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—————CHAPTER ONE—————

A small village outside the town of Marseille in the southern of France stood no chance against the tropical storm that was about to pass through. As the residents of this village ran to and fro readying their homes for the forces of Mother Nature, a girl named Adèle stood in the doorway of her home, watching.

She was no more than 20, though she could look 16 if she wanted. Her childlike beauty captured many of the people in her village, even passing sailors. Her beauty could pull them away from the sea. It was like her special power.

As the daughter of a priest, she was also brought up religious. Adèle was very prudent, she never cursed nor did she pursue any suitors. For that, her father was proud.

"Adèle! Inside now!" Adèle's mother cried out. The girl turned around, her brunette hair whipping across her face from the wind. Her low bun became a mess as many strands became loose.

"In a minute!" Adèle called back. She had an odd feeling that something was coming, other than the storm. Dark, furious clouds encapsulated the whole seaside. From afar, she could see rain pouring down like bullets.

"Adèle, right now! What are you waiting for?" Her father came up behind her, carrying a large piece of wood to prop up against the windows.

"I want to make sure everyone in town is inside."

"That's very noble, but I'm sure the torrential downpour is enough to make everyone run to their homes." Her father left her side to board up the last of their windows. At that moment, she saw a figure stuck in the rain. They were running towards her, yelling.

"Help!" A faint cry for help alerting Adèle. She hiked up her skirt and ran forward.

"Monsieur!" Adèle shouted once she was close enough. She could hear her parents' cry behind her, but she ignored them as the rain drenched her from head to toe.

Once she was face-to-face with the man, she noticed his features. He was strikingly pale with golden brown eyes, almost topaz. He had sharp features, a pointed nose and contoured cheekbones. His jawline was most noticeable, it was sharper than any other she had seen. His hair was a very pale blond that was slicked back due to the rain.

It seemed like the two of them stood there for a moment to just look at each other.

The man stared at the beauty before him, immediately forgetting the storm that surrounded them. She had a beauty about her that completely drew him in as if she was a siren and he was a sailor from the sea.

She had brunette hair that seemed to have every natural color in it. Red and blonde highlights adorned her head like a veil. Her full, round cheeks were tinted pink from the cold. Her lips, small yet full were a beautiful shade of red showing her youth. Freckles adorned her face all over, not just the bridge of her nose.

"Do you seek asylum from the storm?" Adèle asked after a moment.

"Yes," the man nodded.

"Come with me," Adèle took a hold of his hand, making him follow her towards her home where her parents stood anxiously. She noticed that his hand was cold to the touch, but dismissed it due to the storm.

"You are very kind," the man commented. Adèle turned back and gave him a smile.

"Maman, Papa," Adèle greeted her parents in the doorway, allowing the man to step inside.

"Adèle, what are you doing bringing a man in the house?" Her mother scolded in a hush tone, though it was still loud enough for him to hear.

"Monique," Adèle's father stopped her from continuing. "It is what I would have done. I'm proud of you Adèle."

"Merci, Papa," Adèle couldn't help the smile that broke out into her face. She then turned towards the man.

"I assume you haven't eaten?" The man wanted to laugh at her question, but remembered that she wasn't like him.

"That's alright, I don't want to put you out." He answered as firmly as he could. He would feel bad if they wasted food on him.

"Nonsense, I have soup cooking now," Monique stepped away and into the kitchen.

"Adèle," her father motioned to her to grab the man's affects.

"I could take your coat and bag," she offered, noticing his bulky leather bag. The man smiled at her and allowed her to do so. Adèle made her way to the guest room and set his things down, planning on showing him where his room is later.

When she set his bag down, a metal clanging noise ensued. Curious, she opened the bag and found various doctor tools and medicines.

He's a doctor, she thought. She grew giddy at this. Surely her father would approve. She closed the bag and set it by the bed.

Entering back into the kitchen, she saw that her father and the man had sat down already, soup in front of them. Monique was busy cooking to pay attention to the conversation.

"So, what is your name?" Adèle's father asked.

"Carlisle Cullen, sir," Carlisle nodded.

"Fancy meeting you," her father responded. "I am Jacques, this is my wife, Monique and my daughter, Adèle."

Carlisle said hello to Monique when she turned around for a second. He then turned to Adèle and said, "Nice to meet you, Adèle."

Something inside Adèle switched and suddenly, she felt her heart melt. Looking deep into Carlisle's eyes, she felt as if he was the only person in the world. She couldn't interpret what this feeling was, she had never felt like this before.

"You too, Carlisle," she smiled at him. His name rolled off her tongue so smoothly, as if she had been saying it for centuries. His eyes turned darker for a moment, soaking up her voice. He never wanted anyone else to say his name unless it was her.

He couldn't explain it either, it was rare that he found a woman he'd consider courting, let alone a woman who could melt him on the spot. And yet, that woman stood right before him.

Of course, there was her scent as well. She smelled so sweet, but Carlisle remembered that he had practiced extreme self-control. But there was something different about her scent, it taunted him more than any other human scent. But he could resist, he had to.

The clap of thunder took both out of their trances. The father continued to ask Carlisle questions about himself. Where he was from, what he does.

"I'm from London, though I left a while ago. I don't remember much of it. I've been traveling around since, helping people along the way. I'm a doctor, so I look for people in need and tend to them as I continue on."

"A doctor?" Monique spun around from her cooking. He eyed her husband and Jacques waved her away.

"A doctor, an honorable profession. Without pay, nonetheless. How do you make money?"

"Papa," Adèle gasped at him, her folded hand in front of her threatening to release.

"That's quite alright," Carlisle smiled at her. "I would be curious as well."

