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      Maya sits on her bed after having unpacked. She opens her laptop and gets started on her plan. O.L.I.E. You know the Stark's are total simps for abbreviations. Maya's means Online connections, Legal, Investigate, Endgame. The first phase is the easiest and most of the work is already done.

      Online connections are so the word can spread. Petitions, discussions, anonymous eye witness accounts... The list goes on. Maya entered every Anti-Accords site she could find and even created a profile on every social media platform she could think of.

      The Watcher. The forefront of the superhero revolution. An anonymous hacker against the accords and an advocate for anyone affected by them. She made sure that nothing could be tied back to her. And it's not like they could. Maya only has falsified identification. Maya Stark technically doesn't exist. Only Maya Tanner.

      And, Maya Tanner has no home address, no known family to contact, and best of all, half of her DNA doesn't exist (Thank the gods for Godly DNA). It's perfect.

      Maya opens a chat on her computer with a smile.

The revolution has begun.

Proud of you Pipsqueak

Everyone make it out? Hidden?

Yes. I will keep you updated.

      Maya nods. Someone knocks at her door and Tony steps in. Maya closes her laptop. If she is going to do this, he can't know about it. It's how she is going to protect him. "Hey," She greets with a smile. Tony sits on her bed and glances at her laptop. "No telling." Maya tells him. Tony nods and puts his hands up.

      "Not why I'm here." Maya nods and Tony hands her a tablet. "I need your help." Maya creases her brows as she looks over the file. Titled 'Spider-Man' it reads about one of the people on Tony's team in Germany. Maya doesn't miss the fact that he has not signed the accords.

      "He's at risk." Tony tells her. "I've laid Ross off his back for the time being, but he's gaining bigger bad guys." Maya plays a video. It shows a collapsed building and a few fires. In the middle of the footage is Spider-Man fighting a guy with a wingsuit. "He's getting more attention and Ross is going to want him."

      Maya nods. She hasn't heard about this Spider-Man so that means he's laying rather low. The bigger threat he poses, the bigger enemies he'll get and the more attention he'll get. Spider-Man will have to sign the accords, and judging by the age on this file, Tony wants to keep him out of that.

      "What do you need me to do?" Maya asks as she continues to scroll through the file. Peter Parker is his identity. Maya taps his photo and purses her lips. He's cute.

       "Watch him. Keep him out of trouble and get close to him." Maya looks at Tony. "Why not have him join the Avengers?" Tony scoffs. "The kid said no. I had to cover the press by saying me and Pepper got engaged." Maya raises an eyebrow. "Wow, two of my major ships are finally getting together in as many days."

      Tony creases his brows. "Jackson and Chase?" Maya nods. "Yeah. They kissed after the battle." Tony smirks. "About time." Maya nods. "That's what I said. Seriously, they were the only ones to have not seen it."

      Maya hands the tablet back to Tony. "I'm guessing I am going to be enrolled in his school." Tony nods. "Yeah. Maya Tanner. High School exchange student." Maya nods, then sighs and lays back on her bed. "When do I start?" Tony stares at her features.

      She's bruised and there are a few cuts and burns on her face and arms. He knows she must have eaten Nectar and Ambrosia already. They must have been bad.

      "In two days." Maya nods and turns over in her bed. "Perfect." Maya instantly falls asleep and Tony laughs, shaking his head. "Night, Mayo." He stands and turns out the light in her room.

      Maya sighs as she looks up at Midtown High. She's never gone to school. She never really needed too. Tony taught her enough, and the rest she learned on her own. If it hadn't been for Camp Half Blood, Maya would have had a lonely childhood. Camp was her second home, and her father was her first.

      "Maya Tanner?" A woman with a clipboard asks. Maya turns to her and nods with a smile. "That's me." The woman nods. "Follow me." Maya and the woman enter the school. It's quiet so class must have started. "Here is your schedule." Maya takes the paper from the woman as they reach the front desk.

      "Your first period class has already begun. You may go join them." Maya nods and the woman leaves. She blinks for a moment. "That's for the tour." She says dry as she turns around and walks into the hallway. Maya looks at her schedule.

1st Period: AP Trigonometry Room 110
2nd Period: AP Physics Room 217
3rd Period: Modern History Room 103
4th Period: Gym Room -30
5th Period: Workshop Room -20

      Maya hums to herself. Tony made sure she had the same schedule as Peter. If he is taking the same classes, then he must be pretty smart. No where near Maya's level, but smart nonetheless.

