12 | zoomer

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Chapter Twelve

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"Am I dreaming, or is that you Harrington?" A devilish grin was plastered on Billy's face that gave Olivia an unsettling feeling in her stomach. She stepped out from behind Steve so that Billy could see her better. "Ah, and the sweetheart of Hawkins?" He took a closer look at her and breathed out a puff of smoke from his cigarette.

            "Yeah, it's us," Steve murmured, pushing Olivia back behind him. "Don't cream your pants."

            Billy took off his leather jacket and tossed it on the ground. "What are you doing here, Amigo?"

            "I could ask you the same thing," Steve retorted. "Amigo."

            "Looking for my stepsister," Billy answered. "A little birdie told me she was here."

            "Huh, that's weird. I don't know her." Steve lied.

            "Small? Redhead? Bit of bitch." Billy described bitterly. A spark of anger ignited in Olivia for the way Billy was describing Max. She clenches her fists and walks towards him, but Steve holds her back.

            "Doesn't ring a bell," Steve huffed, squeezing Olivia's hand tighter. "Sorry buddy."

            "You know, I don't know, this... this whole situation... I don't know Harrington. It's giving me the heebie-jeebies." Billy articulated.

            "Oh yeah, why's that?"

            "My thirteen year old sister goes missing all day. And then I found her with you and this pretty little thing in a stranger's house." Billy gestured to Olivia and sends a gaze towards her, making her uncomfortable. "And you lie to me about it," He finished.

            Steve moved her closer to side, not wanting Billy to touch her at all. Steve laughs bitterly. "Man, were you dropped too much as a child, or what? I don't know what you understand about what I just said. She's not here."

            "Then who is that?" Billy pointed to the window with his cigarette. Steve and Olivia both looked behind them, only to find the kids peeking out the window.

            "Shit," Olivia muttered under her breath. As soon as she said that, Billy knocked down Steve with a punch. "Steve!" Olivia immediately kneeled down next to him to make sure he was okay.

            "I told you to plant your feet," Billy kicks him again and marches into the house.

            "Steve, are you okay?" She asked, putting a tender hand on him.

            "I'm fine," Steve nodded. "Go to the kids." He instructed. Olivia looked at him one more time before rushing back into the house. Billy had slammed Lucas to the wall and was threatening him. Olivia felt that flame in her again, which was a rare sight to see coming from the soft spoken girl.

            "Hey asshole!" Olivia shouted, driving Billy's attention away from Lucas to her.

             No one, no one, touches her kids.

            Olivia gently shoved Lucas to the side, taking his place and kicked Billy in the crotch. Her voice became more serious. "Don't you dare touch my kids."

            "Ah, sweet and feisty. I like that." Billy cackled. "You are so dead, Henderson! So dead!" He threatened, venom laced in his eyes. He slaps her on the face, and the kids start yelling out her name in fear.

            "Olivia!" Dustin cried out. He was about ready to go up to Billy and had his hands balled into fists, wanting to protect his sister, but Steve came in and stopped him before he could.

            "No, you are!" Steve says from behind, and hits him in the face with his fist. Olivia stumbled back a little, and Dustin and Mike held on to her before she could fall.

            "Are you okay?" Mike asked in a worried tone. Olivia nodded, too lightheaded to speak. Olivia tried to go back in, but Dustin stopped her.

            Billy cackled evilly at Steve. "Looks like you got  some fire in you after all, huh?" He shouted. "Guess threatening your little girlfriend can do that. I've been waiting to meet this King Steve everybody's been telling me so much about."

            "Get out," Steve demanded. Billy fired another punch at him, and the two started throwing more punches at each other.

            "Yes! Kick his ass Steve!" Dustin cheered. "Murder that son of a bitch for threatening my sister!" He shouted.

            The fight got more intense when Billy grabbed a plate and smashed Steve on the head with it. "No one tells me what to do." He growled, punching Steve to the ground again. Billy repeatedly fired punches at him as Steve grew weaker and weaker.

            "Billy, please stop!" Olivia screamed as her eyes began to water. Worried for Steve and having had enough of Billy, Olivia finally managed to pull out of Dustin's grasp and climbed on top of Billy's back, only to be flung to the ground.

            Mike and Dustin kneeled down to her level to check if she was okay. "Liv, your head is bleeding," Mike took off his black jacket and put it under her head to use as a pillow. As she slowly got up, she wiped the blood off of her nose with her sleeve.

