Blakely Winchester

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I made some major changes to Blake. Just read below :)

This takes place in Supernatural Season 1-2. At the start of this, Sam and Dean are still searching for John. Blake is not aware this is happening.

Name: Blakely Winchester
Nicknames: Blake (Most), Angel (Clint), Parasite (Crowley)
Alias: Venom (With Venom, Obviously)
Age: 38
Face Claim: Lyndsy Fonseca

Investigative Reporter
Hunter (When the occasion arises)
British (Women) of Letters - Legacy

Mary Winchester (Mother)
John Winchester (Father)

Dean WInchester (Younger Brother)

Sam WInchester (Younger Brother)

Peter Parker (Son)


Blake is a very determined woman. When she sets her mind to something, almost nothing can stop her, and with Venom at her side, nothing can. She is very kind and shows no judgment to anyone going through life's struggles. She and Venom (Especially Venom) don't see themselves as heroes, but she does like to think she can help people.

Her feelings aren't easily damaged, and she never really shows emotion. She only opens up to people she deems worthy of her trust. Typically, this will cause her to stay away from men, especially because of her past.

If she sees someone being robbed or put down by crime she will become extremely pissed and will intervene.

Blake has a rocky relationship with her siblings and father. This is because she left (See background) and they felt abandoned by her. Growing up, it was Blake's responsibility raising Sam and Dean. She feels fully responsible for them and hates herself whenever they get hurt. The way John treats Blake hurts her, but she hides it.

Background: WARNING: Some themes in this background may be triggering to some readers...

Blake Winchester was born and raised in Lawrence Kansas to Mary and John WInchester. She was the first born of the 3 Winchester siblings. When Blake was 8, Dean was born. Blake was overjoyed to have a baby brother and couldn't wait until he was old enough to play with. Four years later, Sam was born and Blake and Dean both loved their brother dearly.

Six months after the birth of Sam, (Blake is 12 at this time), Blake awakes in the dead of night to go check on her baby brother, only to find her mother, flaming on the ceiling. John comes crashing into the room and hands Sam to Blake. She takes Dean's hand and leads her siblings outside. Only moments before the house explodes does John come out and carry his children away.

Blake was taken aback by her mother's death, as was John. John would get so drunk some nights that he wasn't even able to see straight. Blake, despite how broken she felt, started taking care of her little brothers. Blake would tell Sam and Dean about their mother every night, making sure they knew who she was.

When John discovered the supernatural world, Blake was the first to find out. John wanted to tell Dean, but Blake would fight with him, demanding that they have a normal childhood. Sam and Dean would grow up to remember how often John and Blake would fight.

One night, Blake went out to get food (Which she stole), only to come back to the hotel they were staying at and find John telling Dean. This caused the biggest fight Sam and Dean had ever seen in their lives.

Blake would go onto hunting with her father, mostly to keep Dean safe. She would get small jobs at minimarts or fast food places to provide for her brother's. John would never notice this. Or he just didn't care.

During a late night in San Francisco, when Blake was 23, a group of men cornered her. Blake tried to fight back using her training, but one of the men had a bat and beat her. The supposed leader of the group then proceeded to rape her.

Blake would wander the dark streets of SF for hours until Dean finds her. He leads her back to the hotel to an angry John. John demanded that Sam and Dean leave. He started yelling at Blake and all she could do was stare and cry. She tried to explain what had happened, but he wouldn't let her. Blake stood up and started to leave and John gave his classic words of fatherly love: "You walk out that door, don't come back." Blake grbas the door knob and glances back at her father. "I won't." Blake leaves, but Dean stops her.

"Blake! Don't go!" Her brother looked at her with tears in their eyes. Blake stops and looks at them, tears sliding down her cheeks. She crouches down to her brothers. "I have too." She gives them a curt nod and a small smile. "You can always call me. I won't forget you guys." She gives them kisses on the foreheads and walks away, holding back sobs.

A few months after leaving, Blake discovers she is pregnant. This made her feel sick, but she carried out the pregnancy. Unable to handle raising another child and feeling unfit for the job now that she left her brothers, Blake gave her son up for adoption.

Blake's son never left her thoughts for the next 5 years. Nor did her brothers. She told them to call, but they never did. After a bit Blake tracks down her son and finds that he was adopted into the Parker family and was given the name Peter.

Blake moves to New York to be close to her son. Three years later Blake hears a wiper that Sam got into college. This causes her to look into her brothers (She has her career as an investigative reporter at the time) and sees that Sam got into Stanford. She was proud of her brother, finally having gotten out of the hunter life. She knew John couldn't have taken this very lightly. She was almost tempted to contact him.

Two years later, Blake runs into Venom. At this time, Peter is 12, Sam is 20, and Dean is 24.

    (The events from 'Venom' ensue, except there is no Anne.)

Venom and Blake work together to uncover stories and even help around the dark side of New York. Venom has a hard time seeing the line between someone good and someone bad, but Blake is able to help him there. She continues to do the job that the cops can't. This gives her a certain respect for Daredevil or others with a secret identity. She pulls back on her investigations, ever so slightly so that she won't find out who they are. She also occasionally goes out on hunts.

During the battle of New York, several reports of a creature like the Hulk, only black, and... ate the aliens. This intrigues Tony Stark, but his investigation leads to nothing.

With the Avengers becoming a thing Blake and Venom decide to be more careful with who they allow to see them, sticking to darker alley's and a more stealth approach. Around this time, Blake discovers SHIELD, but keeps their existence a secret. Nothing good can come from exposing an agency like that.

Blake continues to watch Peter from afar and Venom tries to encourage her to speak to him, but everytime she says no.

When Peter is bitten by the spider, Venom and Blake find out. She starts getting closer to him, even moving into the same apartment building as him. She wants him safe and if that means she and Venom have to step in, then so be it.

When Stark approaches Peter about Germany Blake becomes mad. She didn't want him to put his life at risk.

In Germany, the Avengers all decide (Yes, Team Cap) to sign to accords, but demand they be loosened up. Certain changes made are that if a person is to sign, then their identity would not be released to the public, and the Avengers have a bit more freedom. No tracking devices and if there is a small fight they see themselves helping in, then they can do that.

Venom and Blake, however, know that if they signed that they would most likely be killed or experimented on.

Blake still hasn't contacted her siblings, and they haven't done the same to her. Bobby Singer occasionally calls her to check in, but Blake asks that he keep it a secret. If her brothers want to know how she's doing, then they have to find out for themselves.


- Blake is a very good liar. Venom helps with this by slowing her heart rate, but even before he came along, Blake would easily be able to pass a Lie detector test.

- Venom and Blake have been bonded for 5 years.

- Venom's favorite foods are human heads and squirrels. Blake tries her best not to think about the diet Venom forces her into.

- Peter's favorite food is French Toast. This is something he gets from Blake. It's her favorite too.

- Blake is very skilled with a crossbow and Bow. This is something she and Clint will connect over.

- Blake can handle almost any weapon she can get her hands on, and can even make everyday objects into deadly weapons. (She once stabbed a shifter through the eye with a plastic fork. It didn't kill it, but served as a great distraction)

- Blake's anti possession tattoo is on her left shoulder.

- Blake also has a tattoo of a spider on her ankle. She got this after Peter came out as Spiderman.

Pairing: Clint Barton

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