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"Get eyes upstairs, let's ID the supplier" Hank says over his walkie, as he and Sam are across the street from a club where Jay and Hailey are currently inside undercover.

"Who's this guy?" Sam says, using her binoculars to get a closer look at this random guy who just arrived, "Three bodyguards, a wad of cash. He's definitely coming to play"

"Alright, heads up. We got a male, hispanic, 30s, 5'7", buck-50. He's in a blue coat coming in with three additional" Hank says over the walkie.

"Copy that" Kevin says, snapping a picture of the man to run through facial rec.

"Alright, game on" Adam says, then gets on his walkie, "We got a positive ID on facial rec, Frank Delgado, got a sheet here, multiple drug arrests. He just walked in"

A couple minutes later, Jay's voice comes through the walkie saying, "Any ID on the supplier yet?"

"Whoa, facial just popped" Adam says, "Matthew Garrett, lighting up the board. He's got multiple drug arrests"

"Matthew Garret? That's not possible"

"Am I blind?" Adam asks Kevin, then gets back on the walkie, "Yeah, Pontiac Prison, he just got released"


"The mystery player bringing in China White is Matthew Garret" Sam says, taping his picture onto the board, "He was doing 20 years for possession with intent to distribute, served six, was released last month"

"So, the police didn't put in the proper police work before they did the bust. It was deemed an illegal search" Adam says, giving Voight the file, "That's why the city awarded Garrett 200,000 dollars for wrongful arrest"

"Now he's using the settlement from the city to corner the market on high end heroin" Antonio says.

"Gotta love the justice system" Kim says, sarcastically.

"I get it, but we gotta stand down. Ivory tower doesn't want us chasing these so called wrongful conviction offenders" Hank says. Jay stands up from his desk and says, "Sarg, to hell with that. Garrett's not just a drug dealer, he's a murderer" then he tapes a picture of a girl onto the board, "He killed Lauren Sanders. She was 17 years old, she ran away from home. Garrett found her, he pimped her out, and then she just disappeared. We found her bloody clothes in a dumpster. We never found her body, so we couldn't make the case. All due respect, standing down should not be an option"

Hank thinks for a second and says, "Okay, let's go after him. I mean, the good news is, pricks got ambition, means we can catch him dirty, put him away once and for all. So dig into Garrett's associates, talk to your CIs, let's find a way in. Let's set up a buy/bust" then as the team departs from each other Hank walks over to Jay and asks, "So who did the arrest, put him away in the first place?"

"Narcotics, Garrett was part of the Beverly Crew"

"That's good, I got a guy who can help"

"Thanks, Sarg"

Sam gets up from her desk and walks over to her husband and grabs his hand and drags him down into the stairwell. Sam then pushes him up against the wall and smashes her lips into his and placing her hands on his neck. Jay, who is caught off guard, places his hands on his wife's hips, slightly pushing her away and says, "Not that, that wasn't hot. But what's up?"

"I just want you to be careful with this case, okay? Don't get too close. You still have a family to take care of"

Jay smiles and says, "Yes ma'am"

Trudy opens the door to the stairwell and her eyes go wide, "Uh, I don't wanna know what's going on but, Jay you got a visitor"


After Kelton denied the 1505 funds for an undercover sting Adam was on to get in with Garrett, Jay walks onto the unit with an evidence bag full of cash and walks into the Sergeants office. Sam gets up from her desk, eyebrows raised and follows her husband.

"Hey, Sarg, I talked to Trudy. The counterfeit crew that we busted last year, the money was still in the evidence room" Jay says, playing the evidence bag onto Hank's desk, as Sam closes the door behind them and leans her back against the wall with her arms crossed over each other, "We'll just flash the money, Garrett's not gonna look too close. We got the hook in, I think we gotta keep the deal on track..."

"Jay, you know we were told to stand down, right?" Hank says.

"So, you wanna let this guy go just because Kelton wants to be mayor?"

"I don't care about Kelton" Hank says, throwing a file onto his desk, "I did some digging into Matthew Garrett, got a hit on him as a victim" making Jay sigh, already knowing what his Sergeant is gonna say, "Filed an official complaint against a police officer who threatened physical violence. Turns out, that officer was you"

"Garrett is an evil guy. I was just being a cop. It was a plot to get me off his back"

"The allegation was sustained. Your superior officer took you off the case"

"I obeyed that order and a girl went missing. If we let this deal go away, then we lose Garrett. And if he hurts another girl, that is on us" Jay says, giving his Sergeant a pleading look. Hank sighs and says, "You're not the first one through the door. You're background" then he gets up, taking the evidence bag and walks into the bullpen where the rest of the team is and says to Adam, "Hey, you talked to Garrett?"

