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      "You seem determined." Clint comments as he steps into Blake's bunker. Determined was an understatement. This was her son they were talking about. If there is one thing Blake fights for the most, it's family. No matter the cost. Blake grabs a shotgun and cocks it, dropping it in her duffle bag. "Where are the others?" Clint stands up straight. "Outside. I told them to wait." Blake nods in thanks.

      Blake continues to loud her duffle bag and Clint raises an eyebrow at a rocket launcher. Where the hell had she gotten that? "I have to ask." Blake glances at him. "Peter. Who is he to you." Blake pauses momentarily, but Clint sees the hesitation. "I got him into this situation, and I intend on getting him out of it." Blake zips her bag closed and walks past Clint, but he catches her arm. "There's more to it than that. I can tell."

       Blake doesn't answer, but footsteps catch her attention. "No, that's a great question." Tony Stark strides into Blake's bunker and whistles. "Damn. Are you planning for the apocalypse?" Blake jerks out of Clint's grip. "You have no idea." Clint looks at her as if to silently ask if the apocalypse was really happening. Blake shakes her head and Clint sighs in relief. "So what does the kid mean to you?" Blake grits her teeth.

      "It's none of your business." Blake turns her back to them, intent on going back upstairs. "Actually, yeah it is. Peter-" Blake whips around, face red with anger. Clint takes a step back in shock. Angry Blake is scary. "You don't own him Stark! You never have!" Tony opens his mouth to speak, but Blake doesn't let him. "Not even when you shipped him off to Germany to fight in your petty war." Blake marches up to Tony.

      "And then taking his suit away? To what? Prove a point?" Tony stares at her, silent and unmoving. "How stupid are you?" Blake shakes her head. "Do you know what happened to him? Do you know what he went though, because of you?!" Tony blinks. What is she talking about? Blake scoffs, and backs away. "No, of course you don't. You're too wrapped up in your little bubble of selfishness!" Blake takes a few heavy breaths. "Now you can sit on you ass all you want, but I'm going to save the kid."

      Blake turns to leave. "With or without you." Clint and Tony share a look, then the archer takes off after Blake. "Blake!" He runs to her side as she stomps out of the bunker. "What the hell was that?" Clint asks, gobsmacked. Blake doesn't answer as she walks over to the rest of the Avengers. Tony walks out of the bunker looking like he had just seen a ghost. Or an extremely overprotective mother with enough skill to take out said Avenger.

      "We need to get going. The longer we wait, the more at risk Peter is." Steve creases his brows. "I thought you said they just wanted to control him?" Blake nods and sends an angry glare at Tony. "They do, but symbiosis doesn't always work. Before me and Venom, none of the test subjects stayed alive." Clint looks horrified. "The symbiote kills them?" Blake shakes her head. "No, both the host and symbiote die." Tony's face becomes considerably more pale, if that was even possible. "Peter."

      Blake nods. "Venom will try his best to keep him safe, but you never know with this kind of thing." Steve nods. "What's the plan?" Blake looks around at all the Avengers around her, all looking to her for guidance. Blake sighs and nods. "Get in, get me to Venom, then," She smirks grimley. "Leave the rest to us."

      It didn't take long for Tony to find the facility. Boyce had said they had a lot of security, and Tony knew the facility would most likely have to be spacious. Somewhere with an underground floor plan so no head-eating symbiotes escape. And it was upstate, so a few minutes of searching and- Boom. He found it.

      Steve, Natasha, Clint and Blake spoke about strategy, which Blake was surprisingly good at. You have to be when you are a hunter with little brothers to protect. They would need a distraction, and a group to go in through stealth to get to Peter. Blake knew she would have to take as the distraction, being the former host of Venom. She would have to play the angry bitch that wanted her symbiote back, which, honestly, wasn't going to be hard. Blake was an angry mega bitch who wanted not only her symbiote, but son, back.

      The downside was that she would have to go in alone. If anyone of the Avengers were to be sighted, then the plan would turn to shit. Steve even suggested they call in Scott Lang to help, but he was all the way in San Francisco and they didn't have that kind of time. Clint would have been stuck with taking out the guards with Tony, but there was no height advantage for him to use. So Tony and Natasha took the outside. Steve, Clint and Bucky would take the inside of the building.

      Blake told them to either get Venom out of his containment cell, or if he was already bonded with Peter, to duck and try to keep their heads. If Blake knew anything about Venom it's that he was going to be pissed. "Blake, are you sure about this? You could be killed." Blake shrugs and loads her handgun. "Wouldn't be the first time." She looks at Clint. "I once broke every bone in my body. It can't get much worse than that." Clint stares at her horrified and Blake chuckles.

      "I'll be fine, just," She looks at him with pleading eyes of worry. "Get my- The kid." Blake runs out of the tree line with Clint staring after her. That look in her eyes. That was the look of a concerned mother. "Could Peter be...?" Clint's verbal thought is cut off by gunfire. Steve and Bucky stand. "That's our cue." Clint follows them out.





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