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"Jett my best friend, I'm gonna throw a smoothie in your face"

"𝐼𝑡'𝑠 𝑜𝑢𝑟 𝑡𝑖𝑚𝑒 𝑡𝑜 𝑚𝑎𝑘𝑒 𝑎 𝑚𝑜𝑣𝑒,
𝐼𝑡'𝑠 𝑜𝑢𝑟 𝑡𝑖𝑚𝑒 𝑡𝑜 𝑚𝑎𝑘𝑒 𝑎𝑚𝑒𝑛𝑑𝑠,
𝐼𝑡'𝑠 𝑜𝑢𝑟 𝑡𝑖𝑚𝑒 𝑡𝑜 𝑏𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑘 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑟𝑢𝑙𝑒𝑠"

Juniper regretted every nice thing she ever said about Carlos. Because he wanted to live out his reality show dream, this rehearsal was turning into chaos and she didn't know if she should laugh or cry at what they were getting themselves into by playing into whatever the camera guy's name wanted. Especially when Carlos tried to set up a fake romantic backstory for Maddox and Jett who are siblings and Juniper thought everyone knew that (apparently not) but Juniper really didn't want to think back on that moment again, it will haunt her.

     But while she took back all the nice things she said about Carlos she was also kinda scared of him since every time he got to cross off something from his list he had this really eerie smile on his face that creeped Juniper out. But at least everyone was able to get a little payback, before everything went completely downhill, seeing him as olaf.

     Juniper was currently on the side of the stage painfully watching Jett do some Batman impression while he was practicing a scene and the whole time he kept looking back at her for help. Not being able to watch anymore she decided to drag him off the stage saying that he needed a second.

     "Okay what in the hell was that," Juniper immediately asked Jett once they were out of earshot of everyone.

     Jett shrugged looking to the side of Juniper instead of her face, "I mean it wasn't that bad"

    "Jett I would run a mile if it meant that the memory of what just happened would be erased from my mind," Juniper exclaimed.

     Jett sighed at his best friends answer, "I just- I don't know how to act on that stage when all I'm thinking of is that a camera is right in front of my face and eventually when this is over everyone that watches will see and judge me!"

     Juniper's eyes widened at Jett's confession. Of course everyone gets nervous every now and then but Jett had always brushed things off, especially when people judged him. She started to see he was a bit more sensitive after the whole issue with his mom putting him on medication but to Juniper it at least seemed that he was able to bounce back from whatever emotions it inflicted in him but maybe Juniper just didn't pay enough attention to how he truly was.

     "Jett I'm sorry I didn't realize this was effecting you like that but you know that nobody would ever have any reason to judge you, you are an amazing person and the most considerate friend I have ever had and ever will have. But of course its normal and okay to feel anxious about that camera and the show so if you ever need a break just look over to me and I'll get you out of this mess," Juniper gave him the most genuine smile she could so he would know she meant what she said.

      Jett gave her a look saying he appreciates what she said, "You know you're pretty alright yourself I think I'll keep you around for awhile."

     Juniper slapped him upside the head as he started to laugh his ass off, "Okay smartass lets go before they send a search party after us, and you know Carlos is dramatic enough to that!"

     Jett let out another laugh at her words before he slipped his arm into hers as they hurried back into the barn and as they got back Juniper had suddenly gotten an idea. "Okay Jett before we get in there pretend we were fighting back here"

     "Wait why," Jett asked not catching on at all.

     Juniper shrugged at him, "Well we are supposed to be on a reality show so lets act like it plus this fake fighting could get our mind of things and be fun, " Jett gave her a excited smile.

     Once they entered the barn everyone turned to look at them and Juniper gave Jett a look to start, "Oh my god Juniper will you get over yourself! As I will remind you again you don't know everything!"

      Juniper scoffed at him, "Well I know this will be hard for you since your brain is to small to comprehend but how about you try to be a decent actor before you insult me-" Juniper looked to the side and noticed her smoothie and whispered to Jett as she reached for it, "Jett my best friend, I'm gonna throw a smoothie in your face."

     Juniper did just that as everyone else let out gasps (Juniper really didn't know if they were fake or not as she wasn't sure if people realized they were pretending but she decided go ignore them) "One more thing no matter how hard it will be, use your brain before you think your cool enough to talk to me, okay? I do hope I've made this simple enough for you to understand," with that Juniper walked off backstage but not before Carlos gave her a fist bump as he crossed off another thing from his list


After getting Jett a towel while they camera guy (who's name Juniper still doesn't know or care to know) she came just in time to see Ej in his Stfen costume which made that rehearsal the best day of her life and she got tons of pictures before Gina and Ricky started their song. Which Juniper didn't really pay attention to until Jett nudged her and she started to notice how much tension was growing between the two even though Gina has a boyfriend and as Juniper just found out, Ricky just got out of a relationship.

Juniper was still staring at the stage even after Gina abruptly left. She didn't know whether to check on her or to just stay out of it. But that was kinda decided for her as Ej called a five and went to check on Gina himself. So trying desperately to stay drama free Jett and her went to go wait around backstage before the camera guy (she really needed to learn his name) said whether he thought their act was good enough for television, which he thankfully, for Ej's sanity, did.

     Everyone started to get into places when the camera guy came back saying he forgot he had to take pictures, and as Juniper went to get her and Jett signs for the picture Ej came up to her, "Hey Juni, has Gina ever said anything to you?"

