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      Clint silently stalks onto the rooftop of the MetLife Building. Onto his back is his quiver and his bow in his hands. "Where-" His eyes scan the root top until he sees a flash of red and blue. He smiles and walks over to it, finding Spider-Man sitting on the edge of the building, his head hung low and knees hugged to his chests.

      "She's been lookin for you, y'know." Spider-Man jumps and looks at Clint. The archer smiles awkwardly and Spider-Man looks away. "What are you doing here?" Clint groans in effort as he sits down next to Peter. "Exhausting my remaining years apparently. The elevator was broken. I had to take the stairs."

      With Spider-Man mask on Clint can't tell if he got him to smile. He lets out a breath and looks out at the city before them. "You're a hard guy to find, you know that?" Spider-Man doesn't answer and Clint decides to take a different approach to get him to talk.

      "Pretty far up, don't you think? You use those-" Clint points at his wrists. "Wrist thingies?" Spider-Man glances at Clint then nods. "Web-Shooters." He answers quietly. Clint smiles is victory. He got him to talk. Good, he's finally getting somewhere.

      "Stark make 'em for you?" Spider-Man shakes his head. "No, I did." Clint nods and swings his legs over the edge of the building. "Impressive." Clint glances at Spider-Man. "I know she thinks you're pretty amazing." He says referring to Blake. Spider-Man turns his head away. "Did she send you?"

      Clint shakes his head. "Nope. I'm pretty sure she's meal hunting with Venom right now." Clint chuckles a bit and looks up at the sky as the sun begins to set. "It's still so weird to think about. It's never just her there. He's always listening." Spider-Man nods a bit. Clint leans back on the palms of his hands.

      "You know, she cares about you a lot." The eyes on Spider-Man's suit narrow. "I could tell even before we knew. I'm sure she would walk through hell for you." Spider-Man falls silent and Clint does the same. He can feel he's itching to speak, so he'll wait until he's ready to do so.

      "I just-" Spider-Man sighed exasperatedly. "I keep losing everyone. My parents, Ben- I just don't want to lose her. I'm cursed. Everyone I love dies." Clint blinks in shock. He hides it quickly, then leans forward, bringing his legs up to his criss-crossed. "You aren't cursed Peter." Spider-Man looks away.

      Clint sighs. "She has been by your side since you were nine, do you really think that knowing knowing Blake is your mother now is going to suddenly put a death warrant on her head?" Spider-Man looks down, and Clint can tell he's thinking hard. "Besides, she's got Venom. Whoever tries to hurt her will be greeted by his teeth, and-"

      Clint pauses and looks at Spider-Man. "She's got you. You are family Peter. You'll fight to protect each other. And let's not forget about her brothers, or the team, and all the other vigilante's whose identities Blake is keeping hidden." Clint shrugs and smiles. "She's got an army behind her kid."

      Spider-Man nods slowly, then shoots off a web, swinging away. Clint pulls himself to his feet and sighs as he watches Spider-Man swing out of sight. "Could have offered me a ride." Clint starts walking to the roof access. "'Hey Hawkeye! Thanks for the moral support! Want a ride down to the ground?'  Sure kid, I'd love that! And anytime!"

      Clint tsks. "But noooo! Now I gotta take the stairs. Kids these days, always swinging off in their superhero suits offering their idols no help..."

      Blake solemnly walks out of an alleyway. "Stop sulking. You are ruining my meal time." She shakes her head and sighs. "Why are you all pouty? He'll come around." Blake ignores Venom. "You should have just let me tell him. Then you wouldn't be feeling like your ego has been gut punched." Blake scoffs.

      "V, he ran off. I have no idea what he's thinking right now. He could very well be deciding he never wants to see me again, which is fine," Blake frowns. "I'm fine with that. I'll move on. I've heard good things about San Francisco." Venom snorts. "You are an amazing liar but when it comes to lying to yourself, you suck. Terribly."

      Blake huffs and continues to walk down the street. "If you're going to be like this, can we at least get chocolate?" Blake purses her lips. "Fine. But we aren't getting the white shit you like. It's a shame to the chocolate community." Blake starts walking toward a corner store. "Bullshit! It's the best! Just like Velveta is the best cheese!"

      Blake scoffs in disgust. "Are you kidding? It's literally melted plastic died yellow. That is the furthest thing from cheese!"

      "Right, and Kraft is any better."

      "It is!"


      "I wouldn't expect you to know. Your favorite snack is someone's pancreas."

      "The brain isn't too bad either. Could do with some hot sauce though."

      "I am done discussing your terrible voice in taste."

      "Good, cause we've got an incoming arachnid."

      "What-?" Blake turns around and something crashes into her. "I'm sorry." Someone whispers. Blake blinks for a moment then looks down. Peter in his Spider-Man suit has arms around her, shaking as he cries. "I'm sorry I ran. I'm not mad I just-"

      Blake's eyes fill with tears and she wraps her arms around Peter. "It's okay." The two of them embrace tightly. Blake has a wide smile on her face. "I love you Peter. I'm sorry it took me so long to tell you."

      Blake notices a few people staring and pulls away from Peter. Any rumors about this could put Peter in danger. "Go to the tower. Stark is worried about you. I'll meet you there." Peter nods then swings off. Blake starts walking down the street, then her phone goes off. Dean's name flashes across the screen and she presses the answer button.

      "Hello-" She doesn't even get to finish her greeting. "Sam's gone" Blake jerks her head back at the sudden outburst. "What?" She then realizes the concern in his voice. "He's gone. One minute he was getting me pie-" Blake smirks. "Then he's gone. We've got nothing on him. No demon activity, or anything remotely supernatural going on. Just nothing."

      Blake shakes her head. "Nothing?"

      "No." Blake chews on her bottom lip in worry. "I called everyone I know, and I may have a lead. I'm on my way there to meet them." Blake lets out a heavy breath adn runs a hand through her hair. "Do you need my help? Venom has been able to track people down before."

      "I don't know yet. I'll call you." Blake nods. "Find our brother Dean." She says with worry and strength. "I will." He hangs up and Blake freezes in her place. She hides her face in her hands. "One damn thing after the next..." With everything weighing around her, Blake is surprised she hasn't crumbled under the pressure.

      She just told Peter her biggest secret, the Avengers know about the supernatural, the Life Foundation is in space, possibly bringing more of Venom's fun pals to Earth, her brother is missing with no leads, and she is waiting out her own death.

      Things couldn't possibly get any worse.... Could they?







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