            Max handed Olivia the syringe that Joyce used on Will. With a questioning look, Max gave Olivia an approving nod. With the low amount of energy she had left, she dashed over to Billy and jammed the syringe in his neck. The kids stare at her with a mix of utter shock and amazement in their eyes, not believing that Olivia had that fire in her.

            "Whoo! Who knew my sister could be such a badass?" Dustin yelled proudly.

            Billy turned around to face her and take the syringe out of his neck. "The hell is this? You little shit, what did you do?" He mumbled. Dustin and Max pulled Olivia back gently before Billy could hurt her anymore, even though there was nothing he could do to her as he dropped to the floor.

            Max grabbed Steve's bat from the side and loomed over Billy. "From here on out, you leave me and my friends alone. Do you understand?"

            "Screw you," Billy mumbled.

            She swung the bat at him when he didn't answer. "Say you understand! Say it! Say it!" She screamed.

            "I understand," Billy grunted.

            "What?" She demanded.

            "I understand," He said more clearly before closing his eyes.

            "Once Olivia knew for sure Billy was completely passed out, she rushed over to Steve to check on him. Max dropped the bat and snatched the keys out of Billy's pocket. "Let's get out of here."

            "Are you crazy? Look, I want to go to, but Liv is not even in the right state to drive," Mike snapped at Max.

            Olivia thought for a moment. "Max, you can drive."

            Max widened her green eyes, utterly shocked that Olivia would actually let her drive. "Are you sure?"

            Olivia nodded hesitantly.

            Mike gave a pointed look at Olivia. "We're going to have to leave Steve then. He's going to freak out about Max driving."

            "Mike, we can't just leave him here!" Olivia hissed. "Look, what if I promise that he'll be cool?"

            "Fine," Mike sighed.


Olivia wished she had thought about her decision more carefully, because now she was squished between Dustin and Steve in the back of Billy's car. Max's driving was certainly not safe, and it felt like she on a roller coaster. However, even if Olivia didn't have a head injury, she would've still let Max drive because quite frankly, she didn't trust Dustin and Mike to take care of Steve in the back. Olivia had applied some bandages on Steve's forehead to stop his face from trickling more blood, and was holding an ice pack on his forehead gently.

            Some time had passed, and Steve's eyes start to slowly flutter open. "Olivia?" He muttered, looking passed her at Dustin. His voice is groggy from just waking up. Dustin tilts his head at Steve and raises his eyebrows.

            Olivia laughed softly despite the situation they were in, and shifted Steve's head carefully so he was facing her instead. "Um, no Steve, I'm right here." Steve starts to touch his face, but Olivia stopped him. "Oh no, don't touch it." She said soothingly.

            "Hey buddy," Dustin shushed. "It's okay, you put up a good up. I mean, Liv saved your ass from Billy, but you put up a good fight. You're okay."

            Steve started to take in his surroundings more, and panicked when he saw that Max was driving. Max looks behind her at Steve frantically, worried about Steve freaking out. "Oh my God!" Steve panicked.

            "Steve, relax. She's driven before," Dustin tried to calm him down.

            "Yeah, in a parking lot," Mike scoffed, who was sitting on the other side of Steve. "Liv, maybe you should've just driven instead."

            "I don't trust you guys to take care of Steve!" Olivia exclaimed.

            "They were gonna leave you behind," Dustin informed Steve. "But Liv promised you'd be cool."

            Max pressed her foot on the pedal to speed up her driving. "Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. What's going on?" Steve panicked again.

            Mike looked passed Steve at Olivia. "I told you he'd freak out!"

            "Max, please slow down," Olivia begged as she held on to Steve, ignoring Mike's comment. Olivia felt like she was going to hurl if Max didn't slow down now, and so did Steve.

            "Everybody shut up! I'm trying to focus!" Max shouted at everyone.

            "Keep your eyes on the road!" Olivia ordered.

            "Oh wait! That's Mount Sanai! Make a left!" Lucas shrieked. This only caused Max to drive faster, causing Steve to scream and cling on to Olivia's side. When Max finally came to a halt, Olivia put a hand over her heart, feeling out of breath and made a mental note to never let Max drive again.

            "Incredible," Mike breathed.

            "Told you," Max quipped. "Zoomer."

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