"Yeah, he wants to meet in an hour"

"Alright, confirm the meet" Hank says, slamming the evidence bag full of money onto Adam's desk.

"So, we're back up?" Hailey asks.

"We are. Hey, I don't want Adam going in alone. Take someone with you, right hand man"

"What about a right hand woman?" Sam asks.

"Do it. Cameras and mics"

"What about Kelton?" Antonio asks.

"I'll deal with Kelton"


"We're in position" Hailey says, over her walkie as her a Jay are inside the airport where the meet is taking place, that Adam and Sam are doing.

"Alright, let me know when you got Garrett in pocket. Remember Jay, stay in the shadows" Hank says.


A couple minutes later, Hailey and Jay spot Garrett and says, "We got Garrett on the way and he's got two males with him and a young girl. They're headed towards the coffee shop"

"Yeah, we see 'em" Adam says, as he and Sam walk into the airport and over to Garrett who has the young girl sitting next to him. Adam takes the backpack off that's full of the bust money and says, "How's it going Matt?" as he and Sam sit down across from him.

"You didn't say you were bringing a friend"

"Yeah, I could say the same to you. This is my partner, this is Marica"

"Shouldn't you be at a kids soccer practice or something?"

"Exactly, I even drive a minivan" Sam says.

"Two traps and a 357, she's very good at what she does, I promise" Adam says. Sam nods her head towards the girl and says, "And this is?"

"Oh, this is Jill" Garrett says, putting his arm around the girl, who looks obviously scared, then he takes out a 20 and gives it to her, "Hey, why don't you go and get yourself something to eat. I'll come and find you later. And get a receipt"

Jill then gets up from the table and leaves, making Garrett sigh and say, "Look at all these runaways. They're from all over, you know, looking for a fix, trying to find Daddy. But you get 'em hooked, they'll do anything you want"

"Amen" Adam says. Garrett looks at Sam's blank face and says, "Is this making you feel uncomfortable?"

"I'll let you boys talk business" Sam says getting up from the table and walking away.

"Why the hell is Sam walking away?" Antonio questions, sitting in the SUV with Voight. Hank shakes his head and says, "I have no idea" then gets on his walkie and says, "Hailey, you got eyes on Halstead?"

"No, I'm not sure where she went?" Hailey answers. Jay looks around and says, "Where the hell did she go?"

"You said you wanted serious" Adam says, unzipping the backpack to show Garrett the money, "So I brought you serious"

Sam walks into the bathroom where she saw Jill walk into and says, "Hey, Jill right?" While she fixes her hair.

"Yeah" she says, wiping her hands off with some paper towels.

"Nice to meet you. Marcia. So, Jill, how long have you known Garrett?"

"I met him a few days ago"

Sam looks behind her and then back at the girl and says, "Look, I don't know you, Jill and you don't know me, but I do know about Garrett, and he is not a good guy, okay?"

"He's nice to me"

"Let me guess, he took you to a fancy dinner and bought you some nice, new clothes?" Sam says and Jill looks down at her outfit, "Right? Come on, Jill, think about it. You know where this is going, you know what he's gonna ask you to do next"

"Why are you doing this?"

"I have a very close friend who has a sister who was hurt by a man like that. And she's practically family and I promised I wouldn't let any more men like him hurt girls like you. Do you have any place else you can go, just any place?"


"Here" Sam says, taking out a couple hundred bucks and hands it to the girl, "This is 200 bucks, I want you to go out the back door and get away from this guy. Just call your parents or your friends. Just get out of here, okay?" Jill then nods her head, "Okay, now get out of here. Go, go, go"

Jill then rushes out the back door, leaving Sam to go back out the front into the airport.

"So, where'd your partner go?" Garrett asks Adam.

"I'm guessing a little pick me up" Adam says, pointing to his nose, indicating she's probably doing cocaine.

"How do I know she can be trusted?"

"Don't worry about her, you're just dealing with me. Come on, let's pick a spot, get this deal done. I got 50k burning a hole in this bag"

Garrett then gets up from the table with his sidekicks behind him as Sam rounds the corner from the bathroom and asks, "Where is she?"

"Who?" Sam asks.

"Jill, the girl I was with. Where is she?"

"I don't know"

"Is she in there?" He asks, pointing towards the bathrooms.

"I don't think so"

Garrett turns to his sidekicks and says, "Go and check. Check"

Adam walks over to them and says, "Look, man, I'm not trying to push you or anything, but I got a lot of money here, I'm starting to get a little nervous. You wanna do this deal or not?"

"You keep your phone on, I'll keep in touch" Garrett says, walking away.


