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Like I said, Faith Morales had a reputation for sleeping with everyone, and when Maddy Perez and Cassie Howard took the girl under their wing, there was as unspoken rule between Cassie and Faith that Lexi Howard was off limits, however, considering their current position in bed, it was easy for Cassie to assume.

"What the fuck?!" The blonde Howard girl screamed the next morning when she had finally gotten home. Lexi and Faith, who had been tangled in each other's arms, sprang from the bed, with Lexi landing on her feet and Faith falling to the floor, banging her knee on the side of the bed.

"Cassie-" the Morales girl tried to say, but was cut off by the blonde girl throwing a discarded heel at her. "Ow! What the fuck?!"

"You had sex with my sister!" She screeched, throwing another heel at Faith, but thankfully this time she managed to dodge it, jumping over the bed and hiding behind Lexi.

"I did nothing of the sort!" Faith shouted back, her head appearing over Lexi's shoulder. "Lexi! Tell her!" She shouted, but Lexi was frozen in shock, staring at the doorway where Suze Howard stood.

"Mom/Mrs. Howard," the three girls said in unison, Faith now standing by Lexi's side. Both Faith and Lexi knew Suze Howard would take Cassie's side in this argument.

"So, you two are a thing now?" Suze Howard asked, looking between her daughter and next door neighbour. A wide grin broke across her face as she walked forward and eloped both girls into a tight hug while Cassie glared at both of them. "See, Cass? I told you your sister wasn't such a prude," Suze grinned proudly, pinching both their cheeks.

Safe to say, Faith preferred Suze Howard when she was almost blackout drunk on wine. Suze Howard when sober was a little bit more considerate of peoples feelings.

"Well, I'll leave you girls to it!" Suze said excitedly, winking at Lexi and Faith. "Cassie, come on, let's leave them be!" So Cassie begrudgingly left her room, sending one last glare to Lexi as she left, leaving Lexi and Faith alone, still standing in shock.

"What the fuck?" Faith mumbled, still shaking her head.

"I-I'm not sure," Lexi stuttered over her words. The two girls preceded to get dressed, Lexi into her clothes for the day and Faith to get dressed into her clothes from the previous night.

"Thanks for last night," Faith muttered when Lexi came back into her side of the bedroom. Lexi nodded silently, and with that Faith left the Howard household, crossing the lawn and into her own house.

"Good morning," Grace sung, sat at the kitchen island with a cup of coffee in her hand. Grace Morales was already dressed and ready for church.

"Hi," Faith mumbled, her hangover just setting in due to being distracted by Cassie and Suze Howard.

"How was your sleepover?" Grace asked, looking back down at her phone. "Anything happen?"

Faith couldn't exactly tell her mom she almost went into cardiac arrest for the amount of cocaine she sniffed, and she couldn't exactly tell her that she was so wasted she had to sleepover Lexi's.

"Y'know, just girl stuff," Faith shrugged, causing Grace to hum and nod her head. With that, Faith rushed upstairs and slammed her bedroom door behind her.

Now, most people would expect Faith Morales's room to be decked head to toe in pink, and it was, until she turned eleven and decided that now was the right time for her seemingly never-ending emo phase to kick in. The room itself had been painted with black and grey, with white painted skulls, love hearts and flowers painted by Faith herself.

There was posters of bands like Blink-182, My Chemical Romance and Paramore decorating her walls too, and on her ceiling were movie posters. The one thing these posters had in common was that they were personally signed by the original bands/movie stars themselves, all thanks to the connections Grace had.

"Church, fun," Faith sighed as she stripped herself of her clothing and walked into her en-suite bathroom, deciding to just sit in the shower, her aching muscles begging her not to stand up.


Faith sat through church service that Sunday, bored out of her mind, and all though she hated school, she was glad it finally came around that Monday morning. When she first arrived at school, in a brand new Bentley, she saw another best friend of hers. Rue had overdosed in the summer, and Faith remembered the restless nights she spent in the hospital room next to her.

"Rue fucking Bennett!" Faith said, her purse dangling from her arm as she ran the best she could in heels. When the Bennett girl was in reach, Faith flung her arms around her neck. "I missed you, bitch," Faith mumbled into her neck, causing Rue to lightly laugh as she squeezed her waist.

"I missed you too, Fifi," Rue chuckled, her chin resting on the smaller girls head. "Look, I got to go meet a friend, alright? But we'll talk later, I promise," Faith nodded, letting the Bennett girl go, and at that precise moment she was grabbed by the waist and slammed into the nearest wall, causing her to groan.

"Hey, Cass," Faith winced when her back began aching. Everyone in this town seemed to be fucking taller than Faith, so when Cassie pinned her to the wall, Faith saw no point in trying to fight it.

"Probably shouldn't have said that," Maddy winced, chuckling at her two best friends antics.

"Don't you fucking dare "hey" me, Faith," Cassie practically growled at her. "You slept with my fucking sister!"

"But I didn't fuck her!" Faith yelled back, and when Cassie's grip loosened, Faith pushed the blonde girl away. Maddy was still laughing at her two best friends who were glaring at each other. "While you and Maddy were to busy getting your pussies stuffed with cock, I was going into cardiac arrest in McKay's bathroom," Faith said angrily. "And Lexi took care of me. I didn't fuck her. I wouldn't."

