chapter fourteen

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๐–hen Eden woke up, it took her a moment to remember the previous evening, but when she did, she smiled. Mattheo had managed to convince her that he was actually a nice person. He'd remembered something about her from Muggle History class the year before. The redhead greeted her roommates and got dressed before going into the Great Hall.

She sat down at her table and waved to Elina. They had to meet to talk, they had to find the ring and they had to do it as soon as possible. Eden ate quietly and then looked up at Ron who had just stopped in front of her with a slightly embarrassed look on his face.

"Hi Eden, did you have a good night?" he asked.

"It was a short one actually Ron, I think we should stop..." Eden stopped talking when she saw Mattheo arrive, an arm around a girl's shoulders. He still had a smudge of lipstick on his skin where his shirt was open, and from the look of his dishevelled hair and the marks on the Slytherin's neck, Eden didn't have to be clever to work it out.

"You know what? Forget what I said, let's go," the redhead blurted out. Mattheo ignored her and she left the Great Hall. He'd wanted her to believe that he saw her as more than just one of his conquests, but it had all been a lie. Eden didn't even know why it affected her so much.

She went to an empty classroom and let Ron make love to her, trying to forget about Mattheo, but the bastard had been right when he'd told her that she could be with any boy, but that she'd be thinking about him, and that drew a growl from her.

"Have you invited Hermione?" she asked.

"No, not yet, I... I will soon," Ron replied with a groan.

Eden let him pull back to cum and she wiped herself before putting her panties back on and combed her hair a little before smiling at Ron.

"Stop waiting, one day a boy will have the courage to do it and it will be too late. You're cute and sweet, she'd be stupid to turn you down," Eden said.

"Thank you." Ron dressed and Eden left him. She felt sorry for him and hoped he would be able to talk to Hermione. Eden wasn't starting lessons yet and she went up to the Astronomy Tower where Elina was waiting for her.

"Hi, I didn't know what to do so I came early," Elina said. "I sent a letter to my parents, they went to Joshua's house, but they couldn't find the ring."

"That makes sense, Joshua hasn't been home since school started. The ring must be here," Eden sighed. She dropped back onto the sofa and pursed her lips. "Did you check his dorm?"

"Yes, but there was nothing there. And the more I think about it, the more I'm sure he didn't fall. Or maybe it didn't fall by himself." Elina seemed determined and Eden remained silent, thinking.

"I haven't talked to Draco yet. Nor to Theodore. I will, but I was with Theodore that night, he would never have done this and Voldemort can't get in here," Eden said.

"So the killer is among us, he's a student," Elina snapped.

Eden grimaced. Elina sighed and ran a hand through her hair before sitting down next to Eden.

"Elina, I know it would be easier to blame someone than to say that Joshua had a trivial fall, but...ย Maybe that's what it is, a simple fall." Eden took her hand and squeezed it gently as she saw the tears in her eyes.

"I miss him, the others seem to have forgotten him already, but I... I can't," Elina breathed.

"I know, I miss him too, and if you're right, if someone has hurt him, they will pay, I promise, Elina," Eden said.

She took her in her arms and held her gently. There might be a murderer in the school, and if so, that person had the ring. For what purpose? And how did he know? Those were two questions Eden had no answer to.

"You know what? You and I are going to have some fun tomorrow." Eden stood up and put her skirt back on properly before looking at her friend. "We need to clear our heads and we'll celebrate Joshua."

Elina nodded and Eden planted a kiss on her forehead before walking down the stairs and gathering her things to go to class. Theodore smiled at her as she arrived and she sat down next to him.

"Good morning, Queen of the Underworld, did you sleep well?" Theodore asked.

Eden nodded as Mattheo came in and put his things on the back table. She ignored him and opened her book, but she could feel his eyes on her back.

"What are you doing tomorrow night?" asked Theodore.

"I'm going out," Eden replied.

"What? And you're not even thinking about asking the coolest guy out? Who are you going out with?" Theodore looked at her and Eden turned to him.

"It's girls' night, so of course you're not invited, Theodore," Eden said with a slight laugh. She knew Mattheo was listening and tried to ignore his scent wafting towards her.

The hour passed quickly enough, Theodore trying to make conversation and Eden responding as she took notes. When the bell rang, she stood up and was about to leave when Mattheo grabbed her wrist and she stopped, lifting her head towards him.

"Let me go, Riddle," she said. But instead of listening to her, she felt him squeeze her wrist a little tighter and he looked into her eyes. She couldn't tell what was in those eyes, but the storm was raging.

"What's the matter?" he asked.

He knew it very well, he'd done it on purpose, played indifferent, pretended that what had happened between them didn't mean anything, but he was torn between wanting to kiss her and wanting to push her away.ย He was lost.

"Nothing at all, can you leave me alone? I've got Charms class," Eden sighed.

At first she thought she had to insist, but he let go and walked away. Eden rolled her eyes and Theodore waved before joining his best friend. It was going to be a long day if this continued. Eden was finally able to breathe as she sat down to eat and looked at the students, they all seemed so normal, who would have thought of killing Joshua?

Elina was probably wrong, no one had killed him and he had simply fallen. Maybe the ring had come off his finger when he fell and was somewhere in the castle, maybe someone had picked it up thinking it was just a ring. She bit her lip and tried to look at the floor as she made her way to the large bathroom. She was taking off her uniform when she heard a noise.

"What the hell are you doing in here?" she shouted.

"I just had a shower, what's your problem Marks?" asked Mattheo, a towel wrapped around his waist.

"This is the Ravenclow bathroom, Mattheo, you don't belong here." Eden tried not to look at him, he was half naked and so was she.

"You didn't mind yesterday though, come on, I was hoping you'd come, admit it, you want to fuck me," he said with that stupid grin.

"Still dreaming as I can see, Riddle, I'm not in the mood," Eden blurted out.

"I know you want it and we're in the showers, alone sooo...", he looked amused and Eden felt like slapping him.

"So I'm gonna shower", said Eden.

Mattheo raised an eyebrow and his smirk grew wider. Eden crossed her arms, he was playing with her like he'd played with Jenna and all the others.

"Oh, really?' he said with a smirk.

"Yeah, definitly and ...", she walked over to him and ripped off his towel. Mattheo tried to take it back but she let it fall to the floor, "frankly, there's nothing to see".

"We both know you're lying and..." Mattheo fell silent as the door opened. Eden stepped back and Mattheo placed his hands in front of his crotch.

"Wow, sorry," Henry Evans said, then frowned with a chuckle and pointed at them, "are you two..."

Mattheo chuckled and turned his head towards Eden with an amused expression. The redhead rolled her eyes as Henry stood there like an idiot.

"Oh shut up, Henry," Eden blurted out.

He frowned and walked off into one of the showers. Eden sighed and grabbed a towel before walking past Mattheo. He picked up the towel and wrapped it around his waist before following her.

"Marks, wait!" he grabbed her arm and turned her around, holding her against him as he looked into her eyes. Eden felt his warm skin warming hers and she pushed him away.

"What? I've got a guy to fuck so I don't have time," she lied. She blamed herself when she saw Mattheo's eyes go blank but he grinned and leaned towards her.

"It'd be a shame to keep him waiting, never mind, I'll see you later," he said.

Mattheo walked away and Eden stood still for a moment, staring at the door. He was going to drive her crazy. She sighed and turned on the water to fill the bath, but didn't really enjoy it. She thought about Theodore, what was she going to say to him? And she thought about Mattheo, why did he seem to have two personalities?

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