Chapter 34 - The Hustle

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Jimin paced away from me, glancing within great disbelief drawn on his face. The others froze in their places, creating a pin drop silence in the room. Hoseok was the first one to break the ice,

"What the actual fuck," he blinked hard, not believing what he witnessed. I pulled the ripped cloth, covering my exposed body. I gulped hard and looked up at them.

All the boys, everyone except for Jungkook was shocked with the revelation of my true identity. They even forgot how to speak. But Jungkook, he wasn't shocked yet he was nervous and agitated. He bit his lip and stated at me.

I want to talk to them, I want to tell them the truth. The head throbbing pain wasn't helping me. I tried to change my sitting position and straighten my spine. As I shifted, my muscles pressed against eachother, making me splutter blood that was uncontrollably pumping upwards through my throat. Jin gasped as he saw the amount of blood leaking from my wound,

"Ga- guys, He's...I mean she's not in good condition ," he exclaimed, motioning his finger at me. Before he even finishes his sentence, Jungkook made his way to me, pushing others away. He was the only one who was conscious enough to act fast since others were still dwelling with the shock. He brought the torn pieces together as knot and glided his hand to my back, taking me to his embrace.

I tried to talk through the pain. The smell of the blood that was similar to rusty metal was making me nauseous. I'm held back the feeling of throwing up with a great difficulty and glanced at the others who were staring at me,

"I -.. I tell, the..truth-" I wienced with the pain that was affecting me so badly. I was squirming, trying to subdue the pain. My upper body gave up, making my head fall motionlessly to Jungkook's chest. He prevented my head sliding down by using his hand as a support to keep me straight.

"Don't talk, you are losing blood," Jungkook whispered to me lifting my head from his palm. I clung into his arm, gripping his sleeve as I felt dizzy. Suddenly Yoongi talked in a quiet voice, making others glance at him, " You are her aren't you?" I glanced at him, opening my heavy eye lids with force.

"You are Oh y/n,"

I felt Jungkook clenching his jaws and gazing at me. I breathed heavily like a patient suffering from asthma, glancing at Yoongi's blood stained pale face. He was waiting for me to answer.

It's over, my truth is out, there's no point in hiding the truth now...

I wet my lips with my blood perceiving tongue before answering him with an evaporated voice, "''m are.. finding, " I managed to talk with a great force. My body arched with pain while I let out painful groans because of the nipping stir inside my body.

The boys glanced at each other helplessly, bewildered with what to do about me.

All the time they were finding me. They had to kill me as their master demanded. Their number one priority should be to obey Ki Sung's orders. Will they hand me over?

After a moment filled with tension and agitation, Namjoon stepped closer to me and Jungkook, looking like he had finally decided something. I looked up at him,

" Take her to a room, her wound has to be treated," I stared at him with winded eyes and he let out those words. He's helping me? His words are firm and sharp, he knows there's no turning back if he do this yet he's still going to help me?

"Namjoon-" Hoseok talked in a slightly hesitated way. But Namjoon didn't let him speak, "Now! Take her out of here, she's getting even weaker," his words echoed in the house.

Without hesitating to obey his leader's decision, Jungkook slid his hand under my legs while the other one supported my back, lifting me in a bridal style. As I was mounted from the ground, my muscles stretched making me groan loudly with pain. I jerked my head to his torso, bitting my lips hard while clutching into his shirt. Blood oozed from my wound, making his shirt shade from crimson colour.

Taehyung spoke, finally waking up daze, he talked to Jungkook, "Take her to my room, Jin hyung?"he glanced at the other one. As Seokjin nodded, understanding what his partner meant, both of them rushed away from the living room to who knows where. It was impossible for me to think straightly at this state of mine.

I felt that I was being carried by Jungkook's hands. His chest went up and down in a rhythm. He gazed at me as he walked, "You will be ok," I stared back at his orbs without affording to say anything.

I can hear his heartbeat,

I clutched him tightly with my trembling hands, feeling comfort in his hands. My lips were sticking together because of blood which had stained beside my lips.

"Hoseok, Yoongi secure the area, check if there are more of them," I heard Namjoon ordering them from behind us. Jimin who gained back his sense again, was walking right next to us. He quickly opened the door letting Jungkook enter inside the room with me. They took me to a room which was similar to mine, but with blue painted walls instead of white ones.

As Jungkook placed me on the bed, Jimin kept some pillows behind me as a support to my body. I semi unconsciously leaned my head on a pillow. "Can you breathe?" Jimin tilted his head down towards me. I shook my head up and down as an answer. He pulled my body a little up, making me comfortable than I was in the previous position. Jungkook turned at him,

"Hyung get something to stop her bleeding, she's losing too much blood," he pressed his palm against my wound to stop it bleeding. I hissed as I felt so much pain when my wound touched his hand. Jimin rushed to the closet which was filled with Taehyung's clothes. He pulled out some towels and brisked his pacing towards us. I glanced at Jungkook who was trying to making me stop bleeding. I espied his shirt, covered with my blood.

"Jun..kook..your..shirt" I whispered from my faded voice. His eyes softened as he gazed at me, "It's nothing, don't talk, It's not good for you," he took one of the towels Jimin handed him and sandwiched it between my skin and his palm. I let out a painful scream with the excruciating sensibility.

