her heels and her purse alongside it. She pulled the shorts up her tanned legs and just finished adjusting the shirt that was slightly big on her when Lexi walked out.

"You okay, Fi?" Lexi asked her, watching Faith sit on the edge of her bed and wrap her arms around herself. She sighed when Faith shook her head, but she didn't pressure the Morales girl, she often went like this. "Come here," said Lexi as she got under the covers, and Faith followed suit, resting her head on Lexi's chest and wrapping her arm around her waist.

"Lex?" Faith whispered when both girls were on the verge of falling asleep. Lexi hummed, her eyes shooting open when she felt soft lips against her cheek. Faith pulled away from her, resting her head back on Lexi's chest. "Thank you, for being there for me."


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