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~cross over special~
endings, cpd part 3

Jay and Sam walk down the hall at med, after dropping Gracie off with Kelly and Stella, when Hank walks over to them and says, "Jay, I, uh, just heard about your father. I'm sorry"

"Thanks" the detective says.

"Jay, you and Sam should take some time. Spend it with family"

"It's not what you think, Sarg. Me and my dad had a complicated relationship. We didn't really see eye to eye. I'm not proud of it. It's the truth. Five other people died in that fire. I want to help"


"Uh, yeah. Whatever Jay wants to do. I'm in" Sam says.

"Okay. Platt's briefing everyone in the parking lot"

"Alright" Jay says, grabbing onto his wife's hand as they head to the parking lot.


"Jane Doe, approximately 20 years old" Platt says, handing out photos of the girl to her patrol officers and whoever they could gather up, "5 '4", fled Chicago Med less than 60 minutes ago. She exited the west rear door and was last seen headed north on foot. She is believed to be all alone and hurt, so we have to move fast. Populorum, you and Henry are on public transport..."

"Hey, you wanna take north?" Jay asks Kim as they start walking away from the group.

"Yeah. Just, Jay, I'm sorry-" Jay cuts Kim off and says. "Thanks. Just fill us in"

"Okay, she dug out her own GPS chip, so obviously she doesn't want to be found. She has third degree burns, multiple broken bones"

"She couldn't have gotten out of there too fast. So where would you go?" Sam says.

"I don't know. Find someplace to hide. Someplace to die"

As the trio start walking north, Kim says, "You guys go that way, I'll go this way?"

"Yeah, we'll go over here" Jay says, as they turn right, round the corner, as Kim keeps walking straight.

"Jay! Sam!" Kim yells, and the couple run over to where she is, "5021 Eddie, emergency. We need an ambulance at the southwest corner of Bryers park"

Sam kneels next to the Jane doe and looks at her husband and friend and says, "I don't know what's wrong. She's bleeding really bad" trying to put pressure on a wound she can't see, "We need that ambulance"

"They're never gonna find us. I'm gonna flag them down" Kim yells, running down the hill and over to the road.

"Hey, it's okay" Jay says. Sam grabs onto the girls hand and says, "Hey, can you look at me. I'm Sam and this is my husband Jay, we're detectives with the Chicago police department. You're gonna be okay. What's your name?"

"He came to kill them" The girl breathes out.

"Who came?" Jay asks.

"I was hiding, but he set the fire"

"Who did this to you? Who set the fire" Sam asks.

"You know who he was?" Jay questions.

"He killed them" Jane doe says.

"Who is he? What's his name? Did you know him?"

"Uh-huh. I'll be free now"

Sam looks up at Jay, as the paramedics and Kim run over to them.


Jay and Sam stand in Sharon Goodwin's office with, Sharon herself, Hank, Antonio, Adam, Hailey, Boden, Kelly and Gracie who is sitting at Sharon's desk, drawing a picture when Sam says, "She said she was hiding and he came to kill them. Then before she lost consciousness, she said that she would be free now"

"We're running her prints and her DNA, but no ID yet" Jay says.

"Alright, Chief?" Hank says.

"Fire originated in apartment 20E" Boden says, pointing at the map on the table of the tower apartments the fire was at, "We found Jane Doe's body here outside the apartment. Burns indicated she was most likely crawling, trying to escape the flames"

"Door to 20E was open. That's how the fire spread. The other John Doe's were found inside the apartment" Kelly says, pointing to the map, "one in the bed, one near the front door"

"Alright, so she said that he came to kill them" Jay says, walking closer to the table and rests his hands on it, "So the offender enters the apartment, he kills both John Doe's, but Jane Doe's hiding. The offender goes to light the fire, she tries to escape and then she gets beaten unconscious"

"Injuries run against that, Sharon?" Hank asks.

"It could be consistent. Jane Doe suffered an ulna fracture, internal injuries, third degree burns. We also treated her for heavy smoke inhalation" Sharon says.