"Well considering she's dating my best friend and she is my friend I'm pretty she shes said a word or two since we've meet," Juniper gave him an obvious look.

Ej rolled his eyes at her words, "No i meant- she seems like she's mad at me for some reason."

"Oh, well I promise you I haven't heard anything. Maybe shes just worried about the show, you know with being the lead and all," Juniper immediately tried to reassure Ej.

Ej just stared off into the distance after her words and mumbled a maybe before walking off with an expression Juniper knew meant that he was still stuck in his head thinking if he did something wrong.

Juniper sighed as she looked at Ej while she walked to where Jett was sitting, she didn't know what was going on with Gina and Ej so she didn't know how to help and that feeling didn't sit right with her. She shook of the feeling as Gina and Ricky came in and everyone was fixing themselves for the picture when Ej tried to say some encouraging words and Gina butted in, "almost home as in Salt Lake or St. Louis?"

Juniper's head whipped around to Gina and Ej not understanding a thing about what Gina talking about. The Yun girl was gonna speak up and ask when out of the corner of her eye she saw Val looking anywhere but where the drama was unfolding and started to put the pieces together that whatever Gina was talking about Val knew. Ej told Val and not Juniper.

Juniper being an expert at putting in fake smiles, put all of her best work into action when the camera guy started to take pictures and while Juniper was smiling for the camera all she wanted was to not feel this self pity that was blooming in her chest.

Trying to put away her feelings about this whole Ej not telling her something that Val know, telling herself she will deal with it later, once the pictures were done and everyone was getting up Juniper grabbed Jett's arms in hopes of leaving when everyone started yelling and the real reality show started.

Juniper was trying to stay to the side of everyone when she saw Val walk into the middle of the room acting like she was a hero Ashlyn started to yell back at her, "Val maybe now's not the time for your psycho-analysis! Read the room!"

"What wonderful input Ashlyn, reading my mind," Juniper piped up to agree as she was putting her slowing growing self confidence to work.

Val turned to her with an annoyed look, "Seriously Juniper we are having a real conversation we don't need your childish opinions here alright!"

"And I don't need bitchy comments from a grown ass person who is in college who bullies teenagers because of her own insecurities, Val," Juniper quickly shut Val up.

Val while looking a bit surprised at Juniper actually speaking up for herself for once still glared at her. Gina who was actually quite found of Juniper while not having to many conversations with her decided to clap back at Val as while, "Yes in my experience Val immaturely likes to read letters that aren't meant for her while meddling in people's relationship when she should really just mind her business."

Juniper turned to Gina giving her an appreciative smile which she got one in return when Maddox tried to talk to Ashlyn and all she got in return was getting yelled at and before she could stop him, Jett decided to add fuel to the fire. "Okay can you just for once stop telling everyone who they are and how they should be!"

Maddox turned to Jett with a glare, "oh your talking to me now?"

"Forget it, you're just gonna yell," Jett started to turn away.

Maddox fed up and not letting him off the hook did start yelling, "No yeah that's right Jett, make me the bad guy once again!"

Juniper hated all the was happing right now and she really wanted everyone to stop yelling and she moved to be in the middle of the two fighting siblings, "Okay guys can you not do this right here, you've waited this long to have it out with each other can you wait until your outside?!"

"Yeah of course take his side Juniper cause it seems you've left me behind!" Maddox retaliated being in a completely defensive mode even though regretted what she said the minute it left her mouth knowing that's not what Juniper was doing.

Distantly Juniper heard Ricky wondering if the three of them knew each other before camp but all she could focus on was Maddox who's glare was not only on Jett was Juniper too.

Knowing that Juniper was to shocked to say anything he decided to speak up and get the attention off of her while also still trying to prove himself to his sister, "Look Maddie, I'm here aren't I? I'm trying!"

Hearing Jett's voice break at the end if his sentence is what brought Juniper out of her stupor and back into the fight that was happening in front of her. "Yeah only cause you were forced to come here after you literally got expelled from school or are we just pretending that didn't happen?!" Maddox yelled.

     "Can you both shut up! Maddox you truly never let him explain his side even though you complain he never explained himself and then you put me in the middle of you two knowing I was uncomfortable with that," Juniper took a deep breath before turning to Jett, " You showed your parents that text without even taking a second to think how it would effect Maddox and I know you wanted her to pay attention to you but outing her was such a dick way to do that! But both of you the minute that your brother sister relationship fell through, you barely put in any effort to fix it even though you both act hurt that your not close now! So I really don't understand the whole arguing back and forth thats been going for months on who was in the right or wrong when you both made mistakes. And I'm so sick of this, for once stop yelling and actually fix this instead of pitting the blame on each other!"

     Juniper done with her speech didn't care for her hate of loneliness, she was so frustrated at both of them for throwing their relationship away instead of trying to put in the work to fix it. Its been months since everything went down yet they still cant figure out how to apologize and Juniper was just tired of it all. The Yun girl walked into the words to the campsite that she knew would thankfully be deserted, and slipped in her earphones seeking some relief from the chaos shes in the middle of.

This is Ri¡
so yeah my girl is mad at everyone and kinda alone right now but at least she stood up for herself to Val! bright side :) also this chapter was over 2,000 words wtf
well anyways three episodes left and the next one is the color war and my girl is completely unathletic so thats gonna be fun for her
hope you've had a day your happy with :)

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