GOLD 6.1

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I can take the weight up off your shoulder blades
and try to store the pain inside of me.
Like, why the world do you like that?

-6lack ft. J. Cole

friday | october 4 | 11:50 am

THE interview was a huge success. It was better than anything Victoria could ever imagine. The questions were a bit personal and out of context, but she was able to answer professionally.

It was rare to meet someone that brought a smile to her face with the first words they uttered. Victoria was content when she found this with Issac and was pleased to know that he was good hearted. He was friendly, understanding, and witty. At certain times, Victoria couldn't help but laugh uncontrollably at his jokes. But, he could be serious when the time called for it and she realized this when he asked her why she needed the job.

Victoria didn't tell him the whole backstory about why she was unemployed, but plainly stated that she needed the money because of circumstances. He seemed to understand her and didn't mention the question again.

The whole process went by fairly quick. Isaac explained most of those who worked at Heated Snowflakes before had to leave for college and they were looking for new positions to fill. She would start off making minimum-wage which was $11 an hour. When Victoria heard this, she couldn't help but take a deep breath in. This would not cover her rent at all.

Victoria worked five days a week from 9 AM to 4 PM. The coffee shop was the most crowded in the morning and the crowd usually dialed down as the day continued. It was perfect for now, but the prospect that it wouldn't be enough money fueled in her mind as she sat in the yellow taxi.

She hailed the cab not too long ago, instructing the driver to bring her to Amelia's home. Victoria wanted to see her her friend after their short conversation over the phone. She also felt it was time to tell her about losing her job and being threatened by her boss. Victoria trusted Amelia with all her heart, and knew that the girl deserved to know what was happening in her life.

Not too long after, the car pulled up in front of a suburban home. Amelia lived with her brother, Grayson. He was in his early thirties, and Victoria didn't like him one bit. Although he was older than the rest of their friendship group, he was immature and threw temper tantrums when he didn't get his way. Amelia would be the one to take care of him, and he was barely there to support his sister through anything.

Vic remembered the late night calls she would receive from Amelia, sobbing through the phone about her brother coming home drunk. He'd throw stuff around the room and trash the walls. Victoria would hear the echo of glass shattering on the ground over the phone. It was a sound she heard before in her young life and knew the level of intoxication he was at solely by his aggressive actions. Alcohol was really the worse poison of them
all. Vic still loved it though.

After instructing Amelia to hide in her closet, Vic would rush down to her house as quickly as she could. She would find her friend rocking in a fetal position and tears would collect in her own eyes after recognizing her protective stance. Amelia thought it was her brother coming to hurt her and Vic felt so sad for her friend. She wouldn't wish having a drunk family member on her worse enemy.

Their house was decorated with various Halloween accessories and pumpkins lined the walkway that lead to the front door. Victoria found the decorations to be sweet, as it reflected Amelia's joy for decor and holiday traditions.

Victoria paid the driver and exited the vehicle. She thanked him before watching the car drive off into the autumn air. Once it disappeared from sight, Victoria began to walk towards the front door, practicing what she was going to say to Amelia when she saw her.

"Hey, so you remember that day you dropped me off to work because I was late? Yeah I was fired. But, at least I can keep my uniform!"

"Hey, so my boss threatened to frame me for stealing sixty thousand dollars from the company account and I'm working with a bartender to help bring him down. So cool, right!"

'Hey, so Cosmo jumped out of the window of my apartment that same day I lost my job and now he's been missing for a week or two. At least I don't have to buy cat food now that I'm broke and have a low paying job!'

Victoria didn't know where to start.

She rang the doorbell, listening to the tune of 'This is Halloween' ring in her ears. Amelia would change the doorbell chime in order to match the time of the year. Victoria thought it was a cute idea at first but found it annoying once she heard love songs around Valentine's Day.

"I'm coming!" A feminine voice called out, and seconds later the door latch opened to reveal an apron covered Amelia with her hair in a high ponytail.

"Hey Vic! I didn't know you were coming over. Come in!" Amelia insisted, making room for Victoria to enter her home. There was a gross smell that coated the house. It smelled vaguely like-

"Chocolate Fudge Cookies?"

"Ahh! You have such a smart nose. It's crazy how you can always tell what I'm baking. Or maybe you're just psychic," Amelia gasped, looking very pleased with herself for that observation.

"I did go to culinary school for two years. I think I remember the scent of chocolate cookies when I smell them. They're so gross," Victoria nearly gagged at the smell. She hated chocolate with a passion.

"You see, sometimes I question your taste buds. How can anyone hate chocolate? It's like hating puppies! Totally inhumane I mean seriously! How come you like Oreos or cookies and cream ice cream or Nutella but not plain chocolate?" Amelia asked, wiping the cookie dough on her fingers onto the black and white apron.

"It's different. I can't explain it," was all Victoria said, before making her way further into the house. Her eyes swiveled to the living room, where multiple game consoles littered the ground in front of the television. Piles and piles of video games lined the wall, and Victoria scoffed at the fact that she was sure Grayson played them all ten times each everyday.

"Does Grayson have a job Amelia? Victoria questioned, sitting on the couch that had the least amount of junk scattered on it.

"He did have one... but he was recently laid off so he's trying to search for another one now."

"How long has that been?" Victoria inquired, truly curious about the man that lives with her best friend. Her tone was light and empathetic. Vic understood the struggles of losing a job.

"Ugh, a few months or so."

