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      Blake is being maybe, just slightly, overprotective of Peter. After her brothers left she spent the night out on the fire escape outside Peter's window. She made him stay in the apartment, not allowing him to go out as Spiderman. He kept trying to go, but when Venom made an appearance he backed down.

      Had he mentioned how terrifying he is?

      Of course, he wasn't as scary as Blake was. Don't mess with a mama bear.

      She even gave him a ride to school. Peter was the talk of the school when everyone saw him get off Blake's motorcycle. She made him take a helmet with him, promising to pick him up too. Blake swore that if he snuck off, that Venom wouldn't even have to come out to find him because she would hunt him down.

      The darkness in her voice was terrifying.

      Now, Blake walks into the common floor of the Avengers Tower, heading straight for the bar. Clint walks over to her and notices the look of deep concentration on her face. "What's up?" She pours a glass of whiskey and takes a sip.

      With a shrug she sits in the seat next to Clint. "Oh, just thinking about how my brothers told me I am going to die." Clint raises an eyebrow. "They threatened you?" He questions protectively. Blake raises an eyebrow at his tone, causing the archer to blush. "No,"

      She takes another sip. "Apparently my brother Sam gets visions." Blake makes a face at that fact. "He saw me die." Clint blinks in surprise. "You don't seem too worried." Blake shakes her head. "I'm not, but if I am going to die, then it'll be for a good reason." Clint's mind instantly goes to Peter. He knows that he would die for him.

     "Did they say how?" Blake shakes her head. "No, but Sam says his visions haven't been wrong before." Clint nods then grabs the whiskey from over the counter and pours himself a glass. "How does he have these visions?" Blake swirls her glass, wishing she could get drunk.

      "They don't know. They think it has to do with a demon that killed our mom." Clint blinks in surprise. "Really?" Blake nods. "The bastard seems to love tormenting my family."

      The elevator doors slide open and Steve, Natasha, and Tony walk in. A chill runs down Blake's spine as she turns around to look at them. They are suited up, minus Tony. "They just got back from a mission. Must've got south from the looks on their faces." Blake narrows her eyes at Steve as he avoids her eyes.

      "You thinking what I'm thinking?" Blake nods to herself and sets her glass down. She doesn't have anything with her, so she'll have to make due. "Clint." She says quietly. The archer looks at her. "I need you to trust me." Clint gives her a look and gapes his mouth.

      "Don't ask any questions. Just distract Steve." Clint blinks at Blake as she walks out of the room and to the elevator. He looks at Steve and shrugs, walking over to him. "So how'd the mission go?"

      Blake frantically looks around Stark's lab for any sort of thick writing utensil. Venom flings a tendril out, then whips it back, placing a jumbo white board marker in her hand. She smiles and nods to herself. She looks up at the ceiling and frowns. It's too high up to reach.

      To her left she finds a blue tarp and smiles. She gets down on her knees and begins drawing symbols. "They are coming. Stark heard you are in his lab." Blake growls to herself and quickens her writing. "So much for your distraction." Blake ignores Venom's subtle insult at Clint and finishes the final tough. She pulls the tarp over her work and steps away right as the four Avengers enter the lab.

      "FRIDAY told me you were in here. Care to explain?" Blake narrows her cold eyes at Tony. She still doesn't like him. "Nope." The step fully into the room, and Clint walks to stand next to her. Steve stands right on target.

      She smirks and crosses her arms, victorious. "So, Steve," The blonde before her frowns. "Meet anyone interesting on your mission?" Everyone looks at Blake as if she is crazy, but ignores them and steps closer to Steve. "Cause I think you did."

      Venom whips out two tendrils, pushing Natasha and Tony away from Steve. "What the hell?!" Blake steps closer to him and scowls. "I know you are in there you bastard." Steve stares at her for a moment, then smiles deviously.

      "I'm surprised. Your brothers don't catch on as quick as you." Steve attempts to take a step forward, but is stopped by an unseen force. He looks down and sees a bit of the writing poking out from under the tarp. He bends down and lifts the tarp away.

      Everyone stares at the demon trap on the floor. When Steve looks back up his eyes are a milky yellow. "Little Blakely. It's been too long." Blake seethes with anger and she punches Steve across the face. "Not long enough." The three Avengers step in, holder her back as she yells at Steve.

      "Let go of me!" Venom shoves them off of her, but they only grab her again. "Blake, what are you doing?!" Blake shoves them off of her again and points at Steve. "That isn't Steve." She looks at Clint, and then Steve. "It's a demon."

      Tony blinks at her. "Sorry, but Cap is far from a demon." Blake ignores him and looks at Steve. Everyone sees his eyes now. "Clint, I told you about the demon that killed my parents." She gestures to Steve. "Meet Azazel." Steve smiles widely, his yellow eyes shining brightly.

      "Are you sure?" Clint questions quietly. Blake nods and pulls a small vial out of her pocket, the smile on Steve's face fades away. "What's that?" Blake looks at him and raises an eyebrow. "I think you know." She unscrews the cap and flings some of its contents at Steve. He howls in pain as smoke rises off the skin that was hit by the holy water.

      Blake hands it to Clint. "Holy water. Lethan to demons." Blake turns to Natasha and Tony who are staring at Steve wide eyed. "We can talk about this and debate, or I can get that thing," Blake hisses as she looks at Steve. "Outta Steve, but I have to do it now. So are you going to let me do my job?"

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