"I sell my medicines and services, but I spare myself wherever I can. I don't make as much as a regular doctor, but it's enough for me..." his eyes met Adèle's. "And a little more."

Jacques seemed to be pleased with his answer. "Let's eat."

Carlisle looked at the soup and pretended to drink it. Jacques and Monique didn't notice, but Adèle sure did. It confused her, but maybe he just wasn't hungry.


After dinner, Jacques retired to his studio and Carlisle asked Adèle where he would be staying. After she led him to the room, Adèle left him alone to settle in. She returned to the kitchen to help her mother clean up.

Monique slapped her hand away from the dishes. "Stop. You're wasting your energy on the dishes when there's a perfectly suitable husband in the spare room."

Adèle's eyes grew wide at her mother. "Maman! Isn't it too soon?"

"No! You're twenty, most girls your age are already married. It's time for you."

"I don't know, a man like him surely has a wife or a courtship." Adèle turned away from her mother and started to tidy up the table.

"Adèle, I doubt that. He would've changed the subject when your father asked him about his work."

"That was innocent, Papa was just curious." Adèle reasoned with her mother. She refused to believe that Carlisle was available. Even if he was, he would never go for a girl like her. She wasn't anything extraordinary and her family didn't have much to offer in marriage.

"No, your father was inquiring whether or not Carlisle could support you. He knew that too, so I'd say he's open to the idea of a marriage to you."

"This is ridiculous." Adèle turned around to see her mother getting very annoyed.

"Go into his room, ask him if he needs anything. I doubt that he is not interested. And you need to get married anyways," Monique went back to cleaning as Adèle took a deep breath. She did want to see him again.

The brunette lightly knocked on the wooden door. "Yes?" Carlisle called out softly. Adèle opened the door to see him standing, reading a book by the candlelight.

"Do you need anything at all? Water? Sheets?" Adèle asked. In truth, Carlisle didn't need anything, but he wanted to spend time with the young girl.

"Sheets would be nice." Adèle nodded at him as she opened the linen closet in the room. Carlisle watched the girl grab a few sheets from the cupboard.

She wasn't wearing anything extravagant, she was the daughter of a priest anyway. It was just a simple dress; cream colored with small blue flowers sewn into the dress of the skirt. Her corset was cream colored as well, accentuating her waist and chest. She wore a small apron that covered the front side of her skirt. The pocket of the apron seemed to bulge with something inside.

Her hair fell out into a low ponytail. It seemed like it was re-tied with a blue piece of cloth. Maybe blue was her favorite color.

Adèle turned around to find Carlisle already looking at her. When he didn't look away, she started to blush. It must've looked exaggerated under the candlelight because the corner of his lips perked up in amusement.

That's when she noticed that he had removed some layers of clothing, mostly the wet layers. He was wearing a linen shirt that was loosely tucked into his brown, wool breeches. He still wore his shoes over his stockings. His hair, now that she could see better, was longer and was tied back with a black piece of fabric in a low ponytail that fell above his shoulder blades close to his neck.

He had to be the most striking man she has ever met. None of her suitors compared.

She removed the pillow from his bed and started to change the sheets.

"You don't have to do that," Carlisle said, watching her move gracefully around the room.

"Nonsense, a restful night's sleep requires new linen," Adèle stood up and faced the man. "And I doubt you know how to change the bed sheets."

"That's presumptuous," Carlisle only looked mildly offended and his tone was playful so Adèle had no problem shooting back a snarky reply.

"Would you like to try?" Adèle stepped back from the bed and motioned for him to attempt at making the bed. Carlisle knew how to make a bed, but he wanted her to stay as long as he could keep her there.

"Never mind," Carlisle held his hands up in defense and walked over to the chair in the corner of the room. He watched as Adèle made the bed. She purposefully did so as slow as she could. She could feel his eyes on her backside, taking up every inch of her.

She looked over her shoulder and Carlisle quickly looked down at his book, pretending to read. Unfortunately, Adèle didn't catch him looking this time, but she knew he was.

After she turned back around, a smile crept onto Carlisle's lips as he looked back at her. Her scent filled his senses and he couldn't think of anything else but her. Not even the apothecary book right in front of him which he once found fascinating.

He had found a new passion.

Alas, Adèle finished making the bed and placed the pillow back onto the head of the bed. She made sure to fluff it up as best as she could before turning towards Carlisle who now stood before her.

"I hope you find the bed to your liking," Adèle said to him. He hummed in response.

"I'm sure I will. No one has ever fluffed a pillow quite like you." Adèle didn't know if his comment had a double meaning or not, so she turned away and started towards the door.

Before she reached for the knob, a pale hand had already latched on. Carlisle's arm trapped her in between him and the wall. Butterflies erupted in her stomach as she felt his linen shirt brush her shoulder blades. She unconsciously leaned back a millimeter and a knot twisted in her stomach as she felt Carlisle's broad, toned chest against her.

Carlisle let out a low chuckle, his breath fanning over her neck. Her scent grew stronger and Carlisle's lips hovered over her exposed neck for a moment before he took one more deep breath and opened the door.

Adèle stepped out of the room and turned back to Carlisle who stayed in the room. "Goodnight, Adèle."

"Goodnight, Carlisle." Their eyes never wavered from each other as Adèle backed into the door of her room that was right across from his. She turned the knob and entered her room, her eyes never leaving his.

A small smile lingered on Carlisle's lips and Adèle was the first to close her door. Once the eye contact broke and the door was shut, Adèle let out an exhale. She didn't realize it, but she had been holding her breath since she left his room.

What just happened?

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