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      Blake couldn't believe this. She just told them that Peter had been taken and their first course of action was to interrogate her? Seriously? "Are you idiots?" She asks as they sit around her. Tony snorts. "If anyone is the idiot, it's you. You really expect us to believe you? How do we know you aren't lying?" Blake rubs her wrists to her forehead. "Fine, you really want proof?" Tony nods. Blake grinds her teeth. "Spiderman is Peter Parker." Tony reels back. "How...?" Blake crosses her arms and Clint looks at her with curious eyes.

      "I've known since he crashed through my apartment window, an inch from death." Clint's eyes widened. "He was the pigeon?" Blake fights off a smile and nods. Tony runs a hand down his face. "How was he taken?" Blake sighs, finally being believed in. "Two days ago someone broke into his apartment and shot him." Tony's eyes bulge. "I ran the guy out and May helped me stitch the kid up, but they didn't stop." She sighs, composing herself.

      "They cornered him, demanding information-" Tony's gaze meets Blake's. "Information on what?" Blake grits her teeth and sighs. "I lied before." Clint shakes his head and Tony glares at her. "About?" He demands. Blake gives Tony an equally dirty glare. "Venom." Steve looks at Blake. "That thing with the rocket." Blake nods, her heart beating rapidly in her chest. "I know a lot more about it, in fact..." She trails off and looks around the room. "I know him personally."

      Tony stands from his seat. "You know that monster?" Blake nods and raises an eyebrow at the billionaire. "I do. More than personally actually." Blake inclines her head. "I am Venom." Clint gasps quietly and looks at Blake. "What?" Blake looks at him. "It's a long story, but Venom is an alien." Clint shakes his head. "I'm confused. You say you are Venom, then talk about it as though you aren't?" Blake nods. "Venom cannot survive our planet without a host."

      Steve raises an eyebrow. "And that's you?" Blake nods and Tony scoffs. "You have a murderous parasite?" Blake nods and points at him. "Yes but don't call him that. He'll bite your head off." Clint gestures to Blake. "Is he..." He struggles with his words and Blake raises an eyebrow. "In me now?" He nods. Blake shakes her head and looks at Tony. "No. It's what they wanted Peter for. To play as his host." Tony shakes his head in confusion. "Why the hell would they want that?"

      Blake looks down. "Venom's species's one goal is to take over our planet." The room falls silent and Blake nods. "He changed and we went against Riot, preventing him from bringing other symbiotes to Earth." Natasha looks up in realization. "That's why you took out that rocket." Blake nods and looks at Tony. "They think they can control Venom, and if they figure out a way, well..." Blake shrugs. "We're screwed."

      Tony flops into his seat. "The host thing... how does it work?" Blake crosses her arms and leans against the wall. "Symbiosis is achieved when the host and symbiote are comparable. Like an organ transfer." Blake glances at Clint. "It works through genetics, and the symbiote can control its host completely." Clint raises an eyebrow. "Is that what he does to you? Control you?" Blake shakes her head. "Me and Venom work together. We keep each other alive."

      Steve cringes. "And the whole eating people thing?" Blake shrugs. "Venom's got to eat somehow." Everyone cringes and Blake shrugs again. "I got used to it." She frowns. "Sort of." Tony shakes his head. "Why do they think Peter will be a suitable host? Is it his powers or...?" Blake doesn't answer immediately. She knows exactly why. Peter is her son, therefore the perfect host for Venom. "Yeah, something like that." Clint frowns. She's lying.

      Natasha stands. "Do you remember the facility where you were held?" Blake nods and everyone in the room follows. "Good. Lets go check it out." Blake nods and follows them out of the room, but Clint stops her. "You sure you're good to come? You were shot." Blake huffs and nods. "I've had far worse." Clint nods and follows her out of the room.

      The Avengers enter the base, only to find it barren. There was no sign that anyone had been here. "You sure you got the right place?" Blake walks down the same hallway as before and steps into the room she had been separated from Venom. On the floor is a spot of her blood. "Positive." She turns to them. "This is where they forced Venom out of me." A few of them cringe at her word choice. "How did they do that? Separate you I mean." Blake points at the several in-wall speakers.

      "Sound at four to six thousand hertz is lethal to us- him." Blake frowns, still not used to referring to herself as a single person. Clint glances at Blake's ears where a trail of dried blood sits. Steve looks around the room. "Do you have a way of tracking him?" He cringes, not sure how to phase anything he says to her. "Can you... sense him?" Blake can't help but smirk at how uncomfortable she makes them. "No, but..." Blake smirks. "I think I might know a guy."

      Blake strides into the underground bar, Avengers trailing behind her. The security don't even bother trying to stop her. Not after last time. Blake slams Boyce's office door wide open and stomps right up to him. When he sees her, he drops his phone and tries to run away. "Don't eat me!" Blake swings her arm at him, knocking him to the ground. "WHERE IS HE?!" She demands, shocking the Avengers with her loud voice. Blake usually seems so calm and collected... Now she was unpredictable and scary.

      "I don't know what you're talking about." Boyce sneers as he touches his face. He pulls himself to his feet and laughs. "You can't seriously think I'll tell you anything." He scowls at her. "Not when your little freak is gone. You can't hurt me." Blake purses her lips and nods, glances back at the Avengers. In the blink of an eye, Blake whips out her gun and shoots Boyce in the leg. Clint's eyes widen and laughs a bit. Blake points her gun at Boyce's face. "You want to say that again, or are you going to talk?" Boyce doesn't answer and Blake raises her eyebrow. She shoots him in the foot, effectively blasting his toes off.

      "Talk." She says in a terrifyingly low voice. Boyce pants in pain. "Okay! They took him to a facility upstate! Security surrounding the entire place! You'll never get in!" Blake raises an eyebrow. "Wanna bet?" She looks at the Avengers and they nod. They all leave the room. Boyce winces in pain. "I really need to get better security."





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