chapter twenty eight

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𝐄den had lost everything. She had been crying for days, missing classes to stay in bed. She couldn't stop thinking about it, about the fact that it had all happened because of her. Theodore had knocked on the door, Lisa had let him into the common room, but Eden had refused to open the door and she had started to cry when she heard him apologise again.

She forced herself to stand up though, it had been three weeks since she had learned the truth but it was still just as painful. The pain wouldn't go away. The redhead went downstairs to eat breakfast, keeping her eyes on her bowl. But when she finished and stood up, she couldn't help but look at the Slytherins table. Mattheo wasn't there and that's when she heard the murmurs.

Too focused on herself, she hadn't noticed and turned her head towards a girl who was talking to a boy.

"I heard he ran away, but I heard Lorenzo say he wasn't coming back," she said.

Eden clenched her jaw, Mattheo was the type to run away, he was a coward and she rolled her eyes. Recovering her memories had awakened her feelings. They had increased tenfold and she was angry because she remembered the gentle, kind Mattheo. And now she understood the abruptness and anger with which he had made love to her. Because he was angry at having ruined what they were.

Eden went back to her dormitory and grabbed her coat before heading out. It was the official day at Hogsmeade and she watched the others. She was the only one without anyone and she felt a pang of sadness. She spotted Theodore with Blaise and Lorenzo and when their eyes met, Eden looked away. She walked down a small, dark alley and entered a shop.

She didn't feel like buying anything, in fact she didn't feel like anything at all. She sighed and left the shop. Eden took no notice and let out a scream as someone put a hand over her mouth. Mattheo was gone and she was angry at him for running away. It was easy to turn away from the problem, but the truth was that he hadn't run away of his own free will, and the scream he let out as his father began to torture him again shattered the silence of the family home.

He moaned as he was punched and spat blood. His fists were tied, he couldn't move and he hadn't seen the light of outside for days. Tom leaned over to him again.

"Where's the diadem?" he said. Mattheo groaned and raised his head before laughing.

"You'll never find it," he said. "That must be frustrating, you shouting so loudly that you're the most powerful wizard and yet, you can't found what you're looking for."

He grunted as the fist came down on him again, his mouth bloody, and his father grabbed his face, grinning like a monster.

"I assured you of something months ago," Tom said before calling Bellatrix.

Mattheo turned his head when he heard his mother. He frowned and fear gripped his face as he saw her dragging Eden. Unconscious, she had a head injury and Bellatrix laid her at Tom's feet.

"No, no, no, Father, please," Mattheo said. "Don't touch her."

A dark laugh escaped Tom's lips as he grabbed Eden's hair and pulled her away from Mattheo. The redhead moaned as she began to emerge and Mattheo tried to undo the restraints but only managed to hurt himself.

"I'll say it again, Mattheo," Tom said. "Where's the diadem?"

Eden grunted and blinked several times before putting a hand to her head. She heard voices and she turned to the side. It took her a moment to adjust to the darkness and she saw Mattheo, trapped.

"I don't know, please, I don't know where the diadem is, don't touch her!" Mattheo felt the pain again as his father hit him again and he coughed up blood. His head tilted half back and he gasped.

Eden tried to get up, but she was too weak. Voldemort leaned over to her and she flinched as he stroked her cheek.

"Where did you hide the diadem?" he asked.

"You'll never get it," Eden gasped. Voldemort raised his wand and she screamed in pain. Her body arched and Mattheo screamed, struggling against the bonds that held him.

"Stop this! Stop this! I beg you!" Voldemort rose, leaving Eden gasping for breath, and approached his son, striking him again.

"It's the weak who beg, you're nothing but a disappointment," Tom said. Mattheo spat in his face and anger flashed in his father's eyes. He punched him several times. Eden managed to get to her feet, her body shaking, and grabbed a vase to smash over his head.

Mattheo's eyes widened and he began to insult his father, hoping to get his attention back, but Tom clenched his jaw and turned. He grabbed Eden by the throat and lifted her off the ground, and she felt her throat tighten.

"I've got the sword!" shouted Mattheo. "Don't hurt her, I know where the sword is."

Eden fell back to the floor, coughing, and Tom turned to his son. Mattheo looked at Eden, he had never looked so broken as he did at that moment.

"No..." Eden breathed.

"Where's the sword?" asked Tom.

"Let her go and I'll give it to you," Mattheo said. Tom laughed and pointed his wand at Eden. She collapsed in pain and screamed, it felt like every bone in her body was breaking and Mattheo shouted.

"You're in no position to negotiate," Tom said. "Tell me where the sword is."

