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      They of course said yes. Though they had no idea what was going on. The three non possessed Avengers stand back as Blake stands off to the side, phone to her ear. "So demons are real?" Tony questions Clint. The archer nods. "Yeah. I was shocked too." Natasha looks at Clint with an eyebrow raised. "You knew?"

      He nods and glances at Steve whose yellow eyes bore into him. "Yeah, uh," He looks away from Steve, freaked out. "I kinda followed her while she was hunting a poltergeist." He looks at them with a sheepish smile. "It happened right before you picked me up from her apartment." Tony blinks. "Poltergeist?"

      Blake grumbles to herself and hangs up her phone. She looks at the Avengers and stuffs her phone away. "They're real." She confirms. Tony narrows his eyes at her. "What else is out there?" Blake smirks at him. "Do you really wanna know?" Tony gapes, then blinks in shock. "I... Don't know."

      Blake nods and looks at Steve. "Junior Winchester's not answering?" Blake narrows her eyes at the demon. He's implying he did something to them. She is choosing not to believe his mind tricks. She isn't that stupid.

      "How is daddy Winchester?" The demon's eyes widen, and he puts on a pout. "Oh wait." Blake's lips curls, and Venom begins raising her hand to punch him, but she stops him. "No," She glances at Steve. "Steve is still in there. We are doing this the long way."

      Blake walks over to the Avengers and Clint stands next to her and she places the vial of holy water on the table. Not nearly enough to be very effective. "The long way? How do you usually deal with demons?" Blake glances at Steve and shrugs. "We eat them."

      Tony steps toward her. "You are not doing that." Blake rolls her eyes at him. "I know. I am going to exercise him." Natasha gives Blake a look. "Like in the Exorcist?" Blake shakes her head. "Not a priest. There is an incantation in Latin. I have it memorized." She says as she taps her head.

      Blake turns to Steve and frowns. "Usually we tie them up so they can't use their juju as much, but we'll have to make due." Blake sighs and turns to the Avengers. "You guys won't want to be here for this. It's going to get pretty violent." Blake looks around and thinks about how much damage is going to come to Tony's lab.

      "We aren't going anywhere." Blake looks at the three of them and shrugs. "Fine. When you get impaled don't look at me." Clint cringes and rubs where he had been injured during the poltergeist hunt. He is tempted to leave the room, but this is Steve. His friend. He isn't leaving.

      Blake grabs the vial of holy water and steps up to Steve. "Exorcizamus te, omnis immundus spiritus, omnis satanica potestas," Steve begins to growl in anger. "Omnis incursio infernalis adversarii, omnis legio, omnis congregatio et secta diabolica." Clint, Natasha, and Tony look around as tables and chairs begin to rattle.

      "Ergo, omnis legio diabolica, adiuramus te...cessa decipere humanas creaturas," A piece of scrap metal flings around the room. Blake jumps in its path before it hits any of the Avengers behind her. Through the pain she carries on. "Eisque æternæ perditionìs venenum propinare...Vade, satana, inventor et magister omnis fallaciæ,"

      A deep horrid laugh escapes Steve's mouth. "We have plans for your brother, WInchester. He is mine." Blake ignores his words. "Hostis humanæ salutis...Humiliare sub potenti manu Dei;" Black smoke begins leaking from Steve's mouth.

      "And you," Steve coughs as he looks at Blake. "You will die and your soul will be mine to ruin." He coughs again and the Avengers duck as things fly around the room. "Contremisce et effuge, invocato a nobis sancto et terribili nomine...quem inferi tremunt."

      Blake meets Steve's eyes and her lip twitches with anger. "There's something coming. Something that will be the end of the great Blakely Winchester." Clint glances at Blake. "Ab insidiis diaboli, libera nos, Domine."

      The demon laughs. "Your boy will suffer. His life will be full of misery and hate, and then when he is at his lowest, I will-" Blake's voice rises over Steve's. "Ut Ecclesiam tuam secura tibi facias libertate servire, te rogamus, audi nos!"

      Black smoke erupts from Steve's mouth and he falls to his knees. In the last second of it being in Steve, it smirks making Blake narrow her eyes. Blake huffs angrily as she watches it all sink through the floor. She looks down at it. "Don't you ever talk about him again." The smoke disappears and Steve falls to the floor.

      The Avengers rush forward, but before going to Steve's side they look at her. She gives them a nod of approval. The demon is gone. "Ugh, my head." Steve says as he returns to consciousness. "I feel like I'm hungover." Blake looks down at him and Steve seems to realize what happened.

      "That thing..." Blake nods. "It was a demon. It's gone now." Steve looks at her, then nods in thanks. Clint looks at Blake and sees the expression on her face. "Are you okay?" Blake nods, and pulls the piece of scrap metal out from her chest, and Venom heals the wound. She tried to not let his words get to her, but any threat towards her family she took seriously.

      Blake looks up and huffs. "He was here for a reason. Whatever it was, he got what he wanted." Blake grabs her phone and dials her brothers, awaiting a response, but again gets nothing. "Damn." She says quietly. Then she thinks of Peter. She needs to make sure he is okay.

      Blake walks around the Avengers. "Where are you going?" Clint asks. Blake looks at him, and instantly knows. He nods at her and she leaves. "Where's she going?" Natasha questions. Clint doesn't answer. "C'mon Cap. Lets go look up what to do post demon possession."

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