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"𝑌𝑒𝑠 𝑤𝑒 𝑎𝑟𝑒 𝑜𝑓𝑓𝑖𝑐𝑎𝑙𝑙𝑦 𝑓𝑟𝑖𝑒𝑛𝑑𝑠 𝑛𝑜𝑤 𝐽𝑢𝑛𝑖𝑝𝑒𝑟"

"𝐼𝑛 𝑡ℎ𝑖𝑠 𝑤𝑜𝑟𝑙𝑑
𝐼𝑡'𝑠 𝑗𝑢𝑠𝑡 𝑢𝑠
𝑌𝑜𝑢 𝑘𝑛𝑜𝑤 𝑖𝑡'𝑠 𝑛𝑜𝑡 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑠𝑎𝑚𝑒 𝑎𝑠 𝑖𝑡 𝑤𝑎𝑠"

Juniper was still sitting around the campfire and hour later fully letting herself forget about the world around her. As she was finally able to push down her feelings of frustration that were still bubbling in her chest she felt a tap on her shoulder, "Hey, uh is this seat taken?"

She didn't even realize that someone might have saw her come this way but she was also quite surprised that it was Gina that wanted to sit by her.

"Um no have it," Juniper finally responded.

Gina mumbled a small thanks before she sat down. Neither of them said anything for a bit, both of them staring off into the distance while their thoughts ran about a fight they both had with someone they wish they didn't have to have one with.

Gina turned to the Yun girl after a minute, "Do you wanna talk about it?"

Juniper gave her a small shrug before she let out a sigh, "I just- I want things back to the way they used be while also not wanting that at the same time."

Gina just gave her a look saying she didn't know what the hell she was talking about.

"I want everything to be like it used to
be since Maddox and Jett used to be on good terms, they used to be best friends and I was able to be both of their friends without having to choose sides all the time. But, I also don't want that because during camp, seeing how much and how many people I let just walk all over me all the time, I've finally been able to see that and start standing up for myself and I don't want to go back to a time where I couldn't do that," Juniper explained.

Gina nodded as she gave Juniper a smile, "Well if no ones said it and I know we don't know each other all that well but I'm proud of you and just saying Val is kinda a bitch."

The two girls laughed with Juniper hastily agreeing saying she has known that for awhile.

"Hey I've shared my truth if you want and only if you want you can as well, I mean I've seen all day that it seemed like you and Ej have been kinda off," Juniper gently asked.

Gina's smile turned into a small frown at that, "It's just we talked for weeks about how this was going to be our summer, that being here was going to be all about us and he already knows that I hate being lied to or have secrets be kept from me and yet I find out
he's been keeping a big one since we got here."

     "I know you really care for him and you want this to work out but it's also okay to put up boundaries if you still upset about him keeping that he's moving," Juniper reassured her.

     Gina turned to her with a hesitant smile, "did he uh- tell you?"

     Juniper let out a sigh. She wanted her answer to be yes, because she thought considering how close they are and how they never keep secrets he would have but he not only kept this from her, his supposed best friend. But he also told Val, Juniper's bully. She knows that she never really told him everything that Val has said to her over the years but it's not like Val is ever really quiet with her bullying of Juniper, "No. No he didn't."

     The two girls that were slowly unknowingly forming a bond with each other took a second to collect their thoughts after Juniper's admission.

     Only about five minutes passed before Gina spoke up to say sorry and thank Juniper all in one sentence, "Wait why are you saying sorry and thanking me?"

     "Because through everything that happened back there and what you just said it sounds like you deserve an apology but no one has given you one so, I'm sorry that shitty people have been treating you like shit. I know for a fact that this amazing and considerate person in front of me doesn't deserve that and thank you for listening to me. I needed that," Gina smiled at Juniper, a real and grateful smile.

    Juniper felt this immense gratitude for Gina for being the person that decided to sit by her because she knew Juniper needed someone, "Thank you Gina, for that and for sitting next to me I needed that. I wish we became friends sooner cause you're a pretty wonderful person, and yes that's me hoping we are friends now."

     Gina let out a small laugh at her new friend, "Yes we are officially friends now Juniper."

     Juniper leaned over to give her friend a small hug before they both admitted that it was gonna start getting dark soon. So they started getting up and walking back together to the cabins both feeling a little of the sadness, that was unfortunately put on them, lift.


     Juniper woke up the next morning as early as she could so she could get ready and slip out of the cabin before Val woke up since she really didn't feel like she should have to deal with that today. Juniper knew that today was the Color War and of course she loves the camp and today was a big deal but there is one thing that is weighing on her excitement. Juniper Yun is the most unathletic person in the world.