"So the offender beats her, thinks she's dead, but Jane Doe comes to during the fire, opens the front door, and attempts to crawl to the elevator" Hailey says.

"Arson was just a cover up for the double homicide" Adam states, as Gracie gets down from the chair and walks over to her uncle and pulls on the bottom of his shirt, looking up at him with her big hazel eyes, who then picks her up and says, "Hey, bumble bee. I love your tutu, I have good taste, huh?"

Gracie smiles, handing Adam a scribbled picture, who says, "Thank you" then kisses her cheek, "I love it"

"The rest of them were collateral damage" Kelly says. There was a sudden knock at the door and Dr. Choi walks in and says, "Jane Doe didn't make it. Pronounced her a minute ago. She never regained consciousness"

"Alright, we need to get going. Thank you" Hank says.

"Anything you need" Boden says.

Sam looks down at her phone to see a text from Lucy saying she's at the hospital to pick up Gracie.

Dr. Choi opens the door for the firefighters, as Sam goes over to get her daughter from Adam, then makes a pit stop to Jay who gives his daughter a big kiss on her cheek and says, "Kells, can you bring Gracie down to Lucy? She's in the waiting room"

"Of course" Kelly says, grabbing his goddaughter from his best friend. Sam kisses Gracie on her head and says, "Daddy and I will be home soon, okay?"

"Let's start with apartment 20E. Antonio, get Jane Doe's GPS chip to OCD tech right away" Hank says.

"I'll run it up with vice too. It's common practice these days for pimps to chip their property. I'm guessing Jane Doe' was a victim of sex trafficking" Dawson says, heading for the door to leave.

"So we start with what was left behind. I want every piece of paper in that apartment. Who was living there, every in service call. Just scour that crime scene. Work the bodies. Find out what the hell happened in that apartment"


Sam and Jay head over to the medical examiner's office, where she has the burned victims laid out on all her opened slabs.

"We've been working round the clock" the M.E says, handing Sam a blue file, "I've only done a full autopsy on your first John Doe."

"What about dental? Did you get anything from that?" Jay asks, as Sam opens the file to read it.

"Didn't match any of our records. And honestly, you're not gonna get much. Bodies burned this badly rarely have a ton of forensic evidence." She says then hands Jay the other blue file, "tox was clear on John Doe one"

Jay looks at the file Sam is reading and points to something and asks, "what is this chipping of the hyoid and spine?"

"It's usually cracking from the fire, but what's strange is both bodies have it." The M.E says, pulling up two x rays of the John does necks.

"Cracking of the hyoid?" Sam asks.

"On one, it's an anomaly. On two.." Jay cuts the M.E off and says. "It's a pattern. Same kind of cracking you'd get from a weapon?"

"From a knife"

"So they were stabbed" Sam says.

"Yes, and throat's sliced"


"Sarg?" Sam says, standing at the whiteboard with her husband. Hank walks out of his office and says, "Yeah, I'm still listening"

"Alright, M.E. Also found three old bullet holes and a severed finger on John Doe two. We ran that through every system we've got. So far, no hit on an ID, but those are pretty unique identifiers."

"So, flag it up the ladder with the FBI. See if they'll run it. Hit hospital records, too"

Sam nods her head and heads over to sit at her desk. Adam and Kevin walk onto the unit and Adam says, "We've got spotty elevator and lobby cameras, but the camera nearest the entrance got fritter out in the fire"

"The building across the street got surveillance from the front. I got POD footage from the exit in the back, but it's not perfect. When Chicago Fire responded, they blocked the camera." Kevin says.

"Alright, well start clearing through it fast" Hank says, walking towards his office, "hey, we got anything on that apartment?"

"Nothing but sand, Sarg" Brayden states, looking up from his computer, "it was registered under a dummy LLC called Cyde Holdings that does not exist."

"There's no in service calls, no priors on anyone so far in the apartment. Burgess is still there. She's debriefing the current residents" Adam says.

"So far, everybody's saying they thought the apartment was vacant" Kevin says.

