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"𝐼 ℎ𝑎𝑣𝑒 𝑓𝑒𝑒𝑙𝑖𝑛𝑔𝑠 𝑓𝑜𝑟 𝐽𝑢𝑛𝑖𝑝𝑒𝑟"

"𝑇ℎ𝑖𝑠 𝑐𝑜𝑢𝑙𝑑 𝑏𝑒 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑒𝑛𝑑 𝑜𝑓 𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑦𝑡ℎ𝑖𝑛𝑔
𝑆𝑜, 𝑤ℎ𝑦 𝑑𝑜𝑛𝑡 𝑤𝑒 𝑔𝑜
𝑆𝑜𝑚𝑒𝑤ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑒 𝑜𝑛𝑙𝑦 𝑤𝑒 𝑘𝑛𝑜𝑤"

     Juniper was currently in the game room cheering on Ricky to finish the last slice of pizza. It was a bit weird considering it was really supposed to be a guys thing but since she had nothing better to do and Ricky wanted her there for emotional support so, she said why not. The Yun girl might have thought that eating three pizzas was ridiculous and gross but Ricky was so excited about it she decided she should probably not voice that opinion.

     Carlos turned to her and buried his head in her shoulder "I can't watch."

     Juniper gave her friend a sympathetic pat on his back as she turned back to watch Ricky. After he shoved the last bite in his mouth everyone started cheering for him, well everyone except Carlos since he was still extremely grossed out. Juniper was trying to keep her own breakfast down when Ricky said he could 'smell colors' and she quickly pushed Carlos away to check Ricky's forehead to see if he was actually going to be sick.

     Juniper was busy with Ricky that she didn't hear Ej come waltzing in but she did notice once she heard the boys start whistling and she took that as her cue to leave considering she was still not comforting that problem just yet, "Hey Carlos didn't you say you were gonna help me with my makeup?"

     The boy watched as Juniper continued to drag Carlos out of the room and two boys especially watching her regretfully.

     "Juniper Yun when are you gonna stop running away from your problems," Carlos asked her as they got to her cabin.

     Juniper sighed as she opened the door, "When I have no problems to walk away from Carlos Rodriguez."

     Carlos rolled his eyes at his friend wishing everyone could just work things out but since that doesn't seem to be happening anytime soon he'll just have some fun with his friend before the dance. Even though she used it as an excuse to get out of the game room she wasn't kidding when she said Carlos was gonna help her with her makeup considering Juniper is pretty terrible at it. Also, an added plus is that Val is out all day doing camp duties so Juniper is gonna have a full free day to just have fun.


     Carlos had just left Juniper's cabin after finishing her makeup and her profusely thanking him. She had just finished putting on his dress and getting her bad when a knock came on her door, "It's open!"

      "Hey Juniper got a second," Jett asked although a bit timidly since they haven't really talked since the other day when she blew up at him and Maddox.

     Juniper turned around and was a bit shocked to say the least, "Oh uh yeah I guess."

     Jett took a big breathe before he spoke again, "I'm a dumbass and a jerk."

     "Go on," Juniper added when he took a pause.

     Jett laughed a bit at that before he went on as suggested, "What I did was completely stupid and I should have thought about the consequences of it and I'm not just talking about what I did to Maddie but also that I unconsciously put you in between us. You're the best friend I'll ever have and half the time I don't think I even deserve that and yet you were always there. But, I think I might have abused the fact you were always there instead of being grateful of you and all you've done for me over the years so, I'm sorry for that."

     "Jett I was never all that mad I was just tired of the situation and I needed to get both of you to take a look at yourselves and see what all this caused. But thank you for the apology, I forgive you and I really hope you gonna continue being im this apologetic mood and carry it over to Maddox's cabin," Juniper replied.

     Jett gave her a bright smile at her forgiving him happy that he got his best friend back, "I am don't worry and I was hoping you'd accompany me?"

     Juniper grabbed her things and linked her arm with his, "Why Jett I would love too."

     The two best friends laughed as they made their way over to the Honeycomb cabin. When Juniper was about to knock she could see how tense Jett was and grabbed his shoulders and shook him without saying a word and opened the door.

     Jett gave his best friend a wtf kinda look but it did get his mind to chill out for a second and thats exactly what Juniper was trying to accomplish. "Excuse us," Juniper butted into whatever conversation the girls were having.

     Both Jett and Juniper rolled their eyes at the chorus of oohs and aah cheers they got from the girls at their outfits. "Uh Maddie, can we talk.....alone," Jett went to cut off everyone and get to the point.

     The girls in the cabin silently agreed to go and Juniper was about to follow when Jett asked her to stay. She was quite hesitant since she thought the siblings should really do this conversation alone but she saw Jett's pleading face and nodded as she took the seat Gina was just on.

     "Wow you uh went all out with the clothes Jett," Maddox started.