Adam walks onto the unit with Kevin behind him and says, "Boss. Talked to Garrett, the deal's on"

"Alright, you got a location?" Hank asks, walking out of his office.

"Yeah, Beverly yards, tomorrow at noon" Kevin says.

"Alright, get a surveillance van, cameras. Let's nail this guy" Voight says, then turns to Jay, "Jay, remember you're background, you got the long eye"


Sam stands at her dresser, changing into her nightwear, when Jay walks in and wraps his arms around her waist and moves her jet black hair to the side and starts peppering kisses along her neck and shoulder, pulling down the strap of her tank stop.

Sam closes her eyes, trying to keep in a moan and says, "Jay"

"Yes, gorgeous?"

Sam turns around, wrapping her arms around her husband's neck and says, "Nothing" before leaning in for a kiss. A more passionate kiss then the one they shared in the stairwell.

Jay moves his hands under Sam's thighs and taps them, indicating he wants her to wrap her legs around his waist, which she does. Then he walks over to the bed, not breaking the kiss, until he sets her down on the bed, so he can take his shirt off.

Sam sits up and starts to unbuckle her husband's belt buckle and says, "Gracie is at Will's and Denise and Wyatt are at a friend's right?"

Jay smiles, nodding his head and says, "Yeah"

Sam licks her bottom lip and stares up at the gorgeous man in front of her and says, "Awesome"


"No sign of Garrett" Sam says to her hidden mic, leaning on the hood of the car at the meet up spot, where Garrett told her and Adam to go.

"Okay, well, we got a blue coupe headed your way, might be our target, two passengers" Kevin says into his walkie, as he and Hailey are in the unmarked van near them.

"Be careful, Sammy" Jay says, into his walkie.

"Always" Sam says. Adam playfully scoffs and says, "What about me?"

"You too, Ruz"

"Thank you"

"Here we go, game time" Sam says.

"We don't pounce till we see those drugs" Hank says into his walkie. The blue coupe drives up to Sam and Adam and he says, "What the hell? Garrett's not in the car"

Garrett's sidekicks get out of the car, making Adam ask, "Where's Garrett?"

"He's with the dope. He's not moving until you give me that money" one of them says.

"What, do you think we're stupid? The deal was a hand to hand with Garrett, that was the deal"

"Never said anything about a let-go, man. So, we're not gonna let go" Sam says.

"You are if you want your product"

Sam looks at Adam who says, "Look, man, we want the product, you're just changing the rules in the middle of the game. Alright, here's what we'll do. I'll stay here with you and the money, she'll go pick up the drugs. Why don't you call Garrett and tell him the new plan?"

"No, Sam. You're not doing it, no way, I'm gonna let you be alone with Garrett" Jay says, through his walkie.

"Jay, let it play out" Hank says.

"You gonna call him or are we gonna go our separate ways?" Sam says. The man that's been doing all the talking takes out his phone to call Garrett then says, "He's not answering"

Adam starts laughing and Sam says, "You know the address?" and the man smirks, "Alright, I'm gonna take that as a yes" then she walks towards him, "Why don't you just tell us, and we'll go meet him in person. Tell us now or we take the money and we walk. Last chance" then the man scoffs, "I see, this guys a chump" patting his shoulder then walks back over to Adam, "You don't know anything"

"It's the old warehouse...on Mackenzie"

Jay sets his phone down and takes off to the warehouse.


After finding Garrett dead in the warehouse, the team in back on the unit, as Brayden says, "Sarg, check this out. Casings found at the scene, it looks like a match to the slug that killed Garrett"

"Alright, well, let's hear what Ballistics says" then he turns towards the rest of the team, "We got anything else?"

"No, we got nothing, Sarg. We got no weapons, no
witnesses, no dope" Kevin says.

"No sign of struggle either, which suggests Garrett either knew his assailant or was caught by surprise" Kim states.

"He got popped for his product" Anotnio says.


"Isn't it ironic that we're the ones that have to clear the murder for this prick?" Hailey says.

"Well, that's what we gotta do. So let's call in favors with everyone who can help. Okay, I don't care how much we hated this son of a bitch, we gotta find who killed him, fast" Hank says, then looks at Hailey, "Hey, dig back into that card game. Who the hell had a beef with Garrett. Let's hit everyone at that card game"

"I just got a tip from a CI" Adam says, walking onto the unit, "Someone's looking to move a lot of China White on the south side"


"Chicago convention center, drops gonna be in an employee locker"

"Hit it"


"Hailey, what's up?" Jay says, walking into the computer room, where Hailey is sitting at one of the desks looking at the surveillance footage from the warehouse.

