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ties that bind

Sam leans over the toilet, puking her brains out and breathes out, "Shit"

Jay knocks on the door and says, "Sam, you alright? Voight just texted the address of where the meet up is happening"

"Yeah, I'm good. I'm coming" Sam says, before flushing the toilet and going over to the sink to brush her teeth.


Sam, Jay and Hank rush into the warehouse, shooting at the offender who is shooting at Kim and Adam.

"Offender down!" Jay shouts.

"50-21. Shots fired by offender and police, offender down. Call the crime lab" Voight says over the radio. Sam kicks the gun away from the body, as Kim walks over to him to feel for a pulse. "He's dead"

The rest of the team rushes in and Antonio asks, "Everyone alright?"

"Yeah" Adam says. Kim stands up and looks at Hank and says, "I thought he felt my vest, so I called it. I'm sorry"

"You got nothing to be sorry about. You did the right thing" Hank says.


"Alright, our lead suspect is now laying on a slab at the morgue, so we need a plan B" Hank says, leaving his office to the bullpen, "Well, what else do we know about these guns?"

"Um, this is the machine gun that Davis was firing at us. A so called, 'cop killer'" Kim says, standing next to the table where several guns are placed on and picks up the machine gun, "He had two other ones in his trunk"

"We find any prints on these guns?"

"No, I checked with the lab. The only ones they could find were from Davis"

"No make, no model, and no serial numbers, because some punk is manufacturing these off the books" Brayden says.

"Lethal as hell and totally untraceable" Antonio says.

"Alright, what else do we know about Davis?" Hank questions.

"We know he's a local boy on parole from Stateville" Kevin answers.

"And he wasn't supposed to leave Illinois, but I ran GPS on his car. He went to Wisconsin yesterday. He stayed for 30 minutes, and then he came back to Chicago" Adam says.

"So those GPS coordinates put him at a depot in the backwoods which just so happens to be home to a regional gun show" Jay says.

"Where he bought the guns" Hank says.

"Yeah safe bet he didn't go for the cheese"

"Okay, well, if that's where he went, that's where we gotta go. Boss we gotta find this seller" Kim says.

"Alright, I'll contact my guy over at ATF. He'll swear us all in, so we can work across state lines. Burgess, you and Jay go in as buyers. Sam and Atwater, you're backup. Stay off the radar. I don't want the locals involved"

Sam follows Kim into the locker room so they can get their overnight bags and says, "Hey. You ready to bust some gun dealers?"

"Yeah" Kim says, as they fist bump.

"And it was the right call you made yesterday... about the dealer" Sam says, opening her locker.

"Yeah, I just...I shouldn't have let him get so close to me"

"Still the right call, either way you look at"

"Thanks Sam"

"Sure" Sam smiles, as the two grab their bags and head out, "So, tell me about this Blair guy. Antonio saw you talking to him this morning"

Kim smiles and says, "Oh, god"


As Kim does a deal with the buyers, Jay's voice comes over the walkie and says, "We got a problem. Security is about to blow this up. Keep an eye on Kim"

"Copy" Sam says.

Kevin and Sam are in an unmarked van, watching Kim follow the two suspects outside and Atwater says, "Their they are"

"Alright, I'm gonna follow on foot" Sam says.

"Be safe" Kevin says, giving the brunette a fist bump.

"Always" Sam says, going out the back of the van, holstering her gun.

"Where we going?" Kim questions offender one.

"Guns are in our truck"

"Cool" Kim says, then notices the tattoo on the man's hand, "Nice hand tat. Is that a spiderweb? Yeah, my ex had one just like that"

Offender one looks behind him, as Sam crosses over to the otherside of the parking lot and Kim says, "So where's this truck?"

"Back this way. We gotta take precautions with what we're selling"

"Yeah, I get that" Kim says and the man then stops walking, looking at Sam, "What are you doing?"

"What's going on?" Offender two asks.

"Someones following us"

"Hey, Jay, where are you, man?" Kevin says, over his walkie, "You might wanna get out here"

"Man, I told you, cops are all over these things. Where?"

"Brunette chick" Offender one says, nodding towards where Sam is looking at her phone in between a couple cars.

"Oh, please, relax. The brunette chick's with me" Kim says, then shouts, "Allie!"

The three walk closer to Sam and Kim turns towards the suspects and says, "Works with me at the store" then when Sam walks towards them she says, "Hey"

"Hey, what's going on?" Sam asks.

"Nothing, it's cool. We're gonna check out some guns"



"Why are you following us?" Offender one questions.