     She knows that and succumbed to that sad fact long ago so she doesn't necessarily try anymore, she really just cheers from the sidelines or leaves half way to read a book or write in her journal by the lake. She never gets in trouble for this considering she's incredibly likable around camp. (and everyone knows that if she was on someone's team she would probably make them loose so the campers don't mention her leaving to the counselors)

     Juniper happily strolled over to the tables outside the mess hall to put her book down before so went to get food. It wasn't to early in the morning so the people on food duty today will just have finished setting everything up.

     The Yun girl had just started a new chapter in her book, having already finished her food, when she felt someone sit on the other side of the table. She tilted her book down just enough to see that it was Ricky. "Oh hi," Juniper spoke trying to stubly hint with her tone that she didn't really wanna talk to someone right now.

     "Don't worry I'm not here to bother your reading experience I just wanted breakfast and didn't want to seem like some loner sitting by themselves at a table, so can I sit with you," Ricky admitted.

     Juniper narrowed her eyes at the boy, "You do realize I was sitting by myself before you came, so are saying I'm a loner?"

     The Bowen Boy's eyes widened as if he was in some cartoon and Juniper tried to hold in a laugh at the sight, "No! No, of course not I was just saying- You know I don't even know why I said that, lets just forget that I said that and you go back to reading and I'll shut my mouth!"

     Now Juniper didn't hold back her laugh and soon Ricky joined after realizing she was kidding. After they calmed down Ricky gave the girl a good and natural eye roll for messing with him before he started eating his breakfast and she went back to reading. The two just took in the silence that the both quite liked and stayed there before they were called to the outside theater for the team announcements for Color War.


     Juniper found herself on the blue team and she could not lie, she was grateful for it as Maddox and Jett were both on the yellow team. Which meant that Juniper could hopefully go through her day without to much drama.

     Thankfully her hopes were answered as today was actually quite fun for Juniper. She got to spend the whole day with Gina and they goofed off just about any chance they could and besides Gina randomly passing out, the Color War was uneventful and that was just the way she wanted it. Well she did see that Jett was making an effort with Maddox and even though Juniper did not want to patch things up just yet until both siblings got their acts together, she was cheering on the inside for the little bit of progress she saw throughout the day.

     Plus once things calmed down, true to her word, Juniper was able to sneak away to the dock and finish her book, 'The Summer of Broken Rules' by K.L Walther, and she could say it was her favorite summer book she's read so far and was just the cutesy and happy book she needed.

     Juniper had put her book off to the side as she continued to sit on the dock just watching the world go by. She had zoned out so much that she didn't see Maddox next to her until she cleared her throat.

     With her sudden appearance Juniper wasn't prepared and didn't know what say and all that out was a small 'Hey Maddox'

     "Wow that's now twice you called me Maddox this summer alone, I honestly can't remember the last time you ever used my real name and not Mae," Maddox sadly remarked.

     Juniper let out a sigh, "Yeah well considering all the yelling we've been doing at each other it didn't really seem like a friendly place to call you by a nickname."

     When Juniper looked at Maddox she had such a sad and defeated look on her face that it began to hurt Juniper, "I want it to be a friendly place again Juniper, I want us to be happy and friends again! I want to try and make the effort to get there again."

     "Are you gonna also try with Jett," Juniper asked her not fully letting Maddox's words fill her with hope just yet.

     Now Maddox sighed, "I think I want to, I just- I don't want to get hurt again."

     Juniper turned to fully look at Maddox and found Maddox already looking at her, "Neither do I."

     Juniper looked into Maddox's eyes to try and make sure she understood the underlying message. Maddox face almost looked pleading at that point, "I don't want to ever hurt you again Piper, but I want to grow into this better person with you. I want to be the person thar is worthy enough to be friends with you, i want to be those things with you by my side."

     Juniper stayed staring into Maddox's eyes to make sure she was telling the truth before she spoke again, "I want that too."

     Maddox held put her picky to the Yun girl who without hesitating linked her pinky with her friend. "And I know it's late but I'm sorry for everything that's happened this summer. You never deserved any of that," Maddox tried for a apologetic smile after she was done talking.

     "Thank you Mae," was Juniper's simple reply but the easy use of her nickname had lit up  Maddox's face.

this is Ri¡
imma he completely transparent here i dont plan most chapters out all that well and kinds just write what i feel like in the moment but anyways THEY MADE UP so now we already now Juniper has had a raging crush on Maddox forever but now Maddox needs to realize her feelings plus a make up for Juniper and Jett (my favorite best friends) OH AND GINA AND JUNIPER ARE TWO HOT BEST FRIENDS just saying also i know i didnt write about the color war but it was kinda boring to me so

anyways only about two chapters left of the season and soon season 4 comes out so yayy

okay hope you've had a day you're happy with

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