"Hey, Sarg" Antonio saying, walking to the bullpen with a file in hand, "OCD tech lab pulled coordinates off Jane Does GPS chip. I've got every place she's been in the last two months outside Chicago. All two of them. Tracked a farmland outside Durango, Mexico and a compound two miles from Colima. I ran those coordinates for John Does bullet wounds, for the finger injury. Got a hit" then hands Voight the file with the suspects picture on it.

Hank looks at the photo for a second then looks back up at Antonio and says, "Edgar Torres"

Dawson nods his head and Jay says, "you're saying Edgar Torres of the Sinaloa Cartel just got hit in Chicago?"

"Hey, Hank. You got a problem downstairs" Platt says, walking onto the unit.

"Come on, Antonio. You and me. Hey, find out what Torres was doing in Chicago, Jay"


"Carlos Mendoza, 56 years old. Been in Chicago for the past 30" Atwater says, standing in front of the whiteboard with a suspect's picture taped onto the board, "DEA caught him up seven years ago, thought he was Torres' driver"

"Held him for 48, grilled him, and they got absolutely nothing. Carlos never said a word" Sam explains.

"Alright, so where's Carlos now?" Hank asks.

"Lives right here in Chicago. Lives alone in Fuller park. Also has two adult sons" Kevin says.

"But we still believe he's involved with the cartel. Gets paid every week from a trumped up LLC"

"Ran Carlos' cell. Pinged a tower outside Colima, Mexico a few days ago" Burgess says, handing Voight a surveillance camera screen shot, "matches Jane Does GPS coordinates to a T."

"Alright, so he picked up Torres' girlfriend and a bodyguard in Mexico and drove them all back here" Hank says.

"Just to sell his ass out" Kevin says.

"We got Carlos on footage." Jay says, looking at a file, as he walks onto the unit, "traffic cam caught him in a silver SUV parked outside the apartment for eight hours" then he shows the group the photograph.

"Was he there during the fire?" Hank asks.

"The whole time"

"Let's move"


"Alright, we move careful and silent" Hank explains to his team, as they huddle around the trunk, decked out in everything black so they don't get noticed, "Ruzek, Brayden you're with me. Burgess, Upton, you take downstairs. Sam and Jay, secure the back. Do not enter. Okay, let's go"

The team rolls down what was seemingly just black hats, but are really black ski masks to cover their faces, with their guns drawn and slowly walk towards the house of Carlos Mendoza.

As the team slowly and quietly enter the house, Hailey hears something coming from the kitchen, so she kicks opens the door with her gun out and says, "freeze" only to see Jay holding Mendoza up against the wall, with his back to the couple, and Sam pointing her gun at him, "what the hell are you two doing? Damn it, guys. Why did you come inside?"

"Cause we saw movement." Jay says.

"Jay, I almost shot you guys"

"Yeah, but you didn't, alright?"

"You broke the plan. I almost put a bullet in your head"

"Carlos was going for the back door so we had to make a move alright"


Sam clears her throat and says, "he would've gotten away"

"Target apprehended. We're coming out" Jay says over his walkie.

"Copy that" Ruzek says. Jay brings Mendoza outside, and Hailey looks at Sam, who sighs and says, "I know" before following after her husband.


Sam is sat on a bench in the locker room in front of her locker when she sees her husband walk by and pulls him into the room by his wrist.

"What's going on?" Jay asks.

"I want you to talk to me" Sam says.

"About what?"

"Jay Ryan Halstead. Don't do that. I want you to talk to me about your dad, how you're feeling"

"I'm trying to learn to get through it"

"And I'll help you with anything you need, okay. All you have to do is ask" Sam says, placing her hands on her husbands scruffy face. Jay brushes loose strands of hair out of his wife's face and says, "I know and I will"


Hank walks onto the bullpen from interrogating Mendoza and says, "Carlos isn't talking. We need leverage"

"I've looked through every hour of footage" Adam says, standing up from his desk, "there's no evidence that Carlos ever enters the building. We got Torres, Jane Doe, his security. They all come in five hours before the fire, but after that, it's only residents. And I've gone through it twice"

"Yeah, we've cleared everyone in that building. None of them look like they're involved." Kim says.

