13 | dream on

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Chapter Thirteen
Dream On

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Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  The kids got out of the car and run to the trunk, grabbing all of the tanks of gasoline and other supplies they managed find at the Byers' house. They were able to find enough flashlights, masks, and goggles for everyone so that they could be protected in the tunnels. As Steve tried to get out of the car, he groaned and flopped to the ground. Olivia rushed over to his aid to help pick him up and put an arm around his shoulder for support. "Hey, where do you think your going?" Steve starts walking over towards the kids, but Olivia stops him, wanting him to rest from his injuries. "What are you, deaf?" Steve yelled, his voice still groggily. "We are not going down there, have I made myself clear?"

"Steve!" Dustin shouted in an irritated tone. "You're upset, I get it. But the bottom line is, a party member aquires assistance. And it is our duty to provide that assistance. Now, I know you promised Nance that you would help Liv to keep us safe." He grabs Steve's backpack Olivia had packed for him with the bat in it and extends it over to him. "So keep us safe."

Steve reluctantly grabs the backpack and sighs. Not only did he promise to help protect the kids, but he promised to protect Olivia as well. He needed to be by her side at all times and he certainly didn't like the idea of her going down there without him. Olivia rubbed his back to comfort him. "Like I said before in the junkyard, Steve. We're in this together."

All of them walk over to the hole that Hopper dug before, and Olivia grabs the rope out of her backpack and throws it down the hole. She ties it on a heavy branch so they could all climb down it, and be able to climb back up when they were done. Olivia down the rope first so that she could help the kids climb down. Olivia looked around taking in her new surroundings. Throughout the dark underground tunnel, there were particles all over. Olivia shudders and has a flashback of last year when she was in the upside down briefly with Nancy. Even though this wasn't exactly the same thing, it still equally terrified her.

"Holy shit," Steve exclaimed, looking around the tunnels. When he notices Olivia spaced out, he snaps his fingers to get her attention. "Olivia, you okay?"

"Huh? Oh, y-yeah, I'm fine," Olivia faltered. Steve frowned and wrapped an arm around her shoulders.

Mike shines his flashlight on their own map they had drawn of the tunnels and studies it. "Yeah, I'm pretty sure it's this way!" Mike called out, his voice muffled from the mask covering his face.

"You're pretty sure or you're certain?"Β  Dustin retorted behind them. Olivia rolls her eyes, having had enough of her brothers snarky comments she's been hearing all day. Even though she was used to it on a daily basis, she was a little frustrated with him when they had so much bigger things to worry about.

"I'm 100% sure!" Mike quipped. "Just follow me and you'll know!" He starts to walk ahead and Olivia follows him, but Steve shines his flashlight in front of Mike's face.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, hey! I don't think so," Steve ordered Mike and starts trotting his way over to him. "Any of you little shits die down here, I'm getting the blame. Got it, dipshit? And Olivia, your staying behind me." Steve stops talking for a moment then turns his head to face everyone. "From here on out, I'm leading the way."

Everyone staggers behind Steve. Olivia quietly walks besides Mike, letting Steve lead the way. Olivia really admired this part of Steve that she's never seen from him before. It made her think again about how much Steve had changed from the somewhat jerk he used to be. If this were last year, Olivia knew that he probably wouldn't have wanted to be seen caught dead with these kids. But now, he was clearly starting to care for them just as much as she already did. Smiling to herself at the thought, she watches her steps so that she doesn't trip over the vines or worse, get caught in them.

Mike gave the older girl a knowing look. He lowered his voice so that Steve wouldn't be able to hear them. "You like him, don't you?"

"No!" Olivia denied quickly with a blush. However, something inside of her was telling her that she did in fact like Steve. But she was still in love with Jonathan, so how could she be developing feelings for Steve? Could years of her bottled feelings for Jonathan finally be disappearing? She knew she never had a chance with Jonathan, that he always saw her as his best friend and nothing else, so maybe this was a good thing. She needed to move on from Jonathan.

Mike smiled, only wanting what was best for the girl he's always looked up to and thought of as a sister. "I can tell you do. I know you used to be in love with Jonathan. It was obvious. But now you look at Steve the same way I feel about-" Mike stops speaking, embarrassed with himself. Olivia giggles at the clearly love-struck boy.

"The way you feel about El?" Olivia finished softly. "Don't worry, Mike. It's already kind of obvious. And it's adorable, really." She smiles back at the boy.

"Well, I personally think you deserve someone better than Steve," Mike retorted as he helps her walk over the vines. "But I'm happy for you, for moving on. Jonathan was stupid to not see how amazing you are and he doesn't deserve someone as cool as you anyway." Olivia shoves Mike playfully but smiles and he chuckles.

Mike hesitated like he was thinking about then speaks up again. "Can I tell you something Liv?"

"Of course," Olivia nodded.

"I've always looked up to you like a sister," Mike said honestly. "I don't think I've ever said that to you before. You're pretty cool for being an older teen. I mean, you always make time to hang out with us and your always there for us. Your kind of like the mom of our party," He chuckled.

"Awww Mike," Olivia ruffled his hair and gave him a side hug. "I love you to. Your my family." She stated, touched by Mike's sweet words and became overwhelmed with emotion.

As they continue to trudge through their way through the dark tunnels, Olivia abruptly stops in her tracks when she hears the sudden sound of Dustin's excruciating screams. She made her way over to him in a flash, fear hitting her as she thought about the worst possible thing that could happen to her little brother.

Was he okay? Was he hurt? She couldn't come home without Dustin, her mom had already lost Mews. And not to mention, Dustin was her best friend. What would she do without him?

