chapter fifteen

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𝐄den slipped on her heels, red shoes that lengthened her already immense and slender legs. She had left her hair loose behind her back and it cascaded down, shiny and silky. Her skirt, short and made of dark red leather, sparkled with sequins. She was wearing a red t-shirt that showed her belly and cleavage, which was probably inappropriate at school, but she didn't care.

She grabbed a jacket and stepped out discreetly. The corridor was quiet and dark, which was a good sign, so she walked down the stairs and saw a figure in the hallway. Elina appeared, wearing a little blue dress that brought out her cheekbones, and she smiled at Eden. The redhead returned her smile and she opened the door gently so as not to make it creak.

"Damn, I thought Laurie was going to talk to me all night," Elina blurted out. "I put on the first dress I could get my hands on, otherwise I'd be late."

"It suits you," Eden replied.

She knew Joshua would have liked it too and the thought made her sad. Elina would never know if their story would have lasted if, like most wizards, she had ended up living with the love of her final year at school. Eden was convinced that if Joshua had been around, he and Elina would have had children in the end.

"Eden, I may have a solution," Elina breathed. "To kill Voldemort but it's risky and I don't know if it's a good idea but we need to stop him. I saw an article in Monday's paper, he's been killing people again. Half-bloods."

Eden didn't answer. They didn't know much about Voldemort. There was talk of an army he was preparing for war, but no one knew if it was just a rumour. The redhead bit her lip and walked past the castle gate.

"What is it?" she asked.

"Joining his ranks," breathed Elina.

Eden stopped and froze, her eyes widening and she turned back to her best friend, shaking her head.

"Are you crazy? It's far too dangerous, we'd be spotted before we'd even been there two days there," Eden blurted out. "No, Elina, it's far too risky. I'll prepare a truth potion, I'll give some to Malfoy ... and to Theodore, they'll talk, but please, forget the idea." Eden had already lost one friend, she didn't want to risk losing another.

"All right, but if they don't know anything, I will. We have no choice, Eden. Besides, if I die for a good cause..."

"No," Eden cut her off. "Elina, I'm warning you, if you do, I'll kill you! Voldemort is clever, he's powerful and I don't want you to die! I..." she felt her eyes burn. "You're my best friend, my only true friend, I don't want you to die."

Elina opened her mouth a little, but her eyes were burning too She just took Eden in her arms before slipping her hand into hers so they could walk away. The night was cold and there weren't many stars, making the path dangerous.

"Promise me we'll still be friends when we're old," Elina said.

"I promise we'll be bestfriends forever," Eden replied. She smiled, this year had brought them closer together and she was angry that it was because of Joshua's death. She would have preferred it otherwise, but she couldn't change the past, only move forward.

They walked a few miles through the woods before reaching Hogsmeade. A few wizards were loitering in the streets, some with small baskets begging for a few coins. Eden dropped a few, leaving their thanks behind, and approached the nightclub. She entered, Elina following.

The music rang in their ears as the lights danced across their bodies, changing from blue to red and green to yellow. The girls made their way to the bar and had a drink before looking out onto the dance floor. Eden had been to a Muggle nightclub before and this wasn't much different, apart from the drinks and the music.

"Joshua would have hated this place," Elina said with a small smile.

"I know, that's why we're going to have fun, he never agreed with us," Eden replied with a laugh.

The music changed and Eden led Elina onto the dance floor. They danced together, enjoying themselves and letting go. Life was too short, especially in these uncertain times, and they had to make the most of it before it was too late. They danced for an hour before leaving the floor for another drink.

"I haven't had this much fun in months," Elina breathed, wiping her brow. "I'd forgotten how it felt."

Eden gestured to the boy behind the bar and ordered two drinks before handing one to Elina, who smiled softly.

"For Joshua," Eden said.

"For Joshua," Elina repeated. They drank before returning to the dance floor to enjoy themselves again. Eden moved her body in a sensual way, closing her eyes and dancing without thinking of those around her. She was enjoying herself until she opened her eyes and met Mattheo's. She froze, blinked and frowned. What was he doing there?

"I'll be right back," she shouted in Elina's ear.

Eden passed between the dancers and was bumped slightly. She managed to follow Mattheo towards the bar and when she reached him, her cheeks were flushed.

"Are you following me?" she blurted out.

"This is a nightclub, Marks, not your property," Mattheo replied.

"You heard me yesterday when I was talking to Theodore. Mattheo, have you been following me?" Eden could feel her anger rising. He had no right to be around all the time, she was sure he'd done it on purpose and she pushed him.

"Shit, what the hell do you want? Are you trying to ruin my life?" she shouted.

Mattheo had spilled some of his drink on his shirt when Eden had pushed him and he looked at her, his mouth half open. There were so many things he wanted to say to her, but he knew it would only make things worse.

"I came to drink, not for your pretty eyes, Marks," Mattheo said. "What's the matter with you? Is it because of Karen? Because I fucked her yesterday morning?"

"Don't think for a moment I care who you sleep with, Mattheo! I don't have a problem, it didn't mean anything, we're having fun, nothing more." Eden saw him stiffen, a muscle in his jaw twitched and his eyes grew darker.