     Juniper turned to her giving her a look, "Yeah uh look good too Juniper but you always go big for the dance."

     Juniper gave Maddox a smile at that and pretended to not see Maddox give her whole body another look before they both focused on Jett who went to speak again, "Honestly, I've been trying to go all out on everything! I mean I tried really hard at Color War but that was just the day- "

     "Oh yeah I forgot to say it but congrats guys on the win!" Juniper but in and while Maddox gave her a small smile Jett was giving her a glare at interrupting his big speech.

     Juniper gave him a small apologetic smile before he continued, "-and I'm trying really hard in the show, but that's just for one summer. What I really wanna do is go back in time."

     Maddox didn't really know what to do with that so she thought deflection and humor was the way to go, "Well the jacket's a start."

     Jett sighed as he continued again in his head really trying to hype himself up for this, "Maddie, I'm trying to unbreak what I broke and I'm not good at fixing things alone and no I'm not gonna put you in the middle of this again Juniper but I just thought we could both use a little help?"

     Maddox was kinda happy at him trying so she thought she'd go along with it, "What are you talking about?"

     "You can come out now," Jett just replied.

     Maddox and Juniper gave him a look and both replied at the same time, "No, we already did that, Jett."

     Juniper nearly jumped out of her seat when she heard a voice behind her say 'Hi Maddie' before she realized it was familiar. But also, what put a damper on Juniper's happy mood for the day, it was Madison. The Yun girl never had a problem with Madison she just was the reason why Juniper never got the courage to tell Maddox how she felt. So Juniper wouldn't really say Madison was boosting her self esteem or happiness and seeing the look Maddox was giving her ex, Juniper was kinda done with being there.

     "Wow okay this seems personal and something that doesn't concern me so I'm just gonna go and check up on everyone else so, it was nice seeing you Madison, bye," Juniper rushed out of there and didn't stop when the girls who were ease dropping called out for her.


Juniper did not in fact go to check up on anyone and instead went to her favorite place, the docks. She never really understood why she always went there to be alone since being alone is something she usually hates but when she's at the dock, it means that her minds going into overdrive thinking about stuff Juniper wished she could stop thinking about. So really with all the anxiety, she doesn't really have time to process the fact that she's alone there.

Seeing Madison there was like déjà vu. This summer while it had it's ups and downs with all her friendships she thought after last night her and Maddox were turning over a nee leaf in their friendship. Juniper thought that maybe they were getting somewhere that they could be Juniper and Maddox again and she thought that maybe they were getting somewhere that Juniper could admit her feelings for her after years of harboring her crush in secret. But just like all the other years and times in the past, Madison was right there reminding her that she and Maddox were never going to be a thing. That Juniper was never going to get the girl of her dreams.

So Juniper continued to sit at the docks just looking out at the lake feeling a bit sorry for herself. She knows that really she should be happy for her friend. Juniper was the one to comfort Maddox that night of the breakup so if Madison showing up means that her and Maddox could have another try, Juniper should be happy for her right?

She wanted to be happy for her friend, her head was but her heart wasn't. Juniper only took herself out of her self induced slump when she heard footsteps approaching her, "So, this is where you always sneak off too huh?"

Ricky and Carlos plopped themselves on either side of the girl after walking around trying to find her after Gina and Kourtney told them she walked out of their cabin looking upset.

"Yep you've found my secret hiding spot, I guess I'll have to find a new one now," Juniper tried for a fake smile.

"Or you can tell us what's up and we'll give you back your secret spot and promise not to tell anyone," Carlos squeezed her shoulder a bit trying to comfort her.

Juniper let of a deep breathe, "Oh you know the usual, Madison came and now she is all Maddox sees."

Ricky and Carlos gave her confused looks and Juniper remembered that this is their first summer here and they had no clue who Madison was, "Madison is Maddox's ex or maybe girlfriend again after tonight, I left before they talked their shit out."

"Okay Juniper I know your upset and I'm supposed to be helpful but people have got to stop admitting their crushes to me or insinuating they have one," Carlos practically shouted at Ricky and Juniper who both did admit crushes to the boy.

Juniper looked over to Ricky with raised eyebrows and saw that he looked like a deer caught in headlights, "So you have a crush Bowen, who is it? OH WAIT ITS GINA ISNT IT"

"So you have a crush huh Yun, and it's Maddox right?" Ricky went to deflect.

"Okay well I was about to deflect just like you did but honestly mine was pretty obvious, practically the whole camp has known I've had a crush on Maddox since forever. You having a crush on Gina is new news so talk Pretty Boy," Juniper replied squealing on the inside after finding out her friend has a crush and guessing it was Gina was pretty easy since he's been flustered around the girl all summer.

