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bad boys

Jay is in the kitchen, pouring himself a cup of coffee when Wyatt walks in and sits at the island and says, "Jay"

"Yeah" the detective says, turning around to face his step son, "What's up?"

"I need to talk to you about something...it's about a friend...who's a girl"

Jay smirks and says, "So, you like her?"

"I think so, but I don't know what to do"

"Just be yourself. If she likes you too, for you, then that's how you know she's worth it"

"Like you and mom?"

"Yup. We've had our problems, but we've always been able to get through them"

"Thanks Jay" Wyatt says, as Denise walks in with anger written all over her face as she walks to the fridge to get a water.

"Dee, you good?" Jay questions. Denise slams the fridge shut and says, "Perfect" then she walks away.

Jay and Wyatt look at each other.


Sam and Gracie sit at a table at a diner near the house, when Adam walks in and sits across from them. Gracie immediately smiles and puts her arms up, indicating she wanted to get up.

Sam takes her daughter from her high chair and sets her down. Gracie walks over to Adam, who picks her up and sets her on his lap and says, "Hi bumble bee" then kisses the top of her head.

Sam smiles and says, "I swear she likes you more than me"

"What can I say. I just have that effect" Adam says, making the detective roll her eyes, "how's Jay doing?"

"Last night was difficult. But we got through it"

"And everything else?"

"We've been trying to work on things, right. We've been going to therapy and I think that's really helping. I just don't know, maybe it's me" Sam sighs, taking a sip of her coffee. Adam rests his hand on top of Sam's and says, "Listen to me, Jay is incredibly lucky to have you. I wish I had somebody like you"

"Thanks Ruz. And um, you did have someone like me. Her name is Kim"

Ruzek playfully scoffs and says, "Right"

Gracie grabs a piece of bacon off of Adams plate and stuffs it into her mouth. Adam laughs and says, "hey, that's mine" Gracie looks up at her uncle and smiles, showing her baby teeth and laughs, "you are so lucky you're cute"

Sam looks down at her phone after getting a message and typed something back when Adam says, "Who was that?"

"Hailey. She said she needed advice on something"

Adam clears his throat and says, "Did she say what?"

Sam looks at her friend suspiciously and says, "No. what's wrong with you? You seem nervous"

"Me. Nervous? No"

"Adam Bob Ruzek, did something happen between you two?" Sam gasps, "Oh, my god. You two had s-e-x, didn't you?"

"You can't tell anyone. She said she wanted it down low like it never happened" Adam says, taking a sip of his water, "besides the only girl I need is this one right here" then he kisses the top of Gracies head.

Adam and Sam both pick up their phones from getting text messages alerts and they both sigh and the officer says, "Kev texted. Says we have a case"

"Yeah. Brayden just said the same thing"


Denise grips the straps of her backpack and walks into firehouse 51 and into the common room where she hears Hermann say, "hey kid, what are you doing here?"

"Hey Hermann. Is Matt here?"

"In his office, I think"

"Thanks" Denise says, walking to the back of the firehouse to see the blonde man sitting at his desk, then she knocks on the door, "Hi Matt"

Casey turns around to see the 16 year old standing at his door by herself and says, "Hey Dee. What are you doing here? Where's Sam and Jay?"

"Probably at work" Denise says, going over to sit on the captains cot, "I wanted to ask you something"

"Okay" Matt says, turning around in his seat.

"Sam told me that Gabby left. Is she coming back?"

"As much as I would love her too. I don't think she is"

Denise looks down at the ground with tears gathering in her eyes and says, "she didn't even say goodbye"

Matt grabs something from the top drawer of his desk and hands it to Denise and says, "she left this, to give to you. I've been meaning to give it to you"

Denise grabs the picture of her and Gabby that Matt has taken of them while they were working on her science fair project of the volcano and then flips it over to see that she had wrote something on the back. 'You will always be my favorite science fair buddy. I'll miss you so much, Dee. Always remember that no matter what, no matter how far I am, I got your back'

Matt sits next to the young girl and puts an arm around her to bring her into a side hug.


Hank walks onto a crime scene, where a deadly robbery had taken place and over to Sam who has a clipboard in hand, writing something down and asks, "What happened?"

