one. SKYE

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Okay, so I butchered my application a tiny bit but it was okay!

They asked for a last name so I gave a fake one. I kind of came up with it on the spot but it fit. And sure, I didn't have much proper education that is required for the academy but is that even really necessary for life?

I can do math. I can read and write. I understand the basics of human bodies. I understand reproduction and that's what I need to know in life. I know a few big things in history that I'll make sure not to repeat.

Like the wars. I won't do any of that.

But SHIELD was a fresh start. After the Rising Tide pretty much brought me up, only for it to all come crashing down from the inside, I needed a fresh start.

And I was the perfect age for this academy. Freshmen needed to be between the ages of 18 and 23. And I am almost certain that I am 19. I don't know my actual birthday, which is another thing I may have lied about on my application.

But hey, that's the fun of it, right?

I got in so clearly SHIELD isn't as high tech as everyone thinks.

Or the birth certificate I forged was really good.

Either work in my opinion. What really matters is I was here. I only had a suitcase, which was different than the other freshmen who all had multiple things of luggage. Not even the first day and I already feel like an outsider.

But that's probably just for the wealthy wannabe agents.

There were three branches of the Coulson Academy that you were supposed to pick when you were sent the confirmed-entry-email.

One: Soldier.
From what I gathered, that branch was for the muscular people who wanted to join the field missions and stuff.

Two: Engineering and Technology.
That was the one I selected. Come on, technology. That's like my thing.

And lastly, three: Sciences.
Apparently that was supposed to also be the health branch with medical attentions. It was supposed to help you gain an understanding of human nature and life as a whole. Boring.

All of the upcoming students were supposed to take hand to hand combat or something as a gym class, so I didn't really need the Soldier branch if I was going to be fighting every week anyways.

And I basically already know most of the health stuff. Bandaids aren't as great as everyone thinks after the bleeding stops.

Engineering and Technology was the only branch that interested me.

But before any of the actual classes, I needed to find my dorm. I was supposed to be meeting my roommates. Apparently I was to have three. According to the email I got, there would be two bunk beds, a bathroom, and two large dressers.

And since all four of us would be staying until the year ended, possibly longer if we chose to move up to Sophomores, we were allowed to decorate the rooms too. Nothing permanent like painting the walls, but we could put up posters and LEDs.

I would be taking advantage of that.

I dragged my suitcase down the path that I saw other students going towards. It wasn't until I'd been walking for a few minutes until I saw the sign that said DORMITORIES THIS WAY. Sometimes it's a good thing to follow a crowd.

Eventually I made it, coming up on two large buildings.

One had the label M and the other had an F. Made it quite difficult to figure out which one to go to.

I walked into the Female assigned dorm and pulled out my phone, quickly checking to remember what room number I had.


Whatever that meant.

I looked at the main room in the dorm building. There were two hallways, the one to the left was labeled A B and to the right was labeled C D. To the back of the room was a staircase that looped around an elevator, which I personally thought was a cool design.

I made my way to the elevator, waiting in a line for a moment before actually being allowed in. I'd rather wait in line then try to drag my suitcase up the stairs.

When I made it into the elevator, I saw buttons that ranged from 1 to 9. I assumed that meant nine floors. I could be wrong, but I was pretty sure.

Someone had already pressed the 6 button, so I waited in the back of the elevator till it reached the 6th floor.

I walked out, seeing the same setup as the first floor. Two halls with AB and CD on the frames. I looked down the CD hallway, seeing numbers that ranged from 1-20 on each side.

Finally, the dorm number made sense, and I made my way down to room 18 on the C side of the hallway.

I used my phone email's key card to unlock the door since we weren't getting physical cards until orientation or something. I heard a clicking noise and I attempted to open the door. I was incredibly grateful when it opened up with no creaking sound.

And into my new room I went.

First chapter down. Yay. This story will be changing around perspectives based on what I want to do and how the stories are playing out. Given it's 8 characters, it'll probably be shorter chapters so they all get their moments.
Lmk what you think cause I'm lowkey making up all of this as I go.
Also Avengers_of_Shield was the one who inspired me to make this but I promise I'm altering it from their Highschool AU so it is not a copy. If it ever feels like a copy, point it out to me so I can fix it.

Love you guys!!

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