Before Ricky could respond Carlos decided to but in, "Okay you don't go to our school so you don't know this but this sort of back and forth between Ricky and Gina has been going on for like a year since she moved to East High, well before but also kinda during the time they've been in relationships! My boyfriend and I have this sort of timeline bulletin board of all of our friends' relationships, I'll send you a pick when I get home!"

"Oooooh really are you serious cause-" Ricky frustration got the best of him as he cut off Juniper.

Ricky groaned as he listened to Juniper and Carlos talk, "Okay guys I'm still here and can perfectly talk about my relationship problems all by myself-" Juniper and Carlos both gave a look saying that he wouldn't, even if Juniper only knew Ricky for a week she saw how he never talked about his feelings, "-okay no I don't so yeah everything Carlos said is true."

"So we are two idiots you like people who like someone else," Juniper sighed.

Ricky let the unfortunate weight of that sentence settle in his mind as he nodded to Juniper. Ricky and Carlos went to go cheer her up and yet they all ended up feeling depressed, well except Carlos and his blunt reply, "Well I'm in a happy relationship so I'm doing good over here."

The lovesick fools of a duo rolled their eyes at Carlos. Juniper went to stand up as she stuck out a hand to each boy, "Ricky Bowen would you like to join me in drowning our sorrows in punch while watching theater kids dance like their life depended on it? And you can join Carlos even though, as you've stated, you are perfectly happy in your corner with your boyfriend."

Ricky chuckled a bit before he took Juniper's waiting hand, "Well Juniper Yun I would love to drown my sorrows with you and Carlos too."

They all laughed and took off to the dance to do just as they said, drink a bunch of punch as Carlos gloated about having a boyfriend.


     While the boys and Juniper were drinking but loads of punch Maddox and Madison were missing the prom to talk in the cabin. "Okay you know you're missing the prom right now," Madison said wondering if Maddox really wanted to go.

"Not the first time, am I right," Maddox replied making light of what happened last year.

"Do you remember when we were junior campers," Madison started.

Maddox finished the memory remembering the night perfectly especially since Juniper was the one that got them out if trouble, "Oh! And we spent the whole night dodging Dewy Wood! So we could raid the boy's bunk and Juniper went and stalled Dewy by telling him she got her period and needed pads but he was so uncomfortable he just left and locked himself in his cabin for the rest of the night."

"Yeah she was pretty cool for that," Madison said.

"Oh and the next year when Ej spread a rumor that Juniper drools in her sleep she got us to join her in tping the boys cabin and putting honey all over their pillows! Oh and when Ej was trying to prank us back and she got him caught and Dewy had him sing in front of the whole camp," Maddox laughed at the memory.

Madison gave her a look, "Wow you kind of remember everything Juniper does huh?"

"Well she's my best friend and I was always by her side for all the ridiculous things she did over the years," Maddox was confused at what Madison was trying to imply.

Madison sighed at Maddox not getting where she was trying to go with this, "Okay I'm just going to get to the point, I'm really sorry about last summer and how I dumped you at the dance but also it seemed that our time apart brought you and Juniper closer than ever."

"Uh what do you mean," Maddox was seriously still confused.

"Maddox I've watched the two of you every summer and although I know were dating it always seemed like there was three people in the relationship or maybe that you were always a lot closer to Juniper than you ever were with me," Madison told her.

Maddox was starting to see where Madison was going and she didn't want to let her head go to that place, "Okay because me and her are friends! Best friends! And we were best friends before you and I started dating so yeah we are close but that's it so lets move on."

"Maddox we're over and that means that you have the free space to think and figure out your feelings for Juniper cause even as we were dating everyone could see something was there. You two care for each other as friends of course but it goes deeper and you know that," Madison tried to get Maddox on the same page.

Maddox has been thinking and somewhere in her brain she knew that Madison was right but admitting it was a whole other thing than just acknowledging that she feels all warm and safe when Juniper is around. Maddox just got her back, and she can't risk taking that extra step and admitting that she may like Juniper as more than just a friend, "I know, but I can't risk it okay."

Madison stood down a bit from her argument when she heard that Maddox's voice broke at the end of her sentence, "Maddie it's okay to be scared but if you never risk it then aren't you depriving yourself of possible happiness with her, happiness beyond just a friendship with Juniper."

Maddox took a deep breath trying to weigh the pros and cons of fully admitting her true feelings and possibly acting on them. The two sat in silence for what seemed like forever while Maddox's brain went into overdrive thinking about how she feels about Juniper, how she truly feels. They sat like that until Maddox finally looked up again with wide eyes and a scared look on her face, even though you could see a smile trying to break through.

"I have feelings for Juniper," Maddox said out loud.

this is Ri¡

BRO FINALLY Maddox admitted to liking Juniper!! Like like her! okay seriously only two or one chapter left for this until i figure out what to do for season four after it comes out

okay thats all heres this and Heartstopper season 2 comes out in a few hours and im ecstatic

hope you've had a day your happy with

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