"Mom and Pop joint. Pop caught a bullet to the throat. Carlso Coto. He's the owner" Sam answers.

Brayden walks around the corner and says, "Waitress said two guys showed up, told everybody to hit the floor, and then they started shooting"

"She make an ID?" Hank asks. Brayden shakes his head and says, "No. They were wearing masks"

Kim walks over to the group and says, "Hey, this witness said the robbers grabbed a hostage on the way out, a woman"

"He give a description?" Voight questions.

"Yes. Young, caucasian, denim jacket, definitely not from the neighborhood. Pulled into a blue honda"

"Alright, let's hit the streets, look for witnesses" Hank orders, as the three walk away.


Sam catches up with Hailey, who is making her way up to the unit and says, "Hals, hey. What did you wanna talk about?"

"Oh, uh, it's nothing important" The blonde detective answers. Sam raises an eyebrow and says, "Hailey, come on. You know you can talk to me right?"

"I know" she says, walking to her desk.

"What do we know?" Hank says.

"Valerie Gilchrist, 19 years old" Burgess says, taping her picture onto the empty whiteboard, "Just graduated from the Culinary Institute. No priors, no red flags. Her sister died when they were kids, but other than that, she's led a privileged life"

"Do we buy her dad's story that she was there in Little Village to blog about tacos?" Jay questions. Adam looks up from his phone and says, "Her social media's mostly about food. Best salsas, hole in the wall. According to the reader, Coto's has the number three ranked taco in Chicago, so..."

"Wrong place, wrong time" Atwater chimes in.

"Check this out" Dawson says, handing Hank a file, "We looked at the pattern of the previous robberies. The crew knew when these places would be fat and how to slip away without being detected. They case these joints, probably ate there. Makes sense they're from the neighborhood"

"If they're worried about her being a witness, why not just silence her there?" Brayden asks.

"She's a white girl. Maybe they thought she was worth something" Kevin states.

"Or they grabbed her for other reasons" Sam says.

"We find this crew, we find her, so search databases for anyone convicted of robberies living around little village. And let's get some extra patrol units in here, and pull in every banger with an open warrant" Hank says, as Trudy walks onto the unit.

"Hank, these are going up all over little village" Trudy says, showing Voight a flyer that says there's a 500,000 dollar reward about anything related to Valerie.


Hank walks onto the unit, looking at his team who are all on the phone with possible information about Valerie and says, "What, are we a bunch of telemarketers?"

"Hank, the phones just started blowing up. People are calling us directly" Sam says.

"500 grand's got a way of making people remember things they've never seen" Jay says.

"Hang up the phones. How about we focus on police work?" Hank says, as Burgess hands him something and says. "Got something. I checked the traffic cams by Coto's tacos and I got a hot on that blue honda"

"Nice work. Sam, you and Jay head over to streets and san. Get this guy's name and go talk to him" Hank says, showing the picture the couple.


Sam and Jay are outside the house of Hugo Sanchez as he walks through his yard with a basket of laundry as Jay holds out his phone, and Sam holds out the picture of Valerie and says, "This girl was in the blue honda parked next to your truck, and you're sure you didn't see her?"

"Like I told you, I can't help you" Hugo says.

"That's the girl on the posters" the older woman says, "Did you see her?"

"Mama, leave us alone"

"Hugo, there's a 500,000 dollar reward. Did you see her?"

"Answer your mama, Hugo" Sam says.

"Okay. Yeah, I saw her. Earlier today. She was out on the street, running. Some guy was chasing her" Hugo says.

"Can you describe the man?" Jay asks.

"Latino, 30, little chubby. Never seen him before"

"In which direction were they going?" Jay asks, showing the man the photo of him at his truck with the blue honda next to him again.

"That way, toward the warehouse"

Sam folds her arms over her chest and says, "You saw a man chasing a woman and you didn't call the police?"

"I get paid to pick up garbage. I don't get nothing extra for solving crimes"

"Come on" Jay says to his wife, who is glaring at the man, then they walk away.


