𝐜𝐑𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐬𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧.

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~cross over special~
what i saw , chicago fire part 1

"So, what's this favor you think I owe you?" Chief Boden asks fire commissioner Grissom, walking into an empty room followed by Kelly and Matt.

"You've already forgotten your troubles with the assistant deputy commissioner? I'm the one, per his father's request" Grissom says, pointing at Severide, "Got Gorsch off your back"

"You're the one who put Gorsch on his back" Kelly states.

"If you're still confused why I needed someone keeping an eye on 51, I'm happy to have that conversation"

"Let's just talk about why you're here" Boden says. Grissom glares at Kelly for a second then looks at the Chief and says, "The police commissioner's office reached out to me and requested a little interdepartmental synergy. Apparently there's some cop on the intelligence unit that's trying to tarnish CFDs image and I need you to make sure it doesn't stick"

Casey looks behind him and says, "Is it Hank Voight?"

"How'd you know?"

"Cause he just walked in" Casey says, going to open the door for them, "In here"

"Hey Casey" Jay says.


Sam walks over to her best friend and hugs him and says, "Hey Kells"

"Hi pretty girl" Kelly says, kissing her temple, "How are you feeling today?"

Sam sighs, placing her hand over her stomach and says, "Better. My face on the other hand...still hurts"

"Commissioner, Sergeant Hank Voight" Hank says, introducing himself and his detectives to the CFD commissioner, "This is detective Halstead and Halstead"

"Sergeant...What's this all about?" Grissom questions.

"We've had a spate of break ins over the past few weeks, pretty bold crew. I mean, they'll hit day or night, any type of location, business, residential, and there doesn't seem to be a lot of that can stop these guys" Hank explains, "We had no idea how they were getting in, till you guys reported the empty lockbox"

"Every place that's been hit has a lockbox. When we check them out, the building keys are still inside" Sam says.

"So, you think somehow somebody got keys to the building from the lockbox, steal what they can, then replace the keys to cover their tracks?" Kelly asks and Sam nods her head.

"Exactly, until today, they started a fire and they had to leave in a hurry" Jay says.

"Sergeant, can you skip to the part where you try and convince me that there's a firefighter behind all this?" Grissom says.

"Well, firefighters know which buildings have lockboxes and they're the only ones who have access to them. I mean, building owner doesn't even have a key" Hank says.

"There's only one key per company and they're all accounted for" Casey says.

"Alright, look, there's been a robbery roughly every 72 hours, and it's always been during CFDs second shift"

"So, you're saying some firefighter from the second shift is swiping the key from his company's rig and using it to commit a robbery while on shift?"

"Well, more likely, they're passing the key off to an accomplice who's then carrying out the robbery" Jay states.

"Even then, you'd have to return the key to the rig before anyone noticed"

"Well, it helps that every robbery has taken place within five minutes of engine 66"

"The ones that roll up late to the fire" Casey says, looking at Boden, who nods.

"What do you need from us?" Kelly asks.

"We want to embed a friendly firefighter inside 66 to help us sniff out the bad guy" Hank says.

"An informant" Boden says.

"Okay" Grissom says, making Boden turn to him in surprise, "Well, it's better than a few dozen cops storming the place with a warrant and starting to jam up my firefighters. Gives us a little control over the situation"

Boden sighs and asks, "Do you have someone in mind?"

"Joe Cruz" Voight says.

"No. Never gonna happen" Severide states.

"Joe Cruz is not your biggest fan, not after what you put his brother through" Casey states.

"Well, I don't need Joe Cruz to like me. The point is that I trust him and I know he can handle himself" Hank says.

"Joe Cruz it is" Grissom says.

"What, He's one of my best guys. You're not gonna use him as a pawn in whatever pissing match you got into with the police commissioner" Kelly says towards Grissom.

"Severide!" Boden demands.


Sam walks into the diner that's near her house, holding onto Gracie's hand and the two walk over to a booth and sit down. Once Grace sits down, she looks at her mother and says, "Mommy?" then points at the man sitting across from them.

"That is your uncle Sawyer. Can you say hi?" Sam asks. Gracie turns her head to the blonde man in front of her and waves, saying, "Hi"

"Hi Gracie" Sawyer smiles then turns to his half sister, "So, how'd it go with dad?"

Sam sighs and says, "Not good. I can't see him again"

A waitress walks over to them setting down a bowl of fruit in front of Gracie and says, "Here you go, my little fruit cup" making the three year old smile widely, then sets a plate of waffles in front of Sam.

"Thanks Laura"

"Of course" Laura says before walking away.

"Are you having anything?"

Sawyer shakes his head and says, "Just coffee today. So, it was bad, huh?" then takes a sip of his coffee. Sam nods her head and says, "Yes. Worse than I thought it would be. The second I saw him. I started crying"

"I'm sorry, Sam. That any of this happened"

"Yeah. Me too" Sam says, before stuffing her face with the waffles, "um, how's Harper doing? I've been watching the news"

"She's um, she's going through a lot right now. But she's a fighter"


Adam opens his apartment door to see his best friend and favorite niece standing right before his eyes and smiles, "Hey guys"

"Unke Adam" Gracies shouts, running to Adam, who picks her up and Gracie immediately gives him a hug. Adam chuckles and says, "Hey bumble bee. I missed you"

Sam walks inside the apartment and Adam closes the door behind him and they walk into the living room to find Hailey sitting on the couch.