"Alright, so we go back to basics. Antonio, keep working Carlos while we backtrack. Look, no one just wakes up in the morning and decides to make a play on a cartel boss. There was planning. Someone got in that building, did the murders, set that fire. Find out how. That'll get us to who" Hanks says, before walking to his office.


"First body was found in here" Kelly says, pointing to the spot on the ground as he takes, Jay, Sam, Kim, Hailey and Adam through the apartment where the fire started.

"Inside the door" Jay says.

"Well, id he came in through the hallways, security let him in" Adam says.

"Security knew him"

"I mean, it fits with Carlos, right?" Kim asks. Severide points over to where the bed was and says, "second body was found in bed there. Arson said the body was prone. Guy never got up"

"Alright, so offender comes in, takes security out of the equation, moves in here. Torres is asleep. He takes him out nice and easy. Starts the fire here unaware that Jane doe is hiding" Adam says.

"There's no other exits, Kells?" Sam asks.

"Only the front door. These windows are a 20 story drop"

While this is going on, Hailey finds her way through the apartment where she finds a window, that leads to an outdoor staircase to the building next door.


"The roof next door had a hidden security camera. Facial recognition ID'd Daniel Mendoza in under a minute. Carlos' oldest son" Kim says, handing the picture to Hailey who tapes it onto the board.

"He's caught on this roof four times in the past week, including an hour before the fire went off" Hailey says, taping four smaller security camera pictures next to Daniels picture, "all he would have had to do is hop over to the window, once the fire was going. Cameras are being destroyed. People were evacuating. He could have walked out the front door"

"Daniel Mendoza is the black sheep out of the two brothers" Kevin says, walking into the bullpen and hands Kim a paper, "in and out of behavior programs. Got kicked out of Harper college after a semester for anger issues" then hands Voight a file.

"Daniels working for a trucking company that's hauling produce from Mexico to Chicago." Brayden says, reading from a file, "they changed their IDOT four times in the last year. The company's owned by the same trumped up LLC who's paying off Carlos. He's cartel. Like father, like son"

"It's the same boss, too. Torres." Dawson says.

"Yeah" Hank says.

"You know, it could be a power play. Cartels are organizations, so if Daniel and Carlos are working beneath Torres, Torres holds their fate. If he isn't willing to promote..."

"You get rid of him, find a new boss who is" Hank says, taking one of the security pictures of the board, to head to interrogation and says to Antonio, "get an expedited warrant"


"Chicago PD!" Atwater yells, as he, Voight, Dawson, Jay and Sam enter the house to clear it out. As they walk into the kitchen, bright lights turn on, cameras turn on as well and there are sounds going off and Hank says, "whoa. Everybody stop. Do not key your radios.


"The cameras are motion sensored?" Kelly asks, walking over to the group, who are now outside with CFD.

"Yeah, motion sensored and hooked up to Daniel Mendoza's cloud. As soon as we walked in, cameras recorded and sent images digitally." Kevin says.

"That's smart. I mean, this apartments gotta be his contingency plan. He set it up as a fail safe. If his plan failed and the cartel came for him, the apartment would alert him" Antonio explains. Kelly looks at Sam and says, "you good?"


"Hey, here he is. What's up?" Hank says, as a man from Bomb squad walks over to them.

"Hank, doesn't look like there's any sign of explosives. Place is clear for chemicals. Just looks like the apartment was rigged with the cameras. We're almost finished clearing."

"So we're waiting for nothing? He's probably in the damn wind. We basically just told him to run." Jay says, frustrated.

"Alright, so we get ahead of him. Get out a BOLO, investigative alert, emergency ping." Hank says.

As the team parts ways, and Sam says goodbye to her best friend, Kelly then says, "Jay. Yo, I've been meaning to tell you, I'm.."