Sam, Jay, Kevin and Adam walk into the warehouse with their guns and flashlights drawn and as they walk further in Atwater says, "Over here. There's blood. Looks recent"

"Body" Sam says, walking down the steps and over to the girl to feel her pulse, "Call an ambo"

Jay takes out his walkie and says, "5021 george, emergency. Roll an ambo to our location. We got a female victim, gunshot wound"


"Okay, just, you know, take your time, and then tell us what happened at the restaurant" Kim says, as she and Sam stand in the hospital room where Valerie is currently staying.

"Um...went there to, uh, get a taco" Valerie breathes out, "I was walking in. I didn't realize what was happening. um...I saw two men. They had masks"

"Okay" Kim says, writing that down into her small notepad.

"One of them had a gun, and, um...and the other guy came out from the back and he started screaming in spanish, and, uh, the larger one shot him"

"You didn't run?" Sam asks.

"I was...I was freaking out. The one with the gun grabbed me. Shoved me in the back seat of his car. Forced me to keep my face down. One man said that they had to...kill me. Um...he pulled over. He had to pee, and...I just...I took off running and I remember going into this building and...um..."

"Do you remember anything else about them? Any tattoos, any scars?"

Valerie shakes her head and says, "No. I'm sorry"

"Don't be sorry. You did great" Sam says, as her and Kim leave the room, "I'm gonna grab Porter and dig back to the other robberies, the ones that didn't get reported"

"Makes sense. Someone somewhere had to have seen something" Kim says.


"Two weeks ago, someone from this restaurant called 911 and said that there was a robbery in progress" Brayden says as he and Sam are in one of the restaurants where the robbers had supposedly hit.

"I already told the police when they came. There wasn't a robbery" Miguel says.

Sam crosses her arms over her chest and says, "Why would someone make that up?"

"Don't know. I was arguing with a customer. Maybe the person who called got confused. Thought I was being robbed"

"Look, Miguel, we know that there's a stickup crew going around targeting Hispanic restaurants in the neighborhood. You have nothing to be scared of. This has nothing to do with ICE" Brayden says, as Sam looks down the hall to see a woman watching them.

"I'm not scared of you. I've got my green card"

"Why don't you, uh...why don't you tell me more about this misunderstanding" Brayden says, as Sam walks towards the back of the restaurant where the woman is.

"You were here for the robbery, weren't you?" Sam says, but the woman stays silent, "Miguel's a victim. We want to help. You're his wife?"


"Okay. Can you tell me what happened?"

"They're taking everything away from him"

"Who? The people who did the robbery?"

"No, the guys who came after. They asked for protection money. I told Miguel to go to the police, but he didn't listen"

"Because you don't have papers?"

"If he keeps paying those Ladrones, he's gonna lose his business, his dreams. That's not right"

"Can you help us?"

"Yes, I can"

"Okay, great"


"Pablo Sosa" Dawson says, showing his picture to the team, then taping it to the whiteboard, "According to Marquez, he's the leader of the stickup crew. He's got a wrap sheet to the floor. He just did four years at Stateville for accessory to murder. No current address"

"Yeah, that Marquez says that he thinks Sosa's working with a young banger named Jorge Luna" Hank says.

"Pablo's the fat guy, so that's our shooter" Jay says, pointing to Lunas picture on the board.

"Alright, we got any leads?"

"Yeah. Jorge Luna has one prior for possession, sentenced last month, 200 days of community service" Kim says.

"Right, and didn't his parole officer say that he's working off that case at Clean Up Chicago?" Kevin says.

"Well find out where they're cleaning and pick him up now" Hank orders.


After picking up Jorge Luna and Dawson and Voight had interviewd him, the team is back on the bullpen and Kim says, "Okay, so Jorge said he was chilling with Pablo at the time of the murder, but that can't be confirmed cause Pablo's in the wind"

"Phone records?" Hank asks.

"Neither one has a registered phone. I'm assuming they have burner phones. Jorge had one when we busted him" Hailey says.

"This kid's lying. We just gotta push a little harder" Adam says.

"Yeah, but we have no prints, no surveillance, nothing to put Jorge at the scene" Antonio says.

