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      Blake huffs as Venom goes back into her body. He just ate three muggers. She raises an eyebrow. "You happy now?" Blake starts walking down the street. "Very. Though some chocolate does sound wonderful." Blake rolls her eyes. "We're not eating chocolate. You just ate three people. That's more than enough food." Venom pouts in her head and Blake continues to walk down the street. "There's no such thing as too much food."

      Blake snorts. "Try telling that to teenage girls." Her phone rings and she pulls it out of her pocket. Dean's name flashes on the screen, making Blake smile as she answers. "A call already? Don't tell me you boys miss me." Venom grumbles. "Tell them I hate them. They stole my attention." Blake rolls her eyes. "Venom says hi by the way."

      "No I don't." Blake ignores him again and waits for Dean to talk. "Creepy," She laughs a bit and Dean continues. "Listen, Dad had a voicemail saved on his phone. Someone named Ellen?" Blake raises an eyebrow. "Ellen? I haven't heard that name in a long time." Blake rounds a corner and finally has the Avengers Tower in her sights. "Yeah, you know her?" Blake makes a face. "Kind of. Sometimes when you and Sam were in school I'd go to the Roadhouse with dad."

      Someone rudely bumps into Blake and Venom nearly rips the guy's head off, but Blake tells him not too. "Can she be trusted?" Blake looks at the ground. The Harvelles aren't too fond of John. Not since Bill died. "Yes, but you boys be careful. Tell Ellen I say Hi." Dean says he will and Blake hangs up. "I don't like them." Blake laughs dryly. "What did they do to you?" Venom grumbles. "I just don't like them." Blake rolls her eyes and enters the Tower. She sends a quick text to Clint who says he'll be down in just a minute.

      Clint appears from an elevator and walks up to Blake. "I don't like him either." Blake makes a face. "You don't like anyone." She mumbles under her breath. Clint gives her a look. "Did you say something?" Blake shakes her head. "Hm? No." Clint nods slowly, then leads Blake to the elevator. Clint presses a button to a floor near the top and Blake notices the elevator music. She hangs her head, knowing exactly what is about to happen. "Elevator music? Ugh! Turn it off!" Blake nods. There it is. Venom hates elevator music. 

      "People who think elevator music is classy, or nice are assholes. Who the hell thinks this is enjoyable? Do you think it is? No! Of course not!" Blake hums as she blinks her eyes hard. Clint notices the odd behavior, but doesn't ask. "If we come across who installed the music, I'm going to eat them. Wait, no, they don't deserve to be eaten by us. No, let's throw them off a building. Oh! Or trap them in a room with elevator music blasting!" Blake grunts and pounds on her head a bit.

      Clint raises an eyebrow. "You okay?" Blake barely looks at him. "Yeah," Venom continues to blabber about annoying elevator music in her head. "Just a headache." Clint nods, then the elevator comes to stop. "We've got aspirin. Want some?" Blake steps into the nice common room and nods. "That would be great." Clint nods and walks off to a cabinet. "This place is nice. Let's eat everyone and take it for ourselves." Blake rolls her eyes, then Clint hands her the pills which she down. "Thanks."

      Clint takes a few steps backward and points to the elevator. "I have to go get the others, I'll be right back." Blake nods and Clint runs off. "Such a gentleman he is. Leaving you alone." Blake scoffs. "Are you kidding me? I'm never alone. I have an annoying parasite in my head." Venom controls Blake's hand to hit herself in the face. "Ow! You asshole!"

      Clint returns with Natasha, Steve and Tony. The others are unfortunately busy. Steve walks up to Blake with a smile on her face. "He looks different out of suit." Blake shakes Steve's hand. "Thank you for coming ma'am. It means alot." Blake nods and gives Steve a look. "Please, it's Blake." Tony is the next to greet Blake. "You were there when I first surfaced. How'd I look? Awesome? I know I was." Blake laughs and gives Tony a look.

      "If anything you looked like you were about to be clobbered." Tony's jaw drops and Blake shrugs. Natasha smirks and leans to Clint's ear. "I like her already." Clint smiles and chuckles. Blake puts her hands in her back pockets. "So, I've been called here for a reason. I say we get to it." Venom was pestering her to leave so she wants to get this over with.

      Tony nods then walks over to his holo table. "A few days ago these three went out to deal with a threat." Tony waves at Clint, Natasha and Steve. Venom snorts. "Deal with us? All they did was stare. Some heroes they are." Blake bites her lip to stop herself from laughing. "What kind of threat?" Blake asks as she steps forward. A clear image of Venom appears on the screen. Blake raises an eyebrow. They must have cameras in their suits. "Damn." Blake states dryly.

      Clint gives her a look. "You don't sound impressed." Blake raises an eyebrow. "I'm in the Avengers tower and standing with three of Earth's Mightiest heroes. You really think a black blob monster is going to impress me?" Venom yells at Blake for calling him a black blob monster. Steve nods. "That's understandable." Blake nods, "Plus, I've seen something similar."

      She steps closer to the image of Venom. "Only much, much more terrifying." Clint raises his eyebrows. "More terrifying than that?" He points at Venom. "The thing ate people. Whole." Blake shrugs. "When I was looking into the life foundation the dude running it had a friend," Blake points at Venom. "Like that. His name was Riot and he was this close to eating me." Blake pinches her fingers together. And Clint gives her a worried look.

      "How'd you get away?" Blake leans against the holo table. "I didn't. Not really. Drake had his goons take me into the woods to kill me." Blake smirks and shrugs. "Didn't really work out for them." Tony crosses his arms. "You beat a bunch of armed men by yourself? Bullshit." Blake raises her eyebrows. "Do it." Blake grabs Tony and literally flips him over her shoulder, all without the help of Venom. She pins him to the floor and raises an eyebrow. Tony nods.

      "Okay, I believe you." Blake nods and stands up. Clint and Natasha look at her impressed. "Damn. Where'd you learn to do that?" Blake frowns. "Drill sergeant dad. He was big into self defense." Blake clenches her jaw. She doesn't really get why she's upset about John's death. She never really got along with him.

      Steve steps forward, not even noticing her upset state. "Do you know how to stop them?" Blake looks at him and shakes her head. "No. But they are dangerous so I'd keep your distance." Blake looks at the elevator, then starts walking towards it. "I have to go. I hope I was helpful." She steps into the elevator and Venom flings a tendril into the control box, ripping out the music controller. "Much better." Blake rolls her eyes.





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