Both Lexi Howard and Faith Morales were terrible liars. Before the incident in the bathroom, they had hooked up once. Their first High School party. Faith, being the popular girl she was, was invited instantly, however Lexi had to be dragged there by her sister and forced to drink a mixture of alcohol Lexi swore she'd never drink again. Well, one thing led to another, and both girls lost their virginity's to each other, not that Faith remembered in the morning, but Lexi could.

"We'll, this is awkward," BB said under her breath, but the three other girls told her to shut up.

"I'm sorry," Cassie mumbled. Faith nodded, opening her arms up for a hug, which made Cassie slightly. The oldest Howard sister wrapped her arms around the girls shoulders, kissing the side of Faith's head as Maddy joined the hug, standing behind Faith.

"And we now promise to be there for you whenever you go into cardiac arrest," Maddy said into her shoulder.

"Thanks, girls," Faith smiled when they let go of each other. "Love you."

"Love you too," they both chimed in, smiling sweetly as they hooked her arms around hers, the three girls beginning their walk into the school with BB trailing alongside them.

"Oh shit, that's the girl who tried to commit suicide at McKay's," said BB, nodding at the blonde girl who was giggling with Rue when they passed each other.

"Wait, what?" Cassie, Maddy and Faith said in unison. Faith remembered faintly seeing the same blonde girl pull a knife on Nate Jacobs and then cut herself opening, but Faith just thought she was too fucked to remember it.

"Oh yeah, I forgot," said BB, pointing at Cassie and Maddy. "You guys both was fuckin' while Little Miss Materialistic was having a heart attack, only to be saved by her knight in shining cardigans," BB sighed, holding a hand to her head and pretending to faint onto Maddy's shoulder. Maddy groaned, letting go of Faith.

"Why does everybody think we fucked?" Maddy asked in exasperation.

"There's a video," said Faith, tapping her phone with her acrylic nails.

"Ugh, alcohols not good for me," Maddy continued to complain as they walked.

"So you did fuck a guy in McKay's pool," said Faith teasingly, nudging her in the ribs.

"Honestly, I think I blacked out," the Perez girl said, causing Faith's teasing manner to stop instantly.

"For real?" BB, Cassie and Faith asked in unison, their heads snap;I got to look at the girl, but before Maddy could reply, Kat Hernandez walked up to them,

"Oh look, it's our new sexpert!" BB grinned, wrapping her arm around Kat's shoulders.

"Congratulations, bitch! Welcome the club!" Maddy cheered as Faith lightly punched Kat's shoulder.


Faith hated three things in her life. Herself, her Dyscalculia and Math class, and unfortunately for her, all three of those things were happening right now.

Faith sat in Math class, her lip between her teeth and her eyebrows furrowed in utter confusion. Whenever she saw the number written on board or heard her teachers solving equations faster than the speed of light, it made her head spin. When she was younger, 2+2 was 22 for her, because she couldn't grasp the number as it was all jumping for her at once. 6's were rotated to 9's while 0's were O's.

Faith was on the verge of a breakdown when none other than Lexi Howard noticed her struggling. With her glasses perched over her nose, her eyes trying to focus on the board, everything was going wrong for her while for Lexi it was the other way around. When she saw the Morales girl huffing and gripping her pencil in her hand in such way that can hurt her, Lexi gently touched her fingers, causing Faith's eyes to snap towards her.

Lexi slid her notebook to the corner of the desk and motioned for Faith to look at it instead of the board.

The last time Lexi was in the Morales household was when she had lost her virginity to Faith, and when she snuck out that morning she found the documentation diagnosing Faith with Dyscalculia. The Howard girl never meant to snoop in Faith's private life, the letter was just in the open.

So when Lexi got home, she ignored both her mother and her sister and went straight into researching Faith's condition. She read article after article and practically gained a PhD, so while she wasn't a professional, she knew how to help Faith. Lexi gently explained to Faith how the equation worked, and when Faith asked weird questions in each line of sum, Lexi explained it to her with a real life explanation. That's when it clicked for Faith. If someone could pull her out of the misery of her Dyscalculia and Math, it could only be the one and only Lexi Howard.

Once class was over, Faith and Lexi were the last ones in the classroom, only due to Lexi continuing to show Faith the correct way once the bell rang.

"Lex, this may sound really weird," said Faith quietly, causing Lexi to hum, signalling for Faith to go on. "Could you... could you maybe tutor me?" Faith had no idea why she was nervous, but when Lexi looked at her properly for the first time since McKay's party, Faith suddenly felt her nerves building up. "Y-you don't-"

"I'd love too," Lexi interrupted her, a small smile on her face when Faith nodded, letting out a shaky laugh. "I'm free all evenings, if that's good for you?"

"Monday, Wednesday and Friday okay? You can come for six?" Lexi nodded, smiling widely at the thought of spending more time with Faith Morales.

"I'll see you tonight then," said Lexi, her fingertips brushing against Faith's, and neither girl could deny the spark they felt.

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