"All we got is the word of Johnny Marquez, which, at this point, ain't worth too much" Kevin says.

Hank takes out his ringing phone and puts it to his ear and says, "Jay, you and Sam find that sanitation worker, Sanchez?"

"Yeah, we did, but he won't be much help" Jay says, as Sam grabs ahold of Hugo's mother, who is bawling her eyes out at the sight of her dead son, who was shot dead, "Patrol found his body"

"Any witnesses?"

"No, but we'll keep looking"

Hank hangs up his phone and says, "Well, Hugo Sanchez just got popped"

"Looks like Pablo's silencing all witnesses" Dawson says.

"Tough way to earn 500k" Kim says.

"Alright, let's get Valerie in here" Hank says.

"What for?"

"Make an ID"

"I already showed her a photo array at the hospital"

"Well, this time we'll show her a lineup. Maybe she sees Jorge in person, something'll click"


Sam and Jay walk up to Hank who just let Evan Gilchrist and his daughter Valerie leave when Jay says, "Hey, Sarg, we pulled footage from the Sanchez homicide. We got a positive ID from facial rec. Pablo Sosa is definitely out shooter"

"Okay" Hank says.

"Problem is, we still don't have an address on this guy. He's a ghost. We have Tac and Gang officers hunting him down, and so far, nothing" Sam says.

"Then we try a different angle"


After letting Jorge leave the district, so the team can follow him. Sam and Jay sit in an unmarked car following him when Adam says, "Alright, Jorge just turned on Race street" through his walkie.

"We relocated. We got him" Jay says. The couple watches as Luna walks into a house when Jay says, "Alright, he just went into an apartment at 1200 race street"

"We're running everyone in the building. So far, no nexus for either target" Sam says, through her walkie.

"Copy that" Kevin says.

The next thing that's heard are gunshots, and the two detectives race out of the truck, with their guns drawn. Sam takes out her radio and says, "5021, Kennedy. Shots fired. Emergency, 1200 race street"

As Adam and Kevin race towards Sam and Jay. The couple enters the apartment, guns drawn and up the stairs to see a door open and someone laying on the ground, coughing up blood.

"It's Pablo" Jay annonces.

"Out the back" Sam says.

"We can't leave him. You go. Just be safe"

Sam runs down the hall and sees Jorge running down the stairs and yells, "Police! Freeze!"

As the detective continues to chase Luna outside, Sam grabs her walkie and says, "Offender out the back!" and points her gun towards him, still chasing after him, "Jorge, stop! I will shoot!"

Luna jumps over a railing and continues to run and not wanting to hurt herself, still aching in pain from her car accident, she doesn't follow him and takes out her walkie and says, "Offender is westbound in the alley"

Minutes later, Adam and Kevin pull up in front of the apartment where Jay and Sam are standing outside of and Adam says, "We lost Jorge. He jacked a gray pickup truck, so I put out a flash message"

"Pablo didn't make it. I found this next to the body" Jay says, holding up a gun with a piece of cloth, "It's a .380. Same caliber as the other murder"

"Yo, I just got a hit on that gray pickup. It's in a restaurant in the west loop" Kevin states.

"We'll meet you there" Sam says, as her and Jay run to the truck.


"Went to the restaurant. Jorge's gone. He's in the wind" Adam says, as he and Kevin walk onto the unit.

"Check this out. Valerie works at the restaurant part time. The manager said that he was looking for her" Kevin says.

"He's looking for Valerie?" Sam questions.

"Yeah, we got a beat car sitting on it just in case she comes back"

"How does he even know where she works?" Brayden asks.

"Yeah?" Hank says, agreeing.

"Hey, guys" Kim says, sitting at her desk, looking at her computer, "They're dating"


"They're dating?" Adam says.

"Yeah, they're dating" Kim says, turning her computer around to show the team, "I found a private DM app that she downloaded so messages stay off the radar. According to this, they've been hooking up for about a month"

"Find Valerie now" Hank orders, as everyone shakes their heads in disbelief.


"Maybe we should wait until my dad's lawyers get here" Valerie says, sitting in interrogation with Sam and Kim.

"Maybe you should tell us what the hell is going on, since you've been screwing us around this whole time" Sam says.

