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      After helping Steve through his existential crisis about demons being real and questioning his faith Clint finally got a break. He wanted to talk to Blake, but after finding that her apartment was empty he began to worry, so he hacked her phone and found that it was at a bar.

      As he enters the almost empty bar he finds Blake on the far end of the room, the table in front of her littered with beer bottles. "Blake?" He asks as he approaches her. Blake glances at him and sips her beer. Clint notices the dark circles under her eyes. "Barton." She greets as she rests her head against the wall next to her.

     Clint sits across from her. "What happened to you?" Blake takes a long sip from her beer. "I told Peter." Clint creases his brows. "Told him what?" Blake gives him a long look. Clint takes a deep breath in realization. "How'd you know I knew?" Blake shrugs and calls for a glass of whiskey from the bar. "I could see it in your eyes." Blake answers easily.

      Clint nods and leans back in the seat. "How'd he take it?" Blake gives the archer a look. "How do you think?" She asks crudely. Clint winces. "Right, sorry." Blake shakes her head and takes the glass of whiskey from the bartender. "He ran off. I figured I should leave him alone for a bit." Clint smirks at Blake.

      "I bet that was hard for you." Blake raises an eyebrow at him and Clint shrugs. "You're a mama bear with a literal monster inside you. You really love the kid." Blake sets her glass down and stares at it. "Yeah, I do." Her eyes begin filling with tears and Clint frowns at her sudden change.

      "He is so much like my brothers when they were younger." Blake leans forward and hides her face in her hands. "Even then I couldn't keep them safe. I swore I wouldn't let Peter get into the family business, but him being Spider-Man is just so much worse." Blake pulls her hands away from her face.

      "Did you know Peter crashed into my apartment? He was this close to taking a dirt nap." Clint blinks in surprise and Blake nods. "If he hadn't been my son Venom wouldn't have been able to heal him."

      Blake runs a hand through her hair and chews on her bottom lip. Clint thinks about how Blake knew Venom was a match for Peter. It must have been why she wasn't worried about the bonding process hurting him. He'd already done it.

      "And I want him to be happy. Being Spider-Man makes him happy, but it scares me. I could have just as easily lost him and every passing second his life is on the line." Clint searches Blake's face and begins to smile. "I don't want to ruin that for him, but I wanted him to have a normal, happy life. One that I never got to have."

      Blake flops back in her chair. "But of course, he's a Winchester. There is no passing possibility of that happening." Clint hums then leans forward in his seat. "Well, some people aren't meant to have normal lives." Blake looks at Clint. "Think about it, if you and your brothers weren't hunters how many people would have died?"

      He points to himself. "Or the Avengers. Loki would have taken over and-" Clint pauses. "Well, if Loki would have taken over then Stark wouldn't have made Ultron and that wouldn't have happened, so one bad outweighs a good." Blake can't help but chuckle and Clint smiles, happy his attempt to make her smile worked.

      "And Peter. The kids pretty freakin' cool." Blake smiles fondly at Clint and he smiles widely. "I mean, have you seen the way he works in the streets?" He mimics Peter shooting webs, even adding in sound effects. Clint shrugs and looks at Blake. "He obviously takes after you." Blake smiles.

      "The kickass Blakley Winchester. Triples as a hunter, badass, and-" Clint dramatically pauses. "A mother." Clint smiles smugly and leans back in his seat. "I mean, I'd want to be raised by you. Your brothers got it good. So did Peter." Blake laughs and makes a face at Clint. "Oh yeah? Well, if I raised you I'd say it's way past your bedtime Clinton."

      Clint gasps as though a stake had been driven through his heart. "You did not just use my full name." Blake crosses her arms with a smug smile. "I did." Clint laughs with her. Their laughs die out and Blake smiles at Clint. "Thank you." She tells him earnestly. "I needed that."

      Clint shrugs. "Eh, it's my soul purpose. Keeping people together." Blake makes an amused face and Clint nods vigorously. "It's true! I leave the team for 5 minutes and all hell break loose!" Blake laughs then Clint gravely frowns. "Oh god, who knows what they've gotten themselves into now."

      Blake laughs and sits up. "Let's go find out shall we?" She reaches for his hand to take. Clint stares at her hand for a moment then smiles widely, gripping her hand and walking out of the bar together.

      Blake and Clint finally reach the common floor of the tower. Their hands are still intertwined as they look at the chaos in front of them. Venom knew damn well that Clint and Blake were holding hands. He hated it, but didn't say a word. The archer managed to make Blake feel better, something that he couldn't do.

      Making Blake laugh like that is never an easy feat, but he managed to do it just fine.

      The Avengers were currently on either side of the room throwing insults at each other, a movie remains paused on the TV. On one end is Steve, Natasha, Sam, and Vision. On the other end is Tony, Wanda, Bucky, and Thor. Blake blinks in pure disbelief. "Are they fighting over Twilight?" She asks looking at Clint.

      He nods and looks down in shame. Blake snorts. "The vampires are clearly better!" Tony shouts at the other team. Bucky nods in agreement. "They are monsters but chose to be human. To be good. That's nothing compared to a bunch of wet, stinky dogs."

      Sam scoffs. "Excuse you, but at least they don't have the emotional range of a teaspoon!" Blake raises an eyebrow at Sam's Harry Potter reference. "They can actually feel emotion, unlike your freaks of nature." Steve nods in agreement. Vision speaks up. "And they are peaceful sentients. Shouldn't that count for something?"

      And the room explodes again. Blake cringes at how much die hard fans they are. CLint shakes his head. "Every time..." He muttered under his breath as he walks to the center of the room. "Shut up!" He shouts. The room falls silent. Tony crosses his arms and shoots a dirty glare at Steve. "He started it." Cap opens his mouth to argue but Clint puts up his finger to stop him.

      "Enough! Jesus, if I wanted to watch pointless fighting, I would turn on 'Keeping up with the Kardashians'!" Blake laughs. "Don't laugh at him! It's a good show. I live for Kim and Kourtney's fights." Blake makes a face at Venom's worlds. "Since when do you watch the show?"

      "I always have."

      "We are literally the same person. How is it possible for you to watch it and not me?"

      "You don't know what I do while you're sleeping."

      "You seriously watch 'Keeping up with the Kardashians' while I'm sleeping?"

       "And Gossip Girl."

      Blake shakes her head. "I don't even want to know..." She turns her attention back to the Avengers. Clint looks around then spots Natasha filing her nails on team Jacob. "Nat, what are you doing on the werewolf side?" Natasha shrugs. "Werewolves are hot." Blake laughs loudly and they all turn to her.

      She shakes her head. "No, no, don't stop. This is entertaining." But they don't continue. "You ruined it." Blake snorts. "No I didn't." Steve walks up to her quickly. "Blake, I wanted to ask, what else is out there?" Blake cringes at his question. "Yeah, I'm not answering that. I think demon possession is enough supernatural knowledge for a lifetime."






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