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      Blake waits patiently as the elevator goes up to the top floor of the building. She had just got wind of a rumor that the Life Foundation was picking up it's broken pieces and was starting research again. She and Venom knew what that meant and they couldn't let it happen.

      "We could have just climbed up the building side." Blake rolls her eyes and steps out of the elevator. "No, we couldn't have. You know why." She can practically feel Venom's eye roll. A guard enters the halfway they are in and Venom attaches a tendril to the ceiling and pulls Blake up. They watch from above as he walks by.

      Blake lands swiftly on her feet and continues on her way to the main office. She carefully pulls the door open and Venom picks up her foot before it passes through a laser on the ground. Blake's eyes trail the laser and sees it's attached to an alarm. "Nice save." She whispers and steps over the laser. A laptop is sitting on top of the desk and she uses her sleeve to open it.

      As she looks through the files she finds plans to create another spaceship. "They are going to collect more." Venom says. Blake nods. "I know." She plugs a thumb drive into the laptop and watches as the download starts. Blake's eyes shoot up as yelling and footsteps are heard coming toward her. "Hurry." She grits her teeth. "I'm trying."

      The download reaches 100% right as guards enter the office. Venom comes out and brags the thumbdrive. He jumps out of the window and Blake berates him in his head. "Did you really have to jump out of the skyscraper?" She asks annoyed. Venom narrows his eyes as he jumps from building to building, heading towards Queens. "Would you have preferred I ate them?" Blake sighs. "No."

      "Then shut up." Venom lands on Blake's apartment roof and shrinks back into Blake. She shakes her head and looks at the thumbdrive in her hand and nods. "We've got work to do."

      Blake walks to her apartment door and as she is unlocking it, Venom turns her head to the left. Blake grits her teeth when she sees Peter walking up to his own apartment door. "He's hurt. I can smell blood." Blake's eyes widen, and Peter slips into his apartment. She stands there for a moment, then steps into her apartment, rushing to her first aid kit.

      Peter whimpers as he pulls his jacket off. He was dealing with a mugger like usual, but he hadn't expected the mugger's friend. He shot Peter in the shoulder, and damn did it hurt. He could still feel the bullet in his shoulder and he didn't know what to do. He had nothing to get the bullet out, and-

      Peter's head shoots up when something taps on his window. His neighbor Blake. He pulls his jacket back on and walks over to the window, pulling it open. "Ms. Ainsley?" He questions. Blake slips into his room and offers him a small smile. "It's Blake. Ms. Ainsley is reserved for my mother." Peter nods slowly and gives her a look.

      "Not that it's not nice to see you but what are you--" Blake points to his shoulder. The blood has now seeped through the jacket. Peter looks away and shakes his head. "It's nothing." She sighs and sits on his bed. "Look kid, I'm not going to say anything or ask any questions. Just let me help." She gives him a half smile. "I wouldn't want to go to the cops either."

      Peter considers for a moment, then sits on his bed next to her. "Fine, just-" Blake zips her fingers across her lips and locks them. Peter smiles at her and takes off his jacket. Blake looks at the wound and narrows her eyes. She opens her first aid kit and pulls out a pair of long tweezers. She offers Peter her hand and he takes it. "This is going to hurt."

      He nods and Blake digs the tweezers into his shoulder. Peter groans in pain and squeezes Blake's hand with incredible strength, but Venom heals her hand as it breaks. "Almost got it." She finally grabs the bullet, then slowly pulls it out. She shows Peter the bullet, then tosses it in the trash. "Thanks." Peter breathes. He makes a face. "But aren't you supposed to--"

      Blake douces Peter's shoulder with hydrogen peroxide and Peter hisses in pain. Blake groans as he breaks her hand. "He's strong." Blake bites her tongue so she doesn't retort back at Venom. He heals her hand and Blake looks at Peter's shoulder. They all watch in shock as Peter's shoulder begins to heal. Peter looks at Blake in panic. "I can expl--" Blake puts her hands up, and zips her lips. "Hey, I said I wasn't going to say anything."

      Peter stares at her for a moment and nods. "Thank you." Blake smiles and nods. She pants his now healed shoulder. "If you ever get shot again head to my apartment. I'm always stocked up on first aid." Peter nods at her and they both hear May enter the apartment. Blake stands and climbs out Peter's window. She gives him a smile. "Stay safe kid." Then she jumps up the fire escape.

      Blake sighs and rubs her eyes. It's 4 am and she hasn't slept. She's been too busy digging into the Life Foundation. "We need to sleep." Blake snorts. "No, I need to sleep. You, are perfectly fine." She closes her laptop and yawns. She starts walking toward her bed, but several gunshots are heard on top of the building. She looks up and raises an eyebrow.

      "No sleep?" Blake smirks and starts walking towards her window. "Nope." As she jumps out the window Venom comes out and vaults her on top of the building. Blake reappears as they look forward and see 3 men with guns cornering another man to the edge of the building. She narrows her eyes and scoffs. "No way. It's Hawkeye." He stands at the very edge of the building and Blake starts walking towards him.

      "What happened to laying low?" She rolls her eyes. "We are. Now, shut up and help me." She runs at one of the men and with the help of venom, throws him a few feet away. The other two turn to her, and while distracted Hawkeye starts to fight. "Mask?" Venom asks. Blake dodges a bullet and kicks the man. "NO!" She yells. Clint takes his guy's gun and shoots him. He glances at Blake and rushes to her side.

      "Thanks for the help, but I had it handled." Blake snorts and knocks the guy's gun out of his hand. "Yeah, falling down a six story building is 'handling things'." Blake is rammed into from the side and she and the guy she threw away tumble to the ground. He shoots Blake, then Venom creates a blade and stabs him through the chest.

      Blake hits the ground and she feels her bones break. "Ow." She rasps out. Clint's eyes widen as he looks down at the woman who helped him. He shoots the third gunman then runs over to the fire escape on the other side of the building.

      Blake's bones snap back into place and she gasps in relief. "We need to stop falling off buildings." Blake pulls herself up. "Ugh, I can second that. Now let's get out of here. I'm craving pancakes." She and venom leave the building.

      Clint runs around the corner and expects to see the woman on the floor, dead, but instead finds her gone. Just gone. "What?" He shakes his head and walks up to the man on the ground he notes the hole in his chest. Clint stands up and looks around the alley. He needs to get back to the tower.




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