"Dustin!" Olivia cried out, carefully kneeling down on the ground next to him. Her voice was shaking and her body was trembling with fear. "What's wrong? Are you okay? Are you hurt?"

"It's in my mouth!" Dustin shrieked. "Some got in my mouth! Shit!" He starts a fit of coughs, and Olivia pats him on the back to try to help him stop. When he finally stops coughing, he calms down and looks up at the others who were standing in front of him, extremely worried for their friend. "I'm okay," He assured, suddenly calm and collected like nothing happened.

"You serious?" Max said in disbelief.

"Very funny man," Steve muttered sarcastically. "Nice, very nice."

"What an idiot," Max scoffed. "Liv, I'm so sorry you have to live with this idiot. Geez."

"Dustin, you literally just about gave me a heart attack," Olivia mumbled, hitting him on his shoulder. She puts her hands on her forehead and shakes her head disapprovingly at him.

Olivia picks up her backpack and swings it over her shoulder, while extending her other hand to help pull Dustin up so that they could catch up to the others. "Sometimes I just wonder how your my brother, you know that?" Olivia sighed at the younger boy.

"Hey!" Dustin threw his hands in the air in defense. "Something really did get in my mouth, Olivia!"

Not too long after, the group finds themselves in the spot where all the tunnels connected, just like on Will's map. "Alright Wheeler, I think we found your hub." Steve announced.

"Let's drench it," Mike requested with determination in his eyes.

Everyone grabbed out their own tank of gasoline and start to pour it everywhere. Once they were finished drenching it and were satisfied, everyone huddled together where they could see the entire hub. "Alright you guys ready?" Steve asked everyone.

"Light her up," Olivia nodded and hands the lighter in her pocket to Steve. They look at each other for a moment and Olivia gives him an assuring nod. "Let's burn this hell hole down."

"I am in such deep shit," Steve groaned before flicking on the lighter and tossing it into the hub, finishing off their mission.

The flames immediately appear after Steve tosses it, and everyone covers their faces to protect themselves from the flames. Everyone swiftly stands up and starts running in the other direction, while Olivia sits there, forgetting how to move.

Steve grabs her hand and pulls her up away from the fire. "Olivia are you crazy? Let's go! Let's go!" He shouted, running as fast as he can while never letting go of her hand. As they continue to run, Olivia hears Mike starting to scream for help.

Olivia promised Nancy she would protect Mike at all costs. She wouldn't dare let anything happen to him, not on her watch.

Olivia swivels back around and runs over to Mike who had tripped and had vines wrapped around his legs. Without thinking, Olivia snatches Steve's bat with the nails and starts hitting the vines as hard as she could until Mike was free. The others help pull him up, and he pulls Olivia into a quick hug.

"Guys we gotta go now!" Steve ordered. Suddenly, a low screech could be heard behind them, and they jump out of fear. They turned around and Dustin signaled everyone to stay back.

"Dart," He hesitated.

"Dustin. Get. Back," Olivia hissed. She started walking to him but Steve holds her back.

"Trust me, please," Dustin pleaded. He starts inching closer towards Dart. "Hey, it's me, it's me. It's your friend, Dustin. It's Dustin, alright? You remember me?" He paused for a moment, thinking carefully about what to say next. "Will you let us pass?"

Dart opens up his face into a flower and lets out a low rumble. "Okay, okay, I'm sorry." Dustin spoke sweetly like he was talking to a cute puppy. "I'm sorry about the storm cellar. That was a pretty douchey thing to do. You hungry? Yeah?" He pulls something out from his backpack. "I've got our favorite. Nougat," Dustin holds up the candy bar and started breaking of pieces for Dart. As he lays the pieces on the ground, Dart starts to eat it. Dustin motions with his hands to everyone that it's okay for them to leave.

Dustin stands up and looks at him one last time. Goodbye buddy," He sighed. Olivia frowned, feeling a little bad for him. She knew how much Dustin grew to care for Dart as his own pet, and it was probably hurting him to let Dart go.

"I'm sorry, Dusty, but it's the right thing to do,"Olivia patted him on the back.

They successfully made their way back to where they started when the the tunnel started to shake, making everyone stumble. "What was that?" Max's voice quivered with fear.

"Is everyone okay?" Olivia asked everyone worriedly.

"They're coming," Mike declared. "Run! Run!"

As everyone made their way to the rope, Olivia tripped before turning the corner, making her fall behind. A whole army of Demo-dogs were swarming just behind her, and fear starts to rise in her again.

"Wait, where's Olivia?" Steve asked frantically after he helped the kids climb back up on the rope. Steve and Dustin heard the growls coming nearer and nearer and were about to go back after her, worried that she might not make it. However, she finally appeared around the corner, and Dustin smiled widely knowing that his sister was okay. The demo-dogs surprisingly slipped their way passed the trio without a care, and Olivia had only one thought.

El closed the gate. She actually closed the gate. She saved us once again.

Dustin embraces Olivia into a hug. "I thought I almost lost you!" He cried out.

"You could never loose me," Olivia smiled and happy tears start to trickle down her face. "I love you Dusty. It's okay. I'm here, I'm here."

Steve helped Olivia climb up the rope and Mike extended her hand to help pull her out once she reached the top. Everyone made it safely out of the hole, and the kids, including Steve, embraced Olivia tightly. Olivia was just relieved that all of the kids made it back safely and all of them made it.

Everything was going to be okay.

"Hey, Liv?" Lucas spoke up. He looks at her but he seems a little bit fidgety, like he had been hiding something from her. "This probably might not be the best time to tell you, but um, I may or may have not have promised Keith that you would go on a date with him." He confessed sheepishly.

This gets Steve's attention and him and Olivia look at each other wide-eyed.

"What?" The two of them chorus back at Lucas.

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