"I'm sorry, but my father told me to always ask for a lawyer"

Sam stands up from the table and leans her hands on the silver table and says, "Alright, look, Valerie, the choice is yours. We can do that, but then the gloves come off. We put you in handcuffs, charge you with felony obstruction and take you to jail. And there's nothing that your father can do about it"

"But we'd rather not do that" Kim says, sitting down at the table, "We know things aren't always what they seem, so just help us out"

"We had this really amazing connection. It was like, intense, like there was no way to stop us from happening, even though I knew he was a little crazy. Do you know what I mean?"

Sam nods her head and says, "Yeah. You fell for the bad boy. We all do at some point"

And behind the glass, Jay is listening to every word his wife is saying with Hank standing next to him.

"Felt good. Felt right. And you said to hell with the consequences."

"Did you know he was a criminal?" Kim asks.

"No. I knew he lived in a tough part of town, that he'd been in trouble" Valerie says.

"Why don't you tell us about the robbery" Sam says.

The brunette sighs and says, "I was out with Jorge. He got a phone call. He said he had to go back to Little Village, so I drove him to the restaurant and he met up with this guy" then Kim sets a picture in front of her of Pablo, who takes in a sharp breath, "Uh...yeah, that's him. I, uh...I think his name is Pablo. So, I, um, I dropped off Jorge. You know, he told me to go back home, but I stuck around cause I wanted to spend the night with him. And then I heard all of this yelling and I went to see what was happening and that's when, uh, Pablo shot the guy"

Kim then sets a couple more photos in front of the girl of the victim who says, "Yeah, that's him. Everyone was freaking out. Pablo was yelling and screaming, and he pulled me into the car. He...he dropped Jorge off. He said he would...he would take me back to the house, but he was lying. He tried to kill me and that is why I ran"

"Where's Jorge now?" Kim asks.

"I don't" Valerie says, taking in a deep breath, "I don't know, but he is not what you think. He's always been very respectful, and Pablo, that is the killer"

Sam crouches down next to the young girl and says, "Valerie, I know you would do anything to protect Jorge, right?" and the brunette nods her head, "You need to tell us where he is, for his own good. And I know what you think you have with him is special, but it's not going to last. It never does with the bad boys. The sooner you realize that, the better. For your own safety"

As soon as the interview is over, Kim and Sam are at the lockers grabbing their guns from the safes and Jay walks out of the viewing room first, making eye contact with his wife and walking past her, followed by Hank, who leans on the wall and asks, "What's your take?"

"She's just a kid, who fell in love with a handsome punk and stumbled onto a robbery" Sam says.

"I think she's hiding something" Kim says.

"Alright, so dig back into her phone records, social media accounts, anonymous and otherwise. See if she tried to make contact" Hank says, as they walk away, passing by Trudy.


After capturing Jorge Luna, Sam and Jay head back home to find Lucy, Wyatt and Gracie sitting on the couch watching tv and Sam asks, "Where's Denise?"

"In her room" Lucy says. Sam raises an eyebrow, setting her bag down on the bench and walks up the stairs to her foster daughter's room and says, "Hey. You're missing Supernatural. You love that show"

Denise shrugs, sitting at her desk, looking at the photo that Matt had given her. Sam walks over to her bed and sits on the edge, after seeing the picture Denise was holding and says, "You miss, Gabby, huh?" and the young girl nods her head, "Matt called. Said you went to go see him"

Denise turns to look at Sam and says, "I'm sorry, I didn't tell you. I just wanted to know if she was coming back or not"

"I'm sorry, sweetheart" Sam says, getting up from the bed and kissing the girls head, "I know how much she meant to you. But I know what will make you feel better. Watching Sam and Dean kick some monster butt"

Denise smiles, getting up from her seat, as Sam wraps an arm around her foster daughter's neck as they leave the room to head back downstairs.


Btw, I make up their middle names because I can't seem to find out what they are.
Also, Adam & Gracie are the dream team! ๐Ÿ’–
P.S, I have a special surprise coming up in the book soon, and it's very exciting! ๐Ÿฅณ๐Ÿฅณ

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