"Hey, I got some footage from the warehouse. Turns out Santana was telling the truth. He left out the back door at 12:05. This next part might be a bit of a problem, though. You said you got to the warehouse a few minutes before us"

"I'm not sure exactly, but yeah"

"Okay, well..." Hailey saying pressing play on the keyboard, "According to this, you were there a full ten minutes before us"

"I mean, I must have been in there longer than I thought" Jay says, leaning on the desk, next to the one Hailey is sitting at.

"And then you shut off your radio before you went inside"

"Yeah. What are you saying?"

"Jay, you went dark before you went in the warehouse. You weren't even supposed to be in there in the first place. You were alone with Garret for 10 minutes, and you never called it in. If anyone looks at these facts, given your history with Garrett, they're gonna assume that you had an agenda"

"Is that what you think?"

"Come on. And it doesn't matter what I think, these are the questions they're gonna ask you. Did you have an agenda?"

"The deal was blown" Jay says, sitting in the chair next to Hailey's desk, "I thought Garrett was gonna disappear, so yeah, I went after him. I didn't know what I was gonna do when I saw him. I didn't know. He was already bleeding out when I got there"

"And then what'd you do?"

"I knew he wasn't gonna make it, and I tried to make him tell me where her body is"

Hailey sighs, leaning her elbows on the desk and says, "Jay. You crossed lines, you didn't render aid"

"I know"

"That's official misconduct, you can go to prison. You have a family, Jay"

"I know" Jay sighs, taking out his phone, which he got a text message on, "Homicide wants to talk to me"


Hank walks onto the unit from talking with Kelton and walks over to Jay who is sitting at his desk talking to Sam who is leaning next to him and says, "Jay. Listen, I just talked to Kelton, this thing isn't going away. They're still looking at you for the Garrett murder"

"What?" Sam says.

"Are you telling me I gotta call my FOP lawyer?" Jay says.

"Well, I wouldn't. It would just spark more attention, make things worse"

"I think I gotta protect myself, Sarg. My family"

"I think the best way to do that is for us to go out there and find the guy who actually did kill Garrett. Then this whole thing will wash away"

Trudy walks onto the unit with a file in hand and says, "I talked to Maury in ballistics. They're still working on the official report of the Garrett shooting, but he shared with me the unofficial report"


"The slug that killed Garrett is a match to the slug used at a robbery at a Pilsen store in 2015. The guy they busted was Frank Delgado"

"Delgado. He was the guy with the three bodyguards" Sam says.

"Delgado was at the poker game" Hailey states.

"Makes sense, we know he was after the China White" Kim says.

"Plus, we got an LKA in Pilsen" Adam says.

"Alright, so hit it. Remember, we are on a clock, so let's make sure we get this guy" Hank says, as everyone grabs their coats, "Jay, you hang here. I don't want you leaving the district" then he walks into his office.

"I'll stay with you" Sam says, interlocking her fingers with her husbands. Jay takes Sam's hand and kisses the top of it, "Thanks gorgeous"


Sam and Jay catch up with Hank who walks down the hall back to interrogation to talk with Delgado and Jay says, "Sarg, we got the file on the Delgado case"

"Alright, you go through it?" Hank asks.

"Yeah, so according to the report, the clerk struggled with the assailant, Delgado, before knocking the gun out of his hands"

"Then he claims that he saw a police officer pick the gun up after Delgado fled" Sam says.

"Then we should have the gun" Hank states.

"We checked, it was never booked into evidence"

"Who was the arresting officer?" Hank asks, taking the file from Jay, then looks up at him in surprise to find out it was Gus, who was the lead on the Garrett case before he was arrested.


After Hank goes to talk with Gus, who ended up shooting himself, and then clearing Jay. Said man needed to take his mind off of everything that's happened this week so he decided to go on a daddy/daughter date with Gracie.

Jay takes Gracie out of her car seat and closes the door behind him and the dynamic duo head towards the restaurant.

"Hi, two tonight?" the waitress asks. Jay nods his head, holding Gracie in his arms, who is wearing her pink tutu that Adam has bought her and says, "Yes"

When the waitress sits them she says, "Cute kid"

"Thanks" Jay smiles.

"What can I get you two to drink?"

"Two waters and an apple juice if you have it"

"Sure thing" the blonde smiles, before walking away.

"Daddy, fries?" Gracie asks, as Jay hands her a couple crayons that the waitress had brought over for her.

"Yes, princess, you can have fries"

Gracie smiles, and continues to draw on the place mate.


Two more chapters till we find out the surprise..๐Ÿค” & ten more chapters until the book is done ๐Ÿ˜ฎ

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