"I saw my friend walking away with two strange guys. It's girl code, bro" Sam says, as the suspects give blank stares, "Let's see these guns"

"Okay then. Come on" offender one says. Kim and Sam follow the suspects around the corner and Sam says, "Really playing it safe, huh"

"On my way out to you now" Jay says, over his walkie. As Jay walks outside and over to Kevin who is putting on his jacket, he asks, "Where we at man"

"Disappeared behind the pavilion. Doing a deal behind a truck in the back" Kevin says, as they start walking on foot towards the back where the girls disappeared to.

"We don't have enough guys to cover this"

"Okay, lets see some cash" Offender one says, as they approach the blue truck.

"Lets see some merchandise" Kim says.

"Guns are in the box" he says, and as Kim goes to look, he takes out his gun and points it to her back and says, "Don't move"

As Sam was about to go for her gun, offender two takes out his and points it at her and says, "Whoa, whoa, whoa" and takes Sams gun from her waistband and puts it behind his waistband.

Hearing this, Kevin and Jay start running towards their location.

"Take out your phones, drop 'em on the ground!" Offender one says.

"Alright, alright" Kim says.

"Get in the truck now!" they both say, pushing Kim and Sam into the truck, after they made them drop their phones on the ground, "Move it, move it"

Offender one gets into the driver's seat, and takes off as Kevin and Jay run into the pavillion.

"Son of a bitch! No!" Jay yells.


The suspects get out of the truck, opening the doors for Kim and Sam and drag them out, as offender one says, "I don't want to hear anymore. Get out"

"Out" Offender two says.

"Alright. Whoa" Sam says.

"What are you guys doing? This is insane!" Kim says, as she and Sam back away from the suspects. Offender two goes through Kim bags and takes out some money and says, "500 bucks"

Offender one takes the bag and starts dumping it out, "What? What are you talking about?" then he throws the bag into the back of the trunk and they both pull out their guns and point them at the girls, "I thought you had 20 grand?"

"What are you talking about?" Kim asks.

"You lied to the wrong man, bitch"

"I didn't lie to you"

"Yeah, you did"

"No, when did I lie? I never said I had the cash on me. Okay, I had to see the product to..."

"No, no, no"

"Listen, I liked what I saw, I was gonna get you the cash"

"I want my 20 grand, or I can shoot the both of you" offender one says, pointing the gun at both of them. Sam puts her hands up and says, "Take it easy, take it easy"

"Listen, listen to me, listen to me...I can get you that money, I just..I-I need to call my brother, okay?" Kim says.

"Where is he?"

"He's like an hour away at the store"


Hank walks into the computer room in the roll up where Adam and Antonio are and says, "How the hell did we lose two officers?"

"I don't know what happened, but Jay and Kevin couldn't get a look at the pickup's plates" Adam says.

"Cell phones?"

"Atwater found 'em in the parking lot" Dawson says.

"Right now, our best bet is video surveillance" Adam says, moving his chair over to the computer that connects to the big screen, "Jay said he got a look at the guy, so he's going through footage right now. Angirly, I might add. Soon as we get a clear image, I'll run it through facial recognition. We can go from there"

"Alright, contact Wisconsin State police, have them run those cell phones for fingerprints" Hank says.

"Copy that"


"Put them on!" Offender one shouts, as they make Kim and Sam put on zip ties for cuffs, "Tighten it up!"

Then the two suspects push them back in the truck and they drive off.


The suspects push Kim and Sam into the cabin with the guns pointed to their backs.

"Take it easy" Sam says, as offender one pushes her forward again, and they walk to down to the basement, "On the floor. Tie 'em up"

Sam looks around the room, not listening to offender one so he pushes her to the ground and says, "I said get down!"

"Whoa, man. We don't gotta hurt 'em, alright?" offender two says.

"What'd you say? You just keep your mouth shut and you tie 'em up" Offender one says, as offender two ties Sam and Kim up to the poles in the middle of the floor, including their ankles.

"Hey, listen. You want the money, right, the 20 grand?" Kim says, "That's not a problem, all you gotta do is let me make a phone call"

"Just shut up! Just shut up! No talking! And you stay still or I can kill you both" then they both leave shutting the door behind them.

Kim quickly tries to stand up and Sam asks, "What are you doing?"

"What do you mean, what am I doing? I'm gonna get us out of here" Kim answers.