"Don't, don't. Kelly, honestly man, you're, like, the only guy that hasn't given me some half ass sympathy speech probably because of everything that's been going on with me and Sam besides the black eye. So you don't have to alright?"

"No. I wasn't going to. I was gonna say I wanna be here when you find him. We pulled bodies out of that fire. I watched Stella almost lose her life. For a cartel hit? Anything I can do to help, anything, I'll help."

"Alright, thanks man" Jay says, shaking Kelly's hand before walking away. Sam smiles, giving her friend a hug, which he didn't expect but hugged back nonetheless and says, "what's this for?"

"You're a good man, Kelly Severide"

"I know" Kelly jokes, kissing the top of the brunettes head, "now, go. Be safe and save lives"

Sam departs from the hug and says, "Always" before following after her husband.


"Alright, transport teams are up" Adam says, as he and Brayden walk onto the unit, "airports, trains, buses and highways"

"We got BOLOs out on his vehicle, checking the traffic cams and PODS. We tapping into the L. CTA has all his descriptors, and Antonio's hitting his contacts now." Kevin says.

"Cell?" Hank asks.

"Dark. Daniel turned it off. No movement" Hailey says.

"Yeah, he's gonna know better than that. He'll have an exit strategy" Jay says.

"And exit strategy he wasn't expecting to use. I mean, I don't know if it'll be easy to execute. He hasn't had more than a grand in his bank account. He's gonna need help getting out of Chicago."

"Or he just steals a car and he heads for the border. We need another access point. Carlos is our only option. Daniel followed his father's footsteps into the cartel. Whether or not Carlos ordered him to kill Torres doesn't matter. He got where he was because his father led him there."

"Phone records indicate him and his father talk a lot, at least twice a day" Brayden says.

"Yeah, so he's gonna know where his is or how to get in touch with him. We gotta force him to talk"

"Alright. You and me" Hank says.


Jay wraps the blue towel around his daughter, after helping her with her bath, putting his hands underneath her arms and says, "1.2.3, up!" Then he lifts her out of the tub and places her on the rug in front of the bathtub.

Jay kneels in front of his beautiful daughter he created who says, "daddy sad?" tilting her head to the side. Jay nods and says, "Yeah, sweetheart, I am. You probably won't understand this yet, but my dad, your grandpa passed away yesterday and even though we didn't get along, I'll miss him"

Gracie gives her dad a hug, wrapping her small arms around him. Jay smiles, kissing the top of her head and says, "thank you, baby"


The next day on the unit, Jay shows the team a photo and tapes it onto the board, saying, "Juan Mendoza. He's 28 years old. He's Carlos' other son. He's got no connection to the cartel. He's married. He's got three kids. He's got a good job downtown. We pick him up, he's our access point to Carlos."

"We ran Juan. We got nothing on him" Adam says.

"They don't know that. Contrary to public opinion, fathers have favorites. If we squeeze Juan, Carlos rolls on Daniel"

"Okay, it's too risky. We get Juan involved, then he's actually involved. The cartel starts gunning for him too" Hailey says.

"Yeah, man. That ain't right. There's gotta be a better way to do this" Adam says.

"Like what?" Jay asks, and no one says anything, "exactly. We're at a dead end, right? I don't even know why we're debating this."

"Because we're playing with an innocent man's life, Jay" Hailey says.

"Five other innocent people died because of this guys not so innocent brother and father. So I'm sorry if my heart doesn't bleed like yours."

"Excuse me?" Hailey says, getting up from the windowsill she was leaning on.

"Okay. That's enough. It's what we have. It's what we'll use. Bring him in" Hank says. Hailey glares after the brunette and walks away.


Jay and Sam follow Juan out of a building where Adam and Hailey are standing outside and Ruzek says, "Juan Mendoza. Chicago Police. I'm officer Ruzek. This is detective Upton"

"What's going on?" Juan asks, as the couple approaches the group.

"We just wanna bring you down to the district, ask you a few questions. It's gonna be nice and easy."

"Questioning for what?"

"We'll clears all that up at the district" Hailey says.

