42 - Forty • Two

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< Wednesday >

Marinette had to come to school early for the math test, but specifically for Chloe and Lila.

She walked over to Miss. Bustier's class, seeing that the door was closed. She peered inside the room; no one was in there, of course except for Chloe and Lila.

Lila got a duck tape, and taped the answer sheet under Marinette's desk, like Marinette knew they were going to do. Chloe and Lila gave each other a high-five, and once they did that, Marinette quickly rushed to hide.

She watched Lila and Chloe leave the class from a corner. They didn't even notice her, Marinette smirked at that. Once Lila's and Chloe's footsteps died away, Marinette took another peek and saw that no one was around anymore. Quickly she knew this was her chance.

She got out from her hiding spot, and went inside the classroom that Chloe and Lila had left opened. Oh, Chloe and Lila left the door opened so that once Miss Bustier came here, she would wonder why her door is opened, and then when Sabrina reveals that Marinette stole the answer sheet, it would make Miss Bustier remember about her opened door, and make it seem that Marinette broke in before and left the door opened.

Chloe and Lila were smart, but Marinette could outsmart them in a heartbeat. She started heading for her desk, and took off the answer sheet from under the table.

Who should it be? Lila or Chloe? Lila or Chloe? If I put the paper under Chloe's desk, everyone is going to see that she shouldn't be adored just because she's the Mayor's daughter. Everyone is going to see just how much of a cheater she is.

But if I put if under Lila's desk, then she'll completely lose her chance with Adrien. Well yeah, I know Adrien doesn't and will never like her, but if everyone including Adrien, sees that she's a cheater, she's going to feel that all her chances of getting Adrien are crushed, and she might give up.

Then there's Nathaniel. If I put the answer sheet under his desk, he's going to get the taste of his own medicine for ever spying around. After all, Nathaniel is now my enemy!

Marinette looked at all three desks, trying to decide which desk to put the answer sheet under. Finally she snapped her fingers at the great idea she got, and she headed for the teachers desk.

Just as she expected, there were a few loose leaf papers, and Marinette took two and a pen. Going back to her desk, she copied down the answers on the two sheets of papers, so now she had three answer sheets.

Marinette smirked as she headed for Chloe's desk first. She taped one answer sheet under her desk and moved on to the next person. After she was done, she was running out of the classroom, and inside the bathroom.


The bell rang, and Marinette knew it was time to come out of the bathroom and go to class. She was early, just like she wanted. She could see that Chloe and Lila weren't here yet. Once she was walking to her desk, Nathaniel waved at her but she ignored it.

A few minutes later, more students were coming in. Marinette smiled widely once she saw Adrien. She honestly wasn't sure if he was going to make it, but it seemed that Gabriel finally decided it was time to let his son go back to school.

Adrien waved at Marinette before he sat down, and Marinette waved back. Once she did that, she could tell Nathaniel was sending Adrien glares.

Marinette smirked when Chloe and Lila walked in. When they turned and saw her, they looked surprised.

"Oh Marinette, we didn't know you were going to be here early," Chloe waved at her before she took her seat. Marinette just nodded. Lila didn't say anything as she sat down. Instead she was wearing a devilish smirk.

"Alright, as you all know there is a math test today. I hope you all studied hard for it," Miss Bustier said as she took some test papers from her desk. She was frowning, and Marinette could tell it was because she was confused as to why her door had been opened before she even got here.

"Nino, will you please help me pass these papers out to everyone?" Nino quickly nodded as he stood up and started passing the papers.

Once he got to Marinette, she stopped him and smiled. "Remember what I told you before at the park." Nino nodded and carried on. Once he was done, Miss Bustier exclaimed that they could all start now.

As soon as Marinette answered question #5, she looked up just in time to see Chloe give Sabrina a nod. Marinette bit her lower lip, not wanting to laugh. But... After what Sabrina told her that day about going back into time, after saying she wanted to start all over and do the right thing... Was she seriously going to stand up now and call out that Marinette was cheating? Was she going to make Marinette the centre of attention, and make people talk bad about her? And what would she do next? Apologize?

Marinette didn't know why, but the questions about Sabrina started rolling in her mind. If Sabrina was really her friend now and was trying to help her then she wouldn't call her out.

Marinette finished question #10, and that was when she saw Chloe give Sabrina a thumbs up. In her last life, she had thought Chloe only did that to support Sabrina because Sabrina might be nervous, but now she knew it was just a plan they had up their sleeves.

Sabrina took a look at Marinette, and Marinette smiled back at her. Sabrina had guilt written all over her face, and after a while, she went back to writing her test.

Chloe nudged Sabrina's arm again, nodding at her. Sabrina then shook her head, returning back to her test. Marinette smiled. Sabrina really was her friend. She didn't want to stand up and call her out, which made her giggle more at Chloe's failure.

Lila most have figured that Sabrina didn't want to do what she had to do, because the next thing Marinette knew, she had stood up and pointed a finger at Marinette.

"Miss Bustier, Marinette is cheating!"

Oh Lila! What a mistake!


Word Count: 1075 (excluding this)

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