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🦸🏽‍♀️🔮⚔🦸🏼‍♀️| 𝐫𝐨𝐲𝐥
' for the rest of your life'
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Over the past couple days, Eddie had been keeping a close eye on his 2nd daughter. He was anxious to realize that his daughters' abilities were starting to manifest.

The worst part was that Diana was going to be here in two days and the sight of her mother home would just piss off the 15-year-old more than her older sister had those days before.

It was only a matter of time until she found out the truth. Considering her relationship with her mother, it could become the same hostile attitude to her father if she found out that they had both been lying to her, they might lose her for good.

Josephine, on the other hand, had officially started her training with Molly ever since the incident.


Josephine had just been dropped off by Edward at Molly's office for her weekly appointment.

"So, how's everything this week?" Molly asked calmly as she handed the girl some chai tea.

"It's better than last week, I guess, I mean I miss them like crazy. My mom's gonna go out of town for a bit, I don't cry every second of the day anymore so that's good." Josie explained with the hot mug in her hands.

"That's good, it means you're getting through it-" Molly started before the brunette interrupted.

"But, there's something else. Wait you do the doctor-patient confidentiality right?" Josie asked the brunette.

"Of course as long as you're not putting yourself or others in danger," Molly assured.

"Okay then. What if I told you that I keep on seeing my brother and dad?"

"What do you mean by 'keep on seeing them?"

"The other day I walked to the Cemetery to change their flowers and I had literally just put them in the Vase when I turned around and I saw them like they weren't that far from me but it felt so real. I admit I was in shock for a moment then I rubbed my eyes and then they were gone." Josie paced around the woman as she told the woman who watched her attentively.

"Never mind, forget I said anything, it sounds crazy." Josie finished before sitting down and rubbing my hands

"Josephine, sweetheart it doesn't. Often for fresh well...mourners, it's normal to see the person that they lost for a while before they completely get through that process." Molly explained to the girl who nodded her head in understanding before grunting and holding her head.

"Josephine, what's wrong?" The brunette asked as she rushed over to the girl.

"My headaches...ugh...please pass my bag?" Josie groaned as she clenched her head.

Molly passed her bag before running to get her a glass of water. Josie immediately gulped down the Aspirins with it.


"Josephine sweetie, how long have these been going on for? They seem a lot worse than normal headaches."

"They started popping up randomly earlier this year but started getting worse over the summer. It's kind of a Genetic thing, my dad started getting them around my age." Josie explained.

The two talked about other things before something popped into Josie's mind.

"There's another thing. Uh...um so over the past couple weeks I've been getting these feelings, like gut feelings almost. But and gut feelings." Josie paused when she took a deep breath." A few days before Joey and my dad died, my headaches got more painful and my gut feelings kept on telling me something bad was going to happen and bam, my brother gets hit with a car and my dad suffers a heart attack." Josie ranted as she pacing around the room again, now things such as books on Molly's shelf and desk started shaking violently.

"Josephine honey-"

"This may also seem crazy...again! But my dad wasn't killed by a heart attack, I swear he was murdered! He had to have been, he had just been to the doctor, he was perfectly healthy." Josephine ranted as the thing started to shake faster and slowly float around, this startled the woman as she stared at the objects. "And Joey... God my brother why my brother! He had to somehow have been killed. I mean the driver lost control on a bridge that had been frozen! A frozen road, in the middle of the damn fall!" Josephine yelled as some books and pens were now circling the room.

"Josephine honey you need to breathe!" Molly pleaded.

"God these headaches these damn headaches why can't they just STOP!" Josie screamed before she caught one of the books that had flown towards her face as the other objects crashed to the ground.

A few were floating in the air, surrounded in a red mist and Molly's hair was now strawberry blonde.

"Oh my... what the hell is wrong with me!" Josie cried before dropping onto the couch and sobbing into her hands as the woman walked over the books and broken glass and held the girl in her arms as she cried.

"Oh, I feared this might happen," Molly spoke making the girl sit up and wipe her tears away.

"What do you mean?"

"What I'm about to tell you is gonna be well you'll just have to listen," Molly assured before she started explaining.


What Molly had told the girl was hard to believe considering the fact that it involved her family in ways that were really disappointing for the brunette to hear.

Ever since that day she had been doing a lot of reading, which really puzzled Melaina especially knowing that Josephine really wasn't a reader.

Melaina, on the other hand, had taken matters into her own hands. Her dad and sister weren't the only ones who noticed her outburst.

So she started doing these little experiments, seeing if her breaking their TV was just adrenaline or if there was something going on with her.

So she did ever since her outburst she had been testing herself, in ways such as lifting her bed, which to her surprise she could do with 1 hand. Then she tried her sisters' car, which she had the urge to drop.

Then after a few days of doing these tests and taking notes of them, she knew something was going on with her, not wanting to involve Josie due to her current state she decided to get answers herself.

So she waited for the day where she was at home alone and went searching. From knocking on the walls to searching the rooms of the house. There was still one place that she hadn't checked, the basement.

The basement had old family belongings and some extra things that they didn't use anymore.


Melaina carefully walked down the old, creaky wooden stairs. She searched the wall for the light switch before pulling it down.

She saw old toys, the box of the new TV that they had just gotten as well as some boxes with some of her dads' files from the Blue Valley Retail business that he owned. She walked around the area, coughing slightly as she breathed in the dust.

She looked through some of the boxes before noticing a slight breeze coming from somewhere. She found Hestia's old feather boas and plucked off a feather and slowly walked around the room while holding the feather not too far from the wall until she found the spot.

It was behind some big boxes that she had no problem with moving. There was a small door, that was hard to open at first but then she just decided to pull the whole thing off. Inside there was a wooden crate surrounded by cobwebs.

She groaned before blowing them away and pulling out the crate before screaming when she saw the house spiders scatter across the area.

She quickly brushed her hand over the top of the long wooden crate, to her surprise she saw this symbol that looked like a 'W' and looked around the box for anything else.

She made the decision to quickly to carry the box upstairs to her room. She got some clothes to clean off the dust.

She managed to get a closer look at the symbol and looked like 2 'Ws' not 1. She quickly ran downstairs and got the crowbar and tried her hardest to open it.

After a couple of minutes of pulling and pushing she managed to get the box open.

Inside she saw a couple of things covered in cloth. And a few papers.


Ever since she found the crate she's been sceptical on going through it. But she knew she had to.

So she did and the first thing she found in the crate was an old notebook that was just as dusty as the crate. There was also this long sword, these two gauntlets, a few other things and what looked like this piece of armour with these knee-high boots.

Melaina took a deep breath before opening the notebook and starting to read.

Who knew that what she was about to read would surprise her more than she could prepare for.

Chapter 6 :)))

What did you guys think of the finale?

A daily reminder to stan Mike Dugan

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