chapter twenty nine

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𝐄den walked through the library and out into a dark corridor that didn't see many living people. It was mostly ghosts that went there. The redhead looked around and shrieked as someone picked her up. She laughed and wrapped her legs around Mattheo's waist.

"I've missed you," he said. "I haven't stopped thinking about you." He kissed her and Eden gripped his hair, responding to his kiss. Mattheo was back to the gentle, tender, loving man she'd known and a smile appeared on her face.

"I've missed you too," she replied.

She let go of him and took his hand, moving forward into the darkness. She loved him and trusted him. Her heart told her she could trust him. Her necklace shone and warmed her skin as she led Mattheo a little further. She entered the painting room and Mattheo looked at her.

"You know, when you said you wanted to spend some time with me, I was thinking of something other than coming to look at paintings," laughs Mattheo.

"Idiot," says Eden. "We're here to pick something up." Eden walked over to a painting and grabbed it before showing it to her boyfriend. "So, what do you see?"

"A bitter old woman getting drunk and thinking about what a shitty life she has," Mattheo said.

Eden rolled her eyes and plunged her hand into the painting. Mattheo's eyes widened as he watched her do it. A bright light shone before she reached for something and she pulled her hand back, holding a cup in her hand.

"Fuck, is that...?" gasped Mattheo.

"The cup," Eden said. "We have three relics, but I still don't know why your father needs it."

"I do," Mattheo replied. "You must hide the cup with the ring. Where did you put the diadem?" Mattheo looked at Eden and then picked up the cup to look at it. It was old, but it looked like any other old cup.

"The diadem is on the statue in the school entrance." Eden hid the cup in her bag and Mattheo frowned.

"The statue wears a clay crown," he said. "You hid it in plain sight?"

"Matty, that's just it, people don't pay attention to things in front of them, they're too busy looking for something hidden," Eden explained. "I had to use a camouflage spell to make the diadem look like clay."

"You are devilishly clever," Mattheo said as he pulled her to him for a kiss. Eden smiled as she led him to the diadem. He looked up at the statue; in all the time he'd passed it, he'd never noticed it was wearing the diadem his father had so coveted. Eden climbed onto the statue and heard Mattheo comment on her ascent.

"What?" she asked.

"Why are you wearing your knickers today?" growled Mattheo. Eden laughed and reached the top of the statue. She grabbed her wand, released the diadem and climbed down. Mattheo looked at the relic, it was magnificent. They went to find Theodore and settled out of sight.

"Salazar's necklace is missing," Eden said. "Your father must have hidden it."

"He used it," Mattheo said. Theodore didn't seem surprised and neither did Eden. He already knew. The redhead frowned and looked at her boyfriend.

"What do you mean, used?" she asked.

"You know that relics can be very dangerous and that they can be used for many things," Mattheo explained. "My father... Years ago, my father did an experiment. He split his soul in two and put one into something that became a Horcrux. It's... basically, when he splits his soul, he becomes more powerful because he can't die unless his soul is killed completely."

Eden was horrified. This was powerful black magic and she felt a shiver run through her body.

"Did the experiment work?" she asked.

"Yes, it was a success, but splitting the soul like that, playing with black magic, there are always consequences. His eyes have changed, sometimes they're different, they look like snakes' eyes," Mattheo said with a grimace. "He needs the relics to turn them into Horcruxes."

"He wants to become immortal," Eden gasped. "We can't let him do that, there must be some way to stop him."

"There is a way," said Theodore, who had been silent. Mattheo turned his head towards him in surprise. "I did some research. I needed to know more if I was going to help you."

"What did you find out? Why didn't you say so before?" Eden blurted out.

"I didn't think it was something that would ever come true," Theodore said. "And it's black magic too, if we use it..."

"We plunge into darkness," said Eden.

"I've already have the mark," said Mattheo. "I'll do whatever it takes."

"No, I won't let you do this alone," said Eden. "We'll do it together. So what do you know, Theodore?"

"The relics must be destroyed, but they are powerful, they contain black magic and white magic, the person who destroys them is bound to be affected by the darkness," Theodore explained.

"It's not like we can just throw them in the fire," says Eden. "They're relics, they can't just be destroyed."

"Each relic must be destroyed with what is appropriate to it," Theodore said. Eden frowned and thought, not sure she understood.

"How do you know all this? There aren't any books in the library on how to destroy powerful relics," Mattheo blurted out.

"Oh, I... let's just say I might have stolen a book from the Headmaster's office," Theodore said.

"You what? You could have been expelled!" cried Eden.

"We're not here to worry about my future," Theodore muttered. "The sword will be destroyed if we use a phoenix feather, the medallion with a snake's tooth, the cup with a badger's claw and the diadem..."

"The raven," Eden said. "The beak, that's what we can use to destroy the relics. Voldemort's already used the locket, so that means he's got two Horcruxes, right? How many Horcruxes does he need to become immortal?"

"Seven," said Mattheo. "Eden, please, I have to be the one to destroy the Horcruxes. I love that you're stubborn, but for once, please, let me do it."

"We don't know what it might do," Eden said. "It could kill you or ... or hurt you."

"Mattheo's right, Eden," Theodore said. He knew Mattheo wanted him to protect Eden if anything happened to him and he looked at the redhead. "Mattheo has to do it."

Eden turned her head to Mattheo and looked at him with tears in her eyes. She avoided showing him affection in Theodore's presence so as not to hurt him, but it was difficult.

"If you ever die, I'll kill you," she said.

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