"What!" Victoria spluttered out surprisingly, "A few months! Why hasn't he found a job Amelia! And don't use the excuse that it's difficult to find a job now. There are opportunities in the newspaper every week!"

"I know Victoria! I tried to reason with him but he doesn't listen to me. He's not motivated to do anything. I've tried but ever since Rebecca broke up with him, he's been distraught."

Victoria sighed, thinking about how much of a bad friend she's been. She didn't ask Amelia how she's doing or whether she's having problems herself. Vic has only been focused on her own shitty life. She realized that her best friend may be having some troubles too.

"So you've been paying the bills all by yourself? He hasn't offered to help you with anything?" Victoria wondered, motioning for Amelia to sit next to her.

"Pretty much. I hate to say it but he's really useless. All he does is sit and complain and get drunk and I'm just tired of it. But, I love him with all my heart. He'll get better one day."

Victoria knew the statement Amelia just made was wrong. They never get better. If fact, they just get worse to the point where you have to compromise your own morals for their sake. Vic wanted to spare Amelia from making that decision; choosing between herself or a loved one. It was not easy dealing with this, and Victoria saw herself in Amelia's eyes. A young girl who was once hopeful, determined, and confident that everything would turn out fine in the end. Those were all useless words to her now.

She made the decision of choosing herself over her loved one, but the consequence of that continues to haunt her till this day.

Vic sighed, reaching to clasp Amelia's hand between her own to offer her some comfort, "If you're tired of it, you should tell him to get his act together or he will continue to avoid getting a job. Regardless of whether he's your brother or not, he should be responsible and have obligations like every other adult in this world. I know you love him but you're not his mother and you shouldn't be taking care of him to this extent."

Amelia's head dipped down, as she gradually angled her body away from Victoria. Victoria noticed the movement but didn't question her change in demeanor. "Vic, let's just stop talking about this, okay? I'll talk care of him until he gets over his heartbreak."

"And how long will that take? It's been months already, girl. I know he's hurting and all but he's damaging you too by not helping around the home and paying bills."

"Like I said before, I will take care of him until he's better. That includes paying the bills and doing the housework. It's the least I can do for him," Amelia spoke with an assured tone, taking Vic's words lightly. She was headstrong and stubborn, traits that caused many problems in the past.

Victoria clasped her hands together tightly. "Amelia, what has he ever done for you? Think about it, please. This is a lot of responsibility for you to have. I know what you're going through. I just want the best for you."

Anger crept into Amelia's voice, "It's not that easy Vic. You wouldn't understand. You have no siblings. Your parents are dead. You have no other family members. You're basically alone in this world. I don't want to be like you. I want to have someone with me when I'm down and under."

Victoria opened her mouth slightly in shock, but Amelia kept speaking, "I honestly feel so bad for you. You're disowned in every way possible. Not even your cat wants you anymore. I would go crazy if I was in your shoes. I'm surprised you haven't done something stupid to yourself after what you did to your mother. I would never do something like that to my brother. How could you ever suggest that I leave him when he needs me the most? That's so cruel for you to say. No wonder you're alone."

Victoria stopped listening as Amelia's words rang in her ear. Her heart began to palpitate and unsuspecting tears pooled in her eyes. She became angry with herself for crying in front of another person; crying again in general. But this was different. This was more than she could handle; more than what her heart could carry. Her sobs became audible to Amelia's ears and the red-headed girl seemed to realize her mistake.

"Wait, Vic, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean it like-"

"Yes, you did. You meant every h-harsh word you said. I know it's the truth but I can't believe you of all people would talk to me like that. After everything we've been through and after all I told you, you go and use it against me. I was just trying to help you, Amelia."

"I know, I know. I'm so sorry... I don't know what came over me. I just became so angry and you were there and I took my anger out on you. You didn't deserve that. You're not alone. You have-"

Victoria's stopped listening to Amelia. Her lips were still moving but no sound or words registered in Vic's mind. She did deserve this. She deserved all the bad things that happened to her. She did this to herself, made her life a living hell because of her actions when she was young.

Those memories were repressed deep in her mind, but when she was feeling dark enough they would resurface. This was one of those moments where she wished she could turn back time. It was an unsettling thought before, but now Victoria had come to terms with herself. It was obvious in the way everyone treated her or spoke to her. It was obvious in the way no one stayed and no one cared. It was obvious that her fate was sealed for her a long time ago and everyone was just helping her realize that now.

She was worthless.

"Hey Amelia," she spoke over her friend's voice. The room instantly became silent. She wiped her tears off her warm face, looking at the dried mascara on her finger tips. Her face was void of any emotion, almost as if she turned her humanity off. "I'm going to go now. Please call a cab for me."

"Wait, Vic, really! Are you not going to allow me to talk? Explain myself? I didn't mean what I-"

"Amelia. Call the damn taxi."

The taxi came thirty minutes later. Victoria stood outside her friend's home, with her head tilted towards the ground.

She opened the door and sat down slowly. Then, Victoria gave the directions to her apartment in a gloomy tone. They drove in silence, as she watched the scenery outside change the further along they went.

"Hey sir?" Victoria spoke up, gaining the driver's attention for a moment. He didn't answer, but they made eye contact through the rear view mirror.

"Do you think I'm forgettable?"

She was met with silence.


Hello! I hope you liked this chapter. I put a hidden The Vampire Diaries reference in here somewhere. I wonder if you guys caught it! We will see Jesse soon. Stay tuned!
Q: Do you have a best friend? Share how you guys met!

not edited

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