Jimin snatched my hand and squeezed it tightly trying to gain my attention towards him.

"It's gonna be ok, Look at me, It's gonna be alright," he yelped, half panicked and half worried. I did my best to keep my mind away from the terrible pain I was perceiving. Jungkook's hands kept pressuring against my skin, making the towels soaked with blood.

"It hurts so much," I gripped Jimin's hand tightly, feeling that my muscles were cramped. I was squirming with pain. Jimin plopped on the bed besides me taking me to his grasp. I leaned on him, feeling dizzy second by second. He clasped me, not letting me fall due to my inert state.

I am going to die, I can't take it anymore...

Two figures came bursting into the room. I slowly swilled my head, detecting the motion of them. Jin was holding a small leather bag in his hand. Both Taehyung and Jin rushed towards us. The youngster moved away a bit, giving Jin some space. Taehyung stood next to me from a side. He was nervously biting his lips,

"The cut is pretty deep," Jin said as he checked the wound. He darted his hands to the bag to take out some bottles filled with liquids and weird looking surgery equipments. I gulped nervously, "Wh.. what...are-" I tried to talk. Taehyung placed his big hand on my shoulder with a small smile,

"Don't worry Yeong Seok-ah! Uh, I mean Y/n, Jin hyung studied in a medical college," he said, somewhat lessening my worries. What on the earth is a doctor doing in an underworld mafia gang?

Jin's hands started working fast, "Kook, keep pressuring, Tae, I need some light here" he instructed them what to do while he kept cleaning my wound. As he dribbled the cold yet skin digging liquid on my wound, I jolted, letting out a loud scream with the agonising sensibility ran through my body.

" You are going to be ok Y/n, Everything is going to be ok! Y/n, Keep it together, you can do it," Jimin breathed into me moving the sticking hair from my sweating forehead. I tried hard not to loose consciousness.

"Holy shit!" Jin cursed loudly, staring at his red shaded gloves. Jungkook flickered his blood stained face at him. "Hyung what is it?" he breathed fast, startling with anxiety.

"Poison! that fucking blade was poisoned," Jin gritted his teeth, glancing at him. I gulped hardly as I felt my throat was sticking with blood.

"It's running all over her body," he turned at other three guys, "Keep her upper body straight, don't let it spread!" They startled with his words and acted quickly. Jimin slid his arms under mine and lifted me, making me sit instead of leaning while Taehyung  streached my legs, making me easy to breath. Jungkook didn't lessened the pressure he was giving to my cut.

Poison? So that's why It strung so much.

I felt like my side visions were slightly getting blur from the edges. A thin coat of fog was dangling in front of my eyes. Jin unrolled some bandages and wrapped them around my wound with the help of Jungkook. Jungkook lifted my body, like holding something delicate while Jin bandaged my wound. I felt a little bit better after the cotton fabric covered my cut. But still, I was feeling nauseous because of the bloody taste in my mouth.

Taehyung offered me a glass of water since my lips were a lot dry and sticking together with dried blood. Since I didn't have the strength to lift it from my hands, Jungkook softly clasped my face from his palm and poured the water to my mouth. I spit out the water which was mixed with blood and saliva. After my mouth was cleaned by it, I could gulped the rest without nausea. I felt better after hydrating.

The door opened widely, revealing Hoseok's figure, "Incoming! There are more of his men coming at us, Ki sung knows it all," he was puffing because of running.

"What are we gonna do?" Jungkook's voice was helpless, filled with agony. I felt miserable seeing them getting into trouble because of me. I tugged Jungkook's sleeve and pulled him closer to me. "," I whispered to him, making his eyebrows raise,

"No! No way that's going to happen, you are our family, you are part of Bangtan," he gazed at me with utmost worry and anxious drawn in his face. Jimin spoke quickly, agreeing with him,

"He's right, we are going to protect you Y/n," with his words, a tear rolled down my cheeks. What did I do to deserve you guys? I don't deserve you, They were with me in my struggle between death and life.

Namjoon and Yoongi entered the room, acquainting Hoseok who was standing near the door with a flurried look. Namjoon stepped towards us, "How is she?" he queried from Jin who looked uneasy with the circumstances around us.

"Joon, She's poisoned," he glanced at him.

"Crap," Yoongi frustratingly groaned, banging his fist on the wall. Namjoon ruffled his messy bangs, trying to decide what to do next. Everyone's lives were relaying on the decision he takes. It wasn't easy for him at all. He bit his lip, while googling his brain. He glanced at Jungkook after a minute,

"Kook, take her to our secret lair, we will hold them back till you go," Jungkook stared at him with disbelief.


"Jungkook, do as he says, we are gonna be ok," Jin placed a hand on the worried male's shoulder. His voice wasn't a demand at all. It was a request.

"He's right Kookie, we'll be fine," Taehyung tried to convince him. Suddenly a loud bang came from downstairs, letting us know that the next wave of assassins has arrived. Namjoon gave his final order before disappearing from the room,

"Hurry up! Get out of here!"The other two men, Yoongi and Hoseok followed him down without pausing to think twice about it. Again the house started filling with the sound of gunshots. Jin turned at Jungkook,

"We'll cover you. Get her out of here before it's too late"

So hey ya...You were asking for a double update. So woohoo.😅

Enjoy 🙂

Love y'all ❤️ Your inspiration kept me living.

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