"I don't think so" Juan says, before trying to walk past Hailey and Adam who pushes back on the man's chest and says. "Listen, man, listen. Hey. We just need to talk to you, ask you a few questions. That's all"


"Sir if you could please..." Hailey says, going into grab the man's arm. Juan pulls away harshly and says, "I just said no"

"You have information that can help us" Jay says.

"I assure you, I don't"

"You know why we're bringing you in. Your family's all hooked up. Your brother.."

"What my family does is of no concern to me.."

"No concern? No concern?" Jay asks in a louder tone. Sam places her hand on her husbands shoulder as Adam says, "Jay, we're outside"

"Mass murders no concern to you?"

"Jay, not here, man"

"Jay, come on" Sam pleads.

"Not when I know nothing that could help you" Juan says.

"we're not asking you. We're telling you. Move."

"Hey, look, man, you just need to.." Juan starts, placing his hand on Jays chest to back him away. Jay fed up, takes the man's arm and twists it around his back, putting him in a choke hold.

"Jay, back off!" Hailey says, as Adam pulls them apart.

"Jay, let go!" Sam says, pulling her husband away from the others, "Jay, stop it" pushing back on his chest, "what the hell was that?"

"He knows something!"

"But you didn't need to get physical with him, not in public" Sam says, before walking away.


After getting some information out of Carlos. Jay, Sam, Hailey, Antonio, Brayden and Hank are in a small huddle when Jay says, "so Carlos and Daniel have a shared disposable email account that Carlos set up for hazards of the job"

"Yeah, they only communicate through drafts so nothing ever leaves the server. We can't ping them through email alone" Dawson says.

"Alright, but Carlos reached out. He told Daniel that he wasn't safe. He was gonna help him get out of Chicago. Daniel agreed to keep his phone on."

"4 p.m. today. Daniels gonna keep his phone off until then" Brayden says.

"Alright, well you're with Carlos. He makes a call, you ping Daniels location." Hank tells Antonio, "the rest of us, we're gonna set up a city wide grid. Okay? Get everyone on board. We're gonna be in teams of two. As soon as Antonio calls with a location, we move in. Quick, steady, silent. Let's go"


"We're in position" Burgess says over her walkie, as Jay and Sam meet up with Hank in an empty lot, "west side, 33rd and Normal"

"Alright, copy that. Just below the north side." Adam says, through his walkie.

"Alright, as soon as we get the location, teams move out. You get there first, you hit it" Hank says, "alright, Antonio, you set?"

"We're good to go. Wires up" Antonio says, through his walkie, "two minutes out. Be ready to move"

"Jay. You're not coming" Hank says.

"What?" Jay says, shocked.

"Give Sam your keys and your two way"

"You gotta be kidding me" Jay scoffs, "Sam, come on"

"It's for the best, Jay. Keys and the two way" Hank says, walking to his car.

"I'm sorry, Jay. You're to close" Sam states.

"What the hell does that mean?" Jay questions.

"He's your dad, Jay" Sam pleads.

"You don't know anything about my dad!"

"And I'm not pretending to, but you never talked about him, not really anyways, not up until he had his surgery last month"

"No, you're just projecting whatever daddy daughter crap got you screwed up"

Sam scoffs, pushes back on his chest, "I'm done being your punching bag, okay, that's it! I'm done. Give me your damn keys, now!" Jay shakes his head giving his keys to his wife, "two way" then he gives her his work phone and she walks away to the truck and drives off.

Jay puts his personal phone to his ear and says, "you said if I needed help you would. I need help"


Jay being Jay, he goes against Hanks orders and asks Kelly for help. And after spotting Daniel from the bridge, the detective chases after him, shouting, "police stop!"

Daniel takes out his gun and the two shoot at each other, hitting one another, both falling to the ground.

Jay groans, still pointing his gun at at Daniel and takes out the patrol man's radio he took and breathes out, "this is 5021 George, emergency. Shots fired. Offender down. Need an ambo. Lower wacker and Columbus. just try to get him some help. Get him help"

Jay rolls over on his stomach and crawls over to Daniel to feel his pulse and throws his gun somewhere where he can't reach it, then rolls onto his back, off the curb.