      Maya walks into her first period class and the room instantly falls silent as they all turn to look at her. Maya's eyes find Peter in the back of the class, then quickly looks away. "Class, we have a new student." Maya walks next to the teacher and smiles as she looks around the room. "Why don't you introduce yourself. Pronouns and one thing you enjoy doing."

      Maya nods. "I'm Maya Tanner. She/Her/Hers and I enjoy-" Maya pauses for a moment. She was about to say working in her father's lab, but changes her mind. "Um, playing capture the flag at my camp." The teacher nods. "You may find a seat." Maya walks to the back of the class and sits in the only available seat next to a redhead.

      The girl turns to her with a smile and offers her her hand. "Hi, I'm Mary Jane. It's nice to meet you." Maya smiles back at her and shakes her head. "Back at you." The class begins again and Maya glances back at Peter. Their eyes meet for a moment, then Maya looks forward again.

      "Ms. Tanner. Would you like to answer the question presented?" Maya looks at the board and narrows her eyes so her dyslexia can make out the letters and numbers.

tan2(x) - sin2(x) = tan2(x) sin2(x)

      Maya purses her lips then nods. She stands up and walks to the front of the room, grabbing a dry erase marker. She does a bit of mental math for a moment, then begins writing out her answer.

tan2(x) - sin2(x) = sin2(x) / cos2(x) - sin2(x)
= [ sin2(x) - cos2(x) sin2(x) ] / cos2(x)
= sin2(x) [ 1 - cos2(x) ] / cos2(x)
= sin2(x) sin2(x) / cos2(x)
= sin2(x) tan2(x)

      Maya looks at her answer then caps the marker and walks back to her seat. The teacher looks it over and nods. "Very good." Maya smiles softly. Mary Jane leans closer to her. "Your good. Mr. Weckter gives that question to all new students. Almost no one can solve it." Maya smiles and shrugs. "It wasn't that hard."

      Maya turns around as she feels eyes on her. She finds Peter Parker staring at her. She smiles and waves at him. Peter quickly looks away and hides his face. Maya chuckles, then turns her attention back to the lesson.

      "Ugh, who knew Modern History could suck so much." Maya complains as she and Mary Jane sit down at a table in the lunchroom. "Was it really that bad?" Mary Jane asks as she opens her salas container. Maya nods. "It was terrible. She asked me to read a passage in our textbook."

      Mary Jane raises an eyebrow and Maya makes a face. "I'm dyslexic." The redhead nods and someone sits at their table. "Dyslexic? Isn't that the skinny person disease?" Maya looks across at the boy sitting with them. She hears Mary Jane verbally sigh beside her.

      "No," Maya starts as she opens her Vitamin Water. "That's anorexia. And it's not a disease. It's an eating disorder." The boy across from them rolls his eyes. "Whatever," He sticks his hand across the table and Maya sees the green paint on it. "Flash Thompson." Maya cringes at the paint. "Maybe you should wash your hands."

      Flash looks at his hands. "Oh." He wipes it off in his pants, then sticks his hand out again. Maya sighs and shakes his hand. "Maya Tanner." Flash smiles at her. "So," He leans forward. "You got a boyfriend?" Maya raises an eyebrow and shares a look with Mary Jane. "Yes." Maya answers shortly.

      Flash pouts and when he isn't looking, Mary Jane gives Maya a questioning look. She shakes her head. She wanted to know if she really did have a boyfriend, and Maya does not. May the gods have mercy on whoever she does end up with. Her father will terrorize them.

      "So, Maya, where did you go to school before you came here?" Mary Jane asks as a few more people sit at their table. A blonde girl, and a brown haired guy who seems to be in no talking mood. "Oh, I was homeschooled." The blonde looks at Maya. "Really? What was that like?" Maya opens her mouth to speak, but the blonde cuts her off.

      "I'm Gwen Stacy by the way." Maya smiles at her. "Nice to meet you." Maya stirs her spaghetti. "It was alright I guess. My dad is super smart, so I had a good teacher." The brown haired guy glances at Maya. "What's his name? Your father?" Maya gapes for a moment, then smiles. "Oh, no one you know."

      The brown haired guy narrows his eyes at Maya, then returns to sulking. "That's Harry Osborn." Gwen tells her. Maya's eyebrows shoot up. "Like Oscorp?" Mary Jane nods and glances at Harry. She looks down sadly, then stands up. "Excuse me." Maya watches her go, then glances at Harry. Things must be rocky between them. Maybe a past relationship.

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