"In my room, it's hidden in my room in the form of a ring," said Mattheo. Tom got to his feet and walked away. Mattheo called to the house elf to untie him and he rushed over to Eden.

"Eden!" He grabbed her face but she pushed him away.

"How dare you! You stole the ring! You traitor!" Eden got to her feet, almost falling over from the pain. Mattheo stood and shook his head before taking the ring from his pocket.

"Take it, he'll find a ring in my room, but not the real one," Mattheo said. "I'm going to get you out of here, Eden, look at me, I'm sorry. I thought keeping the ring would protect you, I was wrong, I'm sorry."

"What about you? Aren't you coming?" asked Eden.

"I've done enough damage, I'm going to do everything I can to convince him for as long as possible that there is a spell we can find to turn the ring into a sword," Mattheo said.

Eden put the ring back in her pocket and snuggled into Mattheo's arms as they apparates. Only he knew how. They reached the courtyard of the castle and she felt all her anger disappear.

"Don't go back, please," Eden breathed. "Matty..."

Mattheo smiled, but his eyes filled with tears. He took Eden's face in his hands and leaned down to kiss her before resting his forehead against hers.

"I love you, my love," he said. Mattheo took her necklace out of his pocket and gave it to her. "I fixed it."

Eden took the necklace and clasped it in her hand. She loved Mattheo, she loved him as much as she hated him, and she let her tears fall.

"Don't leave me, not again," Eden said, clinging to him. "Matty, please don't leave me." Eden was scared. She was so angry and sad.

"I'm sorry, I'll make it up to you, Eden. For everything I should have done." Mattheo kissed her forehead and walked away.

"Mattheo! No, please! Mattheo!" Eden fell to her knees as he apparate and she burst into tears. Eden stayed like that for a long time before she managed to get up and go back inside. The next few days were long, and she waited by the window for Mattheo to return, but he never did.

It wasn't until a week later that he appeared. Eden saw him walking outside and rushed out of her dormitory. Several students looked at her in amazement and she hurried out.

"Mattheo!" Eden saw him lift his head. He was still bruised and she ran into his arms. Mattheo grabbed her and buried his face in her neck and Eden wrapped her legs around his pelvis. Theodore saw them and felt his heart break, but Mattheo deserved happiness. It was Mattheo she had fallen in love with first and Theodore couldn't blame her.

Mattheo straightened his head and Eden looked at him. He looked broken and she stroked his face gently. She wanted to erase every trace of that monster. He smiled tenderly and kissed her. Eden responded to his kiss and held him close. It had been a terrible wait.

"The ring..." she asked as he put her back on the ground.

"He realised it wasn't the right one," said Mattheo. "He's giving me one last chance." Mattheo slipped his hand into Eden's, ignoring the murmuring students. He stopped in front of Theodore, wanting to apologize but Theodore pulled him into a hug and held him close. They were best friends first and foremost.

"I know," Theodore said before Mattheo could speak. "We'll get through this." He smiled at him before turning to Eden. "Hi."

"Hi," she said. It was surprising to see Mattheo holding Eden's hand, but she didn't care. She walked away with him and let him come into the bathroom to put some cream on his face.

"You never should have gone back there," she said. "He could have killed you! I can't lose you. You're the only person I have left," Eden said, lowering her eyes. Reconnecting with her memories had brought her back to the person she was when she loved Mattheo. "And you promised to marry me at the end of our year."

Mattheo looked at Eden in surprise. A smile lit up his face and he pulled her to him for a kiss.

"Don't worry, Eden Marks, I promise I'll marry you," Mattheo said. Eden smiled at him and looked at him.

"I didn't mean what I said, Matty. You're not like him, you're not a monster and I don't want you to be unhappy. I... I'm sorry." Eden blamed herself, she'd been cruel.

"You were angry, you had every right to say that to me, I had no right to take your memories. I just wanted to protect you, but I handled it badly," Mattheo said.

"Matty ... if you hadn't taken my memories, I never would have gone to Theodore," Eden said.

"I know, I don't blame you, I knew it was a risk," Mattheo said.

"What I mean is that I'm a different person, but my feelings for you haven't changed. I love you and nobody can change that. It's you, Matty, it will always be you, because you're not a choice. You're a certainty." Eden looked up at him and Mattheo responded with a languorous kiss.

"Forever, Eden," he breathed. "I'll always be with you, my love." Mattheo couldn't live without her. Eden was the love of his life, he knew it in the depths of his being. Eden Marks had awakened his heart and he had given it to her in the hope that only she could destroy or repair it because he wanted no one else to hurt or love him than her.

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