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      Clint and Blake burst out the door. Unknown objects are thrown at them as they run. Blake trips over a chest and slams her head on the floor. She growls as Venom starts to emerge, but she pushes him back down. Clint looks back at her, but Blake waves at the stairs. "Go! I'll be fine." Clint hesitates, but runs up the stairs. Blake ducks as a table is thrown at her. She pulls herself to her feet. Venom attaches a tendril to the bag and pulls it to Blake. She bolts up the stairs and finds Clint trying to pry the window out.

      "It won't budge!" Heavy footsteps sound behind them. Blake growls. "It will for me." She shoves the bag at Clint and runs at the window. She hits it with an extreme force, busting it out and sending her tumbling down the roof. She grabs the gutter just in time. Clint looks out at her and nods. He starts crawling out of the window, and the gutter starts to break off. Blake lets go before it breaks on her and lands on the ground. She growls in pain as her legs break.

      "Blake!" Blake slowly stands and looks up at Clint, her legs now healed. "I'm okay!" Clint nods and throws the bag down. He jumps off the room, and lands into a roll. Blake runs over to him and helps him stand. They both stare up at the house in shock. Clint looks at Blake. "Can I get that explanation now?" Blake grits her teeth and grabs her bag. "C'mon. I know a place where we can talk."

      Clint looks around Blake's bunker in amazement. He whistles as he looks at the various weapons. Blake sighs and sets her shotgun down and Clint looks at her. "So what was that thing?" Blake leans against the table and lays her hand on her shotgun. "A poltergeist." She states dryly. Clint raises an eyebrow. "What, like Tobe Hooper?" Blake shakes her head. "No, like a real, killing spirit." Blake creases her brows. "And a powerful one at that."

      Clint shakes his head. "So ghosts are real?" Blake nods. "More than that though." Clint's eyes widened. "What else is real?" Blake turns around and starts looking for her journal. "Everything. You name it, I've hunted it." Clint creases his brows. "Werewolves? Vampires?" His eyebrows shoot up. "Demons?" Blake nods. "Don't go think Twilight or Teen Wolf though." Blake tilts her head. "Demons are actually represented rather well."

      Clint nods slowly and eyes the several boxes around him. "And you... hunt them?" Blake nods and turns around, this time with a book in her hand. "It's the family business." Blake hands Clint the journal. He eyes it, wanting answers before he has to read. "Your dad taught you?" blake clenches her jaw. "Yes. Me and my younger brothers." She looks away. "It's also what got him killed."

      Clint opens his mouth to ask, but stops himself. He just died. He doesn't want to bring it up more than he has to. He lifts up the journal. "What's this?" Blake nods at her journal. "Everything supernatural I've hunted and how to kill them." Clint opens the book and flips through the pages. "Wendigo, Black Dog, Shifter..." And the list goes on. Blake taps the book. "Page 67." Clint flips the pages until he reaches page 67. On it is information about poltergeists.

      He raises an eyebrow. "Salt and Burn? What does that mean?" Blake leans against the table again. "He asks too many questions." She ignores Venom. "It means you salt and burn the body of the spirit." Clint gives her a shocked look. "Isn't that a little barbaric?" Blake shrugs. "I wouldn't ask me to be the judge of barbaric and evil." She is playing host to something that is both, and she doesn't really care.

      Clint nods. "So, you just have to find the body and burn it?" Blake nods. "Usually yes, but," She grabs a file off her desk and hands it to Clint. "Read this." Clint takes the file and begins reading. An obituary for a Gary Lesher. He was cremated. He looks at Blake. "So what do you do?" Blake crosses her arms. "There has to be something tied to that house." Blake purses her lips. "I would usually go for a cleansing, but that spirit is powerful. It would weaken it, but getting the pouches into the walls would take time. Time we don't have."

      Nodding, Clint looks at the book again and reads an interesting side note. "It says here a spirit's tie could be an object or person." Blake nods. "There is someone in the house. It's how I found out about it, but the spirit is angry at them. They can't be the tie. It has to be an object." Clint nods. He looks at the file again and raises an eyebrow. "He was killed by an antique dagger?" Blake nods and smirks. "Well Barton. You just find out about the supernatural and you're practically a full on hunter."

      Clint smirks and shrugs. "I strive to impress." Blake laughs and takes the file and journal back. "I think the dagger is in the house. I'm going to head back tonight." Blake reloads her shotgun and glances at Clint. "What do you say Barton? You up for a little fun?" Clint smirks and nods. "Hell yeah." Blake nods and walks over to a cupboard. "You usually work with bows, right?" Clint nods and Blake reaches into the cupboard and pulls out a crossbow. "You think this will work for you?"

      Clint nods and takes the crossbow and Blake hands him a case of arrows. He observes the strange arrow tips and pokes them slightly. "Iron." Blake tells him. Clint looks at her and Blake points at another case of arrows on the wall. "And those are silver." Clint nods slowly. "What does silver kill?" Blake glances at the silver arrows. "Alot." She grabs her shotgun. "We'll have more time to chit chat later. Right now we've got a poltergeist to kill."




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