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      Maya watches as Annabeth pulls Percy into a deep kiss. She snorts. "About damn time!" Both of them pull apart and the pavilion fills with light and campers. Clarisse stands by Maya with a smirk and gives her a fist bump. A few campers lift Annabeth and Percy onto their shoulders. "Oh, come on!" Percy shouts. "Is there no privacy?"

      Maya laughs. "You kidding? There's no such thing at camp!" Annabeth glares at Maya. She knows that Maya set this up. "The lovebirds need to cool off!" Clarisse shouts with glee. "The canoe lake!" Conner shouts. Maya laughs as the crowd carries Percy and Annabeth down the hill. Maya follows behind, then the two of them are thrown into the water.

      The crowd waits for them to come up, but seconds turn to minutes. Maya sighs. "I think we forgot he's part fish." She glances at the water with a smile and the crowd disperses. Clarisse stays by Maya. "You going back home?" She asks as they walk away from the dock. May nods. "Yeah. I haven't heard from my dad and that can't mean anything good." Clarisse nods, then smiles and pounds Maya's back before running to the Ares cabin.

      Maya groans in pain as she rubs her back. "Jeez, she's strong." She mutters as she walks into the Athena cabin. Maya sits on her buck and opens her laptop. A notification appears in the corner of the screen and Maya smiles at the familiar codename.

I need a favor Pipsqueak

      Maya creases her brows at the link and clicks into it. It's a news report following the events in Leipzig, Germany where the Avengers were split between a fight over the Sokovian Accords. Several members of 'Team Cap' were apprehended and taken to an offshore location.

      Maya scoffs. "You have got to be kidding me." The one time she was busy. The one time, her father goes and screws up the Avengers. Maya shakes her head.

What do you need?

A location and distraction

I'm on it

      Maya sighs and runs a hand down her face. What she is about to do is illegal and could definitely end with her in a 12 by 6 box. Then again, it would only be an issue if she was caught.

      Maya smirks and gets to work. First she has to find the location of the Raft which shouldn't be too hard. The distraction is the harder part, but that won't stop her.

      Natasha Romanoff smiles at her computer screen and leans back in her chair. Steve Rogers walks up behind her, geared in his suit. "Can you trust them?" He asks as he looks at the screen. Natasha nods. "Oh yeah. Watcher is an old friend." Steve nods and a new folder shows up on Natasha's screen.

      It turns into a map and a pin drops in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. Natasha leans forward. "There it is." She begins typing.


Covered. You are good to go.

      Natasha smiles and stands up. "Let's go." She tells Cap as she walks away from the computer. Steve follows her.

      Secretary Ross sits in his office, when suddenly his computer screen turns on. He leans toward it and words appear on the screen. 'Captain America spotted in Siberia.' Ross gapes and picks up his phone as an image of Steve Rogers appears on the screen. Unbeknownst to him, it's a fake.

      "I've got a location. Send them in." He demands to someone through the phone. He pulls up the security feed from the Raft and sees several agents gear up and load into the jet. They take off and Ross sits back with a smirk. He knew Cap couldn't stay hidden for long.

      On the Raft, the few remaining staff members in the control room all become confused. An owl appears in their screens for a few seconds, then everything turns off. Including the lights. They hear the door open, then an alarm begins sounding.

      A red alarm flares and they catch a glimpse of a man. Captain America. In seconds they are all out cold.

      Tony Stark opens the package that was just delivered to him. A phone falls out and he stares at it for a moment, then takes out the letter within the box. He begins to read it.


      I'm glad you're back at the compound, I don't like the idea of you rattling around a mansion by yourself. We all need family. The Avengers are yours, maybe more so than mine. I've been on my own since I was 18. I never really fit in anywhere – even in the Army. My faith is in people, I guess. Individuals. And I'm happy to say for the most part, they haven't let me down. Which is why I can't let them down either. Locks can be replaced, but – maybe they shouldn't. I know I hurt you Tony. I guess I thought – by not telling you about your parents I was sparing you, but... I can see now I was really sparing myself. I'm sorry. Hopefully one day you can understand. I wish we agreed on the Accords, I really do. I know you were only doing what you believe in, and that's all any of us can do, it's all any of us should. So no matter what, I promise if you -- if you need us. If you need me, I'll be there.


      Tony scoffs and shakes his head. He picks up the phone, and can't help but smile. Steve is a good man. "I am receiving a call from Secretary Ross." Tony looks at the phone on his desk. "There's been a breach at the Raft prison." Tony glances at the letter. "Yeah, put him through." Tony presses the answer button.

      "Tony, we have a problem." Tony leans towards the phone. "Ah, please hold." Tony reaches to end the call. "No, don't-!" Tony ends the call. He looks out the window and narrows his eyes. Rogers couldn't have gotten into the prison alone. He'd need help.

      And he knows exactly who had to have done it.

      Maya squints her eyes as she looks up at the Avengers compound before her. They've done some remodeling. It's a lot more appealing. She's just glad she doesn't have to call a llama shaped tower her home anymore. Annabeth always agreed that it really was ugly.

      "Mayo." Tony greets his daughter as he walks up to her. Maya smiles and pulls Tony into a hug. "Hey." She greets back, then she pulls away from him and smacks his arm and glares at him. "Dumbass." May grumbles. She grabs her bag and walks away. Tony looks after her with an amused smile. He shakes his head and follows her.

      "I'm offline for three days." Maya starts as she shakes her head. "Three days and the Avengers go to shit!" Tony rolls his eyes. "We didn't go to shit. The accords-" Maya cuts him off. "Are flawed!"Maya shouts. She points at Tony. "Not to mention unconstitutional, cruel, discriminative-"

      Tony cuts her off. "Maya, I know, I made a mistake-" Maya scoffs. "Damn right you did." Tony sighs and grabs her arm, stopping her from walking. "I can't fix it without getting arrested myself. I need your help." Maya grinds her teeth as she searches Tony's eyes. "Besides, I know you already helped break them out of the Raft."

      Maya rolls her eyes, then sighs and looks at her father. "Okay." Tony nods and smirks at her. "I'm guessing you already have something planned?" Maya smirks. Tony chuckles as she starts walking again. Of course she does. Maya thinks everything through.

- author's notes -

I love Maya

here is her outfit

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