Sam and Adam round the corner with their guns drawn when Ruzek says, "That's Jay. That's Jay"

"5021 Kennedy. Officer down!" Sam says into the radio, holstering her gun, "I repeat, officer down! Lower wacker and Columbus. Get us an ambulance" then she kneels next to him, tears in her eyes, ripping his shirt open as Adam checks on Daniel and says, "Jay. Baby, come on" then she feels through his bullet proof vest, "it didn't go through"

"Sam, what's going on?" Adam asks.

"It didn't do through. It's okay" Sam breathes out, "Jay, Jay. Breathe, baby. Just breathe, okay?" Then she places her hands on his scruffy face and places her forehead on his, "it's okay"

"Guys!" Adam yells at a couple of patrol officers a couple feet from them, "close off the street. Do what you have to, to get an ambulance down here!"


Jay sits in the back of an ambulance getting checked out by Foster when Voight walks over to them and says, "you alright?"

"Yeah" Jay says, as foster walks away.

"Damn lucky"


"No. You are done talking. I mean done. You should be dead. Do you get that? How do you think Sam feels right now? Did you think about her or your daughter? How they would be if you died? Sam found you for god sakes" Hank says and Jay looks down with tears in his eyes, "you do not disobey a direct order from me. Now, I don't care how angry you are. You're mourning, grieving... I don't care if your whole damn family just got murdered. You listen to me! It's my job to keep you alive, to look out for you. I will always do my job, and you will always do yours and listen. That's the deal. When your head is on straight and you get right with your family, we are gonna talk about this again" then he walks away.

Sam walks over to her husband, as Hank walks away and sits down next to him.

"I'm sorry"

"Were you even thinking? At all?" Sam asks and Jay shakes his head, "if not for me, then think about your daughter. You make every single decision around her. I refuse to have her grow up without a father"

"I know. I wasn't thinking"



Sam sighs and says, "he was pronounced at med. Antonio's with Juan and Carlos. He's taking them into protective custody. DEA says bodies are already dropping in Mexico, so..."

"So a happy ending?" Jay jokes, "listen, about what I said earlier.."

"Whatever it doesn't matter"

"It does. I shouldn't have said it"

"But you did, so.." Sam says, standing up. Jay catches her wrist and says, "Sammy, please. I love you, okay, more than anything. We were finally starting to get back on track"

"I have to go get our daughter, so" Sam walks away and pasts Adam who asks. "You okay?"

"Yeah, totally" Sam says, tears in her eyes. Adam puts his arm around the brunettes shoulders as they keep walking and says, "that's not true"

"I thought he was dead, Adam"

"Me too"

"I thought my husband, the father of my daughter. The love of my life. I thought he was dead and for a split second, I couldn't function."

Adam stops them and pulls the crying detective into a hug and says, "Shh. It's okay"

"I have to pick up Gracie, but I don't wanna drive crying again" Sam sniffles, lifting her head from her friends chest, "can you drive?"

"Of course. Come on" Adam says, as they walk away.


Sam puts Gracie in her crib and pulls the blanket over her sleeping form and shuts the door, leaving it ajar and turns on the baby monitor to bring to her room where she finds her husband sitting on their bed, burying his face into his hands.

Sam sits next to him and says, "How'd it go?"

Jay lifts his head up, tears in his eyes and says, "he kept newspaper articles and he has a picture of me when I graduated the academy"

Sam places her hand on his back and says, "See he was proud of you. He just didn't know how to show it"

"I'm sorry, Sam" Jay says, leaning his head on his wife's shoulder, who puts her arms around him into a hug, "please, don't leave me again. I need you, please"

Sam kisses the top of his head, tears in her eyes and says, "I'm not going anywhere, promise"


I can't talk about Jay and Sam right now or I'll cry ๐Ÿ˜ญ
So, let's talk about how freakin' cute Adam and Gracie are ๐Ÿ’–๐ŸŒŸ

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