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      Clint stares at the elevator for a moment, and Tony raises an eyebrow. "What was that about?" He looks at Clint. "Does she usually run out like that?" Clint shakes his head. "No." He walks over to the elevator and waits for its arrival. He steps inside and raises an eyebrow at the ripped out panel. He'll worry about that later. Once the elevator reaches the ground floor, Clint runs out onto the street and looks for Blake.

      He finds her walking down the street not too far ahead. "Blake!" He calls out as he runs toward her. Blake stops and turns. She raises an eyebrow at Clint. "Yeah?" Clint pants a bit, then finally catches his breath. "Are you okay? You ran out of there pretty fast." Blake clenches her jaw and Clint notices. "I'm fine." Now Clint doesn't know alot about women, but he's pretty sure when they say they are fine, after being dodgy, it usually means they aren't.

      "Are you sure? I mean you can-" Blake cuts him off by whipping around and grunts. "I'm fine. I have to go." She rushes off and Clint stares after her blinking. He considers running after her, but he has to give her some space. He knows how she feels about men. Clint sighs and heads back into the tower.

      Once he is back up in the room Natasha gives him a look. "What did she say?" Clint shakes his head and flops down into the couch. "Nothing. She bolted before I could ask." Tony creases his brows then turns and starts doing a search on Blake. Clint shakes his head. "I mean, you guys saw how she reacted when she mentioned her father." Natasha nods. "She shut down." Steve looks at them confused. He hadn't noticed.

      Tony looks at what he found with a sad face. "Maybe this is why." He points at the screen and the information shows that John Winchester, her father, died not two days ago. Clint's jaw drops and stands and walks over to the holo table. He finds that her mother died 21 years ago in a house fire. Tony glances at Clint. "Did you know?" Clint shakes his head. He had no idea.

      Tony nods and looks at the other family and raises an eyebrow. "Says here that she gave birth to a kid." He looks at Clint. "She has a kid?" Clint shakes his head. "No. I'm pretty sure she lives alone." Tony types a bit, then a release to the adoption system appears on the screen. Clint frowns. He has an idea why she gave the kid up. Clint sighs and walks away. He needs a drink.

      Blake sighs as she steps up to her apartment door. At the bottom on her door is a file. Blake raises an eyebrow and picks it up. A sticky note on the front reads 'Please Help'. She looks up and down the apartment hallway, but finds nothing. Blake purses her lips and opens her apartment and sits down at the table. Venom's head materializes next to Blake. "Do you think someone hired us for a hit? I'd love to eat." Blake rolls her eyes and opens the file.

      In it are a variety of photos. All of injuries, and broken glass. Evidence, Blake supposes. Blake picks up a letter and reads it. It's a call for help. Someone is trapped in their own house and something dangerous is keeping them inside. As Blake continues to read, the more convinced this is supernatural she becomes. She looks at Venom. "What do you say? You up for a hunt?" Venom glances at the file. "As long as there is something for me to eat." Blake nods, then turns back to the file.

      "Whatever this is, it's powerful." Blake creases her brows at the part that says the thing could literally pin the homeowner to the wall. Blake started to think maybe a demon. She stands and grabs her jacket. "Let's go check out the house. See if we're dealing with a demon." Venom goes back into Blake's body and she leaves the apartment.

      Blake cups her hands around her face as she peers into the house. It's an awfully ugly blue and green color. "There is someone inside. And I can smell blood." Blake nods and picks up her duffle of supplies. Just in case. Venom can't eat all supernatural creatures, so Blake has to take over at times. She walks around back and tests the backdoor. Locked.

      She tries again, this time with more force. Still nothing. Blake creases her brows and takes a step back from the door. As she raises her leg to kick it, Venom sends a forceful tendril at the door, breaking it off its hinges. Blake huffs and walks inside. She is instantly hit with a frigid temperature. It doesn't bother her or Venom, but it gives Blake enough context to what she is dealing with. She sighs and pulls her saw off out of the bag. "Sorry V. No food today." Venom pouts in her head.

      One thing Blake has realized over the years is that Venom can't sense an incoming attack from a ghost. It's caused them to be roughed up. A floorboard creaks behind Blake and she whips around and fires. Someone cries out and falls to the floor. "Blake it's me!" Blake lowers her gun when she sees Clint. She shakes her head. "What the hell are you doing here?" Clint stands up and shrugs. Blake gives him a look. "Are you following me?" Clint gapes at her and his cheeks flush.

      Blake shakes her head. "Whatever. It's not important. You shouldn't be here." Clint walks up to Blake. "What are you talking about?" He looks at her shotgun. "Why do you have a gun?" Blake looks around the floor, eyes searching and caustius. "Look, I don't have time to explain right now. You need to-" A scaping sound can be heard behind them. They both turn to see a dresser slide across the floor until it is blocking the door. Blake clenches her jaw and raises her shotgun. "Too late."

      As Blake looks around the room, Clint looks at her like she's crazy. "Blake, what the hell is going on?" Venom jerks Blake's head to the left and her eyes widen at seeing glass vases floating in the air. "Look out!" She shoves Clint to the ground as the glass smashes where their heads once were. There is a clattering in the kitchen, then moments later plates and bowls and glasses come floating into the air. Clint watches in shock and horror.

      Blake growls. "Poltergeist." The glass starts being thrown at them. "Move!" Blake shoves Clint forward and they crawl across the floor and Blake uses her body as a shield for Clint. Several pieces of glass hit her back, but Venom instantly heals it. Clint opens a closet and they both scurry inside. Blake slams the door shut and pants slowly. Clint stares at the door and glances at Blake. "Blake, what the hell?" Blake rests her head on the back of the door and looks at Clint.

      "I'll explain later. Right now we need to get out of here." Clint nods. He can deal with waiting. The door rattles and Blake's eyes widen. With the help of Venom, they hold the door shut. Clint pulls himself to his feet and Blake looks up at him. "Here's the plan. We are going to run up the stairs. There's a window upstairs we can jump out of." Clint nods and Blake glances at the door. "I have a bag on the floor. We'll need it." Clint gives her another nod.

      Right before Blake stands a knife imbeds itself in the door right next to her head. They both stare at it with their eyes wide. Clint yanks Blake away from the door as more knives cut through the door. They both stare at the door, not even realizing how close they are.

      "Too close." Venom tells Blake as he pushes her away from Clint. Blake clears her throat then looks at Clint. "On three." Clint nods and gets ready to run. "One," Blake grabs the door knob. "Two," She glances at Clint. "Three!" She pulls the door open.





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