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      Peter's eyes snap open. He gasps and looks around, but finds that half of his vision is cut off and the feeling of a liquid on his eye makes him groan. "Wha- Who's there?" Peter cranes his neck to the rest of the room. He's alone. "That's weird. I swear I heard..." The door to the room snaps open and a woman walks in. "Who are you?" Peter yanks at her restraints. "Let me out of here!" The woman hums as she circles Peter, observing her like he's a new piece of art work on a wall.

      "All in due time." She places a finger under Peter's chin, lifting his face up into the light. "And the symbiote has already repaired your injuries. Incredible." Peter opens his mouth and snaps at the woman's finger. She jerks it back and laughs. "And it's got quite the tempter too." Peter's eyes widened. He did try to bite her finger. What the hell made him? Something forces Peter to pull at the restraints with a strength he's never utilized.

      The woman chuckles. "Vibranium. Quite the metal, hm?" Peter looks at the woman in fear and feels something glaze over his eyes. He blinks the feeling away and tears begin to form in the corners of his eyes. The door opens again and the woman faces a nurse. "Prep him for the operation. Make absolutely sure it is restrained." The nurse nods and walks over to a table. The woman begins to walk out of the room. "Hey wait! Let me out of here! I didn't do anything! Please." The doors close and Peter deflates.

      "Peter." Peter nearly jumps out of his skin. Why hadn't his spidey senses wanted him about the voice? "Huh? Who said that?" Peter looks around the room, trying to find the source. "I did." Peter grunts as his head pounds. "Who are you?" Peter shakes his head. "You know who I am Peter." Peter pants for a bit, then his eyes widen in realization. "Venom." Peter blinks hard and sees a flicker of Venom's face. "How- Why- What is going on?"

      Peter's enhanced ears pick up on gunshots. "What's happening?" The gunshots become louder and the nurse steps out of the room to investigate. "Why are you in me?" Peter cringes at his own question. "I am not in you. I am you." Peter shutters. "Can you... get out?" The gunshots become closer. "Not until we are safe." Peter flinches at the loud gunshots. He tugs at the vibranium. "How do we get out?" The door opens again, but this time Peter nearly faints at who he sees. Captain America, Hawkeye, and Bucky Barnes.

      "Them." The three of them rush to Peter's side. "You okay kid?" Steve asks as they undo his restraints. "Yeah, I just-" Several armed men enter the room. The four of them get into fighting stances, but several tendrils shoot out of Peter, each of them knocking out the men. Peter looks at his idols, eyes wide. "I think I'm going to be the next star on 'Monsters Inside Me'." They all are equally shocked. Clint grabs Peter's shoulder and hides a smirk. "C'mon, we have to get you and Venom to Blake."

      Peter pauses. "You know?" They nod, and Clint pats Peter's shoulder. "Blake told us so we can save you." Peter's eyes begin to sting. Gunshots catch their attention. "We should go before Blake kills too many people." They start running through the facility, but as they round a corner, they are greeted with a wall of armed men. "How many of these guys are there?" Peter feels a chill run down his spine and the three Avengers slowly start backing away from him. "What are you doing?" Peter tries to ask, but his mouth doesn't move.

      "Hiding from me." Peter looks forward and watches as he- no, Venom attacks the men, eating some of them whole, and ignores the several bullets they are hit with. "Oh that's disgusting!" Peter gags in his head as Venom eats the last man. "Tastes delicious to me." Venom shrinks back down into Peter and the scrawny boy looks at the Avengers as they step back out.

      Blake growls as she swings her machete through an agent's throat. She had already gone through all of her gun ammo. Blake's phone begins ringing so she answers, dodging a bullet. "Hello?" She slices the gunman's head off. "Blake, hey, it's Dean. You wouldn't happen to know anything about hellhounds would you?" Blake swears as a bullet hits her shoulder. "I'm kind of busy right now!" She kicks the gunman in the face, then rounds a corridor.

      "Is that gunfire?" Blake groans in pain. "No it's popcorn! Yes, it's gunfire idiot!" Blakes peaks behind a corner, but her head is nearly blown off by a bullet. She leans against the wall, panting in pain. She really misses Venom. "Should I call later-?" The gunfire starts again. "Yes!" Blake slams her phone closed and tosses it aside. "Blake!" Blake looks up and sees Peter running toward her. "No!" She stretches her arm out to stop him and with it being exposed, a bullet hits her wrist. "Shit!"

      She looks at Peter and softens at seeing his worried gaze. "Is Venom with you?" Peter nods and Blake frowns. "I'm coming to you." Blake pulls herself to her feet, ignoring the pain, and tosses her machete aside. She shakes her hands and glances around the corner. "Here goes nothing." Blake takes off across the line of fire, several bullets hitting her in various places.

      "Blake!" Clint runs to her side as she falls on their side of the corridor. "Ah damn that hurt." They all stare in fear an unsettling amount blood pours out from her. She reaches up her hand weakly. "Peter take my hand." Peter does so, completely misunderstanding the situation for her last moments. "Blake..." He chokes out. Blake gasps as a black veiny mass crawls from Peter to Blake. They watch in amazement as tendrils spit out bullets from her body, then stitches the holes shut.

      Blake pulls herself to her feet and flexes her first. "Oh shush you big babies." She looks at them and smirks. "I was just taking Venom back." Blake turns around. "It's good to have you back jackass." Venom hums in her mind. "Your son is an annoying ball of panic." Blake snorts and turns back to the others. "Get Peter out of here." Blake turns around. "Me and Venom have some unfinished business."

      The three Avengers nod, and pull Peter away. They all glance back to see Venom emerge. Blake notices the new symbol on their chest. "What's with the new look?" Venom rolls his shoulders. "I thought a little representation was in order." Blake laughs and looks at the Spiderman symbol again. "I like it." Venom looks up. "Now lets kick some ass."




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