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night in chicago

The buzzing sound to open the prison doors, booms throughout the whole hallway. Sam takes a deep breath, as she feels a hand interlock with hers and she says, "Thanks for being here with me"

"Anything for you, pretty girl" Kelly says, kissing the side of her head, "Ready?"

Sam nods her head and the two walk into the visitor's room where Aiden Hudson is in his orange jumpsuit waiting and taping his foot on the ground.


Sam walks onto the unit and over to her desk, taking off her jacket and putting it on the back of her chair. Jay walks over to his wife and says, "Hey, how'd it go?"

"I, um.." Sam clears her throat, "I don't wanna talk about it right now"


"Alright, so, our shot caller is Phil Gamble, been in the game for 20 years. He has a very diversified portfolio of criminal enterprises, but he makes most of his money the old fashioned way. Mostly drugs, heroin, to be exact" Kevin says.

"Yeah, we ran into Gamble awhile back. Rival dealer was putting out lethal product under Gamble's logo. So, he shot said rival in the face three times, practically told me as much" Hank says.

"Gamble's number two is Daryl Ingram" Brayden says, pointing to his picture then points to the picture below it, "And this guy, Laz, he works underneath him"

"Yeah, Laz, unlike Daryl, is extremely gullible. I've been working him as an unwitting for the past three weeks. Thinks we're buddies and we're gonna start a nightclub together soon. But Daryl, on the other hand, tight as hell, doesn't get involved with outsiders at all" Kevin states.

"Alright, so we gotta find a way to gain his trust" Hank says.

"I'm doing my best, Sarg. Dusted off my old pool game and everything. But I'm gonna need a new angle cause I'm nowhere near the pocket"

"I think I found your angle" Kim says, walking over to the group, reading a file, "In Price's file, he jotted down a few notes on Daryl's weak spot"

"Okay, weak spots are good. What is it?" Hank asks.

"More like who. His younger brother, Vance Ingram"


Kevin walks onto the unit, after staying undercover and says, "Yo, yo. I got good news. Me and Daryl are solid. We're doing dinner tonight at his bar"

"Alright, so let's figure out a way to exploit this newfound trust" Hank says.

"Kev, why don't you intro me as a buyer?" Jay suggests.

"No, he doesn't sell to outside dealers at all. He's got a tight network, not looking to expand" Kevin says.

"Or we could come at it from the other end" Adam says, "We could sell to him rather than buy from him"

"Ah, I like the way you think, but that's not gonna work either. He's got a supplier that he likes a lot"

"Man, solution without a problem" Brayden says.

"Alright, so we create the problem" Hank says, "I'll make a call"


After getting a tip from Price on where Daryl's stash house is, the team rads it. So that Kevin can introduce Daryl to his supplier which is played by Antonio. Now the team is down at the roll up getting ready for the deal to go down.

"Alright, Atwater's gonna be with Daryl at the meet. We set a perimeter around the auto detail shop." Voight says, "Adam, Brayden I want you two outside on foot. Goal is, we snatch up Daryl fast and quiet, get him right back on the street as a cooperating witness"

"So how are we protecting ourselves against a potential entrapment defense?" Kim says.

"I told Kevin, 'Make it clear Daryl wants the dope'. We're sellers, not buyers"

"I think we're ready boss, let's go" Adam says.

"Alright, let's do it"


Sam sits passenger to Hank in the SUV, making sure that Daryl and Kevin are on their way to the meeting spot. Hank gets on his walkie and says, "Atwater and Daryl just passed us, maroon SUV"

"Copy that. We're in position on the northeast corner. Got eyes on the auto detail shop" Jay says, through his walkie, "Adam, Brayden, you guys good?"

"Yeah, roger that. We're at the southwest corner outside the meeting spot, out back"

"What the hell is going on? They're 20 feet from the meeting spot" Hailey says, as a patrol car pulls Kevin and Daryl over.

"Hey Sarg, you hearing this?" Jay says, over the walkie, listening to how the cops are talking to them.

"Everybody stand down. Just let it play out. Hopefully, these guys don't burn Atwater, blow this whole thing up" Hank says, over his walkie.

As the officers pull Daryl and Kevin out of the car, after getting a call over the zone, one of the officers puts a gun to Kevin's head and they drag them to the back of Daryl's car.

"This is going sideways fast, what are we doing here?" Adam asks.

"Stand down. Let Atwater handle it" Hank answers.

After hearing gunshots, the team race down the street to Kevin. As they all get out of their vehicles, Hank whispers, "Not a word about Atwater. I wanna keep his cover intact"

"Sarg..."Jay says. Hank nods his head and says, "Yeah. Even though Daryl just got shot. Now just hang back. Let me handle this" then he walks towards the officers to try and get Kevin from the caged car without blowing his cover.

Sam gets back into the car and a couple minutes later, Hank helps Kevin into the back of the SUV and the brunette turns around and say, "Kev, you okay? Kev, what the hell happened?"

"I don't know" Kevin says with angry tears in his eyes, "I don't know. All I know is that those punks murdered Daryl. Damn near shot me, too. Over nothing. Over driving while being black"

Sam and Hank look at each other and Hank turns around in his seat and drives off.


The next day, after Kevin had talked with COPA and IRT, he went to Daryl's family to pay respects and talk with Gamble himself about making a deal, which he agreed too.

After the deal was done at a garage warehouse, Antonio presses the automatic garage opener then as Gamble turns his back he takes out his gun and says, "Chicago PD!"

The rest of the team storms in with their long guns and Burgess shouts, "Freeze"

"Drop the bag, hands in the air!" Hailey says, then drags Gamble to the car, "Hands against the car"

Gamble turns to Kevin and says, "You lying son of a bitch. You set Daryl up, huh. You got him killed?" as Hailey starts to cuff him, "Man, how you gonna do this to your own people? You're worse than the cop that pulled the trigger, Kev. I see you"

As Hailey drags Gamble away followed by the others. Sam walks over to Kevin and says, "I'm not gonna ask how you are, because I know the answer. But at least we got Gamble"



Sam lays her head on Jays lap on the couch, who brushes some hair out of her face and leans down for a kiss and says, "Can you stop being so beautiful?"

"I can try, but I don't think you want that" Sam smiles. Jay shakes his head and says, "You're right. I love you and our little family"

"We love you too"

"So, how did it go with your father?"

Sam sighs and says, "Horrible. He started saying how he was sorry and blah blah blah. I tuned him out because everything he says is a lie. I shouldn't have gone there. Because after Kelly and I left, I just cried in his arms for like 20 minutes"

"I'm sorry, gorgeous" Jay says, kissing her forehead, "I should've been there for you"


Sam walks up the stairs to her three year old's room to see Denise holding Gracie and trying to calm her down and she smiles and says, "Hey"

Denise turns around and says, "Oh. She started crying, so I thought I'd try and calm her down" then looks down to see Gracie sleeping in her arms.

"Thanks Dee. That was sweet of you to do"

"Anything for her" Denise says, kissing her sister's head.


Sorry this one was short. ๐Ÿ˜” It was mostly Kevin undercover!
Next chapter is the surprise, so any last guesses on what it is??!

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