"Hey Hals"

"Sam, hey" The blonde smiles, getting up to hug the brunette.

"Sorry, we didn't mean to interrupt anything"

"No, you're fine. We were just watching a movie"

As Adam sits back down on the couch and as soon as he does, Gracie moves out of his arms and goes to sit on Hailey's lap, who was a bit surprised at first but then relaxes when Gracie moves her small hand up and down her arm.

"That means she likes you" Sam smiles, setting her daughter's diaper bag down on the ground next to the coffee table.


Adam nods his head and says, "Oh yeah"

"Cool" Hailey smiles.

"So, I was wondering if you guys wouldn't mind watching Gracie for a little bit. Jay and Will took Wyatt and Owen to the Blackhawks game and Denise is at a friends and Voight wants me to head down to 51 with him to check in on Cruz" Sam says.

"Yeah, of course. Anything for my bumble bee" Adam smiles.


Sam walks into 51 following behind her Sergeant who walks straight back to Boden's office, but she had to make a pit stop first, of course, at her best friend's office. Sam knocks on the glass door and when Kelly turns around to see his best friend in the whole world, he smiles, like he always does.

Sam walks in and says, "Hey lonely boy" leaning on the front of his desk.

"Hey pretty girl. What are you doing here?"

"Voight's checking in with Boden about Cruz, which I should probably go sit in on. I just wanted to say hi"

Kelly stands up from his desk and hugs the girl and says, "Thanks. I miss hanging out with you"

"Me too, Kells"

"You remember in high school when he went to the roof and threw water balloons at Principal Haddigens car?"

Sam starts laughing, making Kelly laugh and says, "Oh god, yes. He could not for the life of him find where they were coming from"

"Those were the better days. Days when it was just us and nobody else" Kelly says, placing his hand on the brunette's cheek, who leans into the palm of his hand and closes her eyes and smiles. Stella rounds the corner and sees what she thinks is too close to be best friends. But that's what they are, best friends. Always have and always will. Nothing else, and they both know that.

"I should get going, before Voight has a fit"

"Alright" Kelly says, bringing the girl into a hug, "I love you, Sammy"

"I love you too, Kells" Sam says, before leaving his office to head to Bodens.

As soon as Sam walks into Boden's office his desk phone rings and sits next to her Sergeant.

"It's Cruz" Boden says, before putting it on speaker, "Hey Joe"

"Hey Chief"

"Sergeant Voight is here, too. Along with detective Halstead"

"Hey, Joe. Safe to talk?" Hank asks.

"Yeah, yeah, for...for a minute anyway"

"Alright, what's happening over there at 66?"

"Not a lot. Good house, good people. These guys are born firefighters"

"You don't think any of them could be a suspect?" Sam asks.

"I don't think so. One guy wasn't even on shift during the condo break in, so he couldn't have passed the key. For a minute, I thought it might've been the lieutenant, but just turned out to be some heavy personal stuff"

"Alright, listen, Joe, you gotta remain objective, okay?" Hank says, "Just get them to open up to you"

"Sergeant, this is a total wash, alright. I-I'm betraying good people here"

Boden goes to put the phone on mute and says, "Hank, don't push him" Hank then nods and Boden turns the mute button off.

"Look, just hang in tight till the end of the shift. We'll talk about it on the other end. Can you do that?" Hank asks.

"Yeah, I can do that"


"Okay, Joe, get some rest" Boden says, before hanging up.


Sam follows her daughter, who runs into her and Jays bedroom and climbs onto the bed with the help of Sam of course and goes to climb on her dad and rests her head on his chest. Jay wraps his arms around his babygirl and kisses her head and says, "hi princess"

"You know when the new baby comes, she's gonna be miserable that she's not gonna be the center of attention" Sam says, going to sit in the bed to put lotion on her legs.

"She'll be a great big sister, even if she has to give up a little attention" Jay says. And as soon as that sentence left his mouth, Gracie lifts her head up and her lip trembles. Jay kisses his three year olds head and says, "don't worry, babygirl. You'll always be my princess"

Gracie smiles resting her head back on Jays chest.

"100% daddy's girl...right there" Sam states.

"Good and she's not aloud to date until she's at least 40"

Sam raises an eyebrow and says, "Right. And when she starts dating at 16, like I did. You can deal with it"

"Listen, I won't allow any boy to come near her. And I'll tell Will, Adam, Kelly and everyone other male figure in her life and they'll have my back"

Sam rolls her eyes and says, "so over protective" then she gets up to say goodnight to Denise and Wyatt. Jay looks down at his daughter who is sleeping peacefully and says, "no matter what happens. I'm here for you babygirl"

To Be Continued...


1. Phoebe Tonkin is the cutest person ever. She's a pure queen πŸ‘‘
2. This chapter is dedicated to all my OneChicago peeps out there who's watching OneChicago tonight πŸ₯°
3. Why can't I have a friendship like Sam and Kelly?

Anyways... I love all my Milstead shippers 😘

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