"Yeah, it didn't mean anything, you're right," Mattheo blurted out. "We're the same, we'll fuck anyone, right?" He didn't wait for an answer and walked away. Eden stayed motionless, her eyes riveted in front of her. It didn't mean anything. At least now she had confirmation that none of it meant anything to him.

"Asshole," she muttered.

She sighed and tried to get back into the mood, but she didn't feel like dancing anymore, he'd managed to ruin another one of her evenings and she was so mad at him she could kill him. Eden turned to head out onto the dance floor but bumped into a torso and as she stepped back her back hit the bar.

"Sorry," she said as she tried to get past, but her wrist was caught and she looked up. The man she'd bumped into was looking at her with an unhealthy grin and she tried to get him to let go of her wrist.

"I'll buy you a drink," he said.

"No way, I'm not thirsty, get off my back," Eden demanded.

"Come on, don't be so bad, I've seen you on the dance floor, you look like good company." He moved closer and pinned her against the bar, leaning in to try and kiss her. Eden tried to push him away and groaned as she felt his hand on her bottom. Anger raged inside her and she slapped him, hurting her hand.

"You bitch," the man said with a growl. He grabbed her a little harder and Eden struggled. Why wasn't anyone helping her? He was much heavier than she was and she felt his hand slide up her thigh. A hand grabed the man and threw him against the wall.

"You lay a hand on her and you'll regret it, now, get the hell out of here before i make you", said Mattheo with anger. He released him, turned to Eden and checked if she wasn't hurt. "You're okay?".

"I .. I think", said Eden.

Eden saw the man approach again, but there was another with him and she opened her mouth to warn Mattheo, but didn't have the time. He was pulled away from her and took a blow to the face. The man's friend grabbed him as the other approached Eden.

"You like being a little slut, so take it, sweetheart," he said.

Mattheo punched the man hard and grabbed him by the collar again, pushing him back aggressively.

"Not another word about her, understand?", said Mattheo. "Don't you dare touch her again".

Mattheo took Eden's hand, his lip was bleeding and she wanted to tell him to go to the toilet to clean himself up, but again she couldn't. The man smashed a bottle over Mattheo's head and he staggered backwards.

"Mattheo!" shouted Eden.

She saw the change, his eyes turned dark and for the first time she was truly afraid. Not afraid of him but affraid of what he was capable of.

"Mattheo, it's not worth it, you need treatment," Eden gasped.

He didn't listen, his eyes were black and empty, and he turned, pushed the man to the ground and punched him several times. The force with which he hit him was frightening and the man didn't even move. The music had stopped, the crowd was screaming and Eden felt Elina take her hand. The bar manager had to come out of his office and tried to grab Mattheo, but he could not.

Mattheo's rage prevented anyone from pushing him away. His fists smashed into the face of the man who had lost consciousness. Eden looked at Mattheo and reached out to grab his arm before he could strike again.

"Mattheo," she said softly as she knelt down. "Look at me, I'm here, look at me."

He looked up at her and she placed her other hand on his cheek. He seemed to come to and Eden saw the pain in his eyes.

"He touched you," he said hoarsely.

"I'm fine, please, let's go," she begged.

Mattheo stood up, Eden still with a hand on his cheek. Without a word she took his hand and Elina's before leaving the nightclub. Her legs were shaking and she couldn't get the image of Mattheo punching the man out of her mind. They walked in silence and she said goodnight to Elina before going upstairs to the bathroom. She sat Mattheo down and got some medicine.

"You're afraid of me," he said.

Eden turned to him, disinfectant and bandages in hand, and remained silent before kneeling before him. She took one of his hands and stroked it gently before cleaning it and wrapping it in a bandage.

"No," she breathed, lifting her head. "I'm not afraid of you."

Mattheo looked relieved. He raised his bandaged hand and placed it on Eden's cheek. Embarrassed, she looked away and took his other hand to clean it. His hands were so damaged she wanted to cry. Eden bandaged him and she cleaned his lip before running a hand through his hair to make sure there were no bits of glass.

"It's all right," she said. "You should rest."

Mattheo stood up, watching her. Eden turned away and washed her hands before putting away what she'd taken out. The redhead's hands were trembling and Mattheo laid his on them.

"Eden," he said quietly. She burst into tears and Mattheo pulled her to him and hugged her. If he hadn't been there, who knew what that guy would have done to her? She cuddled up to him and cried. Mattheo picked her up and set her on the sink before moistening a handkerchief and wiping away her tears and make-up.

"Thank you," she breathed. "For everything."

Mattheo remained silent as he cleaned her face before standing in front of her and taking her face between his bandaged hands. His lip was already quite swollen and it must have hurt. He dipped his eyes into hers, a very serious look.

"I will never let anyone hurt you, never, do you hear me?" he said in a deep voice.

Eden nodded and closed her eyes, letting Mattheo stroke her cheeks. He looked down at her and she felt his lips on hers. It was a simple kiss, just their lips touching and he pulled away, keeping his hands on her cheeks. Once again she was lost. Why was he looking at her if he didn't care?

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