"No, we sit tight. The team's gotta be getting close"

"What are you talking about? You don't know that"

"Kim, the goal is to stay alive for as long as possible. And right now, the best way to do that is to sit tight and wait for help"

Kim sits back down and looks around and a couple minutes later she says, "Look, I know at the academy they teach us never to reveal ourselves as police, but these guys are amateurs. I mean, they're not ready to go the distance with two Chicago cops. If we tell them who we are, there's a really good chance they could just turn and run"

"Or they get spooked and do something crazy"

"Sam, if the team was following us, don't you think they'd be here by now?"

"I know. We need to keep our eyes open and find the right moment. Look around, see if..." Sam was then cut off by, offender one opening the door, walking over to kim with a cell phone.

"Here. Call your brother on this phone"

Kim grabs the phone and says, "There's no service"

Offender one takes the phone back and says, "Son of a bitch" then shouts, "Hey, you get signal out there?"

"No" Offender two says, walking to the door, "I had one coming in though, back near the main road. Yo, I think I just heard something outside"

"Well, go check it out" offender one says, as the other one takes out his gun and walks away. Offender one takes Kim and they head out to find a signal on the phone.


Jay is typing on the laptop, where the team had set up shop in Wisconsin when Adam walks over to him setting down his vest and says, "There's no reason they should be in this situation, none at all. You guys should have been all over them"

"What? Are you kidding me?" Jay says, "Were you there? Were you there?"


"No, so you don't know what went down, okay. They took my wife, Adam! So don't get pissy with me. So, keep your mouth shut" Jay says, before taking the laptop and walking away.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. Wisconsin area code" Adam says, looking at his ringing phone.

"Okay, put it on speaker" Hank says.

"Yeah, hello" Adam says, after he puts his phone on speaker.

"Hey, bro, it's me, your favorite sister Sarah. I need a favor" Kim says though the phone.

"Yeah, yeah, what is it this time?"

"Uh, the guns, they look really good. Really good, so I'm gonna need you to get some cash together. 20 grand"

"20 grand. Okay, yeah, I can do that. Where do you wanna meet?"

"There's a pizza joint on Addison and Baldwin. You know it?"

"I'll find you. Um, you there right now?"

"No, I'm gonna send one of the guys that I met, a supplier. He'll take the money, and then he'll get you the guns"

"Well, where will you be?"

"I'm just hanging out at their cabin"

"Their cabin? Where?"

"Um, I have no idea. Just...don't worry. These guys are great. There's nothing to worry about, okay?"

"Okay, if you say so. Get that money together, and I'll be there ASAP"

"And if your short on cash, um, I have some stashed in my locker at the gym. Same combo as always"

"Okay, great"

"You know my gym, right?"

"Yeah, yeah, but I'm good on cash"


"You okay?"

"Yeah, just text this number when you have the cash, and we'll set up a time to meet"

"I will"

Offender one then hangs up the phone and brings Kim back to the cabin.


Sam leans her head on the pole in front of her when offender two walks in with a cup of water and hands it to the brunette, who says, "Thank you. Hey, wait, can you please redo my zip ties? Please? They're so tight, I can barely feel my hands. Please"

Offender two sighs, walking back over to Sam and sets the cup of water down to redo her zip ties. Sam notices the ring on the guys finger and says, "I'm Allie. If you don't mind me asking, how are you gonna explain this to your wife?"

"My wife?" he says.

"Hey, you got a ring on. I assume you're married" Sam says, pointing to her ring that's around her neck to the offender , "I am"

"Yeah, she don't gotta know about any of this"

"Yeah, well, if you love her, you might want to think this through a little better. Your friend goes off the rails and kills us, that's your life. You're never gonna see your wife again. But if you go to the police, you get ahead of this thing, you tell them what's going on, there's a good chance you can walk away from it"

"You think I'm stupid?"

Sam shakes her head and says, "No. I think you're smart and I think you love your wife. If you go to the police and you tell them what's going on, there's a good chance you can walk away from this like nothing ever happened. But if this goes sideways, dude, you're looking at life in prison, for what?"

Then all of a sudden he takes out a knife and puts it against Sam's throat, who says, "Whoa, Whoa, whoa. Okay. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I was just trying to help" then he slowly takes the knife away, "Can you please just redo my zip ties?"

And as soon as the offender cuts through the zip tie, Sam punches him in the face then kicks though the pole to get the ones on her ankle undone. And as Sam gets off the ground, the offender pushes her against the crated shelves and they start fighting.

After Sam had thrown a good punch at the offender, he takes a piece of plywood with a nail sticking out of it and hits Sam with it in the side of her stomach, right below her vest, who then falls to the ground in pain.

"Stupid bitch. You think you can play me?" he says, punching her square in the face, over and over again.


Offender one and Kim walk back to the cabin to see offender two outside smoking and says, "Hey, what the hell are you doing out here? I told you not to leave her alone"

"Don't worry. She ain't going nowhere"

Kim looks at the mans bloody knuckles and Offender one pushes her to go back inside the house.

Offender one then redo's Kim's zip ties and says, "You stay right here. We get that money from your brother, you'll be free to go" then he gets back up and looks at Sam who is laying on the ground, bleeding from her side and her face which is bruised to no extent, "You ever try something like that again, I'll put a bullet in your head" then he goes to leave, closing the door behind him.

"Sam.." Kim says. Sam slowly turns her head and breathes out, "Hey"

"Oh god, Sam, what happened? I thought the plan was to wait for the right moment"

"I know. I found the right moment. It just didn't really go as planned"

"Well, the phone call did. Okay? They're setting up a meet right now. So we are back on plan. We sit tight. We wait for the team"

"That's good" Sam whispers through the pain.

"Yeah, that's good"

"Okay" Sam says, as she starts coughing up blood. Kim tries to get out of her zip ties and says, "Sam? Sam, hey, stay with me. Sam! Damn it"


As offender two arrives at the location of the meet, he gets out of the truck and Hank says over the walkie, "Alright, he's headed toward you now, Adam. Remember, trackers in the bag. Just let him walk out, take it from there"

"Copy that"

"Chris?" the offender says, walking over to Adam.

"Yeah. How you doin', man?"

"You got the payment?"

Adam places the bag full of money on the table and shows him and says, "Your product better be legit"

"Yeah, it is"


"Yeah" the offender says, taking the bag when Adam stops him when he sees the guys bloody knuckles.

"Ooh. What happened to your hand?"

"Was a bar fight"

"Bar fight?" Adam says, still holding onto the mans hand and the money, "I swear to god, if something happened to my sister..."

"No, she's fine. She's fine"

"Alright, she better be" then he lets go, "Good doing business with you"

As the suspect was about to leave he sees Kevin sit down then turns to Adam and asks, "Yo, he with you?"

"That thug look like a friend of mine?"

The suspect throws the bag back at Adam and starts running.

"He's running!" Adam says into the walkie. As he runs outside, Hank walks towards him pointing his gun and says, "Hold it right there. Don't move"

But of course the offender doesn't listen and continues to run, but then gets hit with a car by a pedestrian.

"No, no, no, no, no" Jay says, running over to them. Adam goes to feel for a pulse and shakes his head no.

"Son of a bitch!" Jay yells.


"Sam, can you hear me?" Kim whispers and Sam slowly nods her head, "This is taking too long. We're sitting here, waiting to die. That's a bad strategy"

"I..agree" Sam breathes out, as they both look around the room.

"Hey, that chain" Kim says, nodding to the chain near Sam's feet, "Can you kick it to me?"

Sam slowly but surely kicks the chain over to Kim who gets onto her knees and tries to break free of her zip ties with it.

Sam turns her head to be the lookout in case the offender comes back in. Kim looks at Sam who says, "It's okay, keep going" Kim then finally breaks free of her restraints, "Good...job" Kim then starts to cut her way through the restraints on her ankles, "You...got it, Kim. Keep doing it"

Kim gets out of her ankle restraints and crawls over to Sam who is not tied with zip ties but with chains and helps her sit up, Kim then sighs and says, "We'll get you out of here" then goes over to the shelves to look for something to break through the chains.

Sam looks down at the lock on the chains and says, "You're not gonna be able to break this. Listen to me, Kim. You gotta get out of here. Listen to me, you need...to go call Voight" Kim then finds something to try to break the lock, ignoring what Sam is saying to her, "Hey! I'm...the ranking officer. That's...an order. Get out of here"

"I'm not leaving you, Sammy. No way"

"If you don't...go, we both die"

"Then we both die"

"Okay, stop. If you're not gonna go, then we have to find a way to get people to us. Okay?"

The girls start looking around the room and Kim says, "I think I saw something" then she gets up to go look at the workbench near them and picks up a bottle of lighter fluid.


"Yeah" Kim says, going over to pick up the box of matches on the windowsill, "We light a fire"

"Attract attention"

"Scare those idiots away at the same time"


Kim quietly walks up the small wooden steps, and opens the door to sneak out. Sam tries to take a couple deep breathes, when she starts coughing up blood again.

A few minutes later, offender one opens the door and sees that Kim is gone so he walks down the steps and screams, then says, "Where is your friend?"

"You can go to hell. It's over" Sam says.

"No. No, no, no. I'm just getting started" he says, getting down on the ground and drags Sams towards him, who groans and kicks at him, "What is this? A vest!" then he stands back up, pointing the gun at Sam, "Jesus, you're a cop. You're a cop"

"I am a cop. My friend's a cop, too" Sam says, trying to stand up as best she could with whatever strength she has left, "And they're gonna come looking for us, and we both know what you look like. Even if you kill me, you're done. Done" then she sticks her feet out, when she sees Kim, who tackles the man to the ground, who trips over Sam's feet.

Kim gets on top of him and starts punching him, when he puts his hands around Kims throat, tightening his grip, who then turns her over onto her back. With the rest of the strength Sam has, she moves her body so that her legs grab around the man's body, pulling him towards her and puts the chains that are around her wrists, around his throat, tightening them, as Kim stands up, grabbing the gun and pointed it at him.

"Sam, I have him" Kim shouts, as Sam tightens the grip of the chains around the man's neck, "Sam, let go!"

"No, let me kill him. His friend nailed me with a board that had a nail in it, right below my vest..." Sam breathes out, "My baby could be hurt right now"


"I'm losing a lot of blood right now and I'm pregnant, Kim. And they hurt my baby, so let..me..do..this" Sam breathes out, tightening the chains even harder.

"Hey!" Kim says, pointing the gun at whoever is walking into the room right now.

"Hey, it's us stand down" Anotnio says, as he and Adam walk into the room, "Stand down!"

"Sam, let him go" Antonio says.

"Hey, Sammy, listen to us. Let him go" Adam says, as Sam still continues to tighten the chains, "That's enough. That's enough"

Antonio finally prys the chains away from the offenders neck and gets him up off the ground.

"Sam? Sam! Don't do this to me right now" Adam says, as Sam's eyes start to close, "Boss, we got them. But we need an EMT right now! Sam's not waking up"

"Sam?!" Jay yells, running into the cabin.

"In here!" Adam shouts. Jay runs into the basement to see his wife unconscious and kneels next to her taking Adams place, holding her head with tears in his eyes and says, "Sam, baby. You gotta wake up. This isn't how our story ends. Not here. Not now" then he gets on his radio and says, "Where the hell is the ambulance?!"


The intelligence team along with district 21 and Kelly and the kids are in the waiting room, waiting on anything the doctor can tell them about Sam.

Will then walks out into the waiting room and everyone stands up and Hank says, "So?"

"She lost a lot of blood. But we put her on fluids, so she'll make a full recovery" Will says making everyone sigh in relief, "She's asking for Jay and Kim"

Jay and Kim follow after Will to her room where they see her hooked up to wires taking slow, deep breaths. After the doctors had cleaned all the blood off of Sam's face, you can clearly see the bruising all over the right side of her face.

Jay rushes over to Sam's side and sits next to her, grabbing her hand and says, "hi baby. You had us worried for there for a bit"

Sam turns her head and tried her best to smile, "hey. So, um I have to tell you something..."



Jays face drops and says, "you're pregnant?" and Sam slowly nods her head, making Jay smile, "oh my god. I can't believe this. I'm so happy right now"

"But.." Kim says. Jay looks between the girls and says, "but what?"

"Natalie had to do some tests to see if the baby is okay. One of the guys, hit me in the side with a piece of plywood with a nail in it"

Jays immediate smile fades to a frown in an instant and leans his head onto his wife's arm trying to hold back his tears.

Kim walks over to the couple to sit next to them, when Natalie walks in and says, "Hey guys"

Jay lifts his head up and says, "how's the baby?"

"The nail that you got stuck with missed any vital organs"

"So what does that mean about the baby?" Kim asks.

"The baby will be just fine"

Jay and Sam take a deep breath of relief, knowing their baby will be okay.

"How far along am I?" Sam asks. Natalie checks the chart and says, "3 weeks"

"Oh, my god" she smiles. Jay takes Sam's hand and kisses the top of her hand, "we're having another baby...baby. This is amazing"

"Congrats, guys. I'm so happy for you" Kim says.


What a crazy ass chapter! ๐Ÿ˜ฎ
So as some of you have guessed, Sam is indeed pregnant! ๐Ÿฅณ๐Ÿฅณ
Baby Halstead(s), coming soon y'all! ๐Ÿฅณ๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿฅฐ๐Ÿ”ฅ
Also, whenever I hear or read someone calling for any Sam, I think